
Why do I even care?

Irene, Rosé, and Yeri were sitting in a nearby café while eating their ice cream and attentively listening while Jennie narrates her last meeting with her fiancee.


“She is so rude and uncalled for, she doesn’t even look at me, she doesn’t acknowledge my presence like she doesn’t even care,” Jennie said as she dramatically held her hand. “She I'm telling you. I cant believe I’m marrying her and moving in with her in a couple of hours”.


“I think you’re just being too dramatic, maybe she’s shy or something,” Rose said.


“Or maybe you just hate her because she doesn’t drool over you like everyone else” Irene commented as she pointed her spoon at her. “and that hurt your self-centered ego”


“hey it doesn’t, and I'm pretty sure she’s not shy, she's just a jerk, besides are you even on my team? You should be supporting and agreeing with me right now. Why do I feel you're siding with her?” Jennie said and look at Yeri “ only Yeri here sides with me, right couz?”


“ What made you think that?” Yeri said as she swallowed her remaining ice cream.


“because you never insulted me like everyone else here at this table.”


“ well being silent doesn’t mean I agree with you, I didn’t talk cuz my mouth was full,” Yeri said as a matter of fact.




“seriously” Yeri answered.


“Gosh I hate the three of you, why am I even friends with you”


“cuz we're the only people who can handle your ,” Yeri said as she shrug her shoulder.


“and you’re stuck with us, and oh honey we know you love us” Rose added as she eat her food.


“oh, we should be the one hating you right now not the other way around,” Irene said accusingly, earning a nod from the two.


“what did I do?” Jennie said at them with furrowed brows.


“you really asking us that,” Irene said with raised eyebrows not believing her friend for being that clueless.


“what? Cant you just tell me rather than giving me that look it’s distracting and makes me feel judged.”


“you know what tell her Rosé, I'm done with her insensitive ”


“ok, first you never even tell us about you being engaged. We only knew this just a couple of hours because you want us to help you with your stuff because you’re moving in with your fiancée, as you rant about how rude she is, and how you don’t want to move in with her. I mean it would be okay with us if you got the news yesterday that you didn’t have time to tell us, but no, the engagement news was a couple of weeks ago already you could have told us, don’t you trust us?” Rose said making her a bit guilty.


“Well that’s why I'm treating you an ice cream right,” she said beamingly as if that ice cream will make up for her, she smiled her signature gummy smile at them “and what do you mean I don’t trust you, you know I trust you more than I trust myself, that’s why I'm telling you all this now, look I'm sorry I didn’t tell you sooner, I was just internalizing my demise before I tell you all about it.”


“alright but you should know ice cream won't make up for this, you owe us bigger than that” Irene said


“yeah, besides what does your rude fiancée looks like, I bet she’s hot that’s why you’re all worked up with her ignoring you,” Yeri said


“oh shut up,” Jennie said as a hint of a light tint of pink glowed on her face.


“Oh my god she really is hot, look at how she blushed” Rosé squeals.


“Someone has a crush on their fiancee” Yeri sing sang teasingly


“I didn’t and I don't” Jennie said defensively


“Defensive I see, you totally have a crush on her” Irene joined their teasing.


“Whatever” she rolled her eyes “ yes she’s beautiful, a goddess rather but her attitude and I don’t like her,” she said as she munched her fries.


“oh come on, one meeting cant define her whole attitude, maybe you just judge her too quickly, give her a chance,” Rose said as she scoop some of her icecream. She just sighed.


“isn’t it weird that we've been talking about her for over an hour and you still never mentioned her name not even once?” Irene said.


“oh yeah,” Jennie said nodding “well her name' s Kim Jisoo” this perks Irene up as she knew a particular Kim Jisoo who has the same attitude as who Jennie has been describing.


“there’s a lot of Kim Jisoo in the world, what makes her stand out?” Irene said, trying to see if her Jisoo is the same Jisoo had been ranting about.


“Well this Kim Jisoo, is a bit centimeters taller than me, a bit skinny, wears quite a lot of black” Jennie narrowed her eyes trying to remember something. “oh yeah she has this heart-shaped lips,” she said nodding


“Heart-shaped lips” Irene repeated while nodding her head” does she also has black raven hair, with a face that could kill, not metaphorically speaking but really could kill.”


“Yeah, that really is! how do you know her!?” Jennie said surprised how Irene perfectly described her fiancee.


“Oh goddamn it” Irene sight before she shouted” she’s my freaking little cousin”


“WHAT?” Jennie whose now shocked by the revelation could only mutter that.


“I don’t know what’s more shocking you being Jennie's fiancee's cousin or you having a family,” Yeri said, while Rosé nodded at Yeri's remark “I seriously thought you’re an orphan.”


“ Same” the other two agreed.


“you three are unbelievable, you three attended our family gatherings twice” Irene sighed “ Cant believe Jisoo agreed with this marriage thing, its not her personality, and I'm not sure if ill be glad that she’s marrying you or be worried,” Irene said looking at Jennie


“Hey what is that supposed to mean,” Jennie said looking offended.


“Don’t get me wrong you’re nice, perfect rather, but you see Jisoo is somewhat different and complicated” Irene explained herself


“Yeah different, you mean rude, jerk, and most arrogant person I’ve ever met” Jennie scoffs


“yeah you can say that, but she's not what you imagine, she’s not really that bad when you get to know her,” Irene said “believe me when I say that she used to be a bubbly and kindest person you ever meet before before the- “ Irene cut off herself before she spills too much about her cousin.


“Before what?” Jennie asked with a hint of curiosity on her face.


“Nothing, it's not my story to tell,” Irene said and slumped herself to her chair and looked at the street to avoid Jennie's gaze.




“Are you sure you’ve got the right address?” Yeri asked, “I mean we’ve been her knocking for like half an hour already, why don’t you just call her?”


“you think I didn’t do that? I’ve been calling her a hundred times and all of it left unanswered. “they’ve been knocking at Jisoo's condo for almost an hour and every minute that passes only fuels her anger. God how she hates waiting.


“Maybe she’s sleeping ” Rosé tried reasoning out.


“sleeping? its 2 in the afternoon and she would have woked up from our knocking unless she is freaking deaf!” Jennie answers angrily as she knocks way harder than earlier.


“geez calm down, I was just saying, why to take your anger on me?” Rosé said.


“Sorry” she apologized. “ god if she doesn’t open this damn door ill smack my way in it” she was about to pounce on the door when the door suddenly opened making Jennie stumble in Jisoo's direction. She was expecting Jisoo to catch her but Jisoo with her fast reflexes moved to her right to avoid Jennie's fall. The latter shout echoed to the whole place as she landed on the floor.


“WHAT THE HECK!, OWW,” she shouted as her landed on the floor “WHY DIDN’T YOU CATCH ME” she pointed at her angrily.


“why would I catch you?” Jisoo asked tilting her head. “what are you doing her?”


“you jerk, I’ve been calling and knocking for almost an hour, are you deaf or something? Geez I'm moving in today, didn’t your mom tell you?” Jennie said as she stands from her fall.


“I was sleeping though it's none of you’re business knowing” Jisoo answered “so you're the reason why my phone was buzzing nonstop. Mom did I think” She said as she looked at Jennie eye to eye now that they are face to face with each other. They are now in another staring contest with each other when they heard a fake loud cough.


“Uhm since my cousin forgot that we exist the moment she talked to you, I'll introduce myself, I'm Kim Yerim, Jennie's cousin and best friend.” As she extends her hand to shake Jisoo's hand. The latter just nod “Kim Jisoo” Yeri took her hand and shove it in her back “right, you don’t shake other people's hands, perhaps a hug?” As she retrieves her hands from her back and extend them again to gesture a hug. Jisoo just looked at her with narrowed eyes.


“Still no?” Jisoo shook her head as an answer. “ok cool” her hands are still hanging in the air as she looks at Jennie. “ Jen want a hug?” Jennie just glared at her.


“that's not what you were taught when we were young chu” Irene whose been silently called Jisoo from her actions or the lack of it.


“Hyungie?” Jisoo said as she recognized her cousin “I mean Irene, what you doing here? “she asked in a very cold voice.


“Jennie is my friend and we're here to help her settle, this is Rose by the way” as she gestures at her side where Rose has been standing.


“Hi, I'm Park Chaeyoung but people call me Rosé ” again Jisoo just nodded acknowledging her presence.


“ so it been a while chu, I missed you,” Irene said beamingly.


“I wish I could say the same,” she said as she retreat back to her room. Irene was a bit hurt but she knows she deserves Jisoo’s cold treatment to her because after all, she’s one of those reasons why Jisoo became like that. It hurts her how Jisoo changed, there is no longer a spark in her eyes like it used to be like the old Jisoo wasn’t there anymore. She wondered if she’ll ever come back.


“wait you’re not helping us?” Jennie said before Jisoo could disappear to her room “ don’t you even want to show us the place and where will I be staying?”


“ I wish I could but I don’t want to,” she said as she open the door of her room. “ oh and you don’t have a room, you can put your stuffs in that room” pointing at the room across her. “and that room is the game room, do whatever you want, play or whatever,” she said as she shut the door before Jennie can object.


“what does she mean I don’t have a room,” Jennie asked her friends who also shrugged their shoulders. She rushed to Jisoo's door and start knocking vigorously yet the door kept shut.


“Ugh I hate that woman,” she said as she stomp her foot on the floor.


“oh it's been a while since you’ve been this irritated and worked up, it entertaining to watch,” yeri said.


“Oh shut up and help me unpack” they first opened the door Jisoo pointed before where she could put her stuff in. It’s a small room with only random stuff occupying it. It's nice and clean. They unpacked her stuff and put it in the room. After unpacking the three of them came to the kitchen to drink some water. “The heck there is only one bottle of water here, and dozens of Pepsi and coke,” Rosé said as she examine the fridge.


“so she still loves to drink sodas” Irene smiled to herself. Maybe there is still a trace of the little cousin she knows. She's not completely lost.


“Woah this room is cool, oh my goodness look at these games and books!” they heard Yeri shout from the other room, they curiously came to the other room to end up in awe with what was inside. It has a very large tv with many game controllers on it, two arcade machines, a car game with a steering wheel on it, a small billiard pool, and it has even a juke box in it. But what caught Jennie’s attention was the mini library in the corner, she made her way to it and examined its shelves, it has all the genres and classics. She even saw children's books in it, it made Jennie smile as she explore the bookshelves and found a collection of Nicholas Sparks novels. ‘Maybe Jisoo isn’t that bad at all.’ She thought as she opened a Harry Potter book sitting on the table.




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Its been awhile since the last update, I missed you all!! Im sorry it took so long, school was hectic until now. Anyway thank you for reading!!! God bless and be safeee everyone!


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Jisoovwinterjunkyu #1
Chapter 12: Winter and jisoo ❤️
Ajaypinky #2
Chapter 12: New update please
Chapter 12: Thanks so much for the update! Her interaction with her little sister was so cute
Chapter 12: I love it. Thanks you for the update 😊
1120 streak #5
Chapter 12: oh gosh so they thought that chili crabs was her favorite? it must be Winter's favorite not Jisoo cause her fave is chicken...
1120 streak #6
Chapter 11: lol when Lisa mention the 'thumb looking man' i suddnedly remembered Jisoo's song for BewhY.... oh Winter is so cute...
Chapter 11: I love it. Thanks you for the update 😊
1120 streak #8
Chapter 10: yeah Jichu your friends, family and even Jennie will always be there for you so dont think that you are alone anymore... and i cant wait for Jensoo moments together again...😊😊😊
Jenssooo #9
Chapter 10: Jisoo🥺🥺🥺. It's nice to see what goes Jisoo's mind.
Chapter 10: I love it. Thanks you for the update 😊