Chapter 2 : Donut

How To Be A CEO

The next day came rather slow for Seungwan, she had devoted most of her night to reading the guide Joohyun had made for her. With a content feeling, around 7 am, Seungwan read the last words: 'Thank you, my Love. Thank you my hero, my girl.'


She slowly put the papers down in her lap and glanced at Joohyun, tears slowly welling up. "Why," She whispered, "Why did God choose this life for you? Why not something better," A sob escaped Seungwan's lips, it came from far down, from emotions buried deep within. "You," Seungwan shook her head, she was openly crying at this point, "I won't let you down Hyun, never." She silently sealed the promise by gently kissing Joohyun's hand.


Seungwan weakly smiled as she wiped the tears away, "You deserve so much, Hyun, and I might have hurt you quite much due to keep our relationship hidden from public. I really love you, Hyun" Seungwan sighed and looked at Joohyun, "I'm never going to do that anymore. I'm going to give you everything you deserve, which means I need to leave for a little," Seungwan smiled, she was going to get Joohyun something special, for when she woke up, "I will be back in no time," She stood up and kissed Joohyun on her head and whispered: "Good bye, Hyun, I love you."


With one last sigh Seungwan made her way out of the hospital room, ready to face whatever was outside, just to get Joohyun donuts. With a grin on her face, knowing that her girl liked donuts, she went to the best bakery in town. Seungwan was about to leave the hospital, when she stopped dead in her tracks. In front of her, outside were a horde of reporters, all waiting for something.


She frowned, 'They couldn't be there for Joohyun, could they?' She shook her head, disagreeing with her thoughts, and walked out of the doors. She almost regretted it the second she was outside, since she got bombarded by people.


Questions started being thrown around the second the reporters saw her: "Ms. Son, how is Ms. Bae doing?", "What's the status of Ms. Bae?", "What is going to happen to Bae-Corp?" and the most unprofessional one: "Seungwan! Give us a comment on Ms. Bae!" The last one made Seungwan scoff, a little irritated due to the reporters who were a little too much like paparazzi Seungwan replied with: "No comment."


She ducked her head and walked away as quickly as she could, ignoring all the questions she got. With a sigh she started walking to the bakery, knowing full well it would be too risky.


She knew being followed wasn't the best, but she really had to do this, she really needed something that would give her hope. So, with a small smile she walked to Yuri's Bakery, the bakery she had proclaimed the best bakery in Seoul City.


While walking to the bakery Seungwan had hoped that her thoughts could wander off to something else then than Joohyun, but that didn't happen: every thought always ended with Joohyun. Even thinking about the weather wasn't safe, but luckily it was all over as she opened the door to Yuri's Bakery, a peculiar store in the middle of a residential part of Seoul City, barely inside the centre of the city.


"Seungwan!" She got greeted warmly by the owner: Miss Kwon Yuri, a young woman who did almost all the work around the bakery, "I haven't seen you in a couple days, I heard what happened to your fiance, is she okay?" Seungwan shook her head, she had told Yuri some time ago about Joohyun, when she had come sulking in after a fight between Joohyun and her.


"She is in a coma, the doctors thought it was for the best," With a firm nod she continued, "but it's Joohyun, she will get there."


Yuri nodded and with a soft smile she spoke up, "And Seungwan, my sis, how are you doing?"


Seungwan was kinda shocked by that question, so she stayed silent for a little, thinking of the real answer, "I think I will be okay in some time. She has always been there for me, even though I wasn't the best fiance at times. So," she sighed," It might hurt like hell now, but maybe soon everything will be okay."


Yuri nodded again and walked around the counter to Seungwan. She briefly pulled Seungwan into a hug, who completely melted into it, before she asked: "What can I do for you today?"


Seungwan smiled a little, "Do you have some donuts, like a dozen maybe?"


"Of course, of course!" The young baker replied with enthusiasm, "I used some old recipe the last couple of days, so maybe you will enjoy my honey-glazed-powdered-sugar donuts, normally they are, what you young folks call it, lame. But I hope you will enjoy them."


Seungwan chuckled, Yuri was always like this, trying out old and new recipes. "I will only eat them if Joohyun is awake again, I," Seungwan sighed, "I want her to have something she can enjoy when she wakes up again."


Yuri smiled a little sad, but she grabbed a box and put a dozen donuts in it, she handed it to Seungwan and said: "It's on the house, sis, make sure she gets them," Seungwan had to hold back a tear, which made Yuri warmly rub her arm. With a gentle smile Yuri ushered Seungwan out the door "Now, off you go, you have been here too long already."


The second Seungwan was outside a man said: "Miss Son," Seungwan looked at a man standing next to a black car, which she didn't know the brand off since she had never been good at that, dressed in a suit. He walked a bit closer, so that Seungwan could understand him better, since there was still a mass of reporters bombarding Seungwan with questions, "I'm Kim Heechul, Miss Bae's driver. Joy informed me you went here," He showed her his Bae-Corp ID card, "I will take you back to the hospital, if that's okay?"


Seungwan hesitantly nodded, she found it rather disturbing that Joy knew where she was, but at the same time there was a horde of reporters less than a couple metres away, so she saw it with a grain of salt.


The driver, quickly opened the back door open for her after the confirmation and waited for Seungwan to step in, when she was seated the man closed the door and got inside the driver seat. While looking through his rear mirror he said: "I'm sorry for what has happened to Miss Bae, Miss Son. But I have known Miss Bae for a little, and know without a doubt she will get over this."


Seungwan smiled a little at those words, it was good to hear somebody have trust in Joohyun, "Thank you for trusting her, it means a lot to me, but, will mean even more to her. Thank you,"


It was around midday, just after nurse Seohyun had brought her some food, when there was a knock on the door, "Yes?" She called out, not really knowing who it could be.


A woman, dressed similarly as Joohyun's driver, stepped inside. With a curt nod as a greeting she said, "Good day Miss Son, my name is Choi Sooyoung and I am the head of security of Bae-Corp, due to the recent occuring, the board has decided that both you and Miss Bae need some protection. That's why I am here, I will be your personal security guard from now on, I will make sure nothing happens to you,"


Seungwan nodded slowly while she thought, 'Well, maybe that means nobody will attack me so I don't have to play injured.'


"Due to the threats against Miss Bae there has been decided that there will a thorough security check before being allowed to enter. There will be at least 2 guards on duty at all time, so that both of you can be safe. Meals will be checked before consumption and everybody will be vetted, thank you for your time, I must excuse myself ma'am, there is much needed to be done."


Seungwan smiled a little, knowing Joohyun would be protected even when she, herself, slept, "Thank you in advance Miss Choi" The head guard curtly nodded and left, leaving Seungwan alone again.


About an hour after the encounter with the head guard there was another knock on the door, Seungwan looked up from Joohyun to see Miss Choi enter the room, "Ma'am, the lawyers are here. Shall I send them in?" Seungwan nodded, she wasn't really ready for lawyers and things like that. But she needed to accept that this was the truth now, that she was doing this all for Joohyun.


Seungwan took a deep breath and stood up just before two persons walked in, one of them stopped dead in this tracks as he saw Joohyun the other didn't look the hospitalized woman's way. "Miss Son, I'm sorry for what happened," Said the lawyer who wasn't in shock.


The other one quickly shook his head and looked at Seungwan with sorrow in his eyes, "Yes, we- uh, are sorry. It's terrible what happened to her,"


The first lawyer nodded, "We know everything is a little overwhelming right now," She wanted to say something, explain that they didn't know in the slightest bit what was happening, but, she remained silent, "Only we don't have time to let you process everything. Both Yang Enterprise and Bae-Corp need a leader. Which means we need you to step up,"


The second lawyer glanced at Joohyun again, "We will be there every step of the way with you, us and all of Bae-Corp. Miss Bae has done what almost nobody else can: She made Bae-Corp become number one in this country. Which makes us indebted to her-"


"You aren't," Seungwan fiercely interrupted, "Joohyun doesn't want you to be in her debt since she did the right thing, made people's lives better. No she wanted you to spread that kindness,"


The first lawyer smiled a little, "Yes, we know that is what Miss Bae wants, and that's why we are here. That's why almost all of Bae-Corp will stand behind you and help you through this. Miss Seulgi will be here in a day time, so Bae-Corp will be secure, but we can't say that about Yang Enterprise, the company hasn't been doing the best since Miss Bae returned to Bae-Corp, we suspect due to the incompetence of the current acting CEO, Lee Donghae," Seungwan slowly nodded, she could have protested but she knew there was some truth behind those words.


The second lawyer spoke up again, "We know Miss Bae has made a guide for you, so follow it. But not to heart, give it your own twists and turns, make sure you do what you think is right. That's all we ask from you,"


Seungwan nodded determinedly, "I promise I will do that."


With a grin the second lawyer said: "That's good, now for the official, the signing of the papers," Seungwan bit a little on her lip, she knew it was needed of her, but still- everything about this scared her.


It had been done, she was now the temporary head of not one, but, two companies: Bae-Corp and Yang Enterprise. At the moment she was silently eating a snack, which she guessed Joy made sure she got, looking at Joohyun while thinking about what to do.


The guide had been rather explicit about what she needed to do, which was download an stock exchange app, so she could make sure everything was going smoothly. She knew the outside world already knew a little due to the fact that they had bombarded with questions the second she stepped outside the hospital that morning, but they knew very little. Which meant sooner or later she needed to send some news out, in the form of an press conference.


Suddenly there was a knock on the door, Seungwan looked up from the bite she was about to take, and called: "Come in,"


To her surprise, not Sooyoung or nurse Seohyun stepped inside but Joy, with her hands full off bags, "Miss Son," Joy said, "I came to bring you some work items so you can start without a problem tomorrow." She placed the bags on a table in the room, "In these bags there is your new Bae-Tech Laptop and your two Bae-Tech phones, one will be for work, the other one is for private use," Seungwan nodded "Apart from that I brought some healthy food so you can make sure to eat properly and some basic necessities so you can stay here."


Seungwan smiled and said: "Thank you Joy, this means a lot,"


Joy waved it off with her hand, "Don't thank me just yet. This is just a small part of what needs to be done. In the early evening your new wardrobe will be brought here so that you can go to Yang Enterprise tomorrow, since Bae-Corp can survive a day without you. The day after that, Thursday, you will have the press conference. I must go for now miss Son, to prepare for your and Miss Kang' arrival at the company," Seungwan nodded and waved a little as Joy left, she looked at the items on the table but decided she had more pressing matters first: She had to text Taeyeon and say she couldn't be producer for a while.


She unlocked her phone and send Taeyeon a text: 'Hey sis, can't be producer for a while, just got handed two companies to manage, so no time for other things. I'm sorry for the inconvenience but this is what Hyun wants.'


Not a couple seconds later she got a reply from Taeyeon, 'No problem, I was actually already making sure you could have off, take all the time you need. I will be there for you.' Seungwan smiled a little and quickly thanked Taeyeon, her sister really was the best. She looked at Joohyun a little while her smile faltered, remembering Joohyun never had something like this, she had never had somebody in her corner.


With a sigh Seungwan looked down and began to think about what to do. She knew that the people from Bae-Corp weren't all to happy with Donghae, but, she knew that they were right, if Joohyun hadn't come Yang Enterprise would have been run to the ground. She looked back up at Joohyun and knew she needed to do something, she needed to make sure Donghae got demoted even further.


Even though Donghae was her friend, he hadn't really been it for quite some time, he was becoming something she didn't respect, a bully of some sorts. So that meant she needed to take some action and make sure Yang Enterprise would be run the right way. She knew that was easier said than done, but she could do it. She is Joohyun's girl.


Seungwan had been sitting in the chair next to Joohyun's bed, reading the comatose woman a book called: 'The Pillars Of The Earth', she had seen the book once on one of the bookshelves in Joohyun's apartment, due to that she had bought the book in E-Book version some time ago, but, never really had the time to read it.


Her mind wasn't really focussed, so after mere three chapters she closed it, "I'm sorry Hyun, I'm a little tired, I'm going to bed," With that she stood up and walked to the bathroom in the room to think a little, when she entered the room she closed the door and took a deep breath.


She knew Joohyun would get better, that was for sure, but seeing a comatose Joohyun, just lying there, helpless? That made her gulp and question everything. She wanted to help Joohyun, her fiance, but she also knew that being a CEO wasn't easy. She hadn't trained for it, the only thing she knew was what she had learned from being producer.


But here she was, thrown in the deep end. With one last sigh she looked at herself in the mirror and said: "You can do it."

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Chapter 2: I hope Joohyun will recover soon and her health will improve too soon. Anyway smart move Joohyun. If you trust Seungwan that much than we will too. In WenRene we trust! 😍
Chapter 1: smart move joohyun i hope wendy could really manage joohyun's companies well, hope she could also recover well 🥺
WluvsBaetokki #3
Chapter 2: I'm curious as to how Seungwan will lead both companies especially Yang Corp. But if Joo-Hyun believes in her, then I too shall believe in her. In WenRene I trust
44 streak #4
Chapter 1: oh ghad jooyun! i hope you recover well, kudos to you too for being smart 💙💗
Chapter 2: YAYY AN UPDATE💗💗thank you author-nim<33
Hi author-nim are u still there? Plsss update
Winter_Land100 #7
Chapter 1: Please update soon!!! 🙏🙏🙏
Chapter 1: Don't ya dare kill Bae Joohyun~
1714 streak #9
Chapter 1: Please don't kill her....
Chapter 1: Looking forward for the next >.<