I'm just a teenage pop star baby

Two To Tango

Some might say hanging out in a tiny cafe in the middle of the rich streets of Hongdae, drinking exorbitantly priced coffee is an overkill for a teenager trying to spend time with a girl they like. But when you’re a teenager with a net worth of over 500 million dollars and little to no privacy, a tiny cafe in Hongdae is as good as it gets. Yeji smiles as she looks at the girl seated across her, like she did on their way to the cafe and when she waved from the backseat of her mom’s second car showed up to Yeji’s house because neither of them are old enough to drive. Lia smiles back, like she always does.

“So, how was your trip?”

“It was awesome” Yeji notices the cute accent Lia picks up after every visit, usually because of the exposure to her Ma “Ma, took me to the states too, we actually spent more time in LA this summer. It was so hot but it was so much fun-” Yeji lovingly looks at the girl in front of her as she rambles on about her adventures “You should come with us next time!” Yeji smiles even wider and nods “Gosh, Yeji why weren’t you born as my sister we could’ve had so much fun together” Lia whines. Yeji’s smile drops the moment she hears the word ‘sister’

“Ew” ‘Oh did I just say that out loud’

“Ew? Why Ew? Lia frowns, genuinely confused.

‘Ew because I have a massive crush on you’ Fortunately Yeji keeps the thought in her head this time

“Ew, because-” Yeji fumbles to find an answer that isn’t the confession of her feelings “Because, sisters are mean!” Nice save Yeji! “Yeah, they’re so bad, they’re no fun. You’re only saying that because you’re an only child”

Before Lia could come up with an argument, her phone rings. Yeji sighs a breath of relief as she watches Lia

“Hey, mom. Yeah, I’m with Yeji. Okay.” Lia frowns as she ends the call and puts her phone away “Ugh, I have to attend dinner with my mom and Jennie” Lia complains

“Yeah, how’s that going on?” Yeji inquires

“Mom is so head over heels for her, it’s kinda sickening” Yeji laughs at Lia “But it’s cute too. Makes me realize I’ve never seen mom look so in love. I wish she had that kind of love for Ma though” Lia smiles, but there’s a tinge of sadness in her eyes. Yeji leans closer across the table to hold Lia’s hand, Lia lets her. The warmth that starts from the palm of her hand spreads to the center of her chest and deep into her heart. Maybe this isn’t just a crush for Yeji. She wished she could tell Lia.

“Gosh, this is getting sappy, let’s get out of here” Lia smiles at Yeji and tugs her up

“Yup, one moment” Yeji digs into her tote bag, pulls out her beanie and the comically large shades she had on when Lia picked her up. Lia watches in confusion as Yeji rushes to put them on and pulls her hood over her head. Yeji turns to Lia and gives her a goofy smile at which Lia bursts out laughing

“Hey! It’s an effective disguise!” Yeji whines

“Whatever you say idol Kang” Lia replies between her little giggles. Yeji can’t find herself to be angry or embarrassed when Lia laughs the way she does. Yeji would make a fool out of herself every time if it meant she could see Lia this happy. Lia locks her hands with Yeji and they walk out of the establishment.


Despite the walk to Lia’s car being only a couple of steps away and despite 90% of Yeji’s face being covered, pictures were taken. Rumors spread



Speculation started

+Wah Yeji is dating already? She’s too young

+They should let her be a teen

+ I heard the girl is Wendy’s daughter Julia! Wah Yeji scored an international artists daughter lol girl’s got game!

+ Nation’s Sweetheart has a sweetheart XD

+ I know the cafe owner they said it was Bae Irene’s daughter Jisu

+ We should just let them be -_-’


And they never really stopped.

Even after eleven years.

[ Lia and Yeji look so cute together! ]

[ Aeon and Lia are going to collab again! #Yejisu #Ryeji #Ryulia ]

[ Yejisu are secretly dating: a thread ]

[ Guys it’s obvious Lia’s acting close with Ryujin only to make Yeji jealous #Yejisu ]

[ @KangYeGee @BaeLia date already T-T ]




Yeji sighs and locks her phone, she sets it on the table next to her. The studio is quiet and warm, Yeji takes in the moment of peace. She hits play, the instrumental she had crafted two years ago, along with her own voice fills in the empty space. The same sad melody plays in her head as she tries to cope with how life has turned out. Lost in her thoughts, she doesn’t hear the door open.


“Working on something new?” A warm voice fills her ears, Yeji shakes her head

“Continuing something old”

“The same old track?” Yeji nods “If you finish it I’d be more than happy to release it as single, it will show more of your range and we can give you a solo debut while-” Irene stops herself “Did Jisu tell you?” The older woman didn’t have to mention what she was referring to. Yeji nods

“She called last night” Yeji fakes a smile. Irene sees right through her, she sees the unshed tears as Yeji refuses to look up.

“I always thought it would be you” Yeji’s heart drops. She wants to ask her if she had heard her right. She wants to ask her how she knew. Most of all she wants to ask her to repeat what she said because having the approval from the mother of her love makes the whole unrequited feelings experience even more painful. But Yeji doesn’t ask. And Irene doesn’t repeat.

“I know you can finish this, I’ll ask the production team to prepare the release in a month” Irene returns to her professional demeanor. With a pat on Yeji’s back and a sympathetic smile, she leaves the studio, once again leaving Yeji all alone with her thoughts.

She thought she was over Lia, she thought she could handle it. Apparently eleven years hadn’t changed her either. Sure it hurts to think of Lia getting married but maybe the source of her pain wasn’t Lia. It was a conscious decision on Yeji’s part to not confess her love. Her feelings are her responsibility.



“Isn’t the view amazing Yeddong?” Yeji can only smile at Lia

Maybe the source of her pain was her bandmate.


Her best friend, or so she thought.



“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have picked a fight with you. I know you were only looking out for me”

Maybe it was Ryujin’s fault she’s feeling so much pain.

“I’m sorry too” Yeji says. For more than, so much more than the fight.


Yeji watches the sun disappear into the horizon, she takes in the beautiful hues of red, orange, purple and blue, reflecting off the rough waters. Her heart sinks along with the sun as she feels Lia lean on her shoulder. Her heart races but it feels different now. Her heart no longer races with the adrenaline rush that being around the girl she loves gives her. Her heart now races with panic as the thought of permanently letting go of Lia settles in. It was all so sudden. She was drowning. Why hadn’t Ryujin told her?


Though a good inch or two shorter than her Ryujin had always been much faster than Chaeryeong. Chaeryeong sprints to catch up to the shorter blonde. The two were far from where they were previously seated


“Wait up!”


“What are you doing here?” Ryujin spins around furiously. The action nearly has her bumping face first into Chaeryeong who had just gotten close to her. There would have been an awkward silence if what Ryujin said hadn’t made Chaeryeong furious. Unfortunately, it did. Proximity be damned if it’s a fight she wants, it’s a fight she’ll get


“What am I doing here? What are you doing here you hypocrite!” Ryujin sees red take over Chaeryeong’s pale skin. A sight see is used to, for a different reason. After a thirty second glaring contest Chaeryeog marches forward, she misses the look of hurt on Ryujin’s face


“So?” Ryujin matches her steps with Chaeryeong


“So what?” Chaeryeong mocks, irritation apparent in her tone


“When are you booking a flight out of here?”


The two of them had already reached the villa. It was a beautiful place for four, the interior design was a work of art that would take hours to admire. But the beauty had to wait because neither of the girls were aware of their space, they were too wrapped up in confronting the other


“Why would I book a flight out of here?” Chaeryeong crosses her arms, Ryujin scoffs and walks ahead of her, irritated but looking around the area to choose a room


“Do you need me to book it then?” the air of arrogance made Chaeryeong’s stomach churn


“What is that supposed to mean?” Chaeryeong stomps towards Ryujin “Look, I’m only here because my boss wanted me here. If I knew you had anything to do with this I would never even consider coming, -face!” Ryujin doesn’t react. Instead she smirks


“-face? Real mature” Ryujin says while walking into a room. It was pale blue and had a great view of the ocean “Nice” she says under her breath.


It was a cute habit of hers, a tiny fist pump and small exclamation of ₙᵢ𝒸ₑ was her way expressing she really liked something. A small smile almost finds its way onto Chaeryeong’s face. Almost. That’s when she realizes.


“Hey! That’s my room!”


They still had the same taste


“You’re going to leave anyway” Ryujin flops onto the soft bed, sinking into the softness. She notices the jasmine fragrance the bed is covered in, one that fills up her senses. It’s familiar, always in her head and in her thoughts. If the source of the scent had not been here, Ryujin would have shed a tear at how overwhelmed she felt


“Go to the room you share with your fiancé, you weirdo” Chaeryeong demands, uncomfortable at the sight of Ryujin on the bed she had occupied for the past two days


“Ryujin” Irene’s voice rings from the lobby of the villa, Ryujin jumps out of the bed and fixes herself as she walks out of the room to greet her soon to be mother in law


“Was the flight comfortable?” It was a caring question but somehow sounded so very stern, Chaeryeong thinks as she follows


“Yes ma’am, mom, Irene” Ryujin rambles “-ssi”


“We’re having dinner with everyone dress well and be there on time” Irene says, with what Chaeryeong can only describe as, a mild glare




“You look beautiful Chaeryeong” Irene smiles lovingly. After Chaeryeong’s shy thank you and an insistence that she would walk her, the older woman leaves


“Wow, she hates you” Chaeryeong says out loud with a smile ‘as she should’ her mind follows

Ryujin turns to Chaeryeong, both girls ready to scream in each other's faces. The ring of the doorbell stops that from happening, leaving them both fuming. Yeji and Ryujin’s luggage had arrived, Ryujin takes her bag and walks into the room opposite Chaeryeong and slams the door shut.


A frustrated Chaeryeong leaves the house. On her way back to the beach area for dinner, she reaches into the pocket of her dress and calls the one person she can ask for advice

“Hey Ryeongie! How’s Santorini? Sakura was saying it’s going to be boring and I need you to tell me she’s wrong” Chaeyeon’s chipper voice bursts through the speaker of her phone

“Unnie, I need advice” Chaeryeong cuts to the chase

“No hello or anything?” Chaeyeon chuckles, Chaeryeong pays no mind

“Say, you go to a wedding on the insistence of your boss. And turns out to be your ex's wedding. What would you do?” She walks down the cobbled streets somewhat leisurely, less angry than before. More nervous than before

“Ryujin is getting married?” Chaeyeon squeaks

“When did I say it was her” Chaeryeong scoffs

“She is the only ex you have”

“No, I’ve had several” Chaeryeong scoffs in offence. How dare she dismiss Chaeryeong’s dating record of a whopping four people. Three of whom she dumped after a month of dating them

“Well, she was the only one that mattered” Chaeyeon says, voice filled with warmth. It feels nostalgic to speak of her. Ryujin was more than Chaeryeong’s ex. She meant something to everyone around Chaeryeong.

A shiver goes down Chaeryeong’s body, she convinces herself it has more to do with the cold breeze than what she had heard.

“Ugh this isn't about me” Chaeryeong tries to deflect

“You don’t have to stay Ryeong” Her sister says with all the care in the world but “I thought you were over her” she mumbles. It’s an afterthought that wasn’t meant to be verbalized but the statement got the better of Chaeryeong

“I am” Chaeryeong says adamantly, passerby’s flinch but she couldn’t care less

“Mmhm” There’s a crash in the background, and heavy footsteps follow, probably Sakura’s

“What do you mean by mmmhm? Just because I’m over her doesn’t mean I have to watch her get married”

“Yes, you don't” Chaeyeon sounds distracted which Chaeryeong fails to notice in her rage

“You sound condescending” Chaeryeong stops before the outdoor set up of the restaurant. The string of lights hung along the sides of the long tables of food, beverage and seats makes for a warm and beautiful look. She would’ve appreciated it more is she wasn’t so pissed off

“I’m not trying to” Chaeyeon joins Sakura who’s busy with the tiny toddler in her arms

Chaeryeong turns around, from a distance she spots Ryujin walk to her. She thinks of her smug little face and something deep within Chaeryeong snaps “Forget it, why should I run”

“I didn’t say you should-”

“I'll show her I'm fully over her, she has no power over me. Thanks for the talk unnie. Tell Sakura unnie and Yujinnie I said Hi” Chaeryeong ends the call before her sister could reply

Chaeryeong turns back to join Jennie and the rest at the table. As she passes by the open bar, a figure bumps into her side

“Watch it” The voice has the nerve to say when Chaeryeong was doing exactly that before they bumped into her. Chaeryeong turns to give them a piece of her mind only to see it was Yeji and she was already walking past her. What is it with people pissing her off today. She sees Yeji bump past Ryujin too.

“Oh Chaeryeong, it’s been so long” Chaeryeong is wrapped in warm arms before she can greet her back

“Lisa!” Chaeryeong’s voice is filled with pure joy and excitement. What a rollercoaster of emotions.

“Come let’s go, I saved you a seat. We can talk about how ty your job is” Lisa’s nose scrunches as she smiles and pulls the younger girl along with her.

Chaeryeong is glad to have someone by her side here. Someone who knew everything. She lets herself melt into the side hug as they walk together


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Kira_Renaldi #1
Chapter 3: I wonder if lia and ryujin are in love or not?
Chapter 2: Aahhh waiting for your update. This is interesting
you are one amazing beaut! I loved this and I'm going to binge this when you update <3 <3 <3
jaybeautifulsoul #4
This is worth the subscription and the wait omg the creativity in this