A Long Night

The President's Son

Chapter 2: A long night

The sickening cracks can be heard by DongHae who is just a few meters away from her, as well as Hyun Joong and Key who is rushing towards them. Tasting the fear in their mouth, they turned to their unconscious sister and her attackers. Key immediately took out his pistol and aimed at the attackers. With four shots, their attackers fell as they rushed over to their sister’s side.

“Don’t worry, DongHae, clean up everything, pick up her dagger and her pistol.” Hyun Joong instructed as he picked his sister up from the ground gently as if he is afraid to hurt her any further. Key scanned their surroundings to prevent any potential attackers as the trio rushed out of the mansion.”Amber, I am so sorry,” he murmured under his breath as Key opened the car door for Hyun Joong.

“Amber,” DongHae started as he swept her fringe away from her face. Pain etched in his features as he glanced at Hyun Joong who is trying to stop the bleeding by applying pressure on her wounds.

“I am sorry,” Hyun Joong repeated as he shook his head as if he is denying the fact that she is hurt.

“Cut it out, the two of you, can you stop saying such pessimistic things? She will be fine; she is always like that isn’t it? Always getting hurt, this will be like all the other times. She will be fine!” Key shouted as he slammed on the accelerator, increasing the speed of the car as he swerved among the other vehicles on the road.

Driving up to their doorway, Key’s tight grip on the steering wheel can be seen clearly as his knuckles whiten. Hyun Joong took a deep breath before starting again in his calm, soothing voice, “don’t worry, Key and DongHae, relax. Key, the steering wheel.”

Key released the steering wheel immediately and got out of the car to help DongHae to carry her lifeless body out. Tightening his fists, Key shook his head, trying to get rid of the image as Hyun Joong patted his shoulder as a reassuring act. “I will save her,” he told him, but it seemed more of a statement to himself, as if telling himself that he can and is able to save her.

Since when did he feel so insecure? He kept telling himself that this isn’t the first time that she ends up in such a state, but every single time she ends up injured, all he wants to do is to kill himself, as her guardian, he is such a failure. The pain in his hands seems to cripple him, the intensity of the pain, he winced and this time it is Key who placed his hand on his shoulder as a form of support.

“I am sorry to intrude,” a voice called out causing the both of them to stop in their tracks, Hyun Joong narrowed his eyes at the intruder as he cursed mentally to update the security system in their house.

The young man standing before them leaned against a sleek looking sports car which Key recognized immediately, he frowned as he reached for his gun as a preparation for any attack from the intruder. Hyun Joong wiped his emotions off his face and kept a blank look as he asked, “who are you?”

The intruder gave a quick glance at the bloodstains on his hands and shirt before answering, “I am Jonghyun, I mean Kim Jong Hyun. My dad,” he paused and glanced again, this time meeting Key’s eyes as he smiled in a disarming way, placing his palms up to show that he does not mean any harm. “My dad contacted you, he told me to come here where you will protect me?” He continued, trying to jolt Hyun Joong’s memory.

Recognition flickered in Hyun Joong’s eyes as he nodded stiffly. “I remember, you are the President’s son. But why are you here today? You are supposed to be here two days later,” Hyun Joong asked again as Jonghyun smiled sheepishly.

“I have no idea, my dad whisked me here today.” He scratched the back of his head before continuing, “You might want to deal with that first.” Jonghyun pointed in the direction where DongHae is going.

Key clenched his jaw as he shot Hyun Joong a look. Hyun Jong is the only doctor in the whole house, the only one who can save Amber, but then again, he is always the one who interact with their clients. Key nodded to motion him to leave first while he stayed on. Hyun Joong sighed, obviously torn between the two, but the urgency of his sister won as he frowned and left his brother to deal with the Jonghyun guy.

Key coughed at the awkward tension between them as he rubbed his hands on his shirt, as if to get rid of the bloodstains. “Let’s go in, obviously you would have seen that something happened tonight,” he cleared his throat before continuing, “the basic rules are that although you need to stay in the house for us to protect you, you are to remain in your designated area and not roam around the house.” He cleared his throat again before giving a wave at the door, motioning for him to proceed into the house.

“Please do not move around the house unless you are accompanied by my brothers or myself,” he paused as if contemplating something, shaking his head to clear his messy thoughts; he punched the codes to the house and held the door for Jonghyun. Ushering Jonghyun into the house, he stared at the trail of bloodstains on the ground before starting again, “please do not press any buttons or enter any rooms without permission.”

“I know, you repeated that twice.” Jonghyun smiled and nodded as he glanced at the house amazed by the size and grandeur of it. He watched as Key took out a control and the lights flicked opened on their own.

“I will bring you to your room,” Key gestured as he placed the control on the shelf. Jonghyun caught him taking another glance at the bloodstains on the floor before releasing his breathe. Jonghyun raised his eyebrows at his actions before trailing after him with his duffel bag hung over his shoulders.

“I am sorry but I didn’t manage to catch your names earlier.” Jonghyun started as they turned into a corner while climbing the flight of stairs. It looks pretty isolated from the rest of the house, Jonghyun thought to himself as they walked further into the house.

“I apologize, I am Kim KiBum, but you can call me Key, my elder brothers, Hyun Joong and DongHae.Hyun Joong is the one whom you talked to earlier,” Key answered before opening the door into the room. “This room is fully equipped with all the game consoles that you might want to play, this room is actually like a mini apartment with everything furnished inside,” he ushered Jonghyun into the room and showing him around. “So please do not leave this room unless necessary and if you do need anything, drop us a call and we will help you get it.” Key reminded again, and took a glance at his watch; unaware that his impatience is blatant to their visitor.

Jonghyun caught the action but did not make any comment or any effort to bring the guy out of his thoughts. Walking around the room or mini apartment as termed by Key, he is rather impressed at the whole layout of the house. The house can even hide another apartment inside, this is even better than his home, he mused as he slide his finger across the flat screen television on the wall. Just then, his phone rang which reminded Key that he had forgotten to instruct him to hand over his phone.

Jonghyun answered the phone much to Key’s exasperation. “Get off the phone immediately.” Key frowned as he took the phone away from Jonghyun, in one swift motion, closed the phone, removed the card within the phone and snapped it into two.

“Hey!” Jonghyun glared at the guy who rudely snatched the phone away and broke his only communication device. “What are you doing?” He attempted to get back his phone but Key moved it out of his hands causing him to miss and let out a string of curses.

“This is for your own safety. And your car will be removed,” he added the latter as an afterthought. Slipping the phone into his pocket, he stared at the angry male before him before explaining. “Every phone card has a tracking device on it which enables trackers to find you, in order to keep you safe in here; you have to get rid of this. Hyun Joong will help you replace your card, so you don’t have to worry about it. But it will be best if you cut contact from the outside world for the time being.” Key sighed before glancing at his watch again; it is nearly half an hour.

“If you want to go check on the patient, please feel free to do so. I am fine here.” Jonghyun answered, this time rather impatiently as he continued to glare at the broken pieces. Even though he understood the need for it, but he couldn’t help but to feel angry.

A knock sounded in the door before it swings open to reveal DongHae, “Hyun Joong is out already.” Relief washed though Key like a tidal wave as he let out another long breathe, nodding, he turned to Jonghyun to ask if there is anything he needs and reminded him not to roam around the house unaccompanied before rushing off with DongHae.

DongHae clearly looked relieved which in turn released the knot within Key; she should be fine. She is fine, he repeated in his mind as a small smile broke out on his face. DongHae took a look at his younger brother before breaking out in an identical smile. “I know, Hyun Joong said she is going to be fine. It really scared the hell out of me to see so much blood; thankfully we have our own blood bank in our house.” DongHae nudged the younger one beside him.

Hyun Joong always insisted on drawing their blood for keeping although they never really got the real urgency behind his insistence but now they are really thankful for his foresight. Going down the stairs and into the basement which is converted into their medic centre with Hyun Joong’s proper equipment and a recovery room, sudden realization hit DongHae, the recovery room never ever had any patient other than their sister who always seemed to attract all the danger to herself. They pushed the door open to room and saw Hyun Joong sitting beside the bed, his face buried in his palms as he sighed for the umpteenth time.

“Don’t worry, she is fine now.” Hyun Joong told them without looking upwards.

“Go take a rest, today – had been a long night.” DongHae started as he patted his elder brother on his back. “We will be here; she won’t be awake for the night, so you guys get some sleep while I stay here with her.” He continued as he pulled his brother up from the chair and pushed him to Key who only nodded in agreement.

“Call me if,” Hyun Joong paused for a moment before continuing, “If anything happens.” The thought of anything dreadful happening to her gripped his heart and seemed to wrench it out of place as Key half pulled, half shoved him out of the room.

“Don’t worry Hyun Joong, nothing is going to happen.” DongHae smiled as he placed his hand over the unconscious girl’s hand gently. “Amber will pull through and be up and running in no time.” He touched the cuts on her face before smiling again.

“But when will you stop worrying us?” His rhetorical question echoed in the silent room as he stared at her steady heartbeat.

Today is such a long day, and an even longer night.


To my readers who wants to comment but have no idea what to write, feel free to copy and paste the template below to show your presence because I will get emo with an empty comment box.

To factanonverba,

I really enjoyed/hated/neutral (chose whichever applicable) this chapter, there isn’t a lot on Amber except that she is going to die pretty soon. But then again, how is that possible since she is considered as the lead, so are you going to torture her? Key finally made his presence in the story. President’s son, I wonder how will he fare, is it going to be like the Cinderella story? DongHae really has very little role to play here isn’t it? Can you give him more scope so he can develop a personality in the story instead of just being Amber’s brother? I like Amber/Key/Hyun Joong/Jonghyun/DongHae best in the story.

Love (insert your name here)



With loads of love from me if you will comment!

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