Book 4 Chapter 6

降卋神通決賽 ☯ The Last Avatar 🔥💧⛰💨 Complete
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Chapter 78: The interesting part of this opening, is the contrast. I wonder if Zuko ever imagined that he would be Fire Lord one day, after he was banned. I wonder if Dakila and Kyara ever thought that they would fight together, but to defend their sister tribe. I wonder if the Mad Lads ever truly thought they would see the end of the war after Misho died. And I wonder if Koya thought she would really manage to actively help out in the war, even more besides the South Tribe side.
Lusa just got much more interesting now it this rebelious but practical vein she just showed xD Oooh even Ahyoka is there to help! She will be of great help with the mastery! Tho please remember me to never let Ahyoka and Ty Lin alone and together. They will probably kill each other because the way the act and recat to people is way too similar ;u; Koya's leader aura is improving if she managed to make Ahyoka embarassed for her own attitude o.o
At least Lei, Taeo and Luna are "safe" in the Fire Nation, far away from Priya. But I feel like it will come down to Koya to stop her. Oooooh so something CAN shake this hardheaded girl! Good for the defenders then, specialy because it seems to be affecting her bloodbending too. OH! So Yue asked Koya to SAVE Priya? Really something Yue would ask for, but good luck Koya! ;u; -facepalms- Priya, you really are making things difficult for Yue to deffend you.

-bangs head against the table- Yue, please, letus end our and Priya's misery. Or at least do some spirit stuff and show yourself to her because this is getting ridiculous. THANK YOU KASARI! Tho spare your breath, Priya can't be reasoned with. Wait, Priya still has a living mother? I kinda had the impression that after her father died she had no one. Hence why she stuck to Yue so much. Kasari, for the love of the Spirits and for your own safety, don't listen to Priya and focus!
Awn c'mon! I though Aya was on the right side! She was really going to explode the city? Or whatever she was going to do with explosives.
Sooo Koya is off to do something with the Spirits? Are we going to have an Harmonic Convergence in the middle of the battle?
Dude, if KASARI calls you angry and close-minded, things are dire. xD Spirits save Kasari, I will be really mad if Priya wins this fight.

I'm always glad to see Tui-Yue and Koya interacting. But lajshdkuashgfdkuasfgau I would have never thought that the secret was Priya's father's spirit! But thinking back to HOW Koya got her spiritual connection, it actually makes a lot of sense! And I pumped my fist in the air -mentaly- when the tsunami failed! HECK YES!!!!! And also, HECK YES I WAS RIGHT ABOUT AYA!!!!
The South survived the attack! Let's see how everyone else fared ;u;

P.S: When Koya started to look for Priya's father, I remembered Aut Wu's words that Koya's presence or absence would bring victory, and I though she would incorporate the father like Yyn does with past Avatars and Priya's own father woul put some sense into his daughter. But taking her bending is great as well and I'm relieved she can't hurt anyone anymore!!!
Chapter 77: Totally unrelated to the main plot, but when master Pakku said that Dakila was also worried about the fortifications, I had a lighting thought of "what if Dakila is the next North Tribe Chief?" I mean, I do believe eventualy Koya will come back, but we don't know the types of hardships she would face if she became the Chief while being a woman, and Dakila had been in the North this whole time, doing good work. Suddenly I see a politicaly-made ship. I neveer considered those two together because I had been lowkey shipping Koya and Wenhao, but Wenhao seems way too loyal towards Omashu and Koya towards the North Tribe and- Dakila is just conviently there :p ANYWAY! Back to the main plot!
SEE my theory came tumbling down in 0.00005 seconds! LOL
It's really nice to see Tuyih and Pakku working alongside, even tho Tuyih is a savage grandma and she dares to mention Kana to Pakku :')
I really don't like this village of extremists ;u; And I feel something is going on with Shreya, because she didn't seem as enthused as the rest, and her words focused on the battle, not the future...

I hope Bo will be well and safe with all this going back and forth. It must be unconfortable for Ty Lin, but Bo is the one spending all the energy ;u; And Kasari is waaaay to lighthersted and enthusiastic for something that will be a bloody fight ;u;
Ooh another healer on the South! Good to know! And I understand why Koya is so upset. I can only hope things go well for their side. And that the fortune is not about something catastrophic.
Probably the best person to deal with Ty Lin is Kasari, because all of the rude blunder just goes pass her like water over a duck xD DUDE even BO rolls his eyes at Ty Lin LOL I do hope, for everyone else's sake, that Ty Lin can mature a bit until the end xD
AUDSHGAKSGDKUAGD PRIYA IS ALREADY THERE! But I was Aya that saw Bo, and since she didn't say anything, my theory that she will somewhat help the South still stands. AND THEY SUCCEEDED IN GOADING! Priya's words confirm it! aksjhkajhdkjshdkja

Nao is a lot nicer than "second hand of the Black Lotus" would make one think. In a way, I think giving his chance to Akiho also represents very well his beliefs that the world can do better. If he believes in reconstruction, he needs to trust the new generations with the rebuild of the world. And it's SO Nova that she's the one to offer a second chance! I also think it's really nice that Kuei is trying to be more active in his leadership, and even if he's still shaky, it seems he has good advisors and friends in the Mad Lads (or at leasta good friend in Lang, and this kind of makes the others care for Kuei as a person and not just the king by proxy xD)
If we thought that the Mad Lads were chaotic, I bet Favi and Mushu's friendship will give them a run for their money once they grow up lol Ty Lin is most of the time, but at least in these times of crisis she doesn't waste time :')
I can only wonder what type of awkward will come up when Akiho meets Kyara in the North :p

I don't think I noticed any "weird parts", so I say you smoothed everything very well!!
Chapter 76: I see that Bo will be running (flying?) a marathon :') It's amusing to see Yumi being the tired older sibling to WENHAO of all people LOL And yyn has an extremely good point that rooting everything out is the Black Lotus way and they are trying to be different from them.
Zuko perking up at having Mai's attention is too cute :') Also it's great that things seems a little less awkward between the Royal family. And although I think we might not have time to see it, I'm curious about Yazhou and Yumi's joint training for Azula and Zuko xD

Ty lin and Koya are an... interesting combo xD Tho I kinda agree with Ty Lin that the fortune is too vague :p I feel like their conversation is somewhat foreshadowing something along the lines of an harmonic convergence, tho even with airbending back the restoration of the Air Nomads would be different, because this time we don't have a 100 years old kid that lived before the genocide to teach things to others :')
It's really interesting to see everyone working together to try to solve what they need to solve. And I admire Azula for the decisions she made. It took a lot of courage on her part. I also smiled and Yyn being appointed mfor the marketing team xD And Qin laughing at what probably is amusement at Azula's big change in actions (discussing things with Taeo and Luna first etc etc). And I was nodding along with all of their reasoning untill the end when the name dropped- YAZHOU???! What! How! Why!

Yazhou is what????? Right under all of our noses??? And ouch, that mention of Lu Ten ;u; I wonder if Luna really knew all of that or if she had other reaons to appoint Yazhou, and Hanae's knowledge just put more bonus points onto it. Tho, in a weird way it's kinda fitting that Zuko being appointed as new ruler somewhat managed to enroll Yazhou to help him xD Yazhou the eternal royal babysitter lol And I kinda think if there is one person Zuko would trust and respect as his Regent besides his uncle, it would be Yazhou! Okay, you got me in on the idea! xD
If Iroh is that happy that Yazhou is Regent then I'm happy too :') And Yyn entered creator mode so on that aspect things will work out too. Azula really listens to Hanae ;u; I know Hanae is too young to be Azula's mom, age wise, but she totaly is her mother-figure.
THEY WANT TO FACE ZHURONG ON THE DAY OF THE COMET????? ARE THEY MAD??????? Wouldn't just a normal coronation work??? Tho I guess they still have just few days to the comet and not many days to work with ;u;
Yes Azula! I'm also prod of you! S2
AZULA HAS A CRUSH?! My brain is traveling 1000 miles per minute, this is actually a great thing, in the future they could have a marriage that brings a political alliance between the Fire Nation and the Earth Kingdom! and Qin is bi???? Go queen! xD WHAT NO! MAIKO NO! TT-TT OTL Despite understanding why Mai called it off, I'm so sad! ;-; And despite still being imature in many ways, I'm proud that Zuko can let Mai go if that's what she wants. Maybe... Maybe in the future they can reunite again? ;-;
I really really hope that everyone can time this thing correctly.
Chapter 75: "Zhurong and the Black Lotus" gives the same vibes as a title as "Percy Jackson and the Olimpians" xD
I don't know why but Zhurong running a hand down his face gave me Mako's vibe (tho Zhu is 1000% more efficient and dangerous than Mako xD)
So Nao is a desilusioned soldier who deserted huh. Idk, but maybe he could have some helpful conversations with Yumi. And although Yazhou didn't actually desert, he chose of his own free will to basicaly be exiled by proxy for following Iroh and Zuko. :') We now have the Desilusioned Soldier Trio.
Oh no. So it was Misho screwing up somehow plus people generalizing the Avatar AGAIN! Yes, Misho was far from perfect, and yes, she really did want to take Fire Lord Azulon down, but it's not really fair to think that this means the whole entity of the Avatar wants the same, even vecause each Avatar is it's own person! look at Roku! He faced off his best friend and Fire Lord to try to stop the war before it really started! Ugh. The real enemy in this story is not even the Black Lotus, but how people can't understand what/who the Avatar really is. OTL
To me it looks like Nao unconsciously made himself believe what the Black Lotus stood for just because he wanted to support his friend. Sure, wanting to end the war and the corrupt governments is a good on itself, but the way they go about it? Not so ideal. I'm proud that Akiho can now see the fails in what she hears and she's really maturing a lot in that prision cell :') Also, what's up with antagonist and their issues with their parents in this world? lol And interesting coincidence I say!

is this- Is this Zhurong being uncertain of the future too????
HE HAS A SISTER?! I mean, obviously he had at least parents otherwise he wouldn't be born, but a sister that he misses is a development I was not expecting.
It's too bad that we know things went south between Zhurong and Jeong Jeong (otherwise he wouldn't have created/regrouped a group that directly goes against the group his mentor is part of) because these glimpses of their relationship are really cute. Kinda reminds me a bit of Iroh and Zuko, but more chill on the younger side xD
The ONLY thing I appreciate about Priya is the nod to the OG canon in the "and everything changed when the Fire Nation attacked" :')
I think the problem here is that maybe both the Black and White Lotus deals in extremes, and that's why they clashed so heavily (Zhu is also biased because it was his mom, so of course he won't even listen to the other side of the story -sighs-)
I was about to say "I'm kind of sorry for Priya" for when she realises the people she considered friends are now actively working against her. But I'm not REALLY sorry. Looking back I think she didn't see or ignored many hints that the rest was not exactly okay with the things she said/did. I don't know how much it is her being surprisingly naivee or if it was her willfully ignoring what she didn't want to see.

-Sigh- I'm really tired of people generalizing the failings of one incarnation of the Avatar as an immutable failure of the whole thing the Avatar is/represents. Sure, because of the power they have and responsabilities they hold, certain negative characteristics are more catastrophic in an Avatar than in a normal person, but because they are alwyas individuals, they can grow, specially with all the past lives teaching the new ones. Akiho had a point that Yyn is different from Misho when she spoke with Nao last time. And I wonder if the revelation that his mom actually killed herself would change anything for Zhurong.
For more that I wish sense could be put into some heads, Misho's warning probably will save Yyn's life.
I’m so sad I wasn’t here to apply to this. I really love ATLA. You’re really amazing for completing the whole story, I feel it is rare in the applyfic community. I will read it anyways ^^
Chapter 74: Did you- Did you just turn koalotter Bo into Flying Bison Bo??!! kahgsdasdasgdag This is so cool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And now I belatedly realise that they defeated the Fire Lord without the Avatar xD
I love to see how much more confident and at ease both Koya and Yyn are when it comes to their bending. And I had to laugh at "The Sages minded it quite a bit" LOL
Koya once again showing her abilities for leadership knowing when to back down. And actually, waving the title of Avatar around is precisely what many people acuse the avatars of doing, so if Yyn does that, it only looks worse for her. :p OOOOHHHH SNEAKY SNEAKY KOYA HAHAHAHAHAHA
HAUSHDUAHD THEY MET YUE-TUI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (I feel for Koya, her eyes watered right away ;u; ) AND LA AS WELL!!!!!!!!!! AND WHAT THE HACK WHAT WILL PRIYA DO THAT THE SPIRITS HAVE TO WARN AGAINST IT???????

I feel their frustration that they managed to pull of the coup but their problems are far far away from ending :') But with so many heads and views I have faith they will managed to pull it off. I love Ty Lin's smugness about the cloud and the Avatar comming lol But I'm also relieved that yyn is comming!
Is is too much to extrapolate that looking for Hanae means that she will be with Azula, and if Zuko volunteered that means that he still knows his sister enough to know where she would hole up herself?
And the meetiiiiing! Between Lei and Yyn!!!!!!

Yyn being the more mature one ;') Tho I guess hse's also tired of loosing family, so now that lei changed sides, she's taking the chance with both hands.
Did- did Nao just use reverse psycology or whatever that is on Akiho??? Because that seems to work! o.o' And if Akiho finally realised her feelings, this actually gives us a pretty good chance that Yyn could get her first friends/travel companions back!
Duuuude so many things happening at once!!!!! First of all, the cinematic of the back and forth is insane and super cool!!! Bloodbender Priya sure is trouble, Nao is a lot softer/maleable (?) for someone that is the second in command of an absolutist group and SO it seems that we reached the souce of everything: Zhu's mom and whatever that means :p Nao and Akiho were always entertaining, but now we got so much out of their convo too! I'm curious to find out what's really behind the Black Lotus.
Chapter 73: TAEO IS SAFE! No one died until now, so a good start to the plan! And I love Iroh using any excuse to leave Mai and Zuko alone LOL
YEEES MAIKO/ZUMAI IS BACK! I find it super cute that they are still awkward and blushy around each other xD But Zuko kinda broke the mood with his Azula antagonistic feelings. :') Although I understand where he still is in his maturity, I kinda miss canon Zuko right now. At least we know he CAN improve, so that is still a bright side!
Lei really is the brother that Azula never had the chance to get. Is it dreaming too high that eventually in the future, Azula and Zuko can have such a lighthearted relationship? :')

WHAT! DIDI IT ALREADY START??? SUHDUAHDSUHAF I wonder if Qin knows that Zuko and Mai are back together? And I feel like Zuko's jealousy might come back to bite him in the . OH NO NO NO THEY ARE STARTING AND I'M NOT READY ;u;
They are in the middle of a coup and Nezha still finds something to argue about xD I really can't with this guy.
"Lei's face drops" Does that mean he might have a crush on Mai or he's just worried that his banther might have offended her?
I said this last chapter (I think) but I really like the interwined way that we go from one group to another in the story!
Oooooh so Tesa really did join the rebels! hahahahaha Dude! Jai! I confess I totally forgot about her until Lei mentioned her again n.n' But he does have some friends still, i suppose, back from his training period. "Azula and Zuko need to actually take down their father". Like this is is not the hardest and most crucial part of the plan ;u; I'm freaking out a bit.

What kind of person a man must be to not be even a little bit affected seeing his own children that couldn't tolerate each other actually joining forces against him. Iroh might not have been the man he is today if Luten was still alive, but one thing we know is that his son meant a lot to him. Ozai really see his children just as tools. ;u;
AND DON'T YOU DARE SAY THAT HANAE WAS A BAD INFLUENCE BECAUSE SHE WAS THE ONLY GOOD INFLUENCE AZULA HAD. It had to come to something really drastic, but I'm happy for Hanae that she finally sees the reality of Ozai ;u;
ZUKO NO! OH HECK MAN WILL AZULA MANAGE ON HER OWN???? Sure, she's more akilled than Zuko, but at least he can help to create/find some crack in their father's stance. ;-;
HOLY CRAP SHE DID IT! SHE D I D I T !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm really glad Hanae stopped Azula from giving the final shot, otherwise Azula would sink into her belief that she's just a copy of her father. I'm so so so so so so glad for Hanae's empathy, care and basically her existence ;u;

It's a bit sad that we didn't see Zuko actually helping Azula to take their father down, but it's totally understandable why this was something that Azula had to do. I can only hope that whatever issues Zuko had with his father can be solved by having his uncle's support. ;u; And maybe both teenagers can finally start to heal from everything that has been happening since they were wee little children.
Chapter 72: Oh. Oh no. The plan started. Wait, they walked along the train?? On the outside? How they kept up with it?? And weren't noticed?
I sympathize with those that are worried about the ruse group, but I also agree with iroh that it was Taeo's decision, and if someone REALLY thougth about something before solidifying a decision, that person is Taeo :')
Oh using earthbending to hide footprints is a neat trick! (and of course Zuko is suspicious of Azula. I wonder if they will reach an agreemnet by the end of the story or if that is a development that we will need to believe will happen, but we won't see it xD)
Well Koharu, I do know what Hanae is mixed up with and I also hope things work out :')
MAN it must be errifying to be in Ozai's presence. Tho know I'm happy to see Azula blasting blue fire because the cavalry has arrived :')

Everyone is so frantic because just a part of the squad knows what's actually happening :') Lei and Nezha is a bit like someone trying to teach a child they can't 'play' with little animals if it hurts them.
Ooh so Yazhou made contact! And it's cute that he knows Mai because Zuko speaks of her xD Now Yumi make contact!
The whoole back and forth of this is very cinematicaly interesting. specially with people crossing paths and still not knowing each other xD

I must say that Wenhao rolling his eyes at his "younger sister" antics will be always amusing. And I must that that this specific wing of that palace must really be abandoned, because not once they seemed to be at risk of being caught.
Finally everyone (or almost everyone) have met, and I bet you can try to cut the tension between Azula and Zuko with a knife n.n' It's a bit sad that Iroh also looks at her first with some suspicion, but I think he's much more open to be proved wrong about her than Zuko is.
AND IS HANAE FINALLY CONFESSING?????? DUDE whatever she says will probably shif Azula's view, but this will come super in had for the plan!

After the planets aligned I finally managed to come back here anf finish reading and commenting. ;u; I don't know when I will manage the next chapter, but hopefully it wont take another three months OTL
WaHH it’s done! Congrats on finishing! I’m half way through book 4 and ik im gonna miss the updates already TTTTT
2592 streak #10
i know i'm so behind on comments but i just want to say CONGRATULATIONS ON COMPLETING ANOTHER AMAZING STORY, DANI!! <3 YOU'RE THE BEST ILYSM~