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"I'm home~" Seungwan happily announced as she entered the dorm. The energy she got from the fun-filled last fan call event and an IG live comeback continuously made her ecstatic throughout the night. However, this energy was making her oblivious of the darkening aura slowly wrapping the whole place she just entered. The silent welcome from the last 2 remaining members she shared the dorm with was shrugged off and unsuspiciously went straight to the kitchen to prepare her meal for the night. After all, Joohyun and Sooyoung were all booked and busy with their own 'secret' schedules.


Speaking of Joohyun, Seungwan's feeling the chills now when she finally realized that she hasn't received any message from her the entire time and that's the time when fear came over her. She stopped whatever she was setting on her plate and search for her phone on whichever pocket she put it in that she forgotten due to current panic.


"Oh, there you are!" Seungwan said when she noticed her phone on the table that was in front of her while she stupidly rummage her clothes' pockets for that god damn phone. "What have I been doing?" She said to herself as she claimed her phone, embarrassed with her own actions.


The embarrassment was quickly replaced by heart stopping moment when Joohyun spoke. She didn't realize that her girlfriend already entered the kitchen with her.


"I've been thinking the same thing but I can't find an answer either." Joohyun said as she went straight to the fridge and took a bottle of water to drink. Seungwan has great tolerance towards a cold weather but she was never with Joohyun's cold treatment. By this time, Joohyun should have welcomed her with a warm hug and non stop kisses but water was more important to her now. Yes, Like Water, Joohyun loved every songs on the album, talked everyday how much she loved her voice and even every petals on her limited edition. But now, the literal water was her now first choice. For the first time, Seungwan cursed the water... mentally.


How could she even speak, Seungwan was now like a poor looking puppy trembling in a cold rain. And what's worst with it, Joohyun was staring down at her as she drinks. Looking back at her, she finally remembered what she had done throughout the day, no, the entire solo activities so vividly like it's giving her reasons to run for her life while she can. But Seungwan didn't run away, she just looked away instead. Being in a relationship with Joohyun, Seungwan already knew what's best and that's to surrender peacefully, never make reasons when you're guilty and beg for forgiveness for whatever that made Joohyun jealous, no matter how small it was. Heck, Joohyun literally got jealous when she got pecked by a small baby on her lips.


"H-how's the w-water?" Seungwan tried to downplay Joohyun's jealousy but she failed badly.


"Mmm.. it tastes like water." She said  nonchalantly and Seungwan found that comment obvious but somehow that response feels oddly familiar too. She can't point it out though, when all she could ever think of was her life and when that life was Joohyun who's mad at her right now.


"I thought you and Sooyoung were out. You guys didn't make a sound when I got home." Seungwan said as she tried to act normal and continue preparing her meal while she sweat coldly and wait for some inevitable explosion.


Seungwan's heart paced up five times now in nervousness when she heard her girlfriend scoffed.


"Why do you want me out so badly? Is it because I'm already replaced?"


"W-what are you talking about?" Seungwan quickly retorted but she's having the idea of where Joohyun was coming from that resulted to her stuttering.


"I heard you got lots of wiv

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Chapter 1: Sooyoung-ah🤣🤣🤣🤣
hi_mitochondria #2
Chapter 1: Hngg I miss them 🥲🥲
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Chapter 1: this is making me miss wenrene so much. joohyun come back soon please
Chapter 1: hahahaha 😆
Chapter 1: Omg Joohyun hahahaha
hi_mitochondria #8
Chapter 1: Joohyun, I'm sorry but I'm Seungwan's wife to 😌😅
1801 streak #9
Chapter 1: Accept it Joohyun, Seungwan has thousands wives
*get iron alive
Chapter 1: 😂😂😂 this is so cute