Memories Together

You're Mine (cnblue ver)


Italicized are Yonghwa and Jonghyun's memories together




Jungshin slowly approached the now sobbing boy clutching tightly to Jonghyun’s bloody shirt


“Jungshin p-p-lease te-tell me that that S-Seunghyun didn’t… please tell me that J-Jonghyun isn’t….” Yonghwa broke down in heart wrenching sobs before he could finish his sentence, he didn’t want to admit that he had just witness the one he loved get killed right in front of his eyes. “J-Jungshin….”

Jungshin gently pries Yonghwa’s hands from where they are clutching at Jonghyun’s shirt “Jonghyun… I’m so sorry.” He see’s Yonghwa’s eyes flood with new tear filled with anguish and heartache and he pulls him into a hug wishing that with it he could shield him away from all the pain the poor boy must be going trough right now.

“Why Jungshin? Why did he have to take him away from me?”

Suddenly Yonghwa pulled away from Jungshin’s embrace his eyes frantic “B-but the k-knife wasn’t wood! He can still be alive right!?”

Jungshin felt his heart break “Yonghwa you need to listen to me, the knife that Seunghyun used was a very special knife that is more powerful than our immortality… Jonghyun is gone.”

Yonghwa shoved Jungshin away, his face contorting into one of pain “No! He can’t be, he promised me he’d never leave me again! He promised!”

He turned to Jonghyun, he started to shake him as sobs raked through his body “Come back! Please come back! You promised Jonghyun you promised, you can’t break this promise. Please come back, I love you! Jonghyun!”

Minhyuk quickly grabbed Yonghwa “Yonghwa please calm down, I know it hurts but you have to calm down sweetheart.”

Yonghwa started trashing in Minhyuk’s arms trying to pull away “No! I need to be with Jonghyun! I need Jonghyun!”

“Jung Yonghwa!”

Yonnghwa froze at hearing Jungshin scream at him, Jungshin sighed at seeing the heartbreaking expression that the younger wore “Yonghwa I’m sorry but we have to get out of here.”

More tears spilled from Yonghwa’s eyes “I’m staying with Jonghyun, he might wake up….”

Everybody’s felt their heart shatter at hearing Yonghwa’s pleading voice. Jungshin nodded at Minhyuk telling him to do what he had to make Yonghwa come with them. Minhyuk quietly approached the kneeling Yonghwa, he quickly pressed two fingers to Yonghwa’s temple immediately putting him in a deep sleep.


Yonghwa smiled as he looked down at the human he had been assigned to watch over, whenever he did something Yonghwa could feel his heart flutter like never before, he knew he should be feeling his way but there was just something about Lee Jonghyun that called out to him.

“What are you smiling about so brightly Yonghwa?”

Yonghwa all but shouted at hearing Minghyuk “Don’t do that!”

Minghyuk laughed as he peered down on what was making Yonghwa so happy, his laugh quickly died as he saw what was happening “Yonghwa you can’t”

Yonghwa frowned “I can’t what? I’m not doing anything except watching my charge.”

Minhyuk gave him a disapproving glare “You know exactly what I’m talking about!”

“But Minhyuk what’s so bad about falling in love?”

Minhyuk felt his heart ache at that “You know what happen the last time an angel and a human fell in love, it ended in a terrible tragedy.”

Yonghwa sighed “I can’t help it hyung… I tried not to but…” Tears started to slip down his cheeks “I know that what I feel for him can never be anything more than unrequired love, he doesn’t even know I exist.”

After that day Minhyuk would walk by and see Yonghwa in the same spot looking down at Jonghyun taking care of him from above. The smile that he would see on Yonghwas face would always breaks Minhyuk’s heart knowing that behind that smile was an aching heart.

As Minhyuk approached Yonghwa he felt that something was off but he couldn’t quite pin point what, as soon as he walked closer to Yonghwa he knew what was about to happen. Yonghwa was going to fall down to Earth, just like Jaejin did years ago.

Minhyuk ran as fast s he could calling out to him “Yonghwa don’t!”

Yonghwa looked up an Minhyuk felt a wave of relief wash over him but soon terror seeped through his vein again as he saw Yonghwa mouth ‘sorry’ to him “Yonghwa!”

Minhyuk lunged towards Yonghwa only to grab a single feather as Yonghwa plummeted to Earth.


Yonghwa landed rather roughly on the ground groaning as his body yelled in pain as he tried to get up, panic taking a vice grip of his heart as his eyes darted from side to side trying to locate Jonghyun. In the corner of his eye he saw movement and when he turned he found Jonghyun being help at knife point by a rather large man, who had Jonghun by his throat.

Rage hit Yonghwa full force for the first time in his life and without a second thought he threw the guy off of his Jonghyun “Are you alright?”

Before Jonghyun could even answer Yonghwa felt pain erupt on his side as the man plunged his knife into Yonghwa’s skin. Yonghwa decided there that he did not like being in physical pain it was no fun, but if he saved Jonghyun from going through it, it was worth it.

The next thing Yonghwa knew he was waking up in a white room with a worried looking Jonghyun pacing back and forth. Yonghwa tried to sit up only to hiss in pain, now since he was on Earth his angelic powers where being suppressed especially considering that he came without permission, he couldn’t heal as quickly as an angel should have.

Hearing Yonghwa hiss, Jonghyun quickly ran to his side bombarding him with questions “Are you ok? Are you hurt anywhere? You want me to call the nurse?”

Yonghwa just smiled at him and Jonghyun felt his heart to a little flip in his chest as he staggered backwards a bit. “My name is Yonghwa nice to meet you.”

“Yonghwa?” Jonghyun liked the way it rolled out of his tongue “I’m Jonghyun.”

“Nice to meet you Jonghyun.”


Yonghwa remembered that night at the hospital he got a visit from a worried Minhyuk “Are you insane Yonghwa! Going down here without permission, what were you thinking?”

“I couldn’t let him die Minhyuk, not before he lived his life.”

Minhyuk sighed as he sat next to Yonghwa careful not to wake Jonghyun up “Yonghwa do you have any idea what you just did?”

Yonghwa smiled bitterly at him “I’m very aware Minhyuk, I turned my back on Heaven by coming down here.”

“And do you understand that you can’t return anymore?”

Taking a hold of Minhyuk’s hand Yonghwa gave Minhyuk a reassuring squeeze “I know the consequences, but it’s all worth it if Jonghyun get to live his life.”

“Even if it’s not by your side?”

Yonghwa’s eyes glazed over with unshed tears “As long as he is alive and happy it doesn’t matter who he is with as long as he is happy.”

Minhyuk sighed “I’ll miss you.”

“Me too…”


Life turned out better than he expected with Jonghyun, he let him stay with him once he found out that Yonghwa had no place to live in, Yonghwa tried to reject but Jonghyun said it was the least he could do since he felt kind of guilty since it was partially his fault that Yonghwa had gotten stabbed, so with that Yonghwa ended up living with Jonghyun.

A couple of month had passed in pure bliss for Yonghwa until one day Yonghwa noticed that Jonghyun was ignoring him and that hurt Yonghwa like nothing else. When he would try and spend time with him Jonghyun would just mumble some excuse about needing to be somewhere else or that he was too tired to spend even a few minutes just talking to Yonghwa.

The worst time was when Yonghwa had gotten home from the market only to find Jonghyun kissing another girl when he got home. Yonghwa thought that he would be able to handle Jonghyun falling in love with someone else that was not him, but when he saw it happening right in front of his eyes Yonghwa felt like his heart was being ripped out.

With a strangled sob he dropped the bag of groceries and ran out the door, hearing something hit the floor Jaeseop pulled away from the kiss only to see a crying Yonghwa run out the door. Jonghyun felt like someone had punched him in the gut as he realized what he had just done, he told, well more liked screamed at the girl to get out of his house. He quickly put on his shoes and ran out the door determined to find Yonghwa.

Hours passed and Jonghyun had yet to find Yonghwa, with a heavy heart he returned home hoping that Yonghwa was there. Jonghyun quickly walked through the house calling out Yonghwa’s name as he ran from room to room trying to see if Yonghwa had come back, to Jonghyun disappointment the house was empty.

Jonghyun fell asleep on the couch trying to wait for Yonghwa to come how, he was scared that Yonghwa would come back in the middle of the night only to pack his belongings and leave before Jonghyun even woke up in his room.

The sound of the front door opening jolted Jonghyun awake and he was on his feet as quickly as possible. Once a red puffed eyed Yonghwa entered the living room, Jonghyun gathered him in his arms “Oh Yonghwa don’t ever do this to me ever again! Don’t you know how worry I have been!”

At receiving no answer from him Jonghyun pulled back a bit only to see Yonghwa crying but yet still trying to smile “Congratulations.”

Jonghyun was now lost “For what?”

Yonghwa sniffed once “She was really pretty.”

Jonghyun let out a laugh before pressing his mouth against Yonghwa’s enticing a gasp from him.  

As much as Yonghwa wanted to keep kissing Jonghyun he couldn’t so he pushed him away “W-what are you doing?”

Jonghyun just gave him a smile “Kissing you.”

“Please don’t, it’s not fair to me or your girlfriend.”

Jonghyun threaded his finger in Yonghwa’s hair, an affectionate smile on his lips “I don’t have a girlfriend.”

Yonghwa pouted “Then what about the girl that you where ki… here with earlier?”

“She was just a distraction to keep me from go for the one I truly want.”

Yonghwa felt the now familiar stinging of tears return “Then why don’t you go get her?”

Jonghyun nuzzled into Yonghwa’s neck “Why would I when the one I want is here with me.”

Now Yonghwa let the tears he had been holding in rush down his cheeks “What?”

“Pabo you’re the one I have wanted this whole time, I was just scared that you wouldn’t feel the same so I tried to get a girl to get you off my mind at least for a few hours, but even when I was kissing her I couldn’t help but keep thinking on how your sweet lips would feel against mine and when I saw you run away from here with that heartbroken look on your face I knew that you had to feel the same for me. But you had me worried sick when I couldn’t find you but I guess I kind of deserve that for hurting you like that, but believe me Yonghwa I’m sorry I never meant to hurt you like this. I’m sorry.”

Yonghwa sniffed, he wanted to answer him but he felt his throat clogged up from all the emotions that he was going through at the moment so he just pulled him in for a hug as a sob broke free from his lips.

Jonghyun wrapped his arms tightly around Yonghwa, he wanted to make sure that he was there with him and that he wasn’t still out there wandering around unprotected and all alone. If anything had happened to Yonghwa that night Jonghyun was sure he would have had never forgiving himself.

“You’re sleeping with me tonight, I want to make sure that you stay with me and don’t go running out on me in the middle of the night.”

Yonghwa giggled as Jonghyun peppered his neck with light kisses “Like I would ever do that.”


Yonghwa had been sick for a couple of days after his and Jonghyun’s adventure, Jonghyun had taken him to a meadow filled with beautiful flowers, flowers that Yonghwa had never even seen.

He didn’t want to worry Jonghyun so he tried to hide it best he could, and he did for a week or two, that is until one morning where he out at work.

He had woken up in the hospital with a pacing worried looking Jonghyun. Yonghwa felt a dense of déjà vu as he remembered their first ‘official’ meeting after Yonghwa had fell, Yonghwa smiled at that memory it was the best decision he had ever made and no matter what Yonghwa would never regret it.


At hearing his name being called Jonghyun quickly went to Yonghwa’s side taking Yonghwa’s hand in his grasp, pressing kisses on his the back of it. “Yonghwa you had me so worried! I literally ran out of my office when they called me saying that you had passed out at work and where on your way to the hospital. Why didn’t you tell me you have been sick for awhile Yonghwa?”

Yonghwa bit his lip as he shifted his gaze down ashamed to put such a worried expression on Jonghyun’s face “I didn’t want to worry you besides it’s just a cold.”

Jonghyun sighed “Next time promise me to tell me, please?”

Yonghwa just nodded not wanting to lift his head to meet Jonghyun’s gaze.

“And what did I saw about you biting your lips my little angel?”

Yonghwa blushed as Jonghyun lifted his head up by his chin, just as Jonghyun was about to kiss him a knock was heard. They quickly pulled away as the doctor walked in, and not with a bright expression the expression he wore kind of scared Jonghyun a bit.

“Is Yonghwa alright?”

The doctor gave them a sad smile “Can I talk to you outside for a bit?”

Jonghyun felt his heart hammer away in his chest as he followed the doctor out, he glanced on last time only to see Yonghwa with a confused face. Jonghyun waited tensely for the doctor to start talking, preparing for the worst.

“What Yonghwa has is not your common cold, I’m afraid he doesn’t have much time left.”

And just like that Jonghyun felt his whole world crash at his feet.


Yonghwa remembered being gently shaken awake from his sleep one calm night by Jonghyun.

" Yonghwa wake up I have something to make you feel better." 

A small smile appear on the said man’s face "You didn't have to get me anything Hyunnie I'm fine." 

"I know I just... I don't like seeing you in pain."

Yonghwa pinched his cheek “I feel fine Jonghyun, just a little tired.”

Jonghyun felt his heart constrict at Yonghwa’s response, “Just drink this you’ll feel much better, I promise.”

Yonghwa scrunched up his nose “Fine but it better not be bitter.”

“Can’t make any promises.”

Yonghwa stuck his tongue out at him but none the less he took a deep breath and then swallowed the dark mysterious liquid. “There, happy?”

Jonghyun wiped his mouth “Yes and very much.”

“You’re lucky I love you because that tasted horrible.”

That night Jonghyun barley got any sleep scared that the man he had gotten this from might have given him something else that would take his Yonghwa away from him.

In the days following having Yonghwa drink the ‘bitterest thing he had ever tasted’ as Yonghwa like to call it Yonghwa had gotten better he was able to get out of bed and soon he was heading back to work, never knowing what Jonghyun had to do to keep him by his side even if it was just a few more years.


“I love you Yonghwa.”

Yonghwa giggled as Jonghyun wrapped his arms around his waist “And I love you my little kitty.”

“Yonghwa I’m serious.”

“I am too, you’re my kitty.”

Jonghyun groaned as he laid his chin on Yonghwa’s shoulder “You’re something else, you know that Yonghwa?”

“But I’m still yours right?”

Jonghyun laughed as he kissed Yonghwa’s shoulder “Of course you are mine, you’re going to be stuck with me for a looong time.”


“I promise.”


Yonghwa woke up in tears as all the memories he had of him and Jonghyun replayed in a loop in his mind. He couldn’t bear the pain his heart was in right now, it felt like with every breath he took someone was trying to rip it out.

Life was a cruel thing to Yonghwa, just as he had finally gotten the love of his life back, the one he left heaven for, just so he could be ripped out from his grasp in a blink of an eye.

The last memory of Jonghyun played again like it was trying to torture Yonghwa even more than he was already.

“Jonghyun you cam for me.”

Jonghuyn gave him a quick kiss “Of course I did Yonghwa, I love you.”

Yonghwa let out a scream as more tears blurred his vision; he gripped his shirt, tugging on it as if wishing he could just tear his heart out to stop the pain he felt.

More chocked sobs escaped his lips as he curled into a fetal position wishing nothing more than for Jonghyun to wrap his arms around him and pull him into a reassuring hug telling him that everything was going to be ok.

“Jonghyun please come back… please….”

Yonghwa suddenly sat up his tears coming to a halt as an idea popped into his head, no matter what anybody did or say Yonghwa was going to join Jonghyun one way or another.  



***Omg what have I done to this wonderful pairing OTL ***

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Kathyamgarcia #1
Chapter 14: I am in love with this fanfic!! I swear I cried throughout the story!!
Please continue sharing JongHwa stories with us!!
Floralyss #2
Congratss :)
XiaoLong11 #3
Congrats ^^
annonymous101 #4
Chapter 14: This is making me want to ship them <333 loved it!
nikacho #5
congrats to you
Chapter 14: re-read this ^_^ I love it!! ggreat ending; congrats on finishing ^_^
Congrats ^^
ShadowChild #10
Chapter 14: I'm crying! It's so sad and so sweet! I love it!<3 You're amazing at writing stories;)