Jonghyun Finding Out

You're Mine (cnblue ver)


Jonghyun felt the sleepiness from his eyes fade away as the sunlight danced behind his eyelids, he groaned as he buried his nose into Yonghwa’s neck wanting to stay asleep a little bit longer especially if it meant having Yonghwa in his arm a bit longer.

Jonghyun felt his body rigid when he inhaled Yonghwa’s scent; something was wrong and with that Jonghyun sat up his vein racing with fear as Yonghwa didn’t even stir. “Yonghwa?”

At receiving no reply Jonghyun started to shake him “Yah Jung Yonghwa! Wake up this isn’t funny.”

But even after that Yonghwa laid still his eyes closed, and that’s went it hit Jonghyun… he couldn’t hear Yonghwa’s heartbeat.


Minhyuk and Jungshin had just woken up and where cuddling in their bed just enjoying having time to themselves after having to go such a long time without seeing each other.

“I love you Minhyuk.”

Minhyuk smiled at hearing Jungshin “I love you t-”

He was cut off by the horrifying scream that came out of what sounded like a terrified Jonghyun “YONGHWA!!”

Without wasting an extra second both of them jumped out of bed and ran to Jonghyun and Yonghwa’s room praying that nothing was wrong.


Jonghyun felt tears run down his cheeks as he pulled Yonghwa’s lifeless body into his arms cradling his head into his chest “No Yonghwa y-you c-can’t leave me! I just promised you forever yesterday! YONGHWA!”

He hugged Yongwha closer when he heard Minhyuk and Jungshin run inside a frantic Minhyuk trying to pry Jonghyun away to look at Yonghwa “What happened! Why isn’t he breathing?”

Jonghyun let out a sob “I don- I don’t know I w-woke up and and he wasn’t breathing anymore!”

Minhyuk felt his heart sink when he saw a mark on Yonghwa’s wrist it was three scratches as if a dog scratched him “Oh God no, Yonghwa no.”

Minhyuk felt like running out of the room, he felt like the walls were closing in on him. He let go of Yonghwa’s limp wrist and started to take a few steps back from the bed, tears finally breaking free from his eyes.

Jungshin saw the heart break written all over Minhyuk’s face “Minhyuk?”

Minhyuk turned towards Jungshin, a sob threatening to break free as Jungshin pulled him into his embrace “Jungshin he… he… Yonghwa…”

Jungshin just gently hushed him “Hey it’s ok just take a deep breath.” Jungshin took a glance and felt torn on soothing his lover or the broken boy who was quietly sobbing for his lost lover. He closed his eyes as he felt his heart break yet again for Jonghyun and Yonghwa.

After a few seconds Minhyuk pulled away from Jungshin and walked backed towards where Jonghyun was rocking back and forth with Yonghwa in his arms “Jonghyun?”

Jonghyun looked up with hallow eyes “M-minhyuk? Why?”

Minhyuk bit his lip as he felt a fresh wave of tears sting his eyes “Hyung you have to listen to me. Yonghwa is gone.”

Jonghyun shook his head as more tears ran down his cheek “He can’t be gone, he just can’t”

Minhyuk blinked back his tears “D-don’t worry he…” Minhyuk took a deep breath “He will look after you from Heaven I can even take messages to him from you, if you want.”

“But I want him here with me not up there.”

Minhyuk felt pain shoot through his heart “I’m sorry Jonghyun but at least he went quietly in his sleep.”

Jonghyun screamed “But why did he have to leave so soon!?”

Minhyuk stood up he couldn’t keep his composure up any longer as he rushed out of the room leaving a now sobbing Jonghyun.

Jungshin ran after him “Minhyuk wait!”

Minhyuk ran back into their room and collapsed on the floor sobbing into his hands. Jungshin entered soon after him “Hey sweetheart why are you so upset? Last time Yonghwa died you said he will be reincarnated, so what’s wrong?”

Minhyuk shook his head at Jungshin’s words “Jungshin he won’t ever come back.”

Jungshin felt his heart drop “What? But why?”

“Yongwha sold his soul to a demon to bring Jonghyun back from the dead.”

Junghsin froze at hearing those words "He wouldn't...."

"Think about it if it was me that had died would you sell your soul for me?"

Jungshin brought Minhyuk into his arms and released a sigh "I wouldn't hesitate to do it either."

Minhyuk stayed quiet for awhile letting Jungshin comfort him as best as he could "What are we going to do? Jonghyun is probably heartbroken beyond repair, he just lost his soul mate."

Jungshin let out another sigh "I don't know how to answer that."


Jonghyun was still crying and clutching on to Yonghwa whispering to him to please open his eyes again when Jungshin's voice caught his attention "Hey sweetheart why are you so upset? Last time Yonghwa died you said he will be reincarnated, so what's wrong?"

Hearing this caused hope to swell inside his chest, he could wait years on end to find Yonghwa again. He would wait an eternity if it meant that in the end Jonghyun would have Yonghwa in his arms. But his hope soon died as he heard Minhyuk's answer, tears streaming down his face once again. 

"Jungshin he won't ever comeback."

Jonghyun silently cried trying to hear to see what else they would say, he couldn't no he wouldn't just let Yonghwa go like this. He heard Jungshin ask why and after a pause Minhyuk’s voice rang through his ears "Yonghwa sold his soul to a demon to bring Jonghyun back from the dead."

Jonghyun looked at the 'sleeping' Yonghwa "You idiot why would you do that for me... don't you know that without you I rather be dead than live without you."

He brushed Yonghwa's bang aside and leaned down to plant a kiss on his forehead "Don't worry one way or another I'll bring you back."

He gently laid Yonghwa back onto the bed, he gave one last kiss to Yonghwa before covering him with the blanket, he knew how easily Yonghwa got cold "I won't take long sweetie, I promise I'll be back before you wake up."

With that said Jonghyun quickly and quietly opened the window and jumped out quickly disappearing out of sight.


Junghsin heard something he did not like at all "Minhyuk do you hear that?"

"Hear what? I don't hear anything." Minhyuk said while trying to wipe his remaining tears.


Minhyuk just gave Jungshin a confused look "And?" 

"That means Jonghyun stopped crying."

Now he understood both quickly made their way to Yonghwa and Jonghyun's bedroom praying that Jonghyun would be sleeping, but to their horror he was no longer in the room, the window providing the only clue as to where Jonghyun might have gone.

Jungshin quickly made his way to the window and shouted Jonghyun's name hoping that he would get a glimpse of Jonghyun as he ran but he saw nothing. "Damn it! We shouldn't have left him alone."

Minhyuk looked at Yonghwa "He is going to try to bring him back.


Seunghyun carefully took out the bottle containing Yonghwa's grace mixed in with Jonghyun's blood, if he still had a pulse he knew that his pulse would be racing from his nervousness. If this potion didn't work... He shook his head the potion had to work. With shaking finger Seunghyun poured the grace into the bowl placed in front of him, he quickly added his last possession of Jaejin that he had left which was the ring that he had given Jaejin for their first anniversary together.

As Seunghyun started chanting the spell that he had so long ago memorized the ring started to melt and mix into the grace. Once Seunghyun finished the spell light shot out of the bowl and into the sky, the shock causing Seunghyun to stumble backwards. The light grew bigger and stronger causing Seunghyun to cover his eyes with his arm.

After a bit the light started to dim, once Seunghyun knew that the light was gone he withdrew his arm from his eyes. His breath catching in his throat when he saw that Jaejin was lying on the ground a few feet away from him. With tears running down his face Seunghyun ran with all his might towards Jaejin, as soon as he reached him Seunghyun brought him into his arms. "Oh god Jaejin! You're actually here!" 

At hearing Seunghyun 's voice Jaejin opened his eyes " Seunghyun?"

Hearing Jaejin's voice after so many years of not being able to hear it brought a new wave of tears to his eyes "Yeah sweetie its me."

Jaejin smiled up at him "I missed you."

Before Seunghyun could answer a new voice spoke up "You bastard give me Yonghwa back!"

Seunghyun clutched Jaejin closer to himself trying to shield him from the intruder. A gasp escaped his mouth when he saw that it was really Jonghyun who spoke. "Jonghyun how are you-"

Jonghyun cut him off "Alive?" Instead of answering he walked closer to the couple.

Jaejin took a peek at the man that was the cause of Seunghyun's rigidness. A shiver ran down his spine as the strangers and his eyes met, never had he seen so much pain in somebody's eyes.

"Oh so this is the special someone you caused all the trouble for."

Seunghyun was holding himself back not wanting to scare Jaejin "What do you want?"

Jonghyun smiled at them "Easy I want Yonghwa back."

Jaejin gasped at hearing Yonghwa's name.

"Then go find him instead of coming here and bothering us."

Jonghyun snorted "As if it was that easy, it’s your fault you bastard!"

"What is my fault?"

"Yonghwa sold his soul to a demon to bring me back because you killed me you son of a !" Jonghyun voice broke.

Jaejin turned frantic eyes towards Seunghyun "Yonghwa is dead?"

Seunghyun felt panic start to pierce his heart "Jaejin I-"

Jaejin pushed Seunghyun away "You gave me his grace didn't you!?" Tears started to fall from his eyes "How could you!"

"Sweetheart please listen to me." Seunghyun reached for him only to have Jaejin slap his hand away.

Jaejin shook his head as he backed away from him "You know how much I love my brothers and you go and do something like this."

Seunghyun started to cry when he saw Jaejin walk away from him "Jaejin please let me explain."

"No I don't want to hear anything from you."

Before Seunghyun could grab Jaejin again, Jaejin ran towards Jonghun and in a blink of an eye they were gone. Seunghyun turned in every direction trying to find them and at coming up empty handed he fell to his knees as a agonizing scream ripped from his throat.



***Well here is the next chapter... I seriously don't know how the hell this story is going to end OTL anyways hope you enjoy it  :D***








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Kathyamgarcia #1
Chapter 14: I am in love with this fanfic!! I swear I cried throughout the story!!
Please continue sharing JongHwa stories with us!!
Floralyss #2
Congratss :)
XiaoLong11 #3
Congrats ^^
annonymous101 #4
Chapter 14: This is making me want to ship them <333 loved it!
nikacho #5
congrats to you
Chapter 14: re-read this ^_^ I love it!! ggreat ending; congrats on finishing ^_^
Congrats ^^
ShadowChild #10
Chapter 14: I'm crying! It's so sad and so sweet! I love it!<3 You're amazing at writing stories;)