Public Speaking

Hell Is Empty
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As much as she had hated her encounter with Victoria, it had also given her some more confidence to walk around the place. The guards seemed to have been given instructions to ignore her entirely, for they didn’t spare her more than a glance every now and then. She was apparently not seen as a threat at all. Which was a good thing, if maybe slightly insulting.

It was all very strange. The only thing reminding her this was in fact not a hazy dream every morning she awoke, was the thin silver ring around her finger. Proving she was a married woman now. Ridiculous, really.

It was well within day three now. Day three of ‘sort of’ being a prisoner in her own home but not really. It was a very strange experience. What was worse, however, was that it was time to face that Victoria would in fact not die because of her blood. Luna guessed that meant she wasn’t a ‘real’ angel anymore after all? She wasn’t sure. The runes had answered to her blood but… maybe that was just because it was her lineage. Not necessarily because she was still an angel. It didn’t really come as a surprise. She had known. It was freaking obvious, in a way. No wings. She knew Jaehyun must be taking it less well though. It was his pride. His whole identity built around being an angel.

“There you are. Come with me,” Luna had been so lost in thought, she hadn’t realised Victoria had apparently sneaked up on her. She gulped as she looked up at the woman who was staring at her with a stoic face. Luna wondered if her horns had always been this big. It made her heart drop once more. Only when Victoria turned did Luna fully process her words. What?

“Why?” Victoria glanced back, seemingly happy enough to find Luna was in fact following behind her. Albeit at a safe distance. And while warily eying that strange tail…

“I need your help,” she sounded annoyed saying it. As if she disliked the very fact that Luna would be able to help her with anything at all. Victoria pushed open the heavy doors to the hall. Up until now there had always been servants to open them when needed. Had been for as long as Luna could remember. Now, however, the entire hallway was empty. Much more to her surprise, however, Victoria merely held the door open for her until she was through.

She didn’t meet her gaze though.

“There is a crowd outside. Demanding to know you and your brother are okay. You weren’t lying when you said they were loyal.”

Luna couldn’t help the small smile playing along her lips. The news warmed her heart. Even if it wouldn’t matter.

After a second, however, her heart dropped instead. Because what would Victoria need her for? Would she threaten them with killing their princess? That made no sense. Victoria would gain nothing. Still, Luna couldn’t help but hold her breath, as she nervously glanced at Victoria. Suddenly frozen in her spot.

Victoria seemed to realise Luna was no longer following her as well since she halted at one point, turning to meet her eyes which Luna of course immediately averted. What if she could kill her in a glance after all? Luna knew she… probably… couldn’t. But still. Better safe than sorry.

“I need you to talk to them. To calm them down. To announce that we are married out of a mutual interest.”

“Mutual interest?” Luna swallowed her scoff. Although, she would admit that what Victoria was asking her, was pretty reasonable.

“Look, I just need you to get rid of them, without giving them reason to riot or anything. Unless you want them all to die, of course. But I’d rather not dirty my hands today.”

She was speaking of it so lightly, that Luna legitimately didn’t know whether she was joking or not. Probably not. She gulped, “but I’m not a talker. Jaehyun usually-“

“Your brother is evidently not here and I need them gone now.” Her voice was commanding once more. As if Luna had officially gotten rid of every last shred of patience Victoria had possibly been saving up. She quickly nodded, stressing out on the inside.

Still, even as Victoria kept looking at her, she found her body not moving towards the big wooden doors leading outside. What the hell was she going to say? She wasn’t a good speaker nor liar.

“You will be fine.”

Victoria’s words sounded… gentle. It sent a chill down Luna’s spine, because that could not be a good thing.

“Just take a few deep breaths. Off you go.” Victoria reached out, and if only to avoid the touch Luna found herself walking towards the big gate to the city.

Where was Jaehyun…?

Her hands were trembling as she felt the wood against her skin. She took another few seconds, forcing her hands to steady somewhat, at least. She was a princess, for God’s sake.

She pushed. The opening just enough for her body to slip through. The fresh air did her good, even if the sight of about a hundred people did not. They all looked exhausted. Terrified. And… slightly relieved when she appeared.

“It’s the princess! She’s okay,” their words reached her ears, but all Luna could do was think on what she was going to say. She could not screw this up. If she said anything wrong, they would riot to their own deaths probably. No. For now, it would be best to keep them in check.

She wasn’t a good liar, but maybe she wouldn’t have to lie.

She took a few paces forward, finding the group of people formed half a circle around her automatically, their eyes wide and ears open to hear what she had to say, apparently, for they had fallen silent. Great.

She held her hands up, “I am indeed okay. While we were all shocked by what happened, it was all a big misunderstanding.”

Okay, so maybe that was not a great thing to say. She found their voices rising up again, “is she forcing you to say this? What is going on?”

She closed her eyes. Where was Jaehyun when she needed him?!

“Calm down, everybody. Please. It is no secret that a devil army has been claiming the surrounding lands. While we have been protected for centuries, with the death of our protecting guardian angel, we have become vulnerable.”

“That’s not true. We still have you and Jaehyun, your highness.”

She smiled, shaking her head, “but it is not the same. Action needed to be taken. Alliances needed to be formed to protect ourselves.” She gulped. Alliance. Right. Because that was what this was… How would she make them believe it if she didn’t

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Recca1 #1
Chapter 2: Interesting, why the wings won’t work. Very curious why is that, why they don’t have any new angels in general. So many mysteries love it.
Recca1 #2
Chapter 1: Chapter 1: Omg I’m loving this. Love love fantasy angels and demons. Throw in some Luntoria. Chef kiss. Sorry about taking to long to get to it hehe.
CampPatrol #3
Chapter 3: so goòòd
Chapter 3: Wow. you just threw that curveball right on past me. I was so focused on her being a devil and all the possibilities of that. it was never even a possibility in my mind that she could be anything else. I had devil tunnel vision lol. I'm even more curious now though, not only about her plans but also what she is!?! and where Jaehyun?? I have many questions that I know will be answered in due time. fantastic chapter and I really look forward to what happens next! see you next time!
Lati_1 #5
It's interesting, although I highly doubt that Luna's plan will succeed, for some reason I feel like the toxic blood thing was just a strange defense mechanism just to avoid marriages between angels and demons.
Chapter 2: ooo unworthy! because she married a devil? maybe because she doesn't believe in her angeldom(?) enough? was it the blood mingling!? also, Victoria's, "ah. you're alive." kinda makes me wonder if devils and angels are both told their blood is toxic to each other so there'll be no mixing maybe? I'm very curious about whatever it is she's up to. thanks for the chapter shark! it was awesome as always! see you next chapter!
CampPatrol #7