My Kyu-Kyu Prince

My Kyu-Kyu


One Day I was so frustrated and sad that our family reunion will be next month but still I don’t feel like going since it will be full of pretty people dancing happily. And I don’t have any date. My sister’s well, they were happily married that I’m all alone at my house with my parents being lovey-dovey everytime.  I hate being in that party, and my relatives keep on bugging me with my boyfriend who is non-existent. They always tease me that why does I’m still not married at the age of 25. Well, my sister’s and my mom got married at the age of 20.

Frustrated and sad from my Mother constant nagging and blah!! Blah!! I ran to the park and cool myself a little bit. I was drinking my favorite banana milk when a sudden cute little monkey sat beside me.

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“Aigooo” I giggled as I pet him.


The cute money is totally tame and friendly as well. I seek for any name tags but he doesn’t have any.

“You must be be hungry, little one” I said and I shared my own banana milk.

“hmmm.. why does you don’t have any name tags?? Are you lost??”


I glance at my surrounding and they were also some stray cats but I think this one kind of different looking.

Maybe the park owns this monkey I assumed.

“Can I call you Kyu-Kyu?”

Surprisingly, the monkey walked on my lap and cuddled their playing with my fingers. I shared to him my frustrations and some part of my life that I haven’t told others.

Every day since then, I dropped by at the park to see my new BFF “Kyu-Kyu” and I always bring him some food and banana milk that he also loves. I don’t know why but I felt some unexplainable happiness everytime I’m with my Kyu-Kyu.

One day before our family party, I visit Kyu-Kyu again. I played with him again.

“You know Kyu-Kyu, tomorrow will be our family party so I may not visit you. Arachi..”

Kyu-Kyu looks sad and cuddled on my lap again.

“Don’t be sad. I’m the one who should be sad. I will be alone in there.”

Kyu-Kyu just innocently stared at me again.

I smiled. “I wish you can come too you I won’t be alone.”

“Aigooo!! What am I thinking.. You’re just a little monkey they will surely laughed at me when I bring you there” I chucked. “I must be crazy!”

For an hour, I played with him. When I stand to leave Kyu-Kyu don’t want to let go of my fingers.

“Kyu-Kyu I will go home its getting dark already”

But Kyu-kyu won’t leave my finger.

“Arasso!! I promise I will be back…” I said and I remove my most precious ring and hang it on his collar (the one I bought for him). “Don’t over lost it Kyu-Kyu, I will get it when we met again.. Okay!! I will miss you my Kyu-Kyu”


Family Reunion

I was sitting alone in a corner sipping the wine.  My relatives were very happy dancing at the middle.

“I miss Kyu-Kyu. I wish he was here with me.” I murmured and sipped my wine again.

Suddenly, I heard murmurs from the dance floor and the music have stopped. I looked p and saw a handsome prince walking to me.

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My heart almost fainted and my eyes froze to his eyes.  The eyes look so very innocent and familiar.

He kneeled down and gazed at me. “I miss you!! Will you dance with me, my princess??”

Totally shocked from the surprised, I didn’t notice but I just nod my head. He led me to the dance floor while my relatives just stare at us.  

He led me to dance and he even look amazingly handsome as our faces were just inches away. I was speechless the whole time.

After the dance, the handsome prince announced that he wants to borrow his Girlfriend and he dragged me outside the near the pool area.

 “Can I ask something??” I stuttered and he just smiled.

“From what dimension are you??? And who are you??”

He looked at the moon and glance at me. “I’m your prince…”

“But I don’t even know you?? Are joking?? That’s not even funny”

“Last month, I met this princess.. She is very nice, sweet and so beautiful but she is very lonely. She said she will be lonely in the party. So I came to cheer her up.”


“Really!!! Stop joking will you!!” I said while in tears not because I’m frustrated but it was the first time a person said good things about me.  I suddenly realized that I somewhat know who the girl he was talking of.

“But I’m not. I just want to cheer that princess but unknowingly I started to fall for her. So I begged some Gods to bring me back to my normal self because I have found my one and only princess” he said and come near me.

“My K~~~Kyu-Kyu??” I stuttered.

“Yes!! I’m your one and only Kyu-Kyu Prince and I came to get it back to you” He said and kneeled down as he get the ring I gave him yesterday and put it in my finger.

He smiled sweetly and kissed me on the lips passionately. “Kyu-Kyu Prince loves you so much!!! Will you marry me??”

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huiqiloves_ian #1
Chapter 1: AWWW prince Kyu is so charming :D
But im still not used to calling him Kyu-Kyu, it just sound weird.
No matter wat, so much love in this story <3 so cute.
I would marry him anyday!!!!! This Kyu fanfic is sooooooooooooo sweet!!!!!!!!!!!! Love it :D
WAAH! Kyu-Kyu.......... YES, I WILL! Hahahahaha.. KINILIG NAMAN AKO DITO.
So cute and for me~ my answer is...
YES!!! I Do~ >.<
wets this is my answer..
YES!!! I WILL MARRY YOU MY KYU-KYU... let's get married..RIGHT NOW!
OWEMGEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! denchuuuuuuuu kkyyyaaaaaaaahhhhhh super nice oneshot fic ^_^ How I wish I'm that princess hihihihi XDDD
Yaaahhh!!! Dench!!! love the story.. <3