Planning To Have A Vacation

Unexpected Love

                                  At Home

Yuri: Omma, Good Evening. I'm Here!

Omma: Oh dear, you're here. Let's wait your appa before we have our dinner. By the way, who's with you?

Yuri: It's kyuhyun omma.

Kyuhyun: Good Evening Mrs. Kwon.

Omma: Good Evening too, kyuhyun.

Kyuhyun: By the way Mrs. Kwon, I have to go now.

Omma: No, Please join us to have a dinner.

Kyuhyun: Uhm..

Yuri: Kyuhyun, will you please?

Kyuhyun: Alright.


                          Mr. Kwon Already Arrived



Omma: Your appa arrived just in time.

Yuri: It's the first time he go home early.

Kyuhyun: Really?

Yuri: Yes. He always go home late.


                           At The Dining Room

Appa: It's nice to have a dinner with you kyuhyun.

Kyuhyun: Thank you sir.

Appa: Just call me appa. Besides, You will be engaged to my daughter.

Omma: Me too. Just call me omma.

Kyuhyun: Okay, Omma and Appa.

Yuri: Hey! Just eat okay.

Appa: By the way yuri, When is your Christmas Vacation will be?

Yuri: On Tuesday appa. Why?

Appa: I am planning you and kyuhyun to have a vacation.

Yuri: Bwoh?!

Kyuhyun: Great Idea!

Yuri: But Appa..

Appa: No buts yuri. Besides, I will invite your friends.

Kyuhyun: Who are they?

Appa: Donghae and Yoona.

Yuri: What?! But why do..

Kyuhyun: Wow. I'm so excited to meet them. Especially to that donghae.

Yuri: But Appa,I have to do my research.

Appa: As i say before, No buts.

Yuri: Okay.


                              Monday 6:30 am At Hyundae University

Yoona: Yuri, you look so sad. What's wrong with you?

Yuri: Yoong, Me and Donghae..

Yoona: Oh yeah. I heard about it.

Yuri: I miss him now.

Yoona: Speaking of him, He's going here.

Donghae: Good Morning Girls.

Yoona: Uhm.. Good Morning too.

Yuri: Morning.. By the way, Don't forget that you two are going to have a vacation with me huh?

Yoona; I'm so excited!

Donghae: Uhm.. Yuri, Is kyuhyun will go with us too?

Yuri: Yes.

Yoona: I smell something JELLY! ( Jelly means jealous)

Donghae: Shut Up yoong!

Yoona: Sorry.^_^'

Yuri: You two, Stop arguing. Just be ready for tomorrow.

Yoona: Okay. But where are we going to have a vacation?

Donghae: Yes. Yoona is right. Where are we going to have a vacation?

Yoona: And how long will be our vacation?

Yuri: I don't know to my appa. But i think it's only 2 weeks.

Yoona: Only 2 weeks? What a short vacation!

Donghae: Oh..Alright. Wich means we  have a time to do our research.

Yuri: Yes, Donghae is right. We have to do our research too.

Yoona: Huh?! Reasearch?! Oh, Shocks. I forgot about it.

Yuri: Because you're too excited for tomorrow.

Donghae: Let;s go girls, The bell already rang.


                                    After Classes

Yuri: Yoong, Donghae, See you two at my house tomorrow okay?

Yoona & Donghae: Okay.

Yuri: Okay. I have to go now. Bye.

Yoona: Bye Yuri! Take care.

Donghae: Bye.



End Of Chapter 3~




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Hello guys! I've been IA for ages, sorry about that! I've been thinking of revising this story. Is there anyone will agree with this?
this was cute!
Chapter 40: This story is very very good but I think I needto stop my tears (and if you wanna know why im crying....because I have a soft heart)
I really Love your Story .
I really Love your Story .
finally i've finished reading this.. geez! I really enjoyed it.. MinYul's the best! Save the best for last!! keke..
btw, I had just visited Boracay.. keke.. i bet your a filipino, author-ssi?? ",)v
nice fic ^^
carrotmilk #8
yuri has two kids<br />
edwined91 #9
Chapter 4 now ;) good good story wonder how will things go with minho ;)
edwined91 #10
New reader ;) nice story ;)