
Forever Doesn't Last

  Some days have passed since Irene gave the news to Joy. The deadline was much sooner than she thought. If she wanted her plan to work, she would have to step up her game.

  Unfortunately, it wouldn’t be today. She had a commission to do, and her clients were coming to meet her.




  There was a small apartment in the busiest streets of Seoul. Inside it was a woman in deep slumber, her brow slightly twisted, and her pale face tainted by the yellow light shooting from the window.

  Irene slowly opened her eyes, internally cursing the sun for being too bright.

  “Wait… Sun!?”

  Irene jumped out of her bed and checked her phone.

  “10:35 am.”

  She overslept! 

  Now she wouldn’t make it to the office before lunch time. 

  Irene kept cursing at her phone - now on full volume - on her way to the kitchen where she took her medicine. Her doctor added a new pill to her list, but she forgot to buy it.


  Her morning just couldn’t get any better!  


  Back in her room, Irene dressed up for work with a bit more difficulty than the day before, and suddenly a face came to her mind. The memory of Joy camping on her apartment’s door for three days until Irene let her in. It was when she had just started her treatment and wasn’t used to the medicine side effects. 

  Joy stayed for about a month, cooking, cleaning, doing the laundry, and sometimes, she would help Irene with more trivial things such as dressing up or getting the remote control.

  A tear formed in her eye. 

  All of this brought her to the day she told Joy she was sick. She didn’t run away, she didn’t cry. She made a promise. But Irene chased those thoughts away “She mustn’t remember, it was too long ago. ”




  Not to her surprise, the office was a mess. No one was working and there was a wrestling competition going on. Irene wondered why out of all companies, hers had to be like that.

  Joy would always put order on everything, but she had somewhere else to be today.


  -WENDY SHON! - Irene yelled so loud that even people from outside could listen - Follow me, please.


  -Looks like someone’s screwed.

 One of the wrestling competitors said.


  Wendy trailed after Irene, trying to come up with some excuse but to no avail. 

  It was impossible to lie to Irene, not when her boss was such a dedicated and hardworking person, Wendy was ashamed for not being able to meet her expectations. 

  Maybe that’s why she made Joy her representative instead. Not only did she seem to know Irene better than everyone else, but she could also put everyone in their places. Wendy wasn’t even able to manage a morning.

  Once they got to Irene’s private room - where she could see the entire office through the glass walls - she closed the door so they could have a private conversation. 

  Wendy skeptically watched Irene’s movements, following every step she took to her chair, looking for signs of disappointment. She noticed Irene let a sigh escape once she sat down and took that as her cue.


  -I am SO sorry, Miss Bae!

 Wendy bowed aggressively, almost crying.


  The sight startled Irene, but she tried to keep composed.


  -For what?

  -What do you mean for what? For that mess at the office, the wrestling competition, the-

  -Wendy - Irene pressed her hands against her temples - This is not something you should apologize for. I was the one who got here late, it’s my fault.


  That took Wendy by surprise. Irene is not merciless, but she isn’t tolerant either.


  -If you’re wondering, I just yelled to get everyone’s attention. And the reason you’re here is because I have assigned a different task for you today.

  -Oh. I see… s-sorry for my behavior.

  -Don’t be.


  An awkward silence filled the room, Wendy might be the closest person to Irene in the company, but their relationship was still boss employee. They shared little intimacy between them.


  -Umm… Sooo… What is my new task?

 Wendy broke the silence.

  -Oh, yes. I need you to do the things I have written in this notebook. Normally I would do this myself, but someone needs to sign these papers and Joy isn’t here so…

  -Of course! You can leave it to me!


  Wendy analyzed the contents of the purple notebook, but a question popped in her head right before leaving the room.



  -Is there anything wrong?

  -I don’t want to intrude, but… how can Miss Park sign the papers for you?

  -She can copy my signature. Why?

  -N-nothing! Just curious.


  The way Irene said it, as if was the most obvious thing in the world, left Wendy dumbfounded. 

  It wasn’t very Irene like to let someone be able to literally impersonate her. Scratch that. Why would ANYONE let another person copy their signature like that? “Those two are weird”, she thought. “And very close”.

  But it was none of her business anyway, so she decided to focus on her work, which she had a lot.

  However, as soon as she sat on her desk, she was already being disturbed.


  -So? What happened?

 A colleague of Wendy, Rose, asked

  -What do you mean what happened?

 Wendy answered, confused.

  -Come on Wendy! You saw what happened, right? You know, the crying and all of that.


  -Hasn’t Irene told you anything about it?

  -Of course not, why would she?

  -Because you’re the teacher’s pet - Lisa chimed in - She tells you everything.

  -And what makes you think that?

 Wendy was getting defensive, she knew nothing, but those two were really pressuring her.


  -May I know what is so interesting that is stopping the three of you from working?


  Irene’s tone sent shivers to everyone around her. The two girls who were bothering Wendy smiled awkwardly with panic visible in their eyes. But before Irene could question them once more, Rose said:


  -I-it’s nothing Miss Bae, Wendy was just helping us with work, right Lisa?

  -Y-yeah! she was just helping us…


  -Is that true, Wendy?


  Irene asked Wendy too because she knew the girls were lying, there’s a reason why she has clear walls in her room. However, she didn't know what they were talking about, so she couldn’t simply call them out. But it was obvious that Wendy was not comfortable around them.

  Suddenly Irene remembered how she would throw fists at anyone who would provoke Joy even the slightest when they were still at school. She would frequently end up in detention - along with Joy, of course. 


  But this wasn’t the same.


  She wasn’t a kid anymore, she shouldn’t be so childish. Wendy could take care of herself.


  -Yes Miss Bae, I was just helping them.

 Wendy lied.


  Irene felt the urge to intervene. Wendy was clearly not telling the truth. But again, why should she? She has no time to take care of grown-ups, she must make sure everything is perfect before she…….

  She's too occupied. 

  Wendy will come around it, she's sure of it. Otherwise, Irene will have to find another person to take after her.




  -Come in! Be comfortable.

 Joy said while guiding the two people inside her studio.


  It was rather big and antique looking, she definitely had a thing for vintage. The hardwood furniture scattered through the room, darkened by time, held art tools and even some unfinished paintings. There was not much light as a single window was the only source of luminosity, creating an eerie aura inside the studio.


  -Please do not touch any of the utensils or the paintings. Also, be careful with the paint stains, I believe some of them are still fresh.


  The man was clearly uncomfortable, this was no place for his newly bought suit. That was not a place he would visit, but there aren’t many things a father wouldn’t do for his daughter.

  The little girl looked around in awe, this was exactly what she imagined the place would look like. She explored around, being careful as to not touch anything - she didn’t want to make her favorite artist angry.


  -So, Mister Kim, what brings you and your daughter here today?


  The man was rather confused, didn’t he talk with her yesterday notifying his visit? That woman was as strange as the room they were in, and he didn’t like that. “All for little Yerim”, he thought.


  -We came here to make a wish!

 Yerim answered, eyes sparkling.


  -Oh… a wish you say? Alright Miss Yerim, what dream do you desire me to turn into reality?

  -A galactic tiger!


  That was unexpected.

  Even Mister Kim seemed taken aback by the little girl’s words. Joy, on the other hand, was excited for the commission, Yerim knew how to spark her creative mind. But Joy couldn’t let her emotions show. She had to keep up her act for Yerim.

  Most of Joy’s clients were kids. According to Irene, it was because of her child-like nature. 

  Independent of the reason, a lot of children liked Joy’s work, which made her happy. Kids always had the best commissions, they never asked for something they thought would be visually appealing, but rather something that brought good feelings with it.

  Nevertheless, she needed more details. If Yerim wasn’t satisfied with her work, not only both of them would be heart broken, but she wouldn’t get paid either.



 Joy continued her act, trying to be a mysterious painter whose craft was full of secrets.



  -Do you know genies?


  Yerim nodded.


  -Then do you know the most important rule that a master has to follow for their genie fulfil their wishes?…

  -The most important rule is… BE SPECIFIC!


  Joy raised her voice, scaring the soul out of the poor kid’s body. Mister Kim was nearly losing his patience, but before anyone could say something Joy continued:


  -I would Like you to think of me as genie Yerim. - Joy now spoke calmly - I can grant your wish, but you have to give me details… otherwise… the spirits of art won’t be able to help me, for they won’t know what you truly desire.


  Now Mister Kim finally understood what was happening. He could see how amused his daughter was while watching Joy’s ridiculous stunt. He made sure to pay Joy a little extra for her efforts, Yerim seemed to be having the time of her life while explaining how big the tiger was, how fierce but understanding it was, how endearing yet frightening it was.

  Until a question occurred to him. “What does any of this have to do with the painting?”

  A normal person would say nothing, but for Joy, it was everything. She knows she can’t recreate exactly what is inside Yerim’s head, but she could draw something that made her feel the same way. If she wanted to make the kid happy, she would have to understand the kid.

  Some people called her childish for such behavior, Mister Kim was probably disgusted by her act too, she assumed. However, if being childish meant her world could have a bit more color in it, she didn’t mind.

  All of this brought the memories of a certain someone. The first person she drew for - Irene.

  She remembers breaking her head, trying to understand what in the world Irene wanted her to draw. She has never been someone easy to understand. When Joy finally put the paint on the paper and handed it to Irene, it was one of the happiest moments of her life. 


  And nowadays was no different.


  -Miss Joy, are you ok?

 Yerim asked, not letting the woman’s tears unnoticed.


  -Yes, yes - Joy wiped the tears away - I’m all right little one. It’s the spirits of art, they think your galactic tiger is an amazing idea.




  Joy’s performance surprised Mister Kim, to think that the woman would go as far as fake crying to entertain Yerim. She was very dedicated to her craft.

  Little did he know those tears were real.




  It was late at night. Irene is still doing whatever she thinks that she needs to do, but Wendy thought it is time she went home.

  While she was sure Irene wouldn’t listen to her, there was a person she could never say no to.


  -Hello, Miss Park, this is Wendy.

  -Oh! Hi Wendy, what’s up?


  She thought Joy would be half asleep at this hour and even hesitated to call the woman since it’s so late, but she seems to be in her best condition. Which isn’t bad, just surprising.


  -It’s Miss Bae…

  -Let me guess, she’s still working?


  -I’m on my way, you should go home Wendy it’s late.


  Joy wasn’t shocked to hear that Irene is overworking again. She was hopeful Irene was over it, but it looks like the opposite.

  Arriving at the office, Joy felt shivers. With no one around, it was a rather morbid space. The desks are all empty, and the only noise is the moonlight coming through the windows.

  She approached Irene’s glass stronghold, and just like the thick wall around her heart, inside it was nothing but a fragile little girl who is afraid of everything. She kept looking at her for a while, wondering if she would notice her, but nothing.

  Irene is too focused on the blue screen to see Joy staring at her. So, Joy gathered her courage and opened the door.

  She was expecting Irene to yell and punch her for the jump scare.

  She got silence.


  -Are you going to ignore me forever or…


  Irene finally looked up. Her tired eyes tried to focus on the image in front of her, and just like that, she kept looking at Joy. Not sharing a word for longer than what she could withstand.


  -FOR GOD’S SAKE, IRENE! I can believe you let yourself get to this state again! - Joy pulled Irene by her shirt - Haven’t I already told you to stop putting the world’s weight on your shoulders!

  -I had work to do, and I did it. - Irene said after finally coming back to her senses - Also, you don’t have the right to say that to me! I can tell by your clothes you were also working before coming here.

  -Yeah, I was. But I had a lot of breaks, ate a decent meal, and even took a nap! What about you?


  Irene kept silent, Joy knew why.


  -Come on, Irene, let’s go home.


  -Yes, I’m sleeping over at yours.

  -One, I haven’t agreed to go home, two, who said you could sleep in my apartment?

  -It’s movie night baby! You can’t refuse.

 Joy smirked.

  -I don’t want to watch anything. I haven’t finished these yet and when I go home, I’m going to sleep.

  -I already bought the popcorn.

  -Joy, please stop.


  Irene never refused a sleepover before.

  She never said no to popcorn.

  And she never chose work over Joy. 

  But Joy wouldn’t let her slip away so easily.


  -The Notebook.


  -I have The Notebook Limited Edition with an exclusive interview with Rachel McAdams.


  Boom. The bomb has been planted. If Irene didn’t give in to this, then Joy would have to actually blow up the office they were in.

  Irene needed a distraction from, well, everything. And this is it.

  Not even workaholic Irene Bae can resist.








  For the first time in a while, there was warmth in Irene’s apartment. She likes when Joy is with her, the coldness goes away. But she should grow out of it, she can’t depend on Joy forever.


  Joy has an entire life to look forward to. 


  They sat on the couch, three blankets over them and lots of popcorn in their hands.

  Irene was marveled by the movie for the… 50th time, or was it 52nd? Joy doesn't remember.

  The movie ended, and now is the important part, the interview.


  -I can’t believe you found this Joy!

  -I can’t believe either. The things I do for you…

  -Thank you.

  -Yah! Stop being so cheesy! Is this because of the movie?

 Joy threw a pillow at Irene.

  -I’m just expressing my gratitude. Stop being so dramatic!

 Irene threw it back.


  Soon, they were having a pillow fight. It was amazing.

  They were happy and the entire world stopped. 

  The pointers on the clock weren’t moving. For once they weren’t worried about anything.


   But it was short-lived.


   Just like most of their moments together, something had to ruin it.

   Irene started coughing. 

   At first, none of them gave much thought to it, until she was on the ground.




  Joy held her in her arms while Irene kept coughing, every time harder and then………… Blood. Thick, crimson liquid running through Irene’s hands to Joy’s.

  Joy didn’t think.

  She grabbed Irene and ran, the faster she could, to the closest hospital she could find.


  The clock started running again.



 Hewoo! This one is waaay longer than the first chapter lol. Was it too much? ...Well, this time we didn't get to see a lot of Joyrene interactions, but rather their different points of view, I hope you don't mind ^_^ but next chapter there will be a lot of conflict just you wait hehehe. I think I wrote a bit differently this time, I'm still trying to find my style so sorry for any inconveniences T-T. 

Anyway, hope you enjoyed uwu 

(Also sorry for the cliff hanger)
























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Justheretoreadd0309 #1
Chapter 3: Thank youuuu so much for telling us, you are a great writer i'm sorry that you are having a hard time :(
Chapter 3: it's okay author-nim, thank u for telling us. you did a good job author-nin
Velstarxx #3
Chapter 2: Take your time and dabble around!!! I love your writing as it is too ☺️☺️ Thank u for this chapter!!’ Could feel how irene has certain(?) feelings towards joy but is suppressing them!!! do hope Irene will be okay, thnak u for this chapter!!!!! Love joy’s character as well. Someone who is so dependable and headstrong in caring for her loved one
Chapter 2: Nnnooooo Irene
Justheretoreadd0309 #5
Chapter 2: Omg the angst😭😭 but yup i love it
Chapter 1: what will happen?? is it angst??
Justheretoreadd0309 #7
Chapter 1: Oh wowww i liked this, i love angst so irene is dying or something?