Neverland Chapter 2




Chapter 2

(The Hard Working Girl)


“Teddy-oppa can you help me put these boxes inside the car”

“Hold up”

 The older man ran out of the house while trying to put on his shoes, he ran over to the blonde hair girl that was lifting up a box.

“Here let me do that”

He took the box from the girl and slide it to the back of the truck he then finish filling up the back of the truck with a few more boxes and shut the door. The young blonde girl handed him a bottle of water as the two sat down at a wooden bench next to their front yard.

“That was a lot of work”

The older man wipes his forehead with his sleeves. The young girl chuckle at her older brother who was sweating over lifting a few boxes of fruits and vegetables.

“Oppa you’re the best but watch it old man you might break your back if you try too hard.”

“What? Who said I was old huh I’m still a strong man, look at these muscles”

He lifted up both arm and started to flex to show is younger sister how not old he was.

“OK mister James Bond put those guns away and save it for Bom-unni”

“She gets to see my guns all the time”

“Eww TMI (Too Much Information) I don’t want to know what she see and don’t see.”

“Chaerin stop acting like a child you know what I was talking about”

Her older brother chuckle and mess her hair up as he got up to stretch his arms and legs.

“I get to see what?”

As a red headed female walk out of the front door as she made her way to the two siblings. Teddy went over as he places a kiss on the red hair women lip as he held her waist from behind and nuzzle his chin in between her neck.

“Eww you two cut it out I swear you guys been dating for 5 years and married for 3 year and you still act like newlywed.”

Chaerin hide her redden face from the two couple sweet action.

“Yah, Rinnie when you find your true love then you will know how I and your brother feel like.”

“If I look like that when I fall in love then no thank you, I’ll pass unni”

“You shouldn’t say that love is the best thing in the world and when you do fall in love you will see.”

Chaerin stood up as she wanted to avoid any more conversation about love and how these two love birds love each other so much. She digs into her shoulder bag and pulls out the car key and made her way to the truck.”

“I’m going to deliver these orders, so I’ll leave you two lovebirds alone”

She open the car door and scooted herself inside and turn on the car.

“Be careful”

He brother said

“Make sure you have enough gas”

Bom-unni said as she pokes her head through the open window to check the gas meter

“Yes mom yes dad”

Chaerin then smile and wave at the two and drove off down the dirt road to deliver her order.

Her and her brother grew up together and was always together until her brother had a crush on her best friend. It shock her at first but she accepted their love and grew to love the both of them being together; after Teddy and Bom-unni got engaged both of their parent die in a car crash while delivering order in Seoul as a semi-truck hit their small deliver truck and both was pronounce dead at the hospital.

It took a while before thing got back to normal Teddy and Bom-unni married each other and is happy as can be. The family business was still going strong as the three help each other out to run the farm, now Chaerin and Teddy own the farm together after their mother and father pass away. The farm sits outside an hour and a half out from Seoul City where most of their delivery goes to.

Chaerin was a 22 year old girl that smart and everyone in town loves her, but she was also known as the tomboy tough girl in town. She fought with many men and women that wanted to challenge her but always end up winning. She attends school in Seoul 2 days out of the week and on her free day she would help her brother and Bom-unni at the farm. The farm produce all kind of fruits and vegetables such as apples, oranges, grapes, and strawberry one of Chaerin Favorite fruits and carrots and lettuce and green onion and many more things. They have around 10 employees working at the farm as they are family friends that work with her family since she was young and without this farm they wouldn’t have any kind of income to support their family. So it’s one of the reason she love this farm so much it wasn’t just for her but it was a way for her village to make living.

“Finally here”

Chaerin step out of the truck as she stretch her arms in the air from the long drive as she pull up her sunglasses onto her head and grab her notebook she walk to a small corner store of a busy street and walk in.

“Ah, Chaerin you’re here”

“When am I ever late on my delivery?”

The older lady smile at me as she calls her sons out to help lift some of the boxes.

“Chaerin-ah when are you going to dress like a lady and look for a husband”

“Hehe ajumma I’m too young to get married and I like dressing like this, it’s comfy.”

“Comfy is not going to get you a boyfriend”

“Well I wouldn’t want a boyfriend is he don’t accept me for me”

Chaerin just smile at the little lady

“Chaerin are those are to?”

“No they are for my next customer”

“O ok noona”

The young man headed into the small convent store, Chaerin handed the older lady her invoice as the lady handed Chaerin money for the delivery and product. Chaerin bow and headed back to her truck before she left she wave to the ajumma and her sons and drove off to her next delivery.

Chaerin plug her aux cable into her phone and scroll through her playlist as she found her song and turn up the volume and drove down the busy street of Seoul to her next destination.

After another 3 hour of driving around and delivering Chaerin finally took a break from driving to stop and eat at small noodle restaurant near her school in Seoul that her best friend own.  She pull the glass door open and walk in to the small noodle restaurant, the smell of fresh made noodle and brother fill her senses. She look around for the small frame women she was looking for and saw her running from table to table on the other side of the room taking orders. Chaerin decided not to bother her busy friend and sat down as an empty table near the window.

Another 5 minute have pass until she felt someone sitting in the chair next to her she turn to see her small friend pouring herself a glass of water.

“Chaerin-ah I’m so tired”

As she fan herself to cool down her sweating forehead

“Come here and give me a hug”

As the small frame girl grab Chaerin by the shoulder and pulled her in for a tight embrace.

“Unni let go you stink”

Chaerin pinches her nose with her thumb and index finger her friend slaps her shoulder and stood up.

“Yah, if your gong to insult me like that than go eat somewhere else”

Chaerin grab her friend arm and stop her from leaving

“Unni I’m sorry please, please, please feed me I’m so hungry”

As she tries to make the most adorable puppy face she can pull off with her hand rubbing together begging for forgiveness. 

“Noona feed her before she rubs the skin off her hands”

The two ladies look over to the voice.

“See Cheondoong-oppa is so much nicer”

He walks over with a bowl of noodle and places it in front of the blonde hair girl

“Thanks oppa”

She started to dig into her noodles with her chopsticks. Dara couldn’t help but giggle at her starving friend as Cheondoong just look on as his sister notice the young man staring at her best friend she nudge his rib cage. The young man looks over at his sister as she had a grin on her lip as she motions him with her lip to go back to the kitchen.

“I have to go back and make the rest of the orders, enjoy the noodle Chae”

“Thanks oppa I will surely enjoy this”

He walk back to the kitchen as Dara eyes went to her brother then back to Chaerin.

“So you know my little brother have a thing for you.”

Dara said as she grab the cup at the table next to them and wipe down the glass, her blonde friend look up from the noodle she was enjoying before slurping it up and swallow it down.

“Unni you know I only think of him as a brother”

“Yes I know but he don’t have a sister feeling for you”

“Cheondoong-oppa is sweet and very handsome any girl would be lucky to have him as their girlfriend but you know I have no time to date and I’m busy with school and work so there no way in god green earth I can date him, and on the other hand like I said before I don’t like him like that.”

“OK, OK, OK I get it you don’t like my brother like that but what if one day he asks you.”

“Well when that day come I’ll just have to tell him straight out.”

Dara nodded her head but in her mind she felt sad for her younger brother that the person he is in love with don’t love him back, but she can’t force her best friend to like her brother all she can do was ease her brother pain when the time come.

Chaerin finish her bowl of noodle as she wipes with the sleeve of her shirt.

“YAH, use a napkin like normal people; that’s what they are made for”

Chaerin smile as she grab the napkin and wipe her lip and hands with it and toss it into the bowl.

“I swear I don’t understand why my brother likes you, your a tomboy”

“I don’t know either unni, but I have to go back home now”

“OK I’ll visit you this weekend with Doongie I miss Bom and Teddy-oppa”

Chaerin got up and hug her unni before she left she wave by to Cheondoong and left.

Chaerin was now exiting Seoul City as she was greeted by the country side a river flow on one side of the road as wild flower and trees scatter across the green land.

“This is the life” 

A/N: So this page introduce Chaerin and her family and her life her and the Ice Prince will meet soon I'm not sure if it will be the next chapter or the one after that but it will happen soon. 

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Chapter 25 Is up!!!!


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Chapter 29: Hul..still poor Jiyong #reread
babyda #2
Chapter 25: Ohh -_- i don't hve feeling about CL&GD love story. I can't feel them like Chaerin & Jiyong story..oh sO heartbreaking
j3llyD0NuT #3
Chapter 21: T-This i-is n-n-n-not going to be agnasty for Skydragon is it ? :'(
mimi_qitchi #4
Chapter 29: Omg u updateeeeeee,after long hiatus, thanks u...
Can't wait to see chaerin meet jiyong,,,
Chapter 29: Omg wow it's really crazy knowing that their daughter and son are dating...please update soon or not ill still be waiting for happens next!!!!!
amama13 #6
Chapter 28: OMG OMG OMG!!! I just read this story in one band AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! I'm addicted to it! I love yr stonline. Addictive, imaginative and amazing. I cannot wait to find out what happened next.
Chapter 28: OMG! This is so good! Please keep it up!

Finally Jiyong meets with chaerin's daughter.. omoo i didnt know if jiyong could recognize her so fast like that. What's gonna happen next time.. omoooo
mimi_qitchi #8
Chapter 28: OmG thanks u, cause u Dont leave this story, i will wait your next updated...
Chapter 28: omg what is goin to happen will jiyong refrain Gd from dating Cl please don't ...... You have been gone so long......i am so curious to what will happen if chae and ji meet....she might freak and break them up.......please don't take a break so long^^
leechaerin #10
they are too cute !