Tip # 2

101 Tips for your Story Layout & Structure

Layout Tip Tip # 1

Layout Tips||Table of Contents??
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Open any book you have laying around and open it. Does it have a table of contents?  Unless it is an old fiction book, or a text book odds are that it will not have a table of contents. But why? Honestly I have no idea.

  • For fiction I wouldn't recommend having a table of contents if it is one unified story.
  • If it is a collection of oneshots then a table of contents would be wise.
  • If you are creating a role play, advice story, legend, etc, then a contents table is a must. I don't want to be roaming through the chapters to find the info I need. 
  • A table of contents helps if you do not have your story in order.
    • Let's say you are updating it as you go along, but you have categories for each thing. If you have a table of contents you can easily just put the link on the first page the reader sees. It makes it convenient for you and the reader. You don't have to go around fixing the chapters, but you still have a similar level of organization. 
  • A table of contents also works well if you are linking to a whole new story.
    • For example, if you are making a one shot collection, but you do not want to directly put the one shots in your story, you can create a table of contents and link the user to the story(ies). You might need to update a chapter each time you add a new entry, but it's a lot easier than copy + pasting stories. 

Table of Contents

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