
And So We Begin


When Bomi first suggested that Eunji room with Chorong, Eunji had laughed in her face.


Going into her last year of university, Eunji needed an apartment closer to her work. The coaching position at the nearby high school was basically already hers, and all she needed was to join the team for their morning and afternoon practices to ensure she got the job. The early mornings and late nights took a toll on Eunji last semester when she started, and Eunji didn’t want a repeat.


Hence, the whole rooming situation. 


Eunji found the perfect apartment, only fifteen minutes away from the school, but helping out the volleyball team and picking up random shifts at the nearby bookstore only paid so much. If she could find a roommate, she’d be fine.


This is how Eunji finds herself where she is now, awkwardly lingering in the living room while Chorong, her new roommate, cooks them dinner.


Don’t get her wrong. Eunji likes Chorong just fine, but they don’t exactly see eye-to-eye on… anything. They met last semester during a lab when they decided to partner up with each other instead of the sleazy guys in the class. Sure, they both got As in the class, but not without a lot of arguing. Eunji doesn’t know how to explain it. It’s like Chorong will say something, and Eunji just has to contradict her.


More than once, Bomi says it’s because Eunji has a habit of pulling on the pigtails of girls she likes. Which is just, ridiculous. Eunji does not like Chorong like that. She’s a good lab partner and not a bad roommate so far, but that’s it. Eunji tells her that, but Bomi just rolls her eyes. That’s not really fair of her, considering that for whatever reason, Bomi and Chorong hit it off when they happened to meet. Eunji blames it on the fact that Bomi is just too pure-hearted to not get along with anyone.


“Are you going to stand there all night?” Chorong calls out over her shoulder with an amused look.


Eunji blushes and steps into the kitchen. She offers an awkward smile and says, “I didn’t want to be in the way.”


“This is your place too,” Chorong reminds her. She nods at a cutting board on the counter that has some vegetables laying beside it. “If you want, you can cut those up. I’m making stir fry.”


“Sure,” Eunji agrees. She knows her way around a kitchen, so chopping vegetables is easy. As she gets started, a silence settles over them as they cook dinner. It’s almost comfortable, but it’s also kind of awkward. It makes Eunji squirm a little. “So,” Eunji says a little too loudly. “You said your internship is near here too?”


“Yes,” Chorong says. She brushes by Eunji to grab some seasoning, and Eunji tries not to focus on the way her arm is pressed up against hers for a moment. “It’s a digital media company about twenty minutes from here. My last apartment was almost a forty minute drive, so I was relieved when Bomi mentioned you were looking for a roommate.” 


“Digital media?” Eunji repeats. She can’t help but smile and tease, “Graphic design is your passion?”


Chorong rolls her eyes and says, “Something like that.”


Dinner is spent with them making casual talk with each other, and Eunji realizes that she actually doesn’t know much about Chorong at all. Then again, Chorong doesn’t really know a lot about her either. The two of them talk about their classes and the jobs they have lined up after graduation, bonding over the mutual fear of going into the real world soon. Talking to Chorong like this, she isn’t so bad. She still rolls her eyes and snaps when Eunji teases her, but there’s something less hostile about it now.


Not wanting a pleasant night to end so soon, Eunji asks, “Want to watch a movie?” 


Chorong looks surprised by the offer, but then she smiles and nods shyly.


Eunji puts on Matilda, figuring it’s a safe choice. The last thing she wants is to spoil the mood by having them argue over the movie. Again, Chorong looks surprised as she says, “I was expecting something with explosions or blood or something.” She gives Eunji a teasing look and adds, “Something dumb.”


“Excuse you, I have amazing taste in movies,” Eunji scoffs as she settles down beside her on the couch. There’s a whole cushion between them, but this way, they both get to lean on the arms of the couch. “Especially the ones with explosions or blood. Maybe you’re the one with the dumb taste in movies.”


“Doubtful,” Chorong laughs.


“I bet you like those sappy romance movies,” Eunji says. They’re arguing over movies, even with her safe pick, but Eunji can’t bring herself to mind. It’s fun bickering with Chorong. “Guy meets girl or whatever. They have some ridiculous miscommunication before getting together in some dramatic way.”


Chorong picks up one of the throw pillows and hits her with it. She puts enough force behind it that Eunji thinks it would’ve hurt if it was anything besides a pillow. “And what’s wrong with that?” Chorong says. In reply, Eunji slumps her head and fakes a snore. It gets her another hit from the pillow. “You’re ridiculous. Just play the movie.”


A part of Eunji wants to say no, just to annoy Chorong a little more, but she remembers they live together now. Best not to piss her off so soon. Eunji settles onto the couch once more and hits play.


And that’s how it starts.


Eunji’s last year of university is hell in many ways. Her professors keep giving her pointless assignments with vague instructions that keep her up well past midnight to complete. Her work at the bookstore is mind-numbing most of the time, and the customers can be so rude that Eunji has to remind herself she can’t punch them. There is some reprieve with volleyball practices, but even that is getting grueling. Eunji is staying later and later to work with individual players, giving them pointers on posture and technique. 


Somehow, the parts of her life that Eunji looks forward to now are coming home to Chorong. Not like that. She thinks. They’re still just roommates, but Eunji likes to think they’re something more like friends now. On the nights Eunji doesn’t get home too late, Chorong waits to have dinner with her, and when Eunji does get home late, Chorong leaves her a plate to heat up. 


On weekends when they’re both free, Eunji finds herself letting Chorong drag her out to shop for things to decorate the apartment. Chorong reasons that it’s only fair that they go together since it’s both their apartment. Eunji grumbles and makes Chorong buy her coffee when they go, but she actually enjoys herself. 


Chorong is still nitpicky and straight-laced, but she also laughs at Eunji’s jokes and replies with ones of her own. Chorong is still strict and stubborn, but she also helps Eunji study for an exam and brews her tea late into the night. She makes Eunji’s favorite food for dinner when she finds out it’s her birthday, and she surprises Eunji with a new blanket after she saw Eunji shivering under her worn one. Chorong is becoming less of the cold that Eunji thought she was and more of a warmth that Eunji wants to wrap herself up in at the end of a long day.


It sounds so cheesy when Eunji thinks about it, but bickering with Chorong about dumb things, like what color pot they should get for the new plant Chorong bought, has become Eunji’s new favorite pastime.


“Ask her out,” Bomi says after hearing Eunji ramble about Chorong when they go out to dinner one night. Eunji has been living with Chorong for almost four months now. “You clearly like her.”


“We live together,” Eunji replies, just a tad bitter. “Imagine how awkward it will be if she rejects me. Besides, I doubt she thinks of me that way.”


“Really,” Bomi says, an unreadable look on her face. “You think so?”


“Chorong probably wants some handsome guy to sweep her off her feet,” Eunji says with a roll of her eyes. “She’s basically said as much when we watch movies together.”


Bomi tilts her head and says, “Right. Because that’s something you guys do together, what, almost every weekend?”


“Yeah?” Eunji says, blinking at her. 


Bomi must want a different answer because she just shakes her head and says, “Nevermind. Tell me about your team. I heard they made it to districts?”


Eunji lets the conversation go to the back of her mind as she heads into another tiring week. It’s only made a little better by the fact that Chorong tells her that she can make it to the team’s game that Thursday. She doesn’t bother to think too hard about why she’s so happy about Chorong making it to one of her games. She may be coaching most of the game, but it’s not like she’s playing. Huh, Eunji wonders if she can convince Chorong to go to the gym with her one weekend to play volleyball together. Does the other woman even like volleyball?


By the time Thursday night comes, Eunji is buzzing with excitement as she helps the team warm-up. She wonders if her energy is contagious because the team is full of energy, letting out loud yells and cheers as they spike. It’s when the players switch to their passing drill that Eunji spots Chorong lingering at the bottom of the bleachers. 


With a glance at the scoreboard to check how much time is left, Eunji jogs over to Chorong, unable to keep the grin off her face. “Hey, you made it!” Eunji says.


“I said I would, didn’t I?” Chorong replies. She must have come straight from her internship because she’s dressed in slacks and a button-down. Eunji’s eyes linger on where Chorong has left one too many buttons undone before snapping her gaze back up to her face. “Where should I sit?”


“Not the front row,” Eunji says quickly. When Chorong gives her a curious look, Eunji laughs and explains, “Trust me when I say it’s safest not to, unless you want a stray ball to the face.”


Chorong wrinkles her nose and says, “No thanks.”


“Yeah, keep that pretty face of yours safe,” Eunji tells her without thinking. When it processes what she just said, Eunji fumbles for a second before saying, “Because, um, your work might not want an intern with a black eye.”


“Of course,” Chorong agrees, but the look on her face says otherwise.


Before Eunji can expose herself even more, she excuses herself to go back to the team. She glances over her shoulder as she walks, making sure Chorong isn’t looking, before slapping her cheeks. Hard. She shakes her head as her cheeks sting. She needs to forget about that for now. Her team has a game to win.


“Okay!” Eunji shouts, clapping her hands as the girls circle up around her. “Let’s do this!”


In the end, it’s a close call, but Eunji’s team manages to pull through in the last set 29-27. Eunji can’t remember the last time her heart has felt like this. Like it’s about to beat right out of her chest from nerves and relief. Eunji laughs breathlessly as the girls jump around and hug each other, cheering still, even after the game has officially ended.


Eunji is feeling so overwhelmed that she jumps when she feels a tap on her shoulder. When she turns and sees it’s Chorong, she doesn’t stop herself from pulling her into a hug. Chorong lets out a surprised squeak, but she gamely hugs Eunji back with a laugh.


“We won!” Eunji tells her when she pulls back.


“I saw!” Chorong replies with a bright smile. “That was an amazing game. I see those late nights have been paying off.”


Eunji flushes with pride because she knows that, even though she wasn’t the one playing, it was still her hard work that helped get the team here. For Chorong to tell her exactly what she needed to hear, Eunji can’t help but smile. Chorong opens to say something when Eunji is suddenly attacked.


Grunting under the weight of three teenage girls, Eunji laughs as she looks at the sweaty, beaming faces of her players. 


“Coach Jeong, you’re the best!” Sana tells her. She’s got a hand on her arm as she smiles up at her. “We need to buy you something to say thank you.”


“No, no, no,” Eunji laughs. “Seeing you girls win was more than enough for me.”


“Oh, come on,” Mina pipes up. “The team was talking about going out for ice cream. Come with us.”


“There’s a place nearby,” Tzuyu adds.


Eunji laughs again and teases, “Don’t you have school tomorrow? Do you guys really need a sugar high right now? Won’t you be tired during classes?”


“We’ll be okay,” Mina tells her.


“Yeah,” Sana nods, still smiling brightly. “It’ll be worth it anyways.”


“If it’s okay with your parents,” Eunji stresses. “Then okay, I’ll go.”


The three girls cheer and run off to tell their teammates the news. Eunji shakes her head, laughing as she watches them go. She turns back to Chorong and finds the other woman staring at her with a strange look on her face.


“What?” Eunji asks. She lifts a hand to her face, thinking there might be something on it.


“Your players have a crush on you,” Chorong says bluntly.


Eunji feels her entire face burn red as she stares at Chorong. “What!” Eunji all but yells. She quickly looks over her shoulder to make sure no one can hear them. She grabs Chorong’s shoulders and steers her further away, hissing, “Why would you say that?”


“Am I supposed to act like it isn’t obvious?” Chorong replies with a roll of her eyes. “No need to be shy now, Eunji. I know this must be quite the boost to your ego.”


Eunji recoils, dropping her hands as she stares at Chorong with hurt. “I don’t know what you mean,” Eunji says. 


“You don’t?” Chorong scoffs. 


“They’re kids,” Eunji replies, forcing herself not to raise her voice. “Don’t be like that.” She shakes her head. “What is your problem?”


Chorong folds her arms over her chest and spits out, “I just didn’t realize you have a fan club.”


Eunji almost does something. Yell, scream, kick, punch. She almost does it all, until she gets a good look at Chorong’s face. She hadn’t been able to recognize the expression she’s wearing at first, but now, it’s clear as day. As soon as she realizes it, Eunji blurts out, “You’re jealous.”


A part of Eunji thinks she might have guessed wrong, but then she sees Chorong’s face turn bright red as she sputters, “What? Are you crazy?”


“Why are you jealous?” Eunji asks incredulously.


“I’m not!” Chorong snaps, but if possible, she gets even redder. She glares at Eunji and says, “Why would I be jealous?”


Eunji takes a step closer, grabbing Chorong’s hand when she tries to step back. With barely a foot between them, Eunji stares at her and asks, “I don’t know. Why would you be?” A rush of courage flows through Eunji at the possibility that Chorong might return her feelings. Eunji lets the corner of her lips curl up as she leans in just a little closer. “Park Chorong, do you like me?”


“Get over yourself,” Chorong scoffs, but she doesn’t move away. 


“That’s not an answer,” Eunji grins. She’s argued with Chorong enough times to know what it means when she doesn’t give a direct answer. “Does the Park Chorong like me?”


It had become an ongoing joke between them. Eunji would always tease Chorong that one day she’d be some famous designer while Eunji would just be her coach roommate. She’d be the Park Chorong. 


There’s a long pause before Chorong eyes her, chin tilted high. She her lips before saying, “And if I do?” She seems to waver for a moment. “If I do like you?”


Eunji ducks her head and chuckles a little in disbelief. She glances back up and sees a flash of nervousness cross Chorong’s face. She stares silently, letting the other woman squirm. Finally, after a moment or two, Eunji smiles and squeezes the hand she’s still holding.


“If you do, then I would ask you to come get ice cream with me and my team,” Eunji says.


“With your fanclub, you mean,” Chorong says, but not meanly like before. She says it with a coy smile on her lips as the unspoken confession rests between them. She laughs a little and says, “Are you trying to make me jealous?”


“Is it working?” Eunji replies.


Chorong laughs fully this time, shaking her head. She squeezes Eunji’s hand and looks at her seriously. “You know, we’re going to have to talk about this when we get home.”


“Oh, I look forward to it,” Eunji says with a grin. “You can tell me all about how my sweet little volleyball players made you jealous.”


“Careful, your head is getting awfully big,” Chorong mutters as she lets Eunji drag her over to where the team is gathered by the back doors to leave.


Eunji glances at her and smirks, “It’s your fault it’s like that.”


“Mine?” Chorong says in disbelief. “I don’t think so.”


“You like me,” Eunji says simply. “You can’t really bring me down after that.”


A blush covers Chorong’s cheeks once more, just as they join the team. The entire team eyes Chorong with interest, all of them trying to subtly stare at their joined hands. Eunji can already imagine the questions she’s about to be bombarded with.


“Is she your girlfriend?” Tzuyu, standing closest to her, asks. It’s curious and, to Eunji’s embarrassment, just a bit disappointed.


Eunji looks at Chorong, who’s still holding her hand but standing a little further away as she talks to Nayeon and Jeongyeon about something. The smiles at the kids’ faces make Eunji worried about what exactly they’re talking about, but then Chorong laughs at something they say, and Eunji feels her heart flutter. She clears before she turns back to Tzuyu, who’s watching her with an amused and knowing smile. 


“Not yet,” Eunji answers softly. “But hopefully soon.”


Tzuyu gives her a toothy grin in reply and says, “Good luck then, coach.”


Eunji smiles back and tugs on Chorong’s hand to follow the team out the door. It’s not quite a first date, but it’s a start. Their start.

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cbennh_tjsthysys #1
Chapter 1: Awwwwwww this is so adorable! I loved it <3 Thank you for writing <3
Chapter 1: this was so cute... I love eunrong’s opposite personalities ahhhhhhh THANK YOU
Chapter 1: classic Eunrong banters are always the best. thank you ashhhhh
ericakate #5
Chapter 1: THIS was perfect. I got my Eunrong & TwicePink. I loved it!!! Thank youuu!!
1241 streak #6
Chapter 1: This is so cute and their bickering is too real xD
Thanks for TWICE members cameo here,they're my fav group together with APINK ^^
And I think I wanna know more bout their stories after confession,so maybe a SEQUEL? :3
thanks for this ^^
Chapter 1: We can't separate the bickering from eunrong. They're one package