Chapter 8

Love Is In The Air

Author's Note:

Well, first things first.. MIANHAMNIDA! *bows* I'm really caught up with life, so I haven't been able to touch my laptop so much..

Next, for all the new subscribers.. Thank you for subscribing! :D

(The following Day - Saturday)

I woke up to a startling sound.

"Wha.. What is that? What's that sound?" I quickly got up.


I couldn't stop thinking about Jonghyun last night. So i had trouble sleeping.

Again, I heard the startling sound.

"Oh.. my phone" I said dully. The sound of my phone finally woke me up.


"Ah, ne.. Yoboseyo?" I answered the call.

"Annyeong haseyo" the caller said.

"..." My mind was too slow to actually process everything that's happening.

"It's me, Jonghyun. Can you hear me?" Jonghyun said with worry in his voice.

"..." I really couldn't answer him.

"Hello, Luna, are you there? Answer me?" It was obvious he was panicking.

"Ah, ne!" I said startled.


Still drowsy, I forgot to check who was calling before I answered.

But now I'm awake. I never imagined Jonghyun would call.


"Don't tell me, you were still sleeping?" He said in relief.

"Even if this is your day off, you're sleeping in pretty late" he continued.

"Well, I guess you're free to do as you please, but.." He paused for a while.

"I was calling to say the weather's great. Wanna go on a drive somewhere?" He asked.

"Oh.. Sure" I can't reject him after what happened last night.

"Alright, you know the big street by your place? I'll pick you up there at 3pm. Don't be late" He hang up.


He was talking as if nothing at all had happened last night.

"Why does he sound... so normal?" I asked myself.


I sat in conclusion looking at my phone, wondering if it had all been a dream.

I wonder what I should say first..

If I can explain properly, we may just be able to see eye-to-eye. If I don't.. I'm scared to think of what might happen.


(In the streets)

"Hey, Luna!" Jonghyun called out and I walked towards him.

"Looks like you're on time" he smiled widely.

"Well then, let's go. That's my car over there" he pulled me gently.

"Okay. But, uhh.." I stopped walking, looked at him, and smiled.

"I love the flowers" My voice was a little shaky.

"Huh? Oh.. That's great. Then I guess you didn't throw them away" he grinned.

"Aniyo, I didn't" I said.

"I see... Well then, that's all I need to know" He looked away, blushing.

"I mean, you don't have to thank me for them" he looked at me again with more confidence.

" I did that for my own benefit.. Just forget all about yesterday. It couldn't be helped, right?" He said with a smile.

"You were tired from work then. You just wanted to sleep, but I was getting in the way. It was my bad" he bowed.


I guess Jonghyun just has a knack for misunderstanding things.

But I guess he's right, maybe we should drop it...

Unsure what to do, Jonghyun opened the passenger side door for me.


"Hey, how long are you gonna stand there? We should get goin' " He gestured for me to enter the car.

"All the roads are clear for now. I'm gonna take you to Han River. We should get there right before sunset" he entered the car also.

I nodded. It all sounded great but...


"..." Jonghyun looked a little nauseated.

"Jonghyun?" I asked, worried.

About ten minutes into the drive, I noticed something strange about Jonghyun.


"Um, you don't look so good..." I looked at him.

"Huh? Oh, aniyo. It's nothing. Don't worry about it. This should all get better soon" He shook his head.

I wanted to believe him but...


".. Uhh.." Ten more minutes later, his color looked even worse, and he was breathing funny.

"Jonghyun, maybe we should pull over for a while" I'm getting more worried by the minute.

"Ah, aniyo... Well, uh, maybe you're right. If you say so, maybe we should take a short break" he pulled over near a park.


We went into the park and sat on the bench, but Jonghyun didn't seem better.

"I.. I know I've said this before but this is sort of a rare thing for me" he started.

"But I.. I've been real busy with work lately and not sleeping enough. Maybe that's why I've been getting sick all of a sudden" he explained.

"But I'm doin' much better now. We can get goin' in just a bit" he said, obviously still tired.

"Until then.. you should sit down here next to me.." He gestured me to sit beside him.


Jonghyun didn't really look any better. I started rubbing his back.

"Huh? Oh, do you mind?" He looked startled but he calmed down.

"Gomawo.." He sighed.


As I kept gently rubbing his back, Jonghyun finally started to relax.

"Ahh.. That feels so good. Your hands are warm, and gentle.." he trailed off for a bit.

"Really, good. I never imagined anything could feel so good. I've gotten a massage before, but.." he paused.

"It's never felt anything like this.. Ani, that time.. It actually felt bad" he looked at me with tired eyes.

"My assistant.. Maybe it's 'cause he's a guy, his hands were cold" he managed to chuckle.

"But your hand feels so warm and nice... Totally different. It's strange" he smiled.

"Maybe it's because your hands are precious to me, it feels so good..." He said.

"Could you... Keep that up until you start to feel tired?" He looked away and blushed again.

I gave Jonghyun a long massage, until I though he seemed better.


(At Sunset)

We left rather late in the day, and the sun sets early this time of year.

It was evening before we knew it.


"It sure got chilly. Luna, you cold? I'll lend you my jacket" he started taking off his jacket.

"But won't you be cold, Jonghyun?" I said as he held out the jacket for me to wear.

"Thanks to you, I'm feeling just fine" he smiled widely.

"Geez. Guess I got played the fool" he looked a little mad.

"I heard those meds were real effective, too..." He looked down.

"Meds?" I questioned him.

"Ah, no. It's nothing" He quickly waved his hand in dismissal.

"No use keeping it from you now. You already know, don't you?" He sighed.

"Before, at that Matchmaking Site event. I lied, but you could tell" He said.


Does that mean...

Jonghyun sure was acting strange at the time.


"I've had a really bad motion sickness ever since I was a kid" he looked at me with sad eyes.

"I've tried all kinds of meds, with little success... But not all motion makes me sick" he lightened up.

"Like horses? You rode them without problem" I gave him an eye smile.

"You noticed? Hm.. yeah, like horses" he smirked.

"You don't have problem with like.. 3D games, right?" I asked.

"Nope! No problem there, also" he smiled.

"Good.. I like those kinds of games" I told him.

"What about trains, planes, and boats?" I continued to question him.

"For those, meds usually do the trick" he shrugged.

"But for some reason, cars are just... No matter what I try, I get sick every time" he sighed.

"I thought if I drove myself around, it might get better.. but seriously, it hasn't improved a bit" he frowned.

"Even today, I had a driver take me near your place while I lay down. But despite that, just look at me. This body " he smiled a little.


Jonghyun's strained smiles seemed to grow even longer.

"Uh" he suddenly recoiled.

"Are you okay?" I took a step forward.


Jonghyun staggered, and I rushed to support him.

"Ah, mianhae. I thought I was okay. But now I'm starting to feel dizzy..." He started.

"Mian, but, do you think I could lean on you a bit?" Jonghyun looked at me.

"Sure..." I said as Jonghyun leaned on me lightly.


I began to think of him a bit differently, and realized he cared for me, too.

"Hey.." Jonghyun smiled at me.

"Wha-What is it?" I stuttered.

"Nothing really. Just... I think you smell really good." He told me.

"What.. What is that? It's not coming from your clothes..." Searching for the smell, he moved closer to my neck and face.

"Eh?" I I pulled away a bit.

"Okay, I got it. It's your shampoo I'm smelling. I didn't think it was perfume. It's not like you to wear them." Jonghyun nodded.

"I don't like girls who wear too much perfume. You sure seem to know what I like. Even so, it really is an irresistible smell." Jonghyun started playing with my hair.


Being so close to him, it was hard for me to sit still.

"Hey... Luna." He started again.

"N- Neh?" I don't know why I'm like this around him.

"Maybe you won't believe me, but you're the only one to see my weak side." He sighed.

"I mean, of course no one at work has seen me like this... But even girls... I guess you're the first one, then?"

"Knowing I'd get sick, I've never taken anyone on a drive. And if I get invited, I've always found some excuse not to go." He grinned.

"But... Oh... right" Jonghyun started to blush and he looked away.

"I know I said I like to keep the past in the past. So it may sound weird for me to say this but..." He trailed off.

"Know why I asked you out on a date today? I was worried about yesterday. I dunno why..." Jonghyun's eyes were on me again.

" But I was afraid if I didn't, you'd want to leave me.." He continued.

"I guess I didn't like the thought of that... Guess I can't really explain it... But I wanted to see you. I wanted to be alone with you somewhere." He began to blush again.

"And I guess the quickest way to do that would be by car.. Ya' know. But then this happened, so that didn't work out at all" Jonghyun winced, and then his body began to shake slightly.


When I touched him, the vibration seemed to resonate. My heartbeat quickened..

We're so close, Jonghyun might notice it soon...

"But even so, you never laughed at me. You didn't treat me like a kid." I could hear the seriousness in his voice. He moved his face closer.

"You know, I really like you. You're... A really interesting girl. So, if it's okay with you, tonight..." Jonghyun moved his face even closer. So close I could feel his breath. Oh no... I have to do something.

"Back off, please." I turned away from him.

"Waeyo? It's not like I'm doing anything, right?" He said.

"Mwoh?" I looked at him again.

"I mean, it's not like I was planning on doing anything!" He blushed and looked away.

"It wasn't that... It's just, you're warm, that's all. I just wanted to be close to you a bit longer. I didn't mean any harm..." He explained.

"I wonder why you took that attitude. You don't mean? You don't mean to say, you don't like me touching you?" Jonghyun looked at me with a sad expression on his face.


I wanted to say he was wrong. But my heart was still pounding. I tuned away so he wouldn't notice.

"Oh.. I see. You hate it that much." Jonghyun frowned.

"I thought you were acting a bit oddly. I guess that was the problem."

"Huh? What are you talking about?" I questioned him.

"No matter what I say or do, you never have the response I'd anticipate. Is that why? Did you think I was just acting stupid all this time?" He asked, still frowning.

"Jonghyun...?" I started.

"People are like that sometimes. Think all I got is pride. Think I'm all talk and no show." He sighed and let go of his stoic expression.

"They say I put on airs- I ain't nothin' special. But people who say that don't really know me. So let 'em say what they will"

"I believe in myself, and that's all that matters. But if there was someone who could understand me, I'd really like that" He furrowed his brows.

"I started to think maybe... you were that one, but..." Jonghyun started shaking again. But then he suddenly looked up and shot me a glare.

"But I guess even you thought I was acting like some king of the hill. And even so, you let me get this close to you..." He said a bit angrily.

"And all the while, you were laughing at me on the inside, weren't you?! Sorry.. Guess I should have been a bit more careful!"

"Jonghyun!" Before I could explain it was a misunderstanding, he'd left the park.

"Please wait! Jonghyun!" i called out.


I chased after him, but found myself on the street in front of the park. He disappeared into the crowd before I knew it, and I'd lost him...

"His car... It's gone..." I went to the spot where he'd parked but, he was nowhere to be found. If he drives himself home, he's just going to make himself sick again... All alone, I walked down the street towards the station. I prayed for the day when we could finally clear up this misunderstanding...

End of Chapter

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She should go after Jonghyun and tell him what she thinks and then plant a big kiss on his mouth. That'll make him come around :p seriously though...she should do that
Update. Dont leave me hanging.
oh lovely
I love whole update
but plz dont be late
Wow very good chapter! Poor Jonghyun...I kinda anticipated a kiss though..maybe the next chap :)
update please <3
she should just tell him to stop talking for five minutes and explain to him what she feels. poor Jonghyun, though I do understand her a bit
oh poor dino but I love how luna did
bad guy hhhhh
plz continue
rini we want the update
lollilove #10
Lol !! Jonghyun talks a lot .. but i finds it cute though .. haha
and he always being so blunt with her which i finds it more cuter that way ..
anyway, this chapter is nice and I'm waiting for ur next update !!