Part 2: Everything is a little stupid...but we’re learning

My knight in shining armor (and unexpected green twigs)


Just as you expected it, guarding the fifth princess was...boring to put it simply. The girl barely does anything - she seems to like studying in the library or completing whatever studies she has with the royal tutor in her room. Oh, and she loved reading books; whether it’s from her seat just under the window sill or on the bench in the garden where you first met. 


Nothing too risky and absolutely nothing too adventurous. 


You still attend your training. But other than that, you spend your time with the fifth princess, watching over her incase she needs any assistance. Very honestly, the only risk that you can see so far is that the princess needs protection from herself, seeing as she is incredibly clumsy. You still remember both Yujin and Yena’s reactions after you told them that you met the fifth princess. A series of questions were fired at you, questions like ‘so what does the fifth princess look like?’ and ‘what’s her name?’. The basic stuff. So you took the time to answer, mentioning how the princess is incredibly beautiful and that her name was Minjoo. Funny how no one really knows what she looked like beyond ‘she’s really pretty according to the people who’ve seen her before’. 


Now that you three have been split up, you couldn’t really talk to anyone about the things that have been happening with your job. Meeting up with Yena and Yujin every night in the shared bedrooms was probably one of the few highlights of your day that you look forward to. Hearing about their missions beyond these walls was fascinating. It really made you reminisce about the times when you were all trainees and went on easy missions. 


On the other hand, although it was a bit boring, the fifth princess really treated you as if you were a close friend. She would urge you to join in with the lessons with a gentle smile; never forcing you into anything you didn’t like. To say the least, you were quite surprised by how you managed to learn so quickly. You can now safely bet that you are most likely the smartest of the knight trio. Another thing that changed during this time was the way you called her. Princess Minjoo, her highness or the fifth princess. Yet when it was just the two of you, she insisted and made sure you called her by her name. Minjoo. No royal titles attached.   


There honestly wasn’t too much going on. You managed to meet and befriend the other personal knights that serve the other princess. You were also mildly surprised that Princess Minji still remembers you. After all, you were nothing but another face in the sea of people at the training grounds back then. 


The princesses were all having lunch together while the knights caught up with each other. Frankly, you were quite surprised that you did not have to stand behind your charge throughout the duration of their meal time. Sir Yoohyeon did come up to tell you, but you were still a little skeptical. Until you witnessed it yourself. Apparently the whole ‘stand behind your charge during their meal time’ was an actual rule, yet Princess Minji being her friendly self did not want her knight to just stand there and watch her eat. So she implemented the rule herself - where ‘unless it’s a formal meal and the knight is required to do so, personal knights of all the princesses can have a free pass to act like themselves, call their charges by their title and first name and sit at the table to eat’. It honestly took a while with the name calling, but it certainly did stick well after you started to force yourself to use it.


‘What are you up to after this?’ you hear a voice coming from your left. You turned towards the person, only to see a huge grin stretched across her face. Sir Yoohyeon really was so different compared to the limited times you’ve seen her during training days. She was usually a little intimidating and had a bit of a cold, intimidating aura to her. Yet when she’s not trying to keep up appearances, she reminds you an awful lot like Yujin - both having the biggest overgrown puppy energy.     


‘Nothing much. I think Princess Minjoo is going back to her room to read. How about you?’


‘Also nothing too much. Princess Minji has been working super hard these past few days, so I would like to take her out and maybe do a bit of horse riding with her. If not, maybe go to her favourite place again so she can de-stress a little?’


‘That sounds like a great idea. You should go for it. I feel like Princess Minji has been pretty busy lately. Even her shoulders now are looking quite tense...’ you said, quietly observing the princesses in front of you. Hearing Yoohyeon hum in agreement, you watched as she made her way over and whispered into the princess’s ear. You could see how a wide grin made its way onto Princess Minji’s face while her eyes turned into crescents. Wait. You think you could also see a faint dust of pink on her cheeks but from where you were standing, you’re not very sure. Before you could try to make sure, a soft voice grabbed your attention. 


‘Did you want to do anything in particular after this? We can do something you like instead...’


‘No...I don’t really have anything in particular in mind.’ you said as you shot her a smile. Maybe your smile was crooked, or maybe your smile was strange. Whatever it was, Princess Minjoo did not take that as a very good sign. So she asked you again. 


‘What about...Is there anyone you would like to visit? We could do that together?’ 


‘...Everyone I know and need are within the castle walls. So I won’t need to particularly make a seperate trip to anywhere.’


‘What about visiting your parents?’


‘...They...aren’t anymore.’ you answered her while facing the side. You never really knew where to look anyway whenever the topic of parents came up. No, it’s not that you hate them or anything. It’s many years has it been since they both passed away? How long has it been since your foster parents had sold the three girls off and you found yourselves at the castle? 




‘No, it’s ok. You didn’t know.’ 


By now, you noticed that the others had already excused themselves, leaving the two of you in the room. You’re honestly not very sure what to do at this point so you sit and wait for any instructions that she gives you. She looks at you, before grabbing you by your hand and dragging you towards the library.


Just another day as a personal knight huh.




So it’s been a few years. The both of you have grown and matured a little more. She is progressively looking even more gorgeous than the day before (if that was even possible because apparently Princess Minjoo can make it happen), while you are still obediently doing your training everyday. The both of you have grown a lot more comfortable with each other and it’s so much easier to talk to each other without any formalities. You’ve grown to know her basic routines, her favorite things, her likes and dislikes and many more. 


It was another one of those ‘boring’ late autumn days spent reading in the garden when suddenly, a panting Yena came up to you. 


‘Hey, calm down. Tell me what’s wrong?’ 


‘You...General...Kaeun…and’ Yena wheezed out, still desperately trying to catch her breath. 


Hearing the limited words coming from Yena's mouth was enough for you to realize that your general’s needed your help in whatever they needed help with.


‘Yena, give me a moment. I’ll come with you...just let me tell my charge.’ 


‘Okay, I’ll wait inside.’ Yena panted as she turned to walk back with her eyes still tightly shut. 


You turned to face the opposite side where a quiet Princess Minjoo was looking curiously. You made your way over, not sure why your heart was skipping a beat. Come to think of it, it’s been doing this an awful lot since the fifth party that you had attended as Princess Minjoo’s personal knight. You’ve also noticed how pretty and sweet she is. Oh, and incredibly talented and have such a kind outlook in life. You already went to see the royal doctor about all this but they did say you were perfectly fine. You also realize that you couldn’t help but keep your eyes on her whenever she was within your vicinity. Yeah. This must be because you are her personal knight and it was your duty to make sure she’s ok. Nothing else to it.   


‘Hey...Min?’ You softly called out to her. A smile bloomed on her face as she heard you using the nickname she told you to call her by. 




‘I’m sorry...I need to go with Yena and help the two General Lee's out.’ 


You watched her as her smile faltered a little before she closed the book she was reading and left it on the side. She stood up to stand in front of you, eyes staring straight into yours. It seems like she was searching for something. Not very sure what you should be doing, you held her stare - hoping that you can get permission to go. You heard her sigh softly before breathing out a quick okay. 


You’re not sure what came over you but you smiled and gave her hand a light squeeze. You quickly thanked her, before running off to join Yena. All while not noticing the way the princess looked at you while you ran further and further away. 




Yes, you managed to come back. But not before you spent a solid amount of time in the hospital wing. To be fair, you didn’t think you would be flung head first into a whole fight against an ambush near the edge of the town. 


The ambush itself was quite surprising - a whole lot of people dressed in black, face covered with cloths while carrying military weapons came rushing in trying to burn down the farm lands on the edge of the town. The outfit resembled those of South-Eastern assassins you’ve read about in the library (ninjas - you think that’s what they were called). The king had quickly launched an investigation on that and assured the civilians that he would get to the bottom of this. You trust his words. In fact, everyone trusts this king. After all this man has kept all his promises so far. 


You ended up getting back to the castle after successfully defeating the large group. You were apparently carried by both Yena and Yujin to the hospital wing. Honestly, you don’t really know what happened, seeing as you were already passed out at the actual battle grounds. Something about losing a lot of blood from the injuries you sustained? Well either way, when you woke up, you found yourself on a hospital bed with bandages wrapped around you. Oh, and a complimentary crying Wonyoung and Yuri on the side. 


‘What...happened?’ your throat was dry and you’re not sure how long you’ve been out for. Yujin, the ever so helpful one, quickly got you a glass of water and helped you with it. After you feel a little more clear headed, you look around. Your heart broke at the sight of your sister and cousin’s tear filled eyes. 


‘Do you know how worried Wonyoung and I was when we heard from Yena and Yujin?! How could you give us a scare like that?!’


‘Yuri’s right! What’s going to happen to Yuri and I if anything happens to you? I...can’t lose you...I can’t lose anyone else...’ 


Seeing that your sister’s tears were about to spill, you quickly pulled her into a hug. You hate it when your baby bunny and hamster are crying. Patting her head softly, just like when you were children, you whispered apologies to her. After deeming that Wonyoung was calm enough, you let her go. You watched as Yujin came up from behind Wonyoung and put an arm around your sister. You watched how they made some sort of eye contact before Wonyoung leaned back into Yujin’s frame. You knew they were close but wow since when were they this...close? You really don’t mind if Wonyoung and Yujin end up being something more. As long as Wonyoung is happy. The baby deserves it. You looked over at Yuri, hoping she could give you some more clues for your blurry mind. 


‘I’m...sorry...How long was I out for?’ Silent apologies poured out from you and you just hope Yuri knows from the way you look at her. 


‘Dude, you’ve been out for a solid two weeks and a bit. Nearly three?’ Yena replied, all while holding Yuri in her arms. 


‘Chaewon, it’s almost the annual winter ball...’  


‘AND Since everything is settled, we knights earned ourselves a break too! We have a whole week of holidays after helping with the preparation of the winter ball.’ Goodness, after being friends with Yena for so long, you can tell that something is going to go down this year. Something crazy? Maybe a prank of somesort? Or maybe a nobleman of some house would get to experience a ‘magical’ surprise this year? 




The doors to the room suddenly opened. A head peaked from behind the doors, curious eyes scanned around until it met yours. You could recognize those eyes anywhere. You waited for her to come in and you were not disappointed. You watched as she awkwardly shuffled in and came up to your bed. 


‘H-hello everyone...’


You looked at her, quietly observing her face. Was she annoyed? No. Was she shy? Maybe. Was she awkward? Definitely. You know exactly how she doesn’t know what to do or how to act around people she’s not familiar with. A little socially awkward if you may add. You didn’t want to make her uncomfortable. So you reached out to hold her hand, hoping this gesture could provide her some sort of comfort in a room full of unfamiliar people. You could feel her giving your hand a light squeeze before she gave you a gentle smile. That’s when you know you did a good job. The right thing to help your princess. 


After a quick and proper introduction, everyone left the room to give you some time with your charge. Wonyoung and Yuri promised you that they would bring some food. While Yena and Yujin promised to visit a little later and to help you keep an eye on the younger two for you. With a wave, you dismissed them - watching as they walked out of the room. The girl next to you took a seat on the side of your bed and squeezed your hand. 


‘Chae? Are you okay?’


‘I guess I could be better...’ you replied, a grin on your face. You’re pretty sure being in a hospital bed with injuries is no laughing matter. Especially if your charge is a princess and she has the cutest frown on her face. Wait. Take a step back. Excuse me? The what frown on her face now? Cutest? Goodness, you might need to get the doctor to give you another checkup - for both the injuries and your head. You must have hit it somewhere out there.   


‘I was worried...I didn’t want you to know…’


You looked at her, waiting patiently for her to finish her thoughts. This was one of the things that you’ve picked up from your time with the princess. Princess Minjoo was both shy and quiet. But incredibly sweet and talented. She just needed a little more time - where she judges the situation and makes a decision on whether to state her opinion or not. You’ve learnt that if you wanted her to state her opinions, all you had to do was be patient.  


‘...come back...’ she said as she had her head down, awkwardly playing with your hand.


You smiled. 


‘Don’t worry Min, your personal knight is a tough one. I’ll make sure I’m always by your side, even if you don’t need me anymore haha’ Well, what the heck was that? Kim Chaewon, get a hold of yourself. That was the awkwardest and driest laugh you’ve produced in a while. 


‘I don’t want you to think there’s going to be a time where I won’t need you anymore though...’


Your eyes widen at her highness’s words. You can feel your ears burning. Chaewon, snap yourself out of it. She definitely did NOT mean it in any other way. Don’t be stupid - you really need to stop hanging around Yena. She’s probably the reason why your IQ has been going down these past few years. 


‘Well, I’ll be in your care for a really long time then.’ you answered her after clearing your throat. You quickly tagged a ‘you won’t be able to get rid of me that easily’ at the end, an awkward laugh escaping you, before softly squeezing her hand while your eyes were glued to the blanket on you. It was quiet for a while, so you looked up to check on Princess Minjoo again. You think you see her face turn a pretty shade of pink. But you’re not very sure. After all, you were busy beating yourself up for sounding so cheesy and so much like Yena. 


Stupid Yena and her stupid influences...




‘Hey be quiet and go make yourselves useful! Help the movers move the different plants into the castle or whatever they need help with!’ 


A chorus of ‘yes sirs’ could be heard before everyone moved according to their assigned roles. While the three of us were stuck with moving the various plants into the castle. It was quiet at first. But you would think they should know better than grouping the three of you together. Yena seems almost allergic to the word quiet while Yujin seems to not know what the word quiet means. You’re just the person who watches them and makes sure they won’t end up in a place where they can’t come back.


‘Quiet? Please. We’ve got to use this chance to plot some things’


‘Yena, what do you have in mind this time?’ 


Sometimes, you just want to remove yourself from this trio. Don’t get you wrong, you love them so much. But sometimes, the amount of trouble that follows the other two is too much for you to deal with. You could almost feel tonight’s headache. Almost. 


‘Don’t worry, it’s nothing bad! I- Hey don’t give me that look! I know what you’re thinking and no you don’t need to worry. I’m just...bringing a little commoner’s Christmas spirit into the winter ball!’ 


‘What the heck does that even mean’ you caught yourself asking. You see the two who walked a little ahead stop in their tracks. They turn back and face you with what you can describe as the most impish grin you’ve ever seen. Their ‘we are going to drag you into trouble with us too Chaewon’ grin. 


Here we go again I guess...




‘Don’t you think this whole thing is a little stupid Yena?’ 




‘I’m literally carrying a whole stack of prickly green donuts?’


‘They have a name Chaewon. Mistletoes. Also they aren’t just ‘pure green’ it’s got some cute red things too! Repeat after me now child, it’s mistletoe. Mi-stle-toe. It’s going to be one heck of a winter ball this year!’


Right. You were following Yena in hanging these wreaths around to help decorate for the winter ball. Make it a little more christmas like as per the King’s request. After all, there weren't many days till Christmas. The two of you had already hung up most of the wreaths, the last one currently in Yena’s hands. You really hope Yujin will be able to do most of the taller ones.  


You suddenly feel a poke on your forearm. You look down, only to be met with a sprig of green being shoved into your face. 


‘Hey! Careful with that! I don’t want to be blind because of some green leaves.’ 


‘Don’t you worry! I’m sure your princess would still want you to be her knight even if you were blind’ Yena said while making a face at you. She’s so annoying but you know you can’t do much against her. 


‘Chaewon, just take it. I’m sure you’ll find it useful. Wait. Do you know how this works? All you have to do is to hold it up and you’ll get something from the other person!’


Looks like her habit can’t be stopped. Yena doesn’t even give you a chance to say anything before she explains how the twigs work. Also, what the heck? You’ll get something from the other person - are these mistletoes magical or something? Perhaps your facial expression gave away your thoughts, but you could see the way Yena smirked at you. 


‘Whatever you're thinking, no. But it’s a tradition that the townsfolk have...You can even use it to get a kiss from the person you like with the excuse of it being part of a tradition. I’ve done it before so I know for sure it works!’


Something suddenly struck you in the head. A light bulb going off. A scene you had the honor of witnessing, not that you wanted to witness it in the first place. Suddenly the missing piece of information clicked in your head. Poor Wonyoung was with you that day too. Either way, it was still an enlightenment.  









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fudanshiii #1
Chapter 1: omo this is so cute omg omg, epilogue? sequel
Chapter 3: omg i’m squealing, i need another chapterrr
Chapter 3: this is why I love mistletoes
grayalexis2019 #4
Chapter 3: Epilogue please...🙏🏼
loving this one already ♥
Chapter 3: Nice story, both 2kim still shy with each other. maybe an epilogue? because i really want to know what happen next morning after that kiss. thank you for writing this story...
reigngrey #7
Chapter 3: epilogue please..... and I want the annyeongz story.... thank you
Mew_21 #8
Chapter 3: Epilogue Pls :) hehe you did great btw ;) as expected of you tbh, even your first draft was very good
Chapter 3: Epilogue please :)
Chapter 3: can we have epilogue please?><