Chapter 8

The Moon Looks Beautiful Tonight



Weeks. It has been weeks since that night I fell from a tree. I don’t know how to describe this thing I’m feeling right now. Disappointed? Sad? Mad? I don’t know anymore. Why am I even feeling this way?


These past few weeks, the moon doesn’t shine as bright as it did for the past years. It’s no longer giving me enough light to read, so I also stopped bringing my book. What I have with me now is this acoustic guitar,  I found untouched in Seulgi’s room. She willingly gave it to me, saying she doesn’t have a lot of time to play these days.


This night is particularly quiet. 


Looking up at the dull sky, I grabbed the guitar I brought with me and started to play some chords, and sang the first song that came to mind. The same song Taeyeon used to sing when we were younger. 


Fly me to the moon

Let me play among the stars

Let me see what spring is like on Jupiter and Mars

In other words, hold my hand

In other words, darling kiss me


I remember, I may have dreamt of seeing a beautiful girl with silvery eyes. The most beautiful eyes I have ever seen. Some nights, I’m having dreams of having that girl holding me in her arms. I remember wanting to kiss her right there and then, and everytime our faces are inches apart, I always wake up. 


Fill my heart with song and let me sing forevermore

You are all I long for

All I worship and adore

In other words, please be true

In other words, I love you


“Wendy! Seulgi unnie told me to fetch you, says there’s something she wants to say.”

“Oh Yeri! I’m on my way home anyway, lets go?”


Why do they have to place my mother’s grave 15 minutes away from camp? I hate walking. Bah. Why am I even complaining right now, I’ve done this for years. 


“Unnie, can I ask you something?”

“Sure, Yeri. Go ahead.”

“It has been a long time since.. You know.”

Since Taeyeon died.

“Yeah… time flies so fast, doesn’t it.”

“I’m just wondering… How long are we going to live at the camp? I mean, don’t get me wrong, I love everyone in there, I even love watching Seulgi and Joy unnie bicker with one another. But sometimes, I just wonder, you know. What our future would be. We’re not like them, they’re demigods. We’re just… regular mortals.”

“Why do you say it like it’s a bad thing? Is something wrong, Yeri?”


Without realizing it, we have arrived at camp.


Maybe I’ll deal with Yeri later. 


We went straight to Seulgi’s room, and we were greeted with her big smile. She looks so pretty when she smiles, is this how she got Joy? 

“You wanted to see us, Seul?”

“Yeah, I have something for the both of you.” Seulgi turns around and grabs something under the table.

“Tada! I got the both of you these!”

“Uhm… You got us backpacks?” Yeri’s comment makes me smile. But seriously? Backpacks?

“Yeah, and I got all the school supplies you might need. I hear they use ballpoint pens, not pencils, but I still got you pencils, just in case.”

“Wait, wha- Kang Seul, I don’t understand why we’d need those?”

“Oh gods, haven’t I told you? I got the both of you enrolled in a university from the nearest town.”


Yeri and I say at the same time. I can’t believe this bear. 

The idea sounds ridiculous to me, but I think Seulgi’s just being an unnie and is trying to help. 

Being busy and studying would keep me out of visiting the same grave every time… and finally stop me from waiting for someone… I have no idea why I am even waiting for someone. What kind of someone was I even waiting for? 


Seulgi laughs, before giving the backpacks to each of us, “I want the both of you to have a little bit more of a normal lifestyle. I’m sure Taeyeon unnie would be happy, knowing you two are moving on just fine. Your classes would start next week, by the way. Tell me if you decide to stay in the dorms, so we can help you move.”


“Thank you, Seulgi unnie.”


Really, thank you. I don't know what would have happened to us if you weren't there. 




I can never understand Aphrodite. I can’t seem to read whatever she’s planning to do. What game she’s playing. What does that have to do with Wendy? I mean, is she plotting revenge? But for what? I admit we were not that close, we never get along, since we have different philosophies we live by… well all of us are. That’s why we never had a unanimous decision every council meeting, but still. I don’t want to be the cause of anything bad that might happen to Wendy.


Now I can’t even believe I’m listening to Apollo’s words now. 


“You know, nothing good happens to humans we get in touch with. Little sis, I know that you know what you have to do to keep her safe.” 


And that is why, I have stopped stalking that girl. Well, technically, more like I have stopped seeing her. I still have eyes on her, keeping me updated on her whereabouts. 

Don’t ask me why, I don’t understand why I’m doing this either. Maybe because I just want to. 


That’s it. I’m going to see her soon. 


I’m going to offer her something most girls never turn down. 


Except one daughter of Athena, but that’s a different story.


I’m sorry, Apollo. You’re little sister has made up her mind. 











if anyone's curious, the song was a cover of Fly me to the Moon by The Macarons Project:

spotify link:





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i have finished writing this fic, but I am not sure if I should upload all the remaining chapters already, since I'd probably be busy again... what do you think? hehe btw, wendy's solo debut mv is coming out very very soon! i am very excited!!!
keep safe, everyone :D


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Chapter 12: why am I crying??? I hope for a happy ending 😭
Chapter 2: First time reading this and the story is very interesting
Chapter 12: It felt like this was kinda rush, I was hoping more of there interaction. But anyways, your fic is good, I really enjoy reading it. It was a good one. Rick Riordan is one of my favorite author 🙂
Chapter 12: I thought at least Wendy will see Artemis before her last breath but well I am at easy if Wendy really can feel Artemis in there before she rest.

Thank you for sharing your first story with us. ☺
Chapter 12: I'm crying, this story is so beautiful.
Thank you for your hard work!
Favebolous 11 streak #6
Chapter 12: Thank you for this beautiful story
stingrayz14 #7
Chapter 12: good plot and ending (i know it is angst but this is acceptable angst for me) coz its better that way... thank you for such a beautiful story.... hope for more wonderful stories from you author ❤️
Chapter 12: its the realistic ending i guess, congrats on completing your first fic!
-WenRene15- #9
Chapter 12: I was hoping for WenRene moments. I liked the story though
Chapter 12: the story's a bit rush(?) , i thought wan & artemis would interact (would have a moments) at least before wan passed away.

i liked the concept tho