1. The beginning of everything


The white room, which was the first floor of the Choi mansion, was well lit and adorned with works of art such as paintings, chandeliers and small sculptures that had been there ever since - classical music was heard on the piano - being the attractive pianist , the buzz of the decks sounded along with the music.  Yoona, a Choi from the family was willing to be left alone on one of the resting couches in a corner, eating strawberries and drinking champagne, and mentally grumbled because she didn't want to be there in the end, maybe her burgundy lipstick was smeared, but she didn't care  .
  Her father must have been very angry with her for not attending the baptism ceremony for Siwon, the youngest member of the Choi family, he was one year old.  
 Yoona had simply appeared later at the celebration party, and was still late.  She felt at peace because no one seemed to notice his arrival and his silent stay during the minutes that passed.

  In the distance she sees her father's new wife, Momo, Japanese and younger than Yoona a few years old, in her shiny white dress, holding the big, cute baby Siwon in a hug, leaving her legs free .  Yoona hoped she wouldn't notice her there while her gaze seemed to search for something. Yoona didn't like Momo, who even being more than three decades younger than her husband, seemed to try to show everyone that that marriage it was for love not interest, using her sympathy and an air of forced innocence, Yoona rolls her eyes,  Momo was almost always sporting its long white teeth and a social smile that widens even more when she sees Yoona, and waves at her holding the baby that should be weighed with one arm, which was very thin.  Momo hurries over to her, wearing delicate makeup on her fair skin, Siwon looked more like him father.

  Yoona arches her cheeks trying to show sympathy to Momo in front of her.
 - Oh, Yoona, I'm glad you came.  Although I didn't see you at the ceremony.  Momo had a strong Japanese accent.  Yoona felt very full.  - I didn't really participate in the ceremony, that's it.  Momo is a little surprised.
 - Um, okay then.  Support Siwon on the other arm with some difficulty.  - But it's a shame, it was all beautiful.  It was Pastor Jung who ministered everything and I think the godparents that Gwang and I chose, we chose well.
 - How nice.  Yoona smiles.  I wasn't going to hook them up with the conversation.
  Momo squeezes her lips and looks around.
  - Yoona, can you hold he for me?
 Yoona would refuse but when he saw the baby he had already been sitting on his thighs.  - It's just for a while.  My arms hurt and it's not time for him to sleep.  Wrap an arm around his little body so he doesn't fall.  She bows a little in awe.  - Arigato.  And she was already taking quick steps with her heels.  - Bye Bye.  Yoona looks at Siwon a little astonished, the baby looks back at her curiously, she is careful to support him with her arm so he does not lose his balance.
   Siwon had a pale skin and was very fluffy, had short black hair tied in a fixative gel and wore a little set with gold accents, and it was even perfumed.  Yoona lifts him in the air, playing with him and analyzing him better.  But his frustrated expression did not encourage the baby.  She drops him onto her lap, touches the tip of his nose with his index finger sliding up to his forehead in a caress he seemed to like.  Sigh. 
 - You know what I think is incredible, baby?  Our family is evangelical and you have been baptized.  Siwon winces in response.

 - Nani?  Yoona turns when she hears that name, Jaejoong, her boyfriend, discovered her there, but it wasn't like she really wanted to hide.
 She hated that he called her that, in fact she hated his mere presence, but she just couldn't end that relationship without a facade.  Jae was the son of one of his father's partners in the company where he was CEO, a large dealership with some franchises across the country.  Her father was the one who had joined the two and expected a wedding, since he kept saying that Yoona was almost thirty years old and was not married and his younger brother was already. Yoona couldn't imagine marrying Jaejoong or in his worst nightmares, he was a  handsome man but without personality a big er for her family, she didn't like him.  He wore a standard suit like everyone else and smiled friendly.  - I was supposed to have accompanied you to the ceremony, but I didn't find you anywhere.  And ... Here you are.  His smile expands.  False.
 - Yeah, here I am.  He gets up keeping Siwon against his little bulky chest.  - I'm sorry about that Jae.  I just ... I need to go to the bathroom.  Hold Siwon for me?  She passes the baby on to the surprised boy and leaves before he says anything.  He turns and watches his perfectly wavy black hair back and hopefully it will fall in the same color.  Of course, he realized that Yoona was avoiding him.

  The Heenee and Hyukjae couple were practically glued to each other at the table, the pillows very close and the girl leaned on him while eating.  Anyone would say that they matched, matched their white printed T-shirts and both had their hair bleached totally or partially.  Together at the table were the nuclear families of the two, his mother and father and her mother and her younger brother, fourteen years old, who was still with his plate eating and leaving the spices on the plate that he did not like.  The wooden table was very close to the floor in typical oriental culture, and it was even big, so much so that the six people around it fit on cushions on top of a pink embroidered rug.  Heenee ate a large piece of the strawberry pie that her mother had brought for dessert.  Her brooding mother-in-law looks at the couple and the silver ring that adorned the finger of her son's girlfriend, who looked like she wouldn't stop eating anytime soon.
  - So, when is the wedding for?  Hyukjae ponders for a few moments a little frustrated.
 - We are still collecting the money, so in a year or two.  We are planning a beautiful ceremony in a buffet hall and everything.  Heenee agrees with a happy head and a full mouth.  Her younger brother looks at her still weird about all that.
 - Oh, it will take so long.  Mrs. Lee pouted.
 - You know you can count on us son, for anything.  Your father says firmly.  - Even financially.
 - Up to two years is not a long time, we are still very young.  Heenee was twenty-two and Hyukjae was twenty-four.  - And thanks dad, but it's all right, we can both solve everything.
 - Yeah, I even managed to get another job.
 - Look, good my daughter.  Her mother waves at her.  Give another spoonful of your candy and continue after swallowing.  - Yes. In a toy factory, assembled, sewing them, whatever.
  - And do you earn well?  Her mother-in-law raises her eyebrows.  - Yeah ... Not very well.  It's just that I'm new there.  But anyway I like to work there, it is so magical.  Snuggle up in Hyukjae.

  When Yoona came back he saw the group formed near the sofa, his father, Momo already holding his baby in his arms again, his younger brother Sobin and his wife Yeji, an unknown couple and Jaejoong.  Yoona knew it had taken her a long time to return, and now she wanted to turn around, too late because she was already getting looks.  He arches his cheeks in a smile without showing his teeth and approaches as quietly as possible with his heels.
  - Hello .. Good night.  He was embarrassed.
  - Where have you been?  Her father looks at her in exasperation, and although she is not much shorter than him by his thick heels, she feels small.
 - Yeah ... In the bathroom. He shrugs by running his hand through his dyed dark hair, letting it go, around.  He comments something in Momo's ear that presses his lips, swinging Siwon a little more in his lap.  This irritates Yoona.
  Yeji takes advantage of the cue and approaches to greet his sister-in-law, accompanied by Sobin.
 - Yoona, how long!  His eyes smiled in mild sympathy.  Yoona liked them, had nothing against
 - Yes. You know you should come to Korea more often.
 - You could also visit us in China.  The couple lived in China for about two years, Sobin worked in a national cellphone factory there, as an electronic engineer.  His brother was always good with numbers and complicated things, and Yeji despite being a Korean lived in China since he was a child, that was it and they liked it there.  They were a beautiful couple who appeared to be passionate and happy, and Yoona did not question, - that day they were especially elegant, and Yeji had her hairstyle in a beautiful rounded bun.  She smiles restrained at Yeji, extending the hand that she grabs with her two and then Yoona completes with her other hand then shaking in greeting.
 - Someday I will.
  - Hello nunna.  Sobin bows.  Yoona thought it was amazing his ability to always be amazed by Sobin's height, which was not extreme, but he must have been almost 1:90 and because his height was slim, he called attention.  - Hi, I miss you, did you know?  You hardly call me.  He blushes a little, he was a very shy man.
 - Yeah, I have to review this.  Yeji smiles.
 - Yoona, do you know the news?  - Of course, Yoona wouldn't know.  - Sobin and I are trying to have a child.  I'm telling you this first.  We're in the process, maybe I'm pregnant right now and I don't know.  Yoona rolled her eyes a little, amazed.  If her younger brother were to have a child, the pressure on her to get married would soon increase.
 - Oh, what news ... Um, cool.  Why did you decide that now?
 - I think it was about time, don't you think?  Sobin comments normally, a little awkwardly, but Yoona felt a hint for her.  Yoona disguises an expression of disgust.  - I don't think anything, Bin-ah.
  - I always dreamed of being a mother.  I hope a little girl will come.  Momo was approaching with the baby, but she was already prowling the conversation of the trio moving away from the other group.  She was not ashamed to admit it.
 - So we have another baby on the way to the family?  His accent was especially strong.  She could be forcibly cute, especially with that little smile, Siwon's head was resting on his shoulder resting, and he cast a curious look at each one there.  Yeji disguising the discomfort replies: - No, not yet Momo.  We're just trying.  If they wanted to keep that information, they wouldn't be able to after Momo heard it.  She would probably tell it right after she left if the couple didn't do it before.  - Well, you're young, it won't be long.  She could be forcibly cute, especially with that little smile, Siwon was held in the front as he liked, he cast a curious look at each one there.  Yeji disguising the discomfort replies:
 - No, not yet Momo.  We're just trying.  If they wanted to keep that information, they wouldn't be able to after Momo heard it.  - Well, you're young, it won't be long.

  Hyukjae's parents had already left a little while and Heenee's mother and brother watched some TV in the living room, the noise was heard as the apartment was quite small, while they waited for the taxi.  Heene was very happy despite Hyukjae's low mood.  -I will call Sora to tell the news, she will be shocked.  I think she can be the godmother, right?  I smiled and Hyunkjae was still sulking.
 - Yes you can.  Heenee pouted.
 - What is happening Love?  You should be happy, we are getting married.  She circles her arms around his neck and looks concerned. Her eyes have always been big and pure.  He kisses her lightly and slides his fingers over her soft cheek.  He knew he was upset by his parents' comments about how long the ceremony would take.
  He thought a lot about the fact that they were going to get married with practically nothing that belonged to them, they didn't have a car, Hyukjae was still pondering whether to buy, buy a motorcycle or not, old or new, they lived on rent and the investment to own a house was fine  far from enough.  They would collect small leftovers of money every month, so that in the end they would have the right to get everything they needed for someone to capture good photos to put in a souvenir album, then show the album to their future children and say "Dad was very nervous that day  , but it will always be unforgettable the day that I joined for an eternity with the woman of my life "the children that I was not even sure I would have would perhaps find that phrase strange, too syrupy, but the legitimacy would be intact.  He also wanted to be able to pay for a honeymoon, - but perhaps he was overusing the budget too much - and after they were married they would go back to their same old lives, living to pay the bills and save as much as possible to achieve something in the future.
 - Nothing, I just ... I thought about our wedding.  Heenee was a little stunned.
  - And are you sad about that?  Don't you want to get married anymore?  Her eyes were beginning to fight tears.
 - No dear, that's all I want most.  You know I love you.  Find a way to interlace your fingers.  - I was thinking about how long we could get a lot of money for this.  Swallow.  - And, you know, we don't have much stability with our jobs.
 - Jae, I don't like your pessimism.  She walks away.  - Everything is fine in our life, I should be happy.  I'm going to save pretty much all my salary for this, so I don't think I have to worry about that, at least not right now. You really should be happy today.  She sighs.  Her mother yells from the living room saying that the taxi was already downstairs and that they were already leaving.  Heenee reaches out and shows him the hand with the ring.
  - I still owe you yours.  That is the problem today.
  Hyukjae nods, clicks his tongue and walks away.
 - I agreed to go out with some friends in a little while, maybe I'll cheer up, right?  Heenee is touched.  Although Hyukjae had commented earlier about a friend who was moving and wanted to say goodbye in style to the capital, but why the hell had the invitation come out right after his proposal?  Heenee hoped to spend a special night with Hyukjae, but she wouldn't demand anything from him, it never was, and she wouldn't demand anything from him.
 The new bride would have to stay home alone watching TV and stuffing herself with sweets.  It would be nice.

 - So my son already plans to have his heirs?  Mr. Choi stands proudly by tapping Sobin's shoulder, who was taller than him.  - The Choi clan will increase.  I'm going to be a grandfather.  He looked happy, Yoona felt his gaze on her and looked at the floor.  Jaejoong comments something so low to her that she nods without understanding anything, feels his arm circling her waist as if she were his possession.  She is very uncomfortable with this but leaves it as it is, even accepts the kiss he gives her at the time.
 - Yes, Yeji and I are already trying.  Mr. Choi nods smiling and says something else to him before Sobin is asked by others in the group to greet him for the news with Yeji.  Mr. Choi looks directly at Yoona, firm and suggestive.
 - And you, my daughter?  When do you intend to get married and start a family with Jaejoong?  Yoona feared that question so much.  She unhooks Jaejoong's arm without thinking twice and walks away.
  - I don't intend to marry Jaejoong.  So, never.  He receives several shocked looks, including from Jaejoong who sets to look at Yoona better.
 - Yoona ... What?  Low question.  I was stunned.  - It shouldn't be hard to guess, I avoid you whenever I can.  He says between teeth and looks away.  - In fact, I want to finish.  Jaejoong has no reaction with wide eyes.
 - Yoona, what are you doing?  I don't think you're doing very well mentally.  His father speaks up, Jaejoong looks at him pale, he had a pleasant face, it was a pity that Yoona didn't like him.  Yoona is even more irritated.
  - I'm great dad.  I just had to stop it, it already did.  Momo as shocked as she comments:
 - Yoona, did you drink?  You make such a perfect couple.  Scales Siwon carelessly without paying much attention, the baby doesn't like it and starts screaming irritably at a bad time.
 - There is no perfection.  She mutters under her breath.  If you wanted someone to be your father's puppet in your life, you would love Jaejoong.  Momo held Siwon against his chest and hummed low for him to calm down.  Yoona was upset, she had to get out of there.
 - I'm leaving.  Enunciate loudly, turning away from everyone.
  Your father gets angry.
 - Yoona!  I demand that you come back here and retract yourself.  Tap your foot
  Yoona's eyes were angry.
 - I won't.
  After all the fuss she managed to get her car among the others parked in view of the gate.  It was a big, imported car, all black and shiny.  She has no pity in slamming the door and driving, hoping that the gate will open for her automatically, which she knew would happen because she had two employees there that her only function was practically to open the gates for anyone who could enter or leave.
  Yoona would relax and try to improve the rest of the night, because she felt bad, heavy.  He would try to have fun at a party in Gangnam.  Simple.

  Hyukjae did not know where they were going exactly, the city center looked good, Gangnam was a very trendy neighborhood at night, he thought they could go to a restaurant to drink soju and laugh at everything like good drunks.  And indeed they were.  He was very uncomfortable when they started toying with the fact that Hyukjae was going to get married, men liked to speak ill of weddings, Hyukjae took it easy on the outside and got on the wave.  There were four men in all, all with college and some job or something, they were young and they looked good, they were the more or less ideal standard, varying a little weight and height.  However, they wanted to go elsewhere after eating and the center had many cool ballads.  Ballad was usually a place for single people, that is, not married and dating.  Hyukjae had promised to behave and not let go of the group.

  Yoona got easy company when he wanted to, he wasn't so afraid to start a conversation when he wanted to, so much so that he socialized with the friendly barman who prepared special drinks.  Korean music with a more lively beat played loud, the atmosphere was dark and blue, the space was huge and had more distant sections for those who wanted to have a drink in peace and appreciate the talent and perhaps beauty of the bartender or his female version while serving  someone.  There, a group of young, excited boys appeared, interrupting their conversation with the bartender.  One of them, the least excited, asks if he could get the menu near Yoona, she confirms.  Yoona rests her head in her hand to observe and realizes that she should have smeared her hand with lipstick, she felt a little dizzy despite being calm.  See the less excited boy commenting to a friend that he was not going to take anything, he didn't even seem to want to be in that room due to the expression of discomfort he sometimes showed, he had bleached hair and wore a social outfit, he was middle class, Yoona thinks that  it wasn't bad.
  He was as handsome as Jaejoong, but there was something special about him that attracted Yoona just by watching him a little, she was amazed at that.  The feelings were probably highlighted by the fact that she was drunk.  She observes the other three in the group, one by one, one even had her hair bleached only, but in a lighter tone, but simply none seemed as interesting to her as that, she even liked the tone of her voice because of the little she heard him say.  .  Suddenly after the three got their colorful and ornate glasses they were leaving.
   Hyukjae felt uncomfortable because the social level of the people in that house seemed much higher than his, he noticed by the clothes of some that it was definitely not from any outlet store like his that were somehow cheap.  He didn't want to dance and he shouldn't be there, his friends came with one of the purposes being the hex, he didn't.
  A woman with a little smeared red lipstick and a dress that served for some more sophisticated event approaches approaching asking if he doesn't want to dance, which he refuses.
  When you see, they were talking and laughing.  She was called Yoona, and she had a problem with her father.  It was a little changed but his ego was still fine.  She plays with a button on Hyukjae's shirt and looks him in the eye.
 - I think I had a kind of instant connection with you.
  Yoona starts the subject not knowing how he had this boldness.  Hyukjae looks around a little stunned and takes a step back.  Wet your lips with your tongue.
 - Yoona, I don't ... She takes a step.  - I can't be interested in you, simply because-
 - You are gay?  She jokes, asks, shouting so that she can hear better between loud music.  Yoona said everything with a firm, impressive voice.
  - No!  He looked outraged.  Yoona smiles.
 - I have a girlfriend, bride.  Yoona may not have heard what he had said because he didn’t say it out loud and altered, he just paid attention to what he wanted.
  She wrapped her arm around his neck and sealed her lips with her own and kissed him, smelling of sweet alcohol.  They were about the same height.  Hyukjae takes a few seconds to separate stunned.





*Translated from Portuguese.

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