Little Spoon

little bits

"i'm breaking up with you."

Wendy rolls her eyes. People always call her dramatic. Clearly they have never met Bae Irene.

The light from their TV barely registers over the rapidly darkening aura around her girlfriend, scowl on her very pretty face.

"It's just a movie, Hyun," Wendy says, trying her best to coax.

Still, Irene crosses her arms over proud chest, eyes glaring as if Wendy had commited the most horrible crime in the entire world: suggesting a slasher for movie night.

"No," she practically spits. "It's terribly made and it looks ugly and it doesn't deserve to see the face of the earth! Burn it with fire."

Wendy sighs, walks closer to her pouty girlfriend. She gives her a warm hug, not minding that Irene stubbornly refuses to unlock her arms between them.

"If I hold you like this the whole time, will you watch it with me?"

She knows she's cheating but hey, as long as it works.

Wendy can't help but smile, feeling how easily Irene melts into her. Her girlfriend's arms slowly disentangles as they finally crawl up to grasp at Wendy's body, a gentle hold.

"Fine," Irene rescinds, "but I get to be little spoon."

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rereading my own works to see if there's anything i can write a sequel to haha


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Mikakoo 13 streak 0 points #1
Chapter 18: Lmao🤣
Mikakoo 13 streak 0 points #2
Chapter 16: I love clingy Joohyun
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Chapter 28: my heart hurts so much 😭
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Chapter 18: Looool hahahahah
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Chapter 31: very cute, i want part 2 💙
ShinHye24 1340 streak #10
Chapter 8: Cutee