Sing for Me

little bits

"You're singing again."

Seungwan glances towards the quiet voice filtering through the calmness of the night. The moon isn't very bright but she sees Joohyun clearly all the same.

She's never been hard to miss. Not for Seungwan.

"Unnie," she says. Doesn't add. Doesn't have to.

Joohyun walks closer until she's close enough to sit next to the younger girl. Seungwan would blame it on the cold, the need for something warm, when she shifts close enough for their bodies to touch.

"I missed your voice a lot."

She's heard this before. Hears it a lot still from many other people. It's not a secret how many people want to hear her sing again. Seungwan's just grateful.

"I'm glad to be back, too."

They're not looking at each other but Seungwan knows Joohyun is smiling. She's smiling too. Maybe it's a little silly. She feels a little silly.

"Sorry I took so long," she tells Joohyun.

Joohyun doesn't answer immediately. The night seems to get colder, almost biting. They hold the silence in seconds, then breaks.

"If you're apologizing for things you can't control," Joohyun says calmly, a little clipped, "then I don't want to hear it."

It feels a little surreal. Seungwan feels the warmth crawl up from her toes to the ends of her hair. She hangs her head low, desperately biting back the sorry lodged in .

Joohyun reaches for her hand and she can't help but gravitate on the familiarity, soft fingers slotting freely as if they've always belonged there.

She knows she means well. Joohyun has never been anything other than genuine. Habits are just really hard to stop.

Seungwan breathes, reminds herself that this is her and that she's growing too.

"Thank you, unnie," she nearly whispers. "For waiting."

Joohyun squeezes her hand once in response before letting go, only for her arm to slip over Seungwan's back, hand finding purchase by her side in a warm hug.

They still fit like this, too.

"Sing for me?"

Seungwan settles in the feeling, adds this moment in the collection she keeps closely in her heart. Her voice comes out easier now. She's really back.

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rereading my own works to see if there's anything i can write a sequel to haha


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Mikakoo 14 streak 0 points #1
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