Saturdays and Superhero Landings

little bits

For all the intelligence Wendy has, Seulgi knows she really shouldn't be listening to her dearest bestfriend and her very dumb ideas, even with the very enticing promise of ice cream.

"All superheroes know that windows are the real doors!"

Yes, absolutely dumb ideas. Seulgi stares at Wendy with an unimpressed scowl.

"That's not a thing."

Wendy ignores Seulgi and proceeds to climb the tree enthusiastically. It's honestly terrifying how Wendy does things without much thought. Seulgi also isn't proud of still following along. Not without a pointed groan, of course.

"She's not gonna be happy about this!" she calls out to a not listening Wendy.

It takes them a while and a few scratches to get near the window to Joohyun's room. Wendy breaks off a few tiny sticks to throw at the glass window. Seulgi hangs on for dear life. She wasn't very good with high places.

Joohyun opens her window and sees her two younger friends, one wearing a stupidly bright smile and the other terrified out of her wits.

"What are you two doing?!"

"Open the window wide, unnie!"


"Do it before this branch breaks! I don't think it will hold on much longer. It doesn't feel very sturdy."

Upon hearing Wendy, Seulgi tears up and holds on to the branch stronger.

"I don't want to die!" Seulgi shrieks.

Joohyun hurriedly opens her window wide and steps away, just in time for Wendy to swing herself into the room. She lands on one knee, a fist touching the floor with the other thrown sideways.

"Superhero landing!" Wendy exclaims.

"Idiot," says Joohyun. She karate chops the girl on the head lightly and Wendy dramatically covers her head in mock pain.

"Wannie, help me!"

Wendy does the dorky thing, yelling "I'll save you citizen!" before actually helping Seulgi to safety.

This time.

This isn't anything new. Wendy has gotten herself and Seulgi on so much trouble too many times to count. Well, five but only Joohyun has been counting.

Seulgi falls on the floor with a laughing Wendy wrapped around her. A tiny hamster clinging onto a frowning bear. Then said tiny hamster gets hit by the frowning bear.

"We're NEVER doing that ever again."

"Aww, you always say that Seul."

"I mean it this time Son Seungwan! I almost died!"

"But you didn't!"

Seulgi grabs a pillow from Joohyun's bed, presumably to smack her best friend, and Joohyun decides to intervene. Her pillow does not deserve the violence.

"What," she says as she takes the pillow away, "are the two of you doing here?"

"It's a Saturday unnie!"

Wendy stands up and moves to settle on the bed. Seulgi plops herself on a giant purple beanbag right next to the bookshelf. That's where all the manhwas are located.

"What about Saturday?"

"I don't know. It's Saturday and I don't have detention so I figured I could hang out with you," the younger girl shrugs.

Joohyun raises an eyebrow and points her thumb at Seulgi who is silently engrossed in one of the recently purchased manhwas.

"And injuring your bestfriend in the process?"

"You're exaggerating. She's fine."

"Seul?" Joohyun calls out.

"Wendy will treat me to ice cream later. She always does when this happens. It's all good."

Joohyun knows Seulgi's innocence is a catalyst enabling Wendy's impulsive tendencies so it's really up to her to stay firm and get through the tiny girl.

"Still, Wendy, you both should have used the door."

"And miss out on all the excitement? No thank you!"

"You could have hurt yourselves."

"But we didn't and that's what we should focus on, don't you think? I certainly think so! Yep."

"Ugh fine. Be that way but don't drag Seulgi into it so that you'll learn your lesson by yourself."

Wendy blows a raspberry at Joohyun before collapsing dramatically onto the bed, arms spread wide.

"I'm bored."

Joohyun sighs knowing Wendy is done with the conversation. She walks towards the bed instead and nudges the lying girl to give her some space to settle into.

They both stare at the ceiling. Wendy hums a tune under her breath and Joohyun tries to be patient. But knowing how patience has done nothing for them before, she breaks the near silence.

"Stop doing things that will get you hurt," Joohyun says softly. "I don't like seeing you hurt."

Wendy reaches out her hand and holds onto Joohyun's, slotting their fingers together like a well practiced choreography. Wendy sometimes wonder if they'll always fit like this.

Joohyun runs her thumb on Wendy's hand. A familiar dance. One that always has them melting onto each other, the space between them feeling warmer.

Wendy rolls to her side and settles into Joohyun's embrace. The older girl's arm naturally slip from their grasp and slides onto Wendy's back to hold her closer. In return, Wendy slings her own arm over Joohyun's belly.

They stay like that for a bit, basking in each others' presence. Joohyun feels each heartbeat, each breath, and thinks Wendy will never be too close.

With all her faults and recklessness, Joohyun can really never be truly mad at Wendy. Sure, the girl is always too curious and too enthusiastic for her own good but that's what make Wendy... well, Wendy.

Besides, it's not like Joohyun hasn't promised herself to take care of the girl. She's not one to break promises either.

Joohyun shifts a little, lifts her hand to gently scratch at Wendy's scalp and feels a satisfied hum from the girl's chest.

Seulgi, on the other hand, hates how she's always subjected to seeing her best friends being weirdos. She shouldn't have finished that chapter so fast.

"You're both gross," she wrinkles her nose.

"The switch is on the third shelf," Joohyun tells her instead.

And just like that, Seulgi is all smiles again. She grabs the game console and continues her savepoint from the last time she and Wendy were here.

"You're dad still not budging on buying you one?" Wendy asks.

"Unless I get a hundred on the next physics test then his answer is no."

"Want me to tutor you?"

"You'll just abandon me halfway and go cuddle with Hyunnie unnie so no thanks."

Wendy scoffs in offense. "I do not!"

"You guys are literally cuddling right now."

Wendy cuddles so much closer that she's practically laying on top of Joohyun just to annoy Seulgi, not that the older girl minds.

"I don't see your point. Maybe you're just bitter because that hottie from next door still won't notice your longing looks!"

It's Seulgi's turn to scoff. "Her name is Joy and I do not stare longingly at her!"

"Sure you don't. You just want to melt her with your eyes with how much you stare at her."

Seulgi wants to throw something at Wendy to make her shut up but she could also possibly accidentally hit Joohyun with how closely entangled they were. Seulgi does not want to die.

"Wendy is in love with the Yellow Ranger that's why she's doing the superhero thing," she says instead with a teasing smirk.

Joohyun is deadly when provoked. Might as well sic her on Wendy.

Wendy's "She's lying!" overlaps with Joohyun's "You're what?!" and Seulgi sits back and peacefully enjoys the chaos that unfolds.

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rereading my own works to see if there's anything i can write a sequel to haha


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Mikakoo 13 streak 0 points #1
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