
Place to Call Home

As I got home, I was so tired. I just dropped on the bed and fell asleep right away. And I had a dream. A beautiful guy was staring at me in the dream, he was smiling, even his eyes were smiling. That's pretty much everything the dream was. And when I woke up, I wasn't sure why I had such a dream. "Weird.." I said to myself. As I got up from the bed, I checked Jae Rins bedroom, and as I had thought, she had not slept home. I walked to the kitchen, made coffee to start up my "engine", and took a long warm shower. The dream kept popping up in my head, but I decided to go out to get some fresh air, to clear my head of such a weird dreams. As I was walking in the park, Jae Rin texted me saying she wouldn't be coming home for few days, she also said that she hopes I won't be too bored without her. I smiled as I was reading it, I was already so used to her fussing around beeing her energic self, that beeing alone felt kinda weird, but on the other hand, it was nice and peaceful. I simply replied her with "Don't worry, and have fun!" She only replied with alot of hearts. Spoiled brat or not, she has her cute moments. 

I was walking around without a destination, in deep thoughts, and I actually got lost. It was embaressing. I just walked aimlessly looking for someone to ask directions from, or a taxi. And eventually I found a taxi. It took me back home, and I was back at the starting point, what to do now? and my phone beeped again. Jae Rin again. "SHINee is holding a concert today, and we have an extra ticket! You're coming right? <3" I guess my problem got solved. I replied that I'd go, went inside and looked for Jae Rins SHINee CDs and started listening to 'em, I didn't wanna be the only person that didn't even know any songs from them.

As I was listening, for some reason I started applying make up. And also I let my long brunette hair loose. It had been tightly tied up for a while already, I didn't care how I looked like. so I just walked around in comfy clothes and no make up at all. But today, for some reason I wanted to put some effort. I took out my black skinny jeans, a simple red top and black heels. I didn't wanna go overboard afterall.  

After I was done, I was looking at the mirror. This person, I hadn't seen her for a while. She was actually pretty. Not amazingly stunning, but not ugly at all either. It's who I used to be, when I still liked dressing up, and beeing girl. (Not in the scale of Jae Rin though, never) I guess I still am that person, I've just hidden that part of myself. But what brought it up today?

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BigBootyJongin #1
Chapter 16: Lol this story is really badly written and kind of annoying idk it wasn't that great maybe put in next time?
MeganxD #2
Chapter 23: Cute story~
MeganxD #3
Chapter 12: Jae Rin's a little bit of a brat for being a player and looking through someone's phone!