
Lego House


a/n: listen to the song while reading keke ^^ click here



“Ha Rin come with us we’re going to eat out after school.” a friend of hers invited her. *It’s been a while since I’ve went out so why not go with them?* she thought as she nodded her head. They all agreed to meet at the front gates after school.

As soon as the bell rang signalling the end of the day Ha Rin quickly shoved her things inside her bag and headed out the classroom. *It’s a good way to keep my mind away from him.* she thought as she waited for her friends to come since she was the first to arrive.

She was playing with her iPod when she sensed that someone was in front of her so she took out her earphones and stopped what she was doing to see who came. Her eyes widened when she saw who it was.

*I think this was a stupid idea*he thought as he smiled back at the girl in front of him. Their atmosphere felt awkward.

“Woohyun…” she whispered but loud enough for the man to hear. She suddenly got the idea that everything was a set up. She placed her iPod back in her bag and stood up and was ready to leave when Woohyun grabbed her by the arms. She tried to yank his hands away but he was way stronger than her.

“What do you want now?” she asked obviously annoyed, he was the last person she’d wanted to see right now.

They were now facing each other with Woohyun’s hands holding both her arms. She did her best to avoid his gaze but as much as she tried she couldn’t resist and was drawn to his eyes.

“Please give me another chance.” he pleaded.

She scoffed at his statement.  “Another chance? Do you think I’m a toy you can play around with? Woohyun I’ve given you all the chances I could give but you blew it all up. Tell me what makes this plead of yours different from the others?”

Guilt rushed over his body and his hands fell down to his side with his eyes still fixed on her.

“Just like I thought, it’s over now Woohyun so please just stop.” she said as she turned around and started to walk away. Deep inside she wanted to forgive him and give him another chance but she was also tired, tired of all the pain he had and would give her. Their relationship was always on the bridge of breaking down it was like a lego where you could easily build it up. It was like the easier you construct it the easier you can knock it down as well.

He stood there watching her figure slowly disappearing. He wanted to follow her but what good would it do? *You did it this time Nam Woohyun. You messed up big time.* he thought to himself as he lifelessly went back home.


He tried to approach her but she seems to always find a way to escape from him. He had no choice but to look after her from afar. All he could do was watch and see her move on.


The moment she was able to move on she decided to talk to him. She saw him going up the rooftop and so she quietly followed him.

“Hey!” she said as she approached Woohyun who had his hands propped up on the railings. Hearing her voice he didn’t bother to look at her because he knew who she was.

She stood beside him and they could hear their own breathing due to the silence.

“Look I want us to be friends again.” she started, he didn’t believe though. He knew the reason behind her patching up with him and it was because of his best friend Kim Sunggyu. He was the one who had helped Ha Rin move on and it pained him to see the two most important people in his life be together. He had a feeling Suggyu had feelings for her even when they were still together but he ignored it since he trusts his friend. Now Sunggyu had gotten Ha Rin’s heart.

“I know I was a jerk and I was stupid you don’t need to say it in front of me. If you have nothing else to say you may leave.” he didn’t want to be rude but that was what he was feeling as of the moment.

“Woohyun haven’t you moved on yet?” she asked and it seems that it got out from the wrong way. “I-I didn’t mean it in…” she was cut-off.

“I know you’ve moved on and I’m happy for you so don’t shove that in my face because I can see that and it’s killing me. I’m dying inside seeing you with my best friend.” she was left speechless she didn’t know how to react. All those times she thought that he was able to move on as well.

“Don’t act like you’re the most affected here. I’m also affected and it’s way more than what you’re feeling r….” before she could finish her sentence though she felt his soft lips against hers. Just when she thought that she was able to move on she had to feel it again, the feeling she buried deep down inside her heart. A tear fell down as he had pulled away.

She started to cry and Woohyun pulled her in for a hug. He didn’t want to confuse her again but he just couldn’t stop himself. He knew the moment she said that it was over, she was the girl for him but he also knew that she will never come back. “Out all of these things I’ve done I will love you better now. That’s my answer when you asked me back then what made my plead different from the others. I know I’m too late but I just had to let it out.” he said as he brushed her hair. If he had told her that moment when she asked that question she would’ve given him another chance but like he said he was already too late. She knew that she had already fallen for Sunggyu.






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I hate you! You make me cry!
Lol good story ^^
malteserball #2
I cried omigosh. ;_; Good job! Had me falling for woohyun in no time. <3
hey guys! thank you for the comments ^^ I really appreciate it... I'm still thinking on whether I would make this a chaptered fic or it would remain as a one shot keke :p
beyond_facts #4
Noooooo! ;_____; Nevermind, Woohyun, you got me xD
missuslee #5
Ouch. Ouch... I'm just gonna cry here in my corner. Woohyun~~~