Surprise - I Love You Too

365 Days - I Love You

It was a year since Daehyun had spotted you. A year since you had developed a crush for him. However, as calm as your face might be around him, your heart would always go a bit eratic.

Beep. Beep. Beep.

I hit my alarm clock and rolled over, snuffling my face into the pillow. I tiredly looked at the clock.


Should I sleep more? I want to but I can't. With a grunt, I slid off my bed and took a quick shower, stepping out and putting on my uniform, flatttening out any creases or imperfections. Grabbing my comb I looked at myself in the mirror combing out all the tangles. Giving my reflection one last smile I flicked off the light and trotted to the kitchen, popping some toast in the toaster. While waiting for the toast to finish I opened the fridge and poured myself a glass of milk and placing it gently into the microwave, shutting the door and hitting the timer, also grabbing the butter.


I grabbed a plate and set the toast on it, spreading butter all across the surface. Glancing at the clock it was 7:30, taking things a bit quicker i chewed my food quickly, careful not to bite my cheek and grabbed my milk, chugging down the toast remains and grabbing my bag, dashing through the door and across the street. I banged on the door, knowing Daehyun wouldn't answer it. So, like every morning I opened the door and trotted to his room, yelling on the way there.

"DAEHYUN, YAH, WAKE UP!" I yelled my voice reverberating in the quiet home. I opened the door to his room and he was sleeping with a black beater and some sweats.

"Daehyun-ah, wake up, your gonna be late for school." I walked over and shook him awake.

All he did was roll over. Even though both of us lived alone Daehyun's parents had asked me to wake him up every morning so he wouldn't be late for school.

"Aish, whatever." I giggled and left to go to school but not before opening the blinds and flicking on the lights. Trotting down the stairs I went back outside and started my walk to school. Starting to run now, I went to my locker quickly grabbed my things and went to class. I walked to my desk set my things down and waited for the teacher to come, looking out the window.

"Sorry ladies, I just can't accept these. " a deep voice rumbled at the entrance of the class, it was Bang Yongguk the eldest of Daehyun's friends.

"Thanks ladies, have a wonderful Valentines Day." HImchan trotted in, smiling with the bountiful amount of chocolates in his hands.

Valentines Day, crap. I mentally facepalmed. 

Daehyun walked in and surveyed the classroom wearing his mask as usual, I met eyes with him and hurriedly looked away. Even though I was facing the windows my eyes were in his direction. I didn't even get him anything. Oh whatever, he's got tons of other girls with chocolates.

Youngjae, Jongup and Zelo came in as well all with girls behind them and squeezing through to get to their desk. 

The rest of the day went without a hitch and before I knew it it was the end of the day. Although I did feel kinda bad that I didn't get Daehyun anything, I hope he doesn't think of me as some heartless person. But then again if I gave him something he would think I like him, like all the other girls. I wouldn't be any different. It was the last class of the day and all the girls were still eager to give their chocolates. Me and Daehyun turned into the middle of the aisle when I girl practically ran through both of us. Daehyun and I, our books ( and us ) fell to the ground.

"Sorry." I said, even though we both knew it wasn't my fault. I gathered his books first and gave it to him, then quickly gathered mine only to have a hand shoved in my face. I looked up and saw that it was Daehyun's. I smiled quickly averting eye contact as he helped me up, and boy did he have a strong pull. He pulled me hard enough that I fell in his arms. Daehyun didn't even react just stayed perfectly still. 

I froze and all the other girls froze too, even Daehyun's friends, they were all looking at us.

"Uh, sorry." I said and quickly strode out of the room. I went straight to my locker grabbing my things and shoving them into my bag, I exited the school passing by Daehyun and his friends in a flustered manner.

I blew my bangs as I adjusted my bag strap, walking in the direction of the public library to start my shift.

"Hey ~~~~~~," The librarian hurriedly greeted me, "I have a date with my boyfriend so is it okay if I just leave you here for the rest of the day." She softened the word 'leave' as her face grew more apologetic.

"Yea, I don't mind." I smiled and patted her on the shoulder, giving her the sign I would be fine being left alone.

I went to the front desk, placing my bag under the desk and grabbing my homework. But right as I was about to start it people started taking out books. The library closes at 12 pm for students who can't have study time during the day because of work. I guess you could say I am one of those students. 

I was basically confined to the desk the whole day not being able to even get halfway with my homework. Finally the last person left and I left the desk and went to a table, spreading my things out in the order that I would do them. Making a quick trip to the bathroom I changed from my contacts into my glasses.

I was deep in my homework when I felt a tap on my shoulder. 

I jumped, "Oh, hey Daehyun, you scared me." I laughed and clutched at my chest. He held out at a book and I smiled walking over back to the desk and beckoning him to follow. Sitting back in the seat I typed away at the computer and adjusted my glasses. Looking at the screen I held out my hand and Daehyun passed me the book. I looked straight at the screen but out of the corner of my eye I could see Daehyun looking at me inquisitively.

Scanning it I gave it back to him, he was halfway to the door when I called out to him,

"Hey Daehyun," He looked at me over his shoulder, "uhm, Happy Valentines Day, sorry I didn't give you anything." I awkwardly scratched my arm and smiled at him.

He didn't really do anything and I wasn't expecting him to, he just turned around and walked out of the library.


Walking back to my desk I worked on my homework till it was closing time. Thank god I finished everything. Sutffing everything back into my bag I turned everything off and locked up. Tightening my jacket as I walked home. Opening the door I walked into my house, happy to be welcomed by the warmth. Throwing my bag on the couch I ran upstairs, stripping my uniform for a yellow v-neck tee and some white shorts. Grabbing a hair tie I tied my hair into a ponytail.

I picked up my book bag and one of my textbooks fell out, I picked it up examining it to see if there was anything broken. 1. There wasn't but 2. it wasn't even mine. I must've taken it by accident when I was rushing.

"Oh, jeez." I mustered up the courage to face him, thinking about how I fell in his arms earlier today.

Damn, it felt so right.

I paced the room, 

You can do this ~~~~, you are a confident and strong woman.

I laughed to myself, Doesn't every woman in the movies say this to themselves, oh whatever.

I finally made up my mind and exited the house.

I looked both ways as I was crossing the street to Daehyun house, clutching his textbook.

Looking around the front of his house I knocked on the door, rocking back and forth on the balls of my feet. I heard the door click and it swung open, the light from the house bursted into the dark lawn.

He looked at me and tilted his head as if to say, "Do you need something?"

"Sorry," I held up the textbook, "it's just that I grabbed your book by mistake and I think you grabbed mine." I smiled apologetically, hoping he wouldn't shut the door in my face.

He paused and left the door wide open, going upstairs to get, what I assume, my textbook.

Wow, he even wears his mask at home.

I waited a little bit, not sure if I should enter the house, but finally I gave in, stepping into the abode and closing the door behind me. Standing infront of the door, I continued to sway on my feet, waiting for Daehyun to come back. I leaned against the door, looking through his textbook when I heard a rustle behind me, turning around I saw a huge bouqet of roses infront of my face, their petals just grazing the tip of my nose.

"Uhm." My breath hitched in my throat as Daehyun lowered the bouqet, to reveal a sticky note stuck to the mask he was still wearing. It read in black letters,

Will you be my girlfriend?

I leaned back a bit, taken by surprise, and gasped. Blinking a couple times too.

Was this really happening was I really being asked by my crush to be his girlfriend?

I gently smiled as I leaned over and pulled down his mask, placing a soft kiss against his lips. His arms went around my waist as he lifted me up, he grabbed the textbook and threw it on the couch. His arms grip tightened as he twirled me around.

I giggled into the kiss and broke the connection, resting my head in between his neck and shoulder,

"Does that answer your question?"



I actually had alot of fun writing this (as weird as that sounds) i hope you guys liked it cause i did too ^^ please excuse any errors and comment below, i want to hear your thoughts.

personally i think i kinda lacked in the end, i wanted to put more but i wanted to keep the romantic simplicity XD also sorry guys but daehyun almost never talked during this im sowy T^T

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Chapter 1: ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
nhox_choco98 #2
new reader i love this please update soon
omg! I love this!! Update soon please :(((
LJoeLoves_ #4
nice story~ Update soon^^
--minyoungiie #5
i will wait,hha ^^
ho-ly-shizz-nuts 63 subscribers
I like love you guys so much, trust me i i will try to update as soon as I possibly can, please wait just a little bit longer T^T
KimMyungDerp #8
daehyun is so cute :3
--minyoungiie #9
yes!thnk gawd!