pull me back down

an eternity, just for us

chaewon beams at crowds, euphoria and adrenaline coursing through her body every time. she feels like she’s on top of the world, conquering this stage with whole heart, voice resounding through the space. her dream fills her up with unbelievable happiness, unfaltering and pushing at her feet constantly. 

but once the lights go out and all the screams fade away, all that’s left is a girl who wants comfort and familiarity. but in between the tiredness and busy routine of being an idol, the best thing she can do is phone home.

two rings is all it take for the phone to pick up, drowsy voice responding on the other side. the smiles pass onto chaewon’s face easily through the fatigue. 

“hey min,” chaewon says, pressing the phone close to her ear. she’s in the privacy of her own apartment and no one could possibly hear but all she wants is to pull minjoo impossibly closer. “did i wake you?”

there’s a yawn that’s accompanied by minjoo slowly saying, “i was waiting but i fell asleep.” and chaewon laughs lightly at that, imagining the younger falling asleep in her couch, waiting for her call. the thought makes chaewon smile that despite the tiring day minjoo has with university and a part-time job she hadn’t forgotten about something chaewon only said in passing.

“how was the concert?” and chaewon details the same things as always. always fun and lively and keeps her on the edge of an imaginary seat. but it’s always excitement that winds up into overwhelm when pushed too much. 

minjoo hums in understanding, knowing each bit of the silence that chaewon leaves out. minjoo steers the conversation elsewhere. 

the call progresses slowly, exhaustion leaving chaewon bit by bit. minjoo tells chaewon about her day, with jokes passed in between that fill the place with chaewon’s teasing laugh. 

chaewon comments on them being lame, and minjoo retorts, “they made you laugh anyway.” and they do, no matter how lame or unfunny they might be. the smile spreads sees on chaewon’s face, thinking about the way minjoo’s lips crack into a grin just as she breaks into the punchline. 

both their voices start to fall into sleep the more they talk. they leave with whispers of promises for the next time they meet.

minjoo falls asleep first, leaving chaewon to listen to light sniffles and rustling sheets. she ends the call soon enough, lying down and staring at the space beside her. 

chaewon falls asleep wishing for the days to turn faster.

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turtlerabbitpeach #1
Chapter 6: drunk minjoo cutie
Chapter 10: I need a part 2 for this ?
Chapter 6: and here.... there's cat too!!! oh my gadnisssss!!!