Don't Tell Me



Title: Don’t Tell Me

Theme:  Sad

Description:  This story is told from a male’s perspective in which, Cho Kyhyun recounts the times he remembered that his best friend’s; a girl who he once loved, life was spiralling out of control and he witnessed almost all of  her difficult moments  but he was only able just stay there and watch her fall to her demise.

Don’t tell him anything. He doesn’t want to hear what you have to say because he knows what you will say. Just don’t tell him anything.

“Don’t tell me.”




The celebrities' names/images are merely borrowed and do not represent who the celebrities are in real life. No offense is intended towards them, their families or friends. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. No money is being made from this fictional work. No copyright infringement is intended.


Hey there, it's me, Eya. I just want to apologize for the poor description and if the content of the story never match up the description,. I tried to make it sad and I hope you find the sadness within the narrator.

Feedback and comments are welcomed. ;)


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I really like your oneshot! It gives me different feelings along it, as I said on the review! :))

Keep up the good work!
triana #2
I love the way you compose your idea to make this awesome story. Though it's just oneshot, it presents a lot of emotional feeling. Good job!
Iheartlife #3
AW!!! So sad D:
gee people, thanks for reading!!!!!!! and commenting tooo
awwww... this is really sad.. I love it..

^_^ orange1179
i love the twist at the end. i didn't think she would die...but like i said awesome story gurrl! dark side has been unleashed buahaha