
Accidental romance (HiiNako)

Nako was and always have been a good girl. She respected her parents, took care of her siblings, studied hard, ate a balance diet, donated to charity, and was overall a nice person. She thought if she continued being a nice and respectable person, the world will reward her for it and prevent anything bad from happening to her. She believed this ever since and believed one day she'll receive her just due... so exactly why did the universe placed her in a situation wherein here extremely pretty (and hot) crush Honda Hitomi had her pinned down on the clinic bed while wearing an extremely imposing (but secretly a very attractive) smirk. 

"Dear Mom and Dad, you might be surprise to hear that your child Yabuki Nako has died after an encounter with Honda Hitomi on a clinic bed. I asked that you might forgive me, I tried to be a good daughter. I really did but I guess the world really led me to this moment, the moment of my death under Honda Hitomi due to her useless lesbian heart malfunctioning from Honda Hitomi's gaze." Nako laments to herself, slowly coming to terms with her death and useless fragile heart.

-Earlier on the day during lunch break-

"Hey captain munchbian, staring at her won't do anything, moreover people are starting to look at you weirdly."  A girl with short hair resembling a cat says while taking the seat besides the love struck Nako. However, Nako hasn't noticed or even heard her. She sighs, eventually knocking out of her trance with a good smack on the head.

"OW! Dammit Saku-chan, what the hell was that for? For someone with arms like twigs you have one hell of a slap." Nako says while soothing the area Sakura smacked he in. 
"Rude, also if I didn't smacked you. You probably would have went 2nd base with Hitomi-san in your imagination." Sakura says nonchalanty while opening her bento. 
"YAH! You and your erted mind. I'll have you know that I would never think of Hitomi-san that way. I'm not like you." Nako says while trying to stop the blush creeping onto her face, Nako would never think that way about Hitomi but she's not completely innocent. Her innocent imagination slowly turned into a passionate makeout session between her and Hitomi, though she'll never admit that to Sakura. She knows that girl will never let her live it down.

"Uhuh right... but you didn't deny that you were staring and daydreaming about Hitomi-san?"
"Zip it jackass." 
"Whatever you say captain Munchbian." 
"Oh right, its my new nickname for you. I combined munchkin and lesbian in one word. Pretty clever right?"
"Screw you."
"You offering?"
"What? Ew!"
"Hey was just asking." Sakura shrugs while she continues eating her lunch.

"I still can't believe you're able to say that nonchalantly. Are you that shameless or desperate?" Nako shudders. "I'm more surprised you aren't used to it yet. I'm just saying when you and Hitomi-san do get together. I wouldn't mind joining in for a quick makeout session with the both of you. She is pretty hot and you're not that bad yoursel-" Before sakura could go any further, Nako shoves her milk carton straw into Sakura's mouth to prevent the girl from saying anything even more disturbing. 

"Mhmmm, Strawberry Milk. My favorite thanks, Nako-chan~!" Sakura says pleased by the sudden interruption of milk. Seemingly forgetting everything about the scandalous suggestion she said just a while ago.
"I can't believe you sometimes." Nako says, elbows propped up on the table while her hands massages her poor temple to alleviate the headache she was feeling and to soothe her poor traumatized brain courtesy of Sakura.

"Anyway, you do know staring at her won't work right? You can't really expect a miracle to happen. Just top-up  and ask her out already. Worst case scenario is she'll reject and humiliate you but you can still change schools afterwards. Don't worry I'll contact you everyday so you won't be lonely." Sakura says while brushing Nako's back, thinking she was helping the poor girl. (Hint: It didn't)

"Gee thanks, while I'm at it maybe I can join the volleyball club and become the starting middle blocker." 
"Oh not a bad idea. Heard the volleyball team needed a new middle blocker. Maybe I can contact Eunbi-shi to help with you tryouts and-" 
"Just drink your milk." Nako says tired from Sakura's rambling. Hungry from that... endeavor. Nako began eating with Sakura like normal human beings. Chatting about different things ranging from what show they were watching, what song were they currently obsessed with, and other things. Unbeknownst to the two, a particular group of people were carefully observing them, making sure they weren't seen to be observing them. That particular group is none other than Honda Hitomi's group, the apple of Nako's eye or peach of Nako's eye. Whichever works. 

"Hitomi, your little angel is staring at again. Poor lass been pinnin' for queen knows how long. When are you  going to throw her a bone already?" A girl resembling a duck says with a painfully forced British accent. 
"Just saying, one of these days that girl will be picked up by someone else and what will you do when that happens you old pitiful blo-" Promptly after, the girl was cut-off my large whack on the back. 
"Yena please stop with that horrible accent. It ain't working. You sound more of an idiot than you already are." A girl with an unimpressed expression says, while repeatedly whacking the girl.
"Ow-Ow-Ow, Chaewon stop it!"
"Oh stop being a baby, I know my slap is not strong enough to hurt anyone."
"Yeah but if you do it repeatedly then no it will hurt!"
"Fine... but seriously Hitomi what will you do? Hitomi? Hello? Hitomi?? Earth Hiichan?" 

Hitomi while her two friends were arguing and generally being loud like usual was lost in her own little world  while quietly observing the little angel she learned to admire and daydream about on a daily basis. She first learned about her angel-like admirer when of her friends named Hyewon mentioned a girl looking at her since the start of lunch break some months ago. Initially she was quite off put by this knowledge, she had admirers and had her fair share of stares and gazes from them but it didn't mean she was used to it or okay with it. She was about to confront this so called admirer and let her hear a piece of her mind but when she turns to the direction of person in question. She was quite awe struck, scratch that. She was majorly star strucked, she describes Nako initially with a simple and plain description. Though it was more accurately like "Holy sea shells by sea shore of heaven, is she an angel descended from the inner sanctum of heaven? Is she real?". Nevertheless, it was quite obvious that Hitomi was undeniably whipped for Nako as soon as she laid eyes on her. 

You might ask, what is taking so long for Hitomi to make a move? She's known to be the charismatic and blunt cool chic girl in college. Everyone throws themselves on the floor when Hitomi passes by, or so legend says aka said by Yena. Well the answer is simple enough.

She's a huge useless pile of mess for pretty and adorable girls. One memory that stands out the most is when she met her seniors in college namely Kang Seulgi. Poor Hitomi was frozen in spot after she met with the bear like girl. It was so bad that her friends had to physically carry her away. After that incident, Hitomi refused to
leave the house for over a week out of sheer embarassment. She was only persuaded to comeback when her friends threatened to bring Seulgi to visit her. Even though, Hitomi cameback, that didn't stop her so called friends from having her meet Kang Seulgi again to which ended up with Hitomi passing out after Seulgi gives her a hug after Hitomi apologizes for not being able to speak during their first meeting.

Anyway, Yabuki Nako was definitely less intimidating and had a natural aura of wanting to envelop here in a warm hug of affection and protection but Hitomi was still a coward. She tried several times to hype herself up to meet with Nako but each one ended with her running off to god knows where to avoid confrontation. 

"Yah! Chaewon go smack her a few times. Maybe that will grab her attention." 
"Sure, here goes nothing." 
"Don't even try." Hitomi says intimidatingly while she snaps her head towards her two friends.
"There we go. What happened to you even? You were staring at nothing."
"Its quite obvious she was daydreaming about her lil' admirer. Like the useless lesbian she is." Chaewon says  nonchalantly.
"I-I d-did not!" Hitomi says defensively, trying her best to avoid being flustered.
"Ooooo she is. You know Hitomi at this point, if you don't make a move. I'm going to make a move on her. She's cute and I bet she gives the best hug so if you excuse me while I go an-" 
"Don't you even dare set a single step towards her or so help me."
"Y-yes Ma'am!" Yena salutes out of fear.
"As much as I hate to agree with Yena, I think she's right. You should probably make a move as soon as possible.  You should know that girl is the object of affection among many of our seniors. If you don't move now, one of these days she'll get pick up and out of your reach forever."
"I know I know! Just give me time okay."
"We did, several months in fact."
"Oh piss off, actually I really need to use the bathroom right now. Be right back and don't do anything stupid okay." Hitomi says threateningly which was only met with a nod from Chaewon and Yena.

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" Yena says with a very suspicous grin.
"I honestly hate the fact that yes I do know what you're thinking." 
"Ouch, okay then but seriously should we?" 
"No point in waiting any longer, I asked the janitor already to remove the wet sign signal already."
"Holy crap mate, how did you find the proper time to set that up?" 
"I didn't, I had asked the janitor to do this everyday for the past month. This is our only chance."
"Nice one Chaewon! Though how the hell do we convince Nako to go after her."
"Easy... With a little help of this." Chaewon pulls out a folder addressed to Nako's professor in Economics.
"We're classmates in Economics and she still owes me for letting her borrow my materials for class. I'll ask her to deliver this to our professor. If our luck is good enough, Nako will see Hitomi fall on the floor and let the  rest handle itself."
"You're a goddamn evil genius Chaewon. This is some Joker level planning."
"I know I am. Now lets hurry, our window is small." The two girls rush over to Nako's table."

"Hey, Nako-shi." Chaewon says cooly while approaching the two seated girls on the table. 
"Oh Chaewon-shi, hello!" Nako stands up bowing towards Chaewon.
"Oh don't be too formal we're classmates. Anyway, I'm sorry to disturb your break but can I ask a favor? I have to go home right now and visit my mother in the hospital but I forgot our professor asked me to pass my report during lunch break. Do you mind delivering it to him right now? Yena can't go for me since she'll be accompanying me per request of my mom."
"Oh no, of course I can! You should hurry and get home soon. I hope she's all right."
"Don't worry about it, she'll be fine but thank you so much Nako-shi! You saved me. Lets go Yena." 
"No problem at all, take care!" Nako says while waving goodbye to the two retreating figures.
"Hey Sakura, I'll be back real quick, feel free to finish my lunch."
"Don't have to tell me twice. Peace." Sakura says, already transferring all of Nako's leftover lunch to her own.
"Jerk, at least try to look thankful." Nako grumbles leaving the cat like girl alone.
"Whatever you say munchbian." Sakura says slightly smiling to herself. 

Nako leaves the cafeteria and heads to the Economics department, she was quite glad that it was still lunch time, it meant no one was in the hallways to block her path which was difficult to traverse because of her height, or lack thereof. While traversing the silent hallways, she sees from a distance a girl on the floor groaning in pain. Nako in a panic, hurries to the side of the girl and assists her. 

"Hey there, crap what happened to you." 
"I fell, ain't it obvious?" Hitomi says angrily, being in too much pain made being kind the least of her priorities.
"Sorry, dumb question. Lets get you up and to the clinic." Nako says while helping the girl up, not knowing the girl she was actually helping was her long time crush Hitomi.
"Its fine, I can handle mysel- Yabuki Nako?" 
"H-honda Hitomi-shi? I-I-I um sorry." Nako says letting go of the girl, too embarass and scared to touch her again.
"No no its fine. I'm sorry for shouting, didn't mean it. Everything hurts and I can't move." Hitomi says still groaning in pain. Sounding as cooly and unbothered as she could but her heart would say otherwise. Beating eradically by the close proximity of her little angel admirer. 
"I-um-I w-would you like me to help you to the clinic?" Nako manages to stutter out. Where the hell did Nako suddenly, get this amount of courage from or is her mind betraying her just to be able to touch the soft but firm body of Honda Hitomi. 

"ert, , what the hell will you do if she rejects you. Run away and cry inside a toilet stall like the worthless munchbian you are? Gah, Great Sakura is rubbing off on you." Nako mentally scolds herself.
"I would appreciate that very much, please."
"PLEASE DON'T BE MAD AT ME, I'M SORRY FOR EVEN SUGGESTING THAT. I'LL LEAVE NOW, I'M SORRY!" Nako belts out, not hearing what Hitomi actually had to say.
"Hey hey hey, Nakoshi? What happened, I'm not mad anymore. Stop freaking out." Hitomi words fell to deaf ears as Nako continues to belt out apologies and repeated words of "DON'T HATE ME" or "DON'T KILL ME".
"Am I really that scary?" Hitomi thinks to herself. "This will never end... well here goes anything." 

Even though her entire body is screaming in pain, Hitomi pushes herself and grabs both sides of Nako's face with her hands to hopefully calm her down. Hitomi didn't really know what pushed her to grab Nako's face out of everything else. She could have grabbed her arms instead but something about Nako's puffy cheeks and face made her want to hold and cherish it. She doesn't know what being or spirit possessed her but she oddly calm and collected. It felt like Nako's whole presence made her suddenly calm down. Wow is this girl an actual angel with healing abilities? 

Nako on the other hand was very sure her soul has left her body and transcended heaven and time. She half-expected Hitomi's hand to be a lot rougher but no, it was soft and light as a cloud. The moment Hitomi grabbed her cheeks, she still had her eyes close because of fear and embarassment. The first thought that appeared in Nako's mind was Hitomi's hand on her cheek was it felt very very comfortable, she felt at peace. It made her wonder what it would feel like to feel more of Hitomi's warmth. She can't fully explain it but being in Hitomi's presence felt like warm comforting blanket. She hope this moment would never end. However, it wasn't long before HItomi started calling out her name.

"Nako-shi? Hello? Listen to me already, please?" Hitomi says gently patting Nako's cheeks as to release the girl from her stupor.
"Finally, are you okay now?" Hitomi says with a warm smile.
"Yes... sorry about that. Don't know what came over me."
"Don't worry too much, I'm sorry but does your offer of helping me to the clinic still stands?"
"Of course! Put your arms around my neck and I'll support you with my side." 
"Thanks, sorry for the hassle." 

Carefully, Nako raises Hitomi from the ground, making sure to support the girl as much as possible to reduce the strain on her body. In any normal circumstance, Nako would burn up and possibly pass out from this close of a proximity but she had other things in her mind. Mostly on making sure that Hitomi doesn't strain herself. Aside
from her previous... panic, she was still terribly worried about the girl. 

"Who in their right mind would leave a wet floor without warning?" 
"Same thought but don't be too hard on the janitor. He's quite old but a sweet old man. He might just have forgotten." Hitomi says in response to Nako who was quite embarassed to be caught speaking her mind out.

"Sorry... I tend to speak my mind out when I'm nervous." Nako wants to smack herself for again thinking out loud, oh Ed Sheeran-sunbae, now I understand what you meant.
"Hahaha I assume you just did it again?"
"Y-yes..." Nako stutters out from embarassment.
"Her laugh sounds so cute and heavenly. What would I give it to hear it again." 
"Hahahaha well then, I didn't know you could be so forward Nako-shi~!" Hitomi says a teasing grin quickly forming on her perfect face.
"Can the earth swallow me whole already..." Nako says completely mortified, she had a good run in this school. She might take up Sakura's offer and transfer schoools. Possibly changing her name and appearance. She will no longer be called Yabuki Nako. She will live a new life as Natomi Kwon, yeah that sounds good.
"Don't worry Nako-shi, thank you for the compliment. You're very cute too by the way." Hitomi's previously teasing grin is now replaced with a warmer, more sincere smile.
"Th-thank you but I don't think I can ever compare to you." 
"Don't sell yourself short Nako-shi, you're extremely pretty and cute too and I won't take no or any retort as an
"Y-yes Ma'am!" 

The two finally arrived at the clinic after a couple more minutes of walking. The rest of the walk there was uneventful and quiet which Nako was thankful for. She wasn't sure if she could live through another round of teasing and compliments from Hitomi.

"Hello? Ms Kang?" Nako calls out the nurse. 
"She might not be here. It is lunch time."
"Weird I swear at least one nurse should be stationed at all times." 
"Its fine, can you set me down on the bed at least? We're allowed to use any medicinal supply as long as we record it."
"Yeah of course, hold on." Nako carefully lifted Hitomi from the floor and placed her gently on the clinic bed.
"There you go. I'll go grab some water and painkillers." Nako says leaving Hitomi alone while she goes through the medicinal cabinet and water dispenser. Quickly coming back, placing the medicine and cup of water on the table beside the bed.

"Hitomi-shi, let me help you up. You need to drink and you can lie back down." 
"Alright, I'm ready." 

Nako came closer to the bed, preparing to help Hitomi sit upright. However, what came next is what she never would have expected. While helping Hitomi up, a sudden force pulled her down on the bed. Closing her eyes, she braced herself to come into contact with the floor but was surprised to feel the surprisingly comfortable cushion of the clinic bed. Slowly adjusting herself, Nako opened her eyes to see Hitomi on top of her with both arms locking her head in place while her oh so gorgeous face possess the most attractive smirk Nako has ever seen.

Nako is currently closing her eyes while still being under Hitomi. Her poor heart couldn't handle seeing Hitomi that close for any longer. However, Hitomi had other plans.

"Nakoyah~ open your eyes for me will you." Hitomi says in a playful and quiet tone while gently brushing the hair off Nako's face. 

Nako wasn't sure what kind of power or mystical being Hitomi was but she couldn't help but comply with whatever the girl says. Slowly, she opens her eyes revealing a still smirking Hitomi on top of her with one hand in her hair. Nako is now 100% sure Hitomi is not from earth. Hitomi's face was beautifully sculpted, her eyes glistened similar to stars under the beautiful night sky, something Nako especially loved staring at. She wondered how would Hitomi look under the night sky. Would her skin glisten like it does under the sunlight, would her eyes shine even brighter. Her hand felt nice on her hair, it was oddly soothing and comforting. How she wished she could experience this every day. Everything about Hitomi was perfect. 

"Nakoyah, are you gonna continue ignoring me?" Hitomi says while pouting, obviously quite upset that none of her words are coming through.
"Finally you're listening. You space out too much, I was talking and you weren't listening. How unfair~" Hitomi continue to whine, puffing her cheeks to show her disappointment. 

"SHE'S SO CUTE AHHH. I WANNA HOLD HER FOREVER!!!" Nako screams to herself, excitement and warthm replacing her  previous melodramatic thoughts.

"As punishment for not paying attention to me, I demand you to cuddle with me right now."
"Too late. My body hurts and I'm gonna pass out anytime soon." Hitomi plops down on top of Nako's body, earning a small gasp from the girl below her from the sudden additional weight on top of her. Hitomi burries herself towards Nako's neck while her arms hugs the smaller girl below her. A satisfied sigh escapes Hitomi's mouth as she repositions herself slightly so she can be as physically closed to Nako's body. Hitomi was right, this girl had a magical healing aura around her.

On the other hand, Nako is currently stiff as board. Brain malfunctioning and frying as tiny Nakos within her mind quickly sorts out a proper vocal and physical response to Hitomi's actions. News flash, the only thing going through her mind is "Heaven take me now, I'm content with life". 

"Nakoyah~ loosen up will you. Its uncomfortable cuddling against a stiff body." 
"I-Uh Uh um what uh n-no w-wait sorry." 
"If you don't loosen up right now. I'm leaving."
"Yes Ma'am!" 
"Good, now hug me and cuddle into me. I need comfort." 
"O-oh okay..."

Complying to Hitomi's wishes, Nako wraps her around the girl on top her while trying her best to loosen her body to make it more comfortable to Hitomi. Additionally, Nako decided to start slowly brushing Hitomi's back out of  pure instinct to which earned a satisfied sigh from Hitomi.

"She's so cute, I wanna cry. She's like a kitten in my arms." Nako says while dying inside from Hitomi's cuteness.

They stayed in that position for a couple of minutes until Hitomi spoke up again.

"So I think its quite obvious why we're in this position."
"E-excuse me?"
"Man you're so slow, how the hell do you survive being this slow. I think its quite obvious we both have feelings for each other or am I just misinterpreting things?"
"N-no! You're not. I like you, I like you very much Hitomi-shi!" Nako blurts out, slightly cursing herself for her rash and bold statement.
"That's more like it, just so happens I really like you too Nakoyah, also drop the formality. Call me Hiichan from
now on."
"O-okay Hi-Hi-"
"Don't go Michael Jackson on me, say it with me. Hiichan." 
"There we go, much much better." Hitomi's heart flutter when she finally heard her nickname from Nako's lips. She could get used to hearing her voice everyday. She snuggles closer to Nako, which to her surprise Nako reciprocrated.
"Hiichan... I really like you... but do you mind if I try courting you first? I just wanna show you my genuine feelings for you."
"Hmmmm... I don't really doubt your sincecereness Nakoyah but if that's what you want then I'll respect it. Don't make me wait too long though." 
"I-I promise I won't! I'll be the best girlfriend ever."
"Wow girlfriend already? I like assertive Nakoyah."
"I-I-I me-ean."
"Hahaha don't worry Nakoyah. I would love to be your girlfriend as well. So please wooo my heart." Hitomi says while raising her head to meet Nako's gaze.
"I promise I will make you happy and make you fall for me Hiichan." Nako returns the gaze with her own loving gaze.
"I think I already did." Hitomi smiles brightly at Nako. 

Time stops as their heads slowly inch towards each other. Closing the gap little by little until-

"Nako? Are you here? Lunch is almost over. I heard from the janitor you went to the clinic. What happened to y- Oh." Sakura enters the clinic spotting the two on the clinic bed in a compromising position with their heads  dangerously close to each other.

"Well I was worried about you, wondering what the hell happened to you after Chaewon-shi gave you her report but  it looks like you were just getting it on with Hitomi-shi. Oh yeah Hello Hitomi-shi, I'm Sakura. Nako's friend,  plesae take care of her." Sakura says bowing to her.
"Your position says otherwise Nako but I'm glad you guys finally are a thing."
"We-we're getting there alright!"
"Aish you slow munchbian. Sorry about her Hitomi-shi, she's a romantic. Give her time."
"Hahahahha you two are funny. Don't worry I'll give her all the time she needs. She's worth it." 
Hitomi says smiling towards Nako while Nako covers her face from embarassment from Hitomi's words and Sakura embarassing her. 
"Ah young love~! Oh Yeah Hitomi one more thing."
"Mind if I join you and Nako in your future make-out sessions? I can join in or just watch if you girls want to  have some extra spice to it. I won't mind."
"Hey I was just asking." 
"Hmmmm well..."
"Hiichan please don't tell me your actually considering it." Nako looks at Hitomi dreadfully, with a sly grin  Hitomi replies. "Give me your contact numebr Sakura-shi."
"Sweet~!" Sakura says with a sing song voice.

"What in the world is happening." Nako says laying back down on the bed. Tired from today's transgressions but  she doesn't really care anymore. What matters is that Hitomi is in her arms and the future they'll have with each other.


I think this my 1st of 2nd favorite story to write. It was quite a lot of fun to write and read. I hope you all enjoy it. Forgive my grammatical mistakes or lack of vocabularly. 

Additionally, I have a whole collection of Nako one shots so you might be interested in that.

Also, I have a new Nako multi chapter fic planned. Hint it has to do with sugar and with EunSaku fighting over Nako :^) 

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Jnfp7518 #1
Chapter 1: Hiinako, my OTP finally has a story. Thank you so much authornim. Please give me more about this couple
Mother_duck #2
Chapter 1: What the duck, Sakura! Hahahahhahahaahahhahaahaha
this is so funny thank you!