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evaluations yeo boram 04: main dancer + vocal   Turned in: 06 / 22 / 2020 Status: ACCEPTED FACECLAIM: Loveley'z Yein RELATIONSHIP: Taedong (fc: Infinite's Sungyeol)   First off, thank you for being my first applicant! I also absolutely love how you chose Lovelyz's Yein as your faceclaim. I think she perfectly matches the dreamy / mysterious concept I had in mind for Muse! I find it super interesting that she was born in France. I think she would be good in attracting internation stans, plus omg her accent would be amazing. I also liked the small point about getting acne in her appearance, I love how realistic it is and I think that would be something really good to write about.    Her personality started off a little simple, but I enjoyed it more as I continued reading. I did appreciate her competiveness and stubborness - it fits well into the sort of perfectionist I imagined her to be. Her anxiety is also something super realistic and would be good to write about. LOL I find it super funny how she didn't tell her parents about being a trainee! I also loved her realtionship with her grandmotiher. Her arranged marriage portion was also something very interesting. I could definitely see that coming up as a "scandal"! I really liked her relationship with Taedong, too. I already have a scene in mind for them!! ^^   Overall, I thought your application was solid and had the main things I was looking for, plus a lot of additions I think I could really build off of. Thank you so much again for applying! <3   MISTAKES: N/A   OH eUN MI 03: MAIN RAPPER + DANCER   Turned in: 06 / 23 / 2020 Status: Accepted FACECLAIM: Zhu Xudan RELATIONSHIP: Hao Yuan Jun (fc: Luo Yunxi)    Hi and thank you for applying! First off, I loveeeee your faceclaim. She is so pretty and fits perfectly with Muse's concept! And I think she matches well with the personality that you gave her. I think her being a social introvert makes sense for the personality I had in mind for her. Lol I think I personally might be a social introvert too! But anyways, her being a social introvert gives me a lot of scene ideas for when she's interacting with the members or when she's on variety shows. Her ice skating makes a really good point of interest too! I could totally see people falling in love with her as she ice skates. I also really liked your choice of voice twin and rap twin. Tbh I could totally see her being leader and main vocal of the subunit I had in mind for the group.    I think her background is the best part about her! The strained relationship between her and her mom gives me so many ideas omg. And her relationship with Yuan Jun is so cute!!! I literally couldn't stop smiling as I was their their background. That gave me soooo many ideas too.    Overall, I really enjoyed your application and I can tell you worked hard on it, especially with her background. She is a little different from what I originally had in mind for this character, but in a good way! I have a lot of ideas for her if she's chosen. Thank you again for applying! <3   MISTAKES: N/A   character name plot line chosen   Turned in: 00 / 00 / 00 Status: currently reviewing This section is scrollable! Press 'ENTER' for a new line.   Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In vel libero sed sapien vestibulum bibendum. Morbi dignissim tempus nibh. Morbi quis blandit urna. Vestibulum justo quam, varius ut malesuada non, mollis in augue. Aliquam erat volutpat. Integer rutrum nunc vitae aliquet blandit. Donec vitae tortor enim. Sed eget libero non dui vehicula posuere quis ac lacus. Proin et augue sed ipsum mattis egestas. Vivamus a odio sit amet augue tempor tempus a vitae ante. Vestibulum pharetra ante ac est mollis, eu pulvinar nisl porttitor. Integer sollicitudin dolor ut metus facilisis, pretium bibendum velit accumsan. Nam varius eros non ante consequat ultrices. Ut molestie iaculis enim sed sagittis.   Sed luctus lacinia nisl vestibulum vehicula. Vestibulum in massa id neque placerat aliquam. Nam sit amet tempor nulla, ac scelerisque ipsum. Etiam eget lacus non sem lobortis egestas. Phasellus vulputate sollicitudin tortor, quis hendrerit erat gravida vel. Quisque elementum dictum augue, congue suscipit orci ullamcorper a. Nunc eu luctus erat, quis egestas magna. Phasellus volutpat ullamcorper erat, sit amet accumsan lacus congue eu. Aenean ultricies sed leo id commodo. Aliquam rhoncus hendrerit tincidunt. Suspendisse ut pretium sem. Aenean nunc urna, scelerisque in vulputate nec, ultrices sit amet lorem. Etiam id lacus nibh. Sed vel dolor mauris. Nunc elementum eleifend nisi, nec rutrum quam fermentum a.   SUGGESTIONS: Nunc gravida diam in orci efficitur consectetur. Pellentesque
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deadline for MUSE extended again to july 10.


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14 streak #1
Are you still doing this?
Chapter 2: I don't see any password on the cheatsheet?
14 streak #3
Chapter 1: I think I finally know which girl I’m gonna bring!
mello_marshmallow #4
Chapter 3: Thanks for the review. I'm thrilled you like Eun Mi and I'm looking forward to this story starting and where you would take her if she's chosen.
mello_marshmallow #5
Oh wow. Deadline is a few days away. Hopefully I can get me app done
14 streak #6
The due date is so soon *panics*
Chapter 3: thank you for the review! it would be a crime if there wasn't at least one lovelyz faceclaim for a dreamy concept. but im glad you like boram and i am looking forward to you expanding her if she gets chosen. thank you for accepting her!
Chapter 1: what's the age range for the group??
14 streak #9
Chapter 4: Omg yes to closer
i have the perfect character for this! hopefully i can get her done along with my many wips