Oppa, Mianhaeyo. Jeongmal Joesonghamnida :(

Kingkas Are Hot?! Oh Please~! =='''


That night the boys tried to talk sense into their older brothers.


Daehyun: hyung, look on the bright side! I really can’t point out any disadvantages!

Jongup: other than Dayoung may not be home that often…

Daehyun: oh shut up! You’re not helping at all!!!

Zelo: hyung, I know I’m the youngest here and do not have much say…but honestly after dad’s departure I have never seen noona smiled that real until last year…

Yongguk: are you serious?! So you are telling me now that all of you have accepted MYNAME as friends??

Youngjae: it’s not MYNAME, hyung! It’s Seyong only! We have to accept the fact that they love each other! And I don’t know why you hated MYNAME that much. Just because that Insoo guy knock into you?!


Himchan was exceptionally quiet sitting at beside Yongguk.


Zelo: Himchan hyung, what do you think?

Himchan: ahh molla!


He left feeling frustrated, and confused. He went back to his room without another word. You heard the heated argument from your room. Tears flow down from your cheeks like a running tap.


Dayoung: [what have I got myself into? I should have prepared for this…oppa…]


Finally, you cried yourself to sleep by the door at the same time, the older boys were turning and tossing in their beds.


Himchan: Yongguk-ah, are you asleep?

Yongguk: ani wae?

Himchan: are you really that against them?

Yongguk: okay I must admit…my reaction was a little too big just now and I guess I scared Dayoung a little.

Himchan: I think I can accept that guy he seems okay to me. But that Insoo seriously irks me a lot!! -.-

Yongguk: let’s get some sleep, we have to help out in the café tomorrow

 Himchan: arasseo.


The next day you woke up with puffy eyes. You lay on bed not wanting to go down for breakfast. There was a knock on the door, you kept very still pretending to sleep. Daehyun opened the door and he peered in carefully. Being very sure that you were awaked he announced.


Daehyun: I know you’re awake, come down and have your breakfast, hyung wants to talk to you.


Seeing you not willing to move an inch he decided to pretend to leave. He was about to close the door when you sat up and held him back.


Dayoung: Yongguk oppa?

Daehyun: I knew you were awake, come down now I’m sure hyung won’t scold you, and if I catch you sleeping on the floor one more time I will ignore you and let you suffer from a stiff neck arasseo!

Dayoung: ne…komawo oppa


You grabbed your specs and put it on before you went down. Carefully, you walked down the stairs not able to look at your oppas in their eyes. Himchan opened his mouth first and spoke.


Himchan: come here baby girl


You walked over and sat between Daehyun and him still hanging your head low.


Dayoung: [I think Himchan oppa is okay with it…]

Yongguk: how long has it been?

Dayoung: 2 years?

Yongguk: and none of us knew?


It was scary how calm Yongguk was. You were expecting some drama like him flaring up or erupting like a volcano, the younger boys were too afraid to speak too. You pluck up the courage and decided to fight for it.


Dayoung: oppa, please scold me if you want but don’t break us up. Please.


Himchan: yah! You promised not to raise your voice!


You could still sense anger in Yongguk. However on the other hand, you could feel that Himchan had already accepted the fact.


Himchan: baby, can we meet Seyong again? Invite him to dinner tonight. Only Seyong okay?


Unsure of it, you looked at Daehyun. He nodded as if he was telling you that it was okay to invite Seyong over




He emphasised on the 5 words. You knew from the start that JB could not escape this time. He kept your secret like a true friend but “betrayed” your oppas trust


Dayoung: ne oppa ---

Yongguk: this doesn’t mean I accept Seyong or forgive you arasseo?

Dayoung: ne oppa


Tears started welling up in your eyes again. The boys did not dare to say anything but Daehyun gave a pat on your shoulder to assure you he will be there whatever happens. Your phone rang you look over at your brothers. They were all hiding their fearful face with a poker face.


Seyong: darling, are you okay? Is everything alright?

Dayoung: ne, don’t worry

Seyong: then do you think we can meet later? Will the hyungs be okay with it?


You looked at Yongguk and decided to ask for “permission” before going out.


Dayoung: oppa, can I meet Seyong later?

Yongguk: if I said no will you stay?

Daehyun: hyung!! She was nice enough to ask!


Afraid that Yongguk would explode at Daehyun, you immediately cut in before it turned ugly.


Dayoung: it’s okay! If oppa doesn’t allow! I’ll stay home!

Yongguk: just go, I don’t want people cursing me saying I’m unreasonable!


He rolled eyes at Daehyun and continue stuffing breakfast into his mouth. You were surprised that he actually agreed to it, you went to give him a big bear hug and thanked him.


Dayoung: oppa, kamsahamnida!!!

Yongguk: yah! Don’t be so happy! I haven’t accept everything!

Dayoung: but still…thankyou oppa!!! Oppa you are the best!!


You gave him a peck on cheeks.


Himchan: yah! What about me?!

Youngjae: skinship FREAK!!!


You ignored him and smiled.


Dayoung: kamsahamnida oppa! If there’s nothing else I’ll go back to my room

Youngjae: remember to tell JB and Seyong!


Youngjae shouted as you were running up the stairs.


Daehyun: and do something to your goldfish eyes!!

Dayoung: OPPA!!!!


You screamed as you have already reached your room when he said that.

Later that afternoon you went over to MYNAME’s dorm.


Chaejin: noona!!! Are you okay? We were so worried about you!

Dayoung: don’t worry Jinseokkie ^^ my oppas are a little disappointed only though…

Gunwoo: don’t just talk at the door! Come in Dayoung-ah. Seyong’s in his room

Dayoung: thanks Gunwoo oppa


You went up the stairs and knocked on Seyong’s door.


Seyong: come in!

Dayoung: jagi~

Seyong: omo! Dayoung-ah!!! Why didn’t you reply me?! I was so afraid that you would be grounded by your brothers!


You could sense his anxiety and worries; you hugged him tightly and leaned quietly on his chest.


Seyong: yah, why are you acting like that?

Dayoung: no matter how much my oppas threaten you to leave me you won’t do it right?

Seyong: silly girl! Are you insane?! Of course I won’t! no matter what I won’t leave you. Nothing will do us apart.


This time, your hug tighten, you really did not know what would happen tonight. As the 2 of you continued drowning in the sweetness of the hug, the door flew open


Maknae line: hyung!!!----

Chaejin: oops :X sorry ><

Seyong: yah! Don’t you know how to knock before you enter? Huh?! Kang Junkyu! Chae Jinseok!!

JunQ: sorry! But Gunwoo hyung asked for the 2 of you

Seyong: what for?


JunQ gave him “SASQ [Stop-Asking-Stupid-Question (read it as sahs-q)] and just go down“ face. Seyong held your hands and the 4 of you went to meet Gunwoo in the living room.

Insoo: did your brothers say anything?


You nodded. They grew even more worried.


Dayoung: big oppa say he want to meet Seyong tonight

Gunwoo: expected. Go meet them then…

Seyong: ne hyung, in the mean time…can we go out?


He gave you the only thing that you could not resist in this world, his puppy eyes.


Seyong: can we? Can we?

Chaejin: eew~~ shut up hyung, stop acting cute!!!

Dayoung: arasseo…where are we going?

Seyong: elope~!


He said with his signature eye smile and pulled you up the sofa and left the house.


Dayoung: ne?! yah!! Bye everybody!!!!


You hopped onto Seyong’s bike and frowned.


Dayoung: must we take your bike?

Seyong: this isn’t your first time taking it right?

Dayoung: -.- arasseo


You gave a pout and Seyong pulled you in for a kiss.


Dayoung: oppa!!! You thief! Did you just stole a kiss from me?!

Seyong: aww I thought you wanted to xP okay okay I’ll return it to you ^^


He pulled you in again but this time the kiss was deeper.


Seyong: returned! ^^ now let’s go darling :)


wanted to update this yesterday but was too tired so i typed half way and tadah its done today :)

hope everyone like this chapter ^^ i know its late but HAPPY GOOD FRIDAY! :D 

please comment and subscribe if you like it :)

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gonna finish this story before my school starts :)


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You know Daehyun is older than Youngjae
YouDunnoMe #2
WonZiGyuMin #3
Chapter 12: OMG when I saw Minhyun's name I went like 'wait hwang minhyun??' But then I saw Ren's then I was like 'oh nu'est I knew that name sounded familiar XD'
Chapter 24: I didn't really get the ending!!!
ForeverThinkinOfFood #5
Chapter 1: Hahaha i like the story. Those paper conversation was funny and whahha himchan will always be himchan with his cheesyness xD
Chapter 24: the end can be better than that
but what can i say is .....
thanks for this fanfic
i like it
Chapter 23: cOoL!
Cnt wait for ur next update ~autho-nim!
Chapter 22: Nice chapter .....
Update soon
Chapter 20: she finally meets him :)
What about this fanfic ???
U will not update ???
Please update soon