
Life Of The Jung's


" HEY PLEASE DON'T GO IN THERE! WE'RE NOT OLD ENOUGH! " Chorong screams outside the club as she tries to getting away from me.

I ignores her and walked to the club. Chorong pulls my hand, " hey, if your unnies find out about this you're surely dead. " Chorong says. I rolled my eyes.

" How many times do I have to tell you they won't be at home until tomorrow? They have a schedule. " I said. I plead Chorong more. She then with a heavy heart agree to follow me.

Chorong's POV :

I was sitting alone at the corner of the club while keeping my eyes on Soojin who is still dancing. She was drunk. She'll be a lump of dead meat if her unnies knowing her going to the club. As I leave for a few minutes to the toilet, I didn't see Soojin anymore. I scream her name to find her. Few minutes after finding Soojin in the club, I saw her sitting on the chair with her head down on the table. She is completely drunk. I then lift her and bring her outside.

" I'm not done yet Chorong-ah... I still wanna have someee fuunnn.."

" No, you're drunk. Let's go home before your unnies got home first. "

A cellphone suddenly ringing. It was Soojin's cellphone. Soojin then took it out from her backpack and answered it.

" Hello, who are yiuuuu ???? "

" Jung Soojin, where are you? " a voice of a woman answered her.

" I just got back from the clubbbb and I'm not done yet but this unnie dragging me hoommeeee...."


" Someeewhereee in Korea maaybeeee???? hahahahahaha " Soojin said as she laughed at her jokes. I know it's her unnie. Jessica or Krystal. She's in big trouble.

" Heyyyy unnie, you talk... I swtill wanna have soomeee funnn..." Soojin said as she gives me the cellphones.

" Hello?... " 

" Hello, who is this?? " I frowned. It's Krystal's voice, " I'm Park Chorong, Soojin's friend.."

" Can I know where are you both at right now? " Krystal asked.

" We're at Triangle Club, Itaewon. " I answered, stuttered.

" Alright, I'll be there in a few minutes. Please don't go anywhere. Stay there." Krystal then ends the call.

After a few minutes, I saw Krystal getting out of the car. Luna and Victoria were there too.

Luna lifts Soojin to the van while Krystal non-stop saying thank you to me for taking care of Soojin.

" I'm sorry for all the trouble that she made and force you to go inside the club. Thank you for watching her... " I nodded my head. Krystal then went inside the car and I'm walked home while thinking Soojin got herself in such big, big trouble.

Luna's POV :

I saw Krystal was mad with Soojin. I mean who wouldn't but Soojin gets herself into a black hole. She has to face her unnies because of this.

" Why do you went to the club, Jung Soojin?! " Krystal asked. Soojin didn't say anything.

" I'm asking you Jung Soojin. " Krystal said.

" I whashh shoo boreddd aloneee att homee so I whent to the clubbb to have somee funn unnieeee..." Soojin answered.

" THEN YOU SHOULD GO TO THE THEME PARK OR ARCADE! NOT TO A CLUB! YOU'RE UNDERAGE. " Krystal shouts at Soojin make her a little bit shock.

I then try to interrupt, " Hey Krystal why don't you just do it tomorrow. Even if you're doing it right now, she's drunk and won't listen to you..."

" Yeah, I agree.." Victoria, the one who's driving agrees too.

" Send her to SNSD's dorm. I'll call Sica unnie to pick her. " Krystal said.

" Are you sure about this, Soojung? " Victoria asked.

Krystal nodded her head, " She might run away if she knows where she at. It's better if she sleeps with Jessica tonight. "

Victoria nodded her head.

Krystal POV :

I was so mad. As I finished talk to Sica unnie on the phone, Soojin then collapsed on my shoulder which makes me madder. It's better to send her to Sica unnie tonight. She scared with me the most if she got into trouble. She might run away.

A few minutes later, we arrived at SNSD’s dormitory. Luna and Yoona put Soojin on the bed with Jessica. Sooyoung, Sica’s unnie roommate, understands what was happening and she sleeps with Tiffany. I told Sica unnie that I’ll be back tomorrow for her punishment as she has done. Going to the club is not a big deal, but if you’re underage, you’ll be dead. Soojin is still underage and I don’t know the reason why she’s going to a club.

After putting Soojin to the bed and change her clothes, Victoria unnie, Luna unnie, and I went back to our dorm. Yes indeed, I was still mad about Soojin and at the same time, I was so tired because of my tight schedule since our comeback.

Soojin POV :

As I woke up, I saw Jessica unnie beside me. I am glad that going to a club with Chorong was only a dream. I consider that as a bad dream. Imagine if that is true, I would be dead by now. My head feels so heavy. Maybe due to a lack of sleep. My headache always comes when I don’t have enough sleep. I went out and go to the kitchen to get some drinks for myself.

“ How do you feel? “ Taeyeon unnie appears from nowhere.

“ Good unnie..good morning. “ I said.

“ I’ll make a hangover soups for you. It is normal to feel dizzy after drinking alcohol. “ Taeyeon said as she opens the cabinet to get a pot to make a soup.

“ Wait. W-what? Al..alcho..alcohol?...” I stuttered. I was drunk last night? So, it wasn’t a dream???

Taeyeon nodded, “ yes, you were drunk. Krystal is the one who found you at the club with your friend but your friend was fine. You’re drunk. Completely drunk. Don’t you remember? “

I shake my head means no, “ N-noo… I thought it..was a dream…” I said. I frowned. So it wasn’t a dream. I went to a club last night. What was am I thinking. I’ll be dead. When Taengoo unnie told me that Soojung unnie is the one who finds me at the club first, I know I’ll be dead after this. Soojung unnie is way scarier than Sica unnie. Soojung unnie is always in charge of the punishment. She’s the most violent one.

“ Was my unnies mad at me? “ I asked.

Taeyeon unnie nodded her head, “ you should say sorry to her. Both are mad..sorry but I can’t help you with it. Do you know your unnies very well isn’t it? “

“ You better don’t Tae. How do you feel? Do you feel dizzy? “ a voice from nowhere appears.

I just stand there and my eyes were glued to the floor. It’s Sica unnie.

I just nodded my head. Sica unnie stared at me who was standing still like a stone. I only keep my head down and look at the floor. Somehow, in this situation, the floor looks interesting.

“ u u nnie…”

“hm? “

“ I’m…….I’m….s- sorry about last….last night…”

Sica unnie didn’t answer me for a few seconds, which is scarier. The environment feels intense.

“ We’ll talk about that later. You should get a shower first. “

I nodded my head and dragged myself to the bathroom. I keep thinking about what will happen to me after this. In a few hours, I’ll be dead.

After done taking a shower, I went to the living room and Soshi unnies was playing carom together and they invite me to join along.

“It is okay. I’ll watch you unnies playing…”

I only watch them together. I couldn’t focus on them. I keep thinking about my life later. A few minutes later, I saw Jessicaunnie was done showering. A few minutes later, she went out and walk towards me.

“ Girls, don’t go to the room for a while. I have to deal with this kiddo. “ Sica said as she pulls my ears and drags me to her room. She then closes the door and locked it.

“ Soojung will be here. “ She said as she crosses her arms.

“ B- b but why Soojung unnie…too..? “ I stuttered. I know this would happen.

“ Why? Are you scared? She’s your sister too.”

“ Y- y y yes…but not Soojung unnie in this sit…situation…”

“ She’s scarier than I isn’t? Serve you right for what you have done last night.” Sica unnie said.

I only stared at the floor with my hands down. I lowered my head. Now that I will be facing my two scary unnies, alone, without mummy and daddy. I was hoping my unnies will never tell mummy and daddy. If they know about this, today is my last day breathing.

Jessica POV :

I saw Soojin only lowered her head in front of me. A few minutes later, the doorbell ring. I went out to open the door. It’s Soojung.

We then go inside the room together. As we close the door, I realized that Soojin was not in the room. I then went out to see whether my members did saw her run away.

“ We didn’t see her.”

“ Me too..”

“ Help me to find her. She making things harder for herself.” I said. All of us except Hyoyeon who was still playing games on her phones help to find her.

“ She’s not in my room.”

“ Maybe she’s in the bathroom,” said Krystal.

“ HEYYY I’M TAKING SHOWER IN THE BATHROOM!!!! “ yelled Yuri from the bathroom.

“ She’s not in the balcony,” said Yoona.

All of us stopped for a while.

Krystal then went back to my room and kneel to peek under the bed.

“ AAAAAAAAHHHHH!!! “ Soojin shouts.

“ Got you. Now get out.” Krystal said as she gets Soojin’s hand and pulls her out.

“ We found her,” I said and went back to the room.

I close and lock the door, in case Soojin run away from us again.

“ What have you done, Jung Soojin,” I asked.

She only lowered her head, knowing her fault.

“ Answer it. “ Soojung said as she flicked her forehead.

Soojin then starts to cry softly.

“ Don’t cry. It’s your fault. You get yourself into trouble. Now answer me, what have you done last night? “ I asked again.

“ I…I…I- w w was d...drunk…. I think…” she answered us stuttered.

“ What did you say? Do you think?? I was the one who brings you home and you are drunk. Do you think I can easily let you go when you’re drunk like that? “ Krystal said.

“ I…I’m s..sorry, u u unnie…”

“ That’s not how we raise you,” I said.

“ I’ll be in big trouble if mom and dad know about this, don’t you? They gave me the responsibility to take care of you here. And now you’re getting yourself into trouble. You’re going to a club. Don’t you know you are underage?! “ Krystal said as she starts to hit Soojin using a hanger. Soojin kneels to the floor while continuously crying. She pleaded us to stop. Krystal ignored her pleading.

“ I…I….I know…please stop it hurts…” Soojin says as she put her hands together hoping that Krystal would stop.

Krystal POV :

Soojin flinched and plead me to stop flicking her forehead.

" What makes you think to go to a club? Do you even know the rules? And also, I found you're drunk. " I said as I keep flicking her forehead. She then starts to cries in tears.

" unnie... I I I I'm sorry...." she begged me to stop. I saw a hanger hanging on the wardrobe. I take it and start to hit her.

" AAAAAHHHH UNNIEE STOOOOPPPPPPPPPPPP!!!!!!!!!!!! " she try to escape.

I hitting her continuously. Hoping that she will learn her lesson.

" Soojung ah, stop. She had enough. " Sica unnie stop me.

" Alright. Jung Soojin, I hope you learn your lesson. We did this because we love you, you're our baby sister and I feel terrible when I found you drunk and you're going to a club when you're underage. Same as Sica unnie too. Mom and dad have given us the responsibility to take care of you. " I said as I crossed my arms. Soojin just cries in the corner. Sica unnie then walks towards her and caressed her hair to make her calmed down.

" Soojin, don't ever drink again okay? Listen to your unnies from now on. Unless you want the same punishment again. " Sica said.

Soojin nodded her head, " I learned my lesson already. I'm sorry Sica unnie. I will never to a club again until I reach my adult age. I will study hard and listen to you. " Soojin said as she stands up while wiping her tears and bowed to Sica unnie.

" What about me? " I asked while crossing my arms.

Soojin then turned around and face me. Her eyes were on the floor. She's scared, indeed she is after what I've done. This is not her first time.

" I...I...I'm..." Soojin stuttered.

" Say it properly."

" I'm sorry... Soojung...u unnie. I will never drink again... I'm sorry for disturbing you...I promise to listen to you and Sica unnie..." Soojin said as she took all her courage to look at me in the eyes.

I nodded my head and walk towards her, " Don't you dare to do that again." I said as I hugged her which makes her in tears more.

Sica unnie then came and hugged her from the other side too.

" I'm sorry. I'm bad..." Soojin said.

" Don't say that you're not. You have us with you. This is how we dealing and raise you so that you will be good." I said.

" Alright now stop crying. Step out of this room and say sorry to my members for making them uncomfortable. " Sica unnie said.

" N- No..b- but..." 

" Unless you want to repeat your punishment. " 

"Alright...I will." Soojin nodded.


Soojin POV :

I'm trying to harden my face against this awkward situation. I stepped out of the room with my two unnies while hugging Soojung's unnie arms. I gathered all my courage and say it.

" Unnies...I..I'm sorry for all the disturbance I made last night. I promise won't do it again..."

Seohyun unnie who was cooking in the kitchen went to the living room and wipes my tears, " It's okay baby Jung. We love you.."

" Yeah, saranghae.."

" We've been facing the things you've been through just now every day.."

" We're proud of you Soojin." 

All the words from Soshi unnies touched me. 

Soojung unnie, the one who hit me with a hanger just now pat my head softly and smile.

I swear I will never go to a club and drink again even though I've reached the adult age.

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thank you for reading my very first fanfiction!! should I write more about Jungsis ??? or maybe soshi and f(x) ?? hehehehe


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kjungswift13 #1
Chapter 1: Ooh this is cute <3 JungSis saranghae!!
DanteBeatrice #2
Chapter 1: That was great, good job!