1. Rules of The Forum

Asian-Pop Roleplay

The rules are still under construction because the forum is brand new. The basic rules for now are quite simple and easy to follow.

01.  No posting of . You will receive a warning, then will be kicked if you continue to do it.

02.  No bullying/bashing others. And absolutely NO harassment.  It won't be tolerated and you will be kicked out.

03.  Respect the Admins. This is a rule that should be a no brainer. If you can't respect the Admins, you will be kicked out of the forum.

04.  No spamming or advertising. This is a forum roleplay, we don't want a bunch of unnecessary spam around. It just makes things messy. And we definitely won't allow other roleplay advertisements. 


More rules will be added in the forum itself, and will be posted here once we finish creating all of them. For now, please respect these rules and abide by them.

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