
My Path
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Everyone knows, Dami did not take the news well. She went totally silent after Jiu's "Sorry" came. Although she was not the main dancer of the group but being a girl group member, not being able to dance anymore in the future is as good as destroying her entire future. To the members, their main concern wasn't her not being able to dance or even walk, they are worried about Dami's mental state and health at this moment.

The room was in a pin drop silence until they heard a sob escaping from Dami.

"Bin ah" Yoohyeon immediately hugged the younger

It was not a common sight to see the rapper cry as she tends to hide her emotions very well but it seems like the news that was broken to her this time managed to break all her defence and walls.

"You will recovery, we will always be here with you" SuA said softly


Weeks passed since that day and Dreamcatcher Company release a official notice of Dami's injury and Insomnias from all over the world send their wishes for Dami and told her no matter how long they have to wait, they will always wait for her.

Therapy has been going pretty well for her as well with the company of her members, she managed to gain back some controls of her legs and the Doctor told them that, that is a very good sign that she is recovering well.

"Bin!" JiU screamed when the stubborn girl let go of the support and tried to walk a step on her own

JiU ran over

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akrr1997 #1
Chapter 4: Ah I see that you’ve incorporated my idea. This is a good start :)
choronggetmarried2 #2
Chapter 4: You never disappoint dude 😌✋🏾
choronggetmarried2 #3
Chapter 3: An idea?? How about… While she’s paralyzed and doing good and at her peak with the therapy, her parents ya know come and ruin everything and she kinda remembers everything and she has kinda an episode or something?
akrr1997 #4
Chapter 3: You’ve finally posted an update!! An idea? Each member having an one-on-one with Dami during physiotherapy.
choronggetmarried2 #5
Chapter 2: When are you gonna update 😭😭😭😭😭😭
choronggetmarried2 #6
Chapter 2: WHEN ARE YOU GONNA UPDATE 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
akrr1997 #7
Chapter 2: Never being able to dance is the worst thing that can happen to a dancer. So sad for Yubin...
akrr1997 #8
Chapter 1: Poor Yubin :(
Why Dami hurts every time? ?
Kpopstan123 #10
Chapter 1: Awhhhhh I'm sad I wanna punch that mother.... Stupid