Intro: Serendipity

Map of the Soul: Wonderland

They found her, Namjoon thought to himself and went out of his chambers to the main hall. He gathered the rest and sat them down.

"Hongjoong sent a message, they found Aurora," Namjoon announced. Despite the good news, their faces were fretful. Namjoon let out a long sigh before pinching the bridge of his nose.

"Finding Aurora is one thing, getting her here safely is another. Then there's the issue of her capabilities. Will she be able to take on the role of the world's saviour?" Jungkook asked.

"Jungkook is right though, Joon," Jin added.

Yoongi shook his head, "The boys are more than capable to protect her. Let's not forget we handpicked these boys ourselves."

Everyone nodded their head. Jungkook's hands started sweating. Aurora was his soulmate. It has been written by the Gods that his other half is Aurora. It is destined as so and it was his fate to fight this war with her yet as the day of her arrival comes closer, he couldn't help but to sit on a fence regarding Aurora fighting a war with him. Aurora Is his other half and he doesn't think it's right to sacrifice her. Jungkook was torn.

"Expect their arrival anytime now, Mingi just sent a message," Yoongi stated as he ended his telepathy with the said boy.

They quickly stood up and made their way to the front hall where the entrance is. Namjoon stood at the foyer and looked out into the horizons of clouds in front of them. The castle they live in were built by Exodus in the wide sky above Utopia where the Four Nations live harmoniously together. The only way in is only if they were granted to be seen by the Elders. 

What look like a ship gradually surfaced out of the misty clouds. "They're here," Hoseok let out a relieved smile. Taehyung looked over to Jungkook, their youngest, and placed a hand over his shoulder, "Easy Kook, she's safe with us now."

Jungkook reached over his shoulder and held Taehyung's hands, "I don't think I have ever felt this anxious in my entire life!"

"Hyung!" Mingi screamed affectionately, running towards Yoongi, his half brother. Yoongi let out a proud smile and hugged the boy. "Thank you for your hard work, Mingi," Yoongi chuckled.

Lana got down the ship carefully as Seonghwa escorted her down. Jungkook felt the tinge of jealousy on his nerves and quickly went to Lana.

"Aurora," Jungkook called out softly. Lana looked up and smiled. She knew who he was. When the gem embedded itself in her body, everything came to her immediately. Who she was, her purpose, her soulmate and her fate in this world. She let go of Seonghwa's hand and gave him her thanks. She reached out for Jungkook's and bowed, "Aurora greets your highness."

Jungkook greeted her back and took a good look at her. She was beautiful and the urge to just take her away to safety became stronger after that. Lana tightened the grip she has on his hands and shook her head, "This is my fate and I accept it wholeheartedly. This is our fate, please have faith in me. We can do this."

Jungkook let out a toothy smile, embarrassed that his thought could be heard by Lana. Their minds were connected just like their hearts therefore there can never be secrets between the two. "My name is Lana," Lana introduced herself. Jungkook nodded his head and intertwined their fingers together. "Let's go inside, there's a lot to discuss about," Namjoon said, hurrying everyone in.

They went over to the main hall and gathered at the sitting area. Namjoon walked over to the front with Hongjoong. "Aurora, I'm sure you know your role very well by now," Namjoon turned to Lana and smiled. Lana gave him a curt nod. "We will not have your life sacrificed. We will win this fight alive," Hongjoong added. Namjoon agreed and continued, "Soyeon, the head of Khaos will not be able to find you here. This castle is a kingdom protected by Exodus and can only be seen and unravelled with a grant from any of us so do not worry. We will be hatching a plan up soon. For now we'll have you rested."

Lana was escorted to her room by Jungkook. "How was the trip here? I hope the flying ship didn't make you sick, my love," Jungkook pry worriedly. Lana shook her head and chuckled, "I go out to the sea sometimes to fish, I'm used to it and it was good. The boys took good care of me."

"Since the creation of the universe, everything was destined. Let me love you."

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