Chapter 3

Always by her side

When Seungwan awoke the next morning, Seulgi was nowhere to be found. In fact she wasn’t even in her room anymore. Instead, a room painted light purple with neat decorations that weren’t too overwhelming for the eyes, laid before her.


The walls were decorated with polaroids, and art vinyls that presented inspiring words. Wendy couldn’t recognise the people in those polaroids as she was barely awake.  


The room smelled good, too good. It was too familiar for Seungwan’s likings and it bothers her that the room had a scent that reminded her of Joohyun. 


Seungwan frowned, she has missed the older girls presence and it that the older girl would slowly start to fade away with time. 


She flopped back on the unfamiliar bed and that’s when Seungwan realised there was another figure beside her.


“Oh my god, Seulgi??”


The figure groaned and Seungwan realised it was not Seulgi at all. That’s when thoughts began to cloud her mind, did she get drunk and have a one night stand? Joohyun and Seulgi were gonna kill her if so. But that wasn’t possible because she was sure Seulgi was with her last night! Oh my god! Did she somewhat mistake the stranger as Seulgi and slept with her! wait. That would be weird considering the last thing she wanted was to sleep with Seulgi...


Before she think anymore the stranger screamed, a very high pitched scream that practically made Seungwan deaf. 


But then the screaming stopped, “Seungwan...? Is that you?”


Seungwan’s jaw dropped, Joohyun? Her Joohyun? But how?




Joohyun trembled, “w-what are you doing in my new apartment?” 


“I don’t know! I could of swore I was sleeping with Seulgi last night!” Seungwan panicked, but she regretted those words as soon as she saw Joohyun’s shocked expression transition into a cold frown.


“No! No! Not like that! I swear! She was just accompanying me because...” Seungwan gulped.


“Because?” Joohyun continued with an icy tone. Seungwan shivered, the first thing she learnt in her relationship with Joohyun was to never make the beauty mad.


“because... I was lonely last night without you,” Seungwan muttered softly, her words were basically inaudible.


“I’m sorry what was that?” Joohyun asked, she barely heard a word The younger girl said.


“Nothing,” Seungwan smiled finally looking at Joohyun properly, it was then Seungwan saw how puffy the older girls eyes were. 


“Oh my god? Hyun have you been crying?” She asked with a worried expression. She moved closer to cup the older girls face. “What’s wrong?”




“Hyun I know when you’re lying, tell me I promise I’ll listen,”


Seungwan was persistent and Joohyun knew that, so with a defeated sigh Joohyun looked Seungwan in the eye and replied






“You, you’re the problem. I was crying because of you.” Joohyun replied bluntly.


Seungwan let go of Joohyun’s face and frowned. “What...?”


“I missed you last night, everything I did reminded me of you and it because at least you had Seulgi to comfort you but me? I had no one. I couldn’t sleep because every time I closed my eyes you were there.” Joohyun frowned, tearing up with every word.


“Last night I needed you here with me Seungwan, I needed comfort because heck I’m going to another country tomorrow and I’m scared.” Joohyun continued. It completely broke Seungwan’s heart when she realised the older girls voice began to crack as she tried to hold back tears.


“Oh Joohyun..”


“No, stop if you get close to me again. I’m afraid I won’t be able to let you go.”




“Please, it’s hard as it is now. I love you Seungwan but I don’t want you to keep waiting for me when I’m not even sure if I’ll come back to Korea.” Joohyun cried, tears falling continuously with no signs of stopping anytime soon.


“okay, but let me be here for you not as your girlfriend but as your best friend and soulmate. Joohyun please just because we couldn’t make it work as partners that doesn’t mean we can’t make it work as friends. I will always love you and you know that but I’ll also be here for you whenever you need me. okay? Please stop crying, I’ll be okay. We’ll be okay. As much as it pains me to let you go I want you to be happy so if this is what you want then I will support you unconditionally. You’ll be great Hyun I wish you everlasting success,”


Joohyun cracked a smile and Seungwan knew her words had worked. “Thank you Seungwan,”


Seungwan engulfed the older girl in an embrace, shutting her eyes tight. “I’ll always be here when you need me Hyun. Nothing will change that.”


And just for a minute, Seungwan and Joohyun felt in place. In that minute everything felt right, everything felt as if there was no trouble in the world.


However, when Seungwan opened her eyes again, she was back in her bedroom. And there on top of her was a very worried bear who looked like she had just been crying.


“Wan! You’re awake! I thought you died!” Seulgi cried, practically tackling poor Seungwan. 


“What are you on about Seulgi! I was with Joohy—” 


Seungwan’s eyes widened, “I was with Joohyun just now what happened!”


It was Seulgi’s turn to be confused, “what are you talking about you were out cold!”


“No I wasn’t! I was in  Joohyun’s apartment! and she was crying and—” Seungwan continued, praying to god she wasn’t losing her mind.


“Seungwan you were out cold! At first I thought just in a very deep slumber but then I started slapping you and you felt nothing! I was worried sick! I thought you died from heartbreak or something!” Seulgi shouted, cutting her off.


“I haven’t gone crazy Seulgi! I know what I saw!”


“And Wan believe me I know what I saw too!”


“Shut up bear! You’re making me sound crazy!”


“You are crazy!”



“Did you know that your spell could do that?” Nayeon asked Sana as she munched on popcorn watching the two friends fight.


Sana shook her head, “no I didn’t, but I think our problem just got solved on its own.”


Nayeon looked at Sana confused. Her brow furrowed, “what do you mean,”


“Think about it, if Seungwan is there everytime Joohyun needed her they’re bound to fall in love again.” Sana smiled, reaching over for popcorn herself. “And plus I don’t think we should interfere anymore, we should just let the story unfold on its own.”


Nayeon nodded, turning her attention back to the two best friends who were still in conflict about who’s crazy and what not, “Agreed, and if you asked me. you just made their story a hella lot more interesting.”


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Chapter 3: I can't agree more with the last thing NayeonHAHA said. I like it when stories mix with Greek mythology ♡♡
misguidedangel1989 #2
Chapter 3: They still love each other but doesn't want to hold back or make them wait... Awww hope nothing wrong will happen every time Seungwan "died" just to be with Irene
1707 streak #3
Chapter 3: So Seungwan "died" everytime she help Joohyun. That's True Love.
Chapter 3: This is really interesting. Can't wait for more
Chapter 3: This is just too lovely. I can't wait to learn how their relationship is going to unfold from then on.
Chapter 3: Aww they still love each other..
Chapter 3: Aww they still love each other..
Chapter 3: oh my this is good ♡(> ਊ <)♡ and it's so funny to watch seungwan and seulgi fighting like this hahaha
Soshivelvett #9
Chapter 3: Awwwww I really stil love a jealous bunny at any situation but it’s pains to see how they are still in love yet this have to happen :”(
Chapter 2: I know that they'll break up as you've said it already but somehow it's still broke my heart when I read this chapter ༎ຶ‿༎ຶ thanks for the update anyway huhu