Take My Hand, Take My Whole Life Too
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A honk from behind drew his attention back on the road. The street he was taking didn’t seem familiar to him but still continued to drive despite not knowing where to go. He kept on taking glances at both sides of the road wondering if the road he’s taking is familiar.

He decided to stop by on the side of the road because he doesn’t know where to go anymore. He decided to call his husband to ask for help. At the back of his mind, he thought of just asking the people around him but panic took over him and decided to ask Johnny instead.

Unfortunately, he can’t feel his phone in his pockets.

The passer-bys’ eyes are upon him as he frantically searches for his phone. “I don’t have my phone. Where is it?” He dug through his bag and checked the pockets of his jeans.

A cold sweat trickled down his face and wiped it away with his forearm. At his peripheral vision, he saw an officer coming towards him.

“Is there any problem sir?” The man in the blue uniform asked him, looking concerned. He seemed to sense Ten’s dilemma.

Ten was hesitant to answer at first but he thought that he had no other choice since his phone wasn’t with as of the moment. “I… I think I’m lost.”

“Where are you supposed to go to sir?”

When Ten mentioned the name of the place, the officers gave him a questionable look.

“Are you new in this place?” The officer assumed that Ten was new to the place that’s why he was lost. “Because that school sir is far away from here. You’re in the wrong way.”


“Ten? Why are you here?”

He heard a new person behind but with a familiar voice. “Jaehyun! I was supposed to pick up Mark but I-”

“Do you need help?” Jaehyun somehow has an idea of what happened to know. He knew his friend’s condition too.

The officer stared at them and it seemed like he wanted to ask something but Jaehyun beat him to it. 

“It’s okay sir, I got this. I know him, he’s a friend of mine.”

“Are you sure you won’t need help anymore?”

“I can go with him.” Ten pointed towards Jaehyun and bowed in front of him. “Thank you so much, officer.”

As soon as the officer disappeared from their sight, Jaehyun turned towards Ten with a concerned look. Ten still looked like he was about to faint from nervousness. He guided Ten towards the car and opened the other side of it so he can drive instead of Ten because he seemed like he was not in his proper self to drive.

“Hey, Ten are you alright?”

“I don’t know.” Ten shook his head and his hands were restless. “I don’t know what happened.”

Jaehyun started the engine and motioned his friend to put on his seatbelt. “I can drive you home so you can rest.”

“Mark’s still in school. He’s waiting for so long. We need to fetch him.”

“Don’t worry. I’ll call Johnny. He said he’ll be home earlier. I’ll tell him to fetch Mark instead. You can relax now.”


Johnny came home earlier than expected on a Friday afternoon because they finished their annual project. He and his team really had 2 exhausting months and their supervisor told them they can leave earlier than their usual time to be with their family and makeup with the time they weren’t able to spend with them because of the busy schedule.

As he was about to place his bag on the couch, their landline rang.

‘Hello?’ Johnny answered.

“Hello? Is this Mr. Chittaphon?”

“No, he’s not here as of the moment. May I know who’s speaking?”

“Mrs. Lee, Mark’s teacher. H-” 

Johnny didn’t even let the other finish speaking first. “Why?! Did something happen to Mark?!” His mind went haywire and heartbeat turned erratic at the thought of something bad happened to their only son.

Hearing the rising voice on the other line, the teacher immediately tried to calm the frantic father “Ah no sir, Mark’s fine. We were just wondering why Mr. Chittaphon isn’t here yet. He usually comes here on time but for the past few days he’s always 20 minutes late from their dismissal time.”

Johnny managed to calm down a bit when he heard his son wasn’t hurt, but he is still bothered why Ten was late and where could he possibly be at this time.

“Oh. Okay. I’ll be there in fifteen minutes. Thank you for the heads up, Mrs. Lee.”

As soon as he hung up the phone, Johnny took his phone from his pocket and dialed his husband’s number. He wondered what took Ten so long to pick up their son from school.

He heard a familiar ringtone from their living room. Ten left his phone on their piano. There’s no other way to contact him.

“He probably forgot his phone again.” 

He was starting to get panic and started pacing around. Mark is possibly scared that his papa wasn’t there yet and already getting impatient at his school. As for his husband, he didn’t want to think of it because it scared him but he probably lost his way when he was about to pick up their son.

“He doesn’t have his phone. , what am I going to do?”

Johnny grabbed his car keys and made his way to the garage to fetch his son from school. As he was about to start the car, his phone rang and it was his friend, Jaehyun who was calling. 

“Hello, Jaehyun? I’ll just call you back, okay? There’s an emergency, Ten is missing.”

“Calm down Johnny, Ten’s with me. I’m driving him home already.”

“Really?” Johnny breathed a sigh of relief when he knew his husband is safe with his friend, but at the back of his mind, he was wondering why Ten and Jaehyun saw each other when the latter has worked this day. “Oh God, thank you so much Jaehyun.”

“No, problem dude.”

“I’ll have to pick up Mark first.”

“Okay. I’ll tell him. We’re almost there.”

“Is he okay? Please tell me he’s not hurt.”

 " He’s fine Johnny.”

“Where did you see him? How did you-”

“Calm down. I’ll tell you everything when you get home already. Pick up Mark first and drive home safely okay?”

After a few minutes, Johnny reached his son’s school and spotted 2 figures at the playground. He was facing his son’s back as he sat on the swing while his teacher, he assumed to be Mrs. Lee was watching him. He went out of the car and called Mark.

“Hey, buddy!”

“Dad!!” The little boy slowly down the stairs and then ran towards his dad. He can finally go home and play with his toys or watch his favorite cartoons since it’s Friday already. “Where’s papa?”

Mark held his father’s hand and looked around if his dad came with his papa. A frown was painted on the boy’s features when he didn’t see any single sign that his papa was there.

“Papa’s at home, he needed to rest that’s why he wasn’t able to fetch you.” He didn’t want to tell what happened because he needed Ten’s presence first before telling him that he lost his way to his school because the child might think that Ten is still missing.

Just then, Mark’s stomach grumbled loudly.

“You’re hungry bud?”

The cute boy gave him an eager nod and pointed at the convenience store in front of their school. “Dad, I want choco pie!”

Johnny felt bad for his son that he waited so long that he already felt really hungry.

“Okay let’s go.”


Once Johnny finished parking Mark opened the car door and ran as fast as he could to see his other father.

“Mark, be careful,” Johnny called him.

But the kid didn’t hear and was already at the front door ready to go inside.

“Papa!! You’re here!!” Mark ran towards his papa and gave him the tightest hug he could ever give.

“Minhyungie!” Ten knelt and welcomed his son with open arms and hugged him tightly. He gave him smooches and pecks on his face. “I’m sorry papa wasn’t able to fetch you.”

“Dad said you’re not feeling well.”

“Well, yes.” Ten brushed the hair that covered his son’s eyes. He needed a trim already. He’ll take him to the nearest salon to have his haircut already. “Papa just needed a nap.”

“Ten!” Johnny dropped his car keys on the cen

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Chapter 1: Ow. That was so sad, but at the same time so cute and beautiful. I feel like I'm gonna cry TT this was so nice to read. Thank u for sharing. I hope to see more of them