Chapter 1

I Can Get Used To It


Stepping out from the private jet owned by the Jungs was the 19 year old heiress who had just arrived in Seoul.A frown was visible on her face as she wasn't that happy to be back but as soon as she saw her beloved older sister,it was soon replaced with a smile.



”Unnie,” she first glanced around her to make sure that no one else was watching them and immediately ran towards the older girl,giving her a heartwarming hug.”I miss you so much~”



“Yah,stop using your disgusting aegyo on me.”



“Whatever,i know that you like it anyway.” Krystal pulled away and grinned as a response which Jessica playfully smacked her head.The two then went inside the airport for the usual procedure and saw a couple of familar faces waiting for them.



Krystal gulped,she didn't text them about her arrival today as she didn't want to trouble them on coming all the way to the airport.Her sister must've been the one who told them,after all they're one of their family's closest friends.A chestnut haired girl approached her and head-locked the younger girl. “You brat...why didn't you tell us that you're coming back today?”






“Be easy with her Tae,i'm pretty sure that she's tired from her long flight.” another girl pulled Taeyeon away from Krystal and smiled when she saw the younger girl looking at her with sparkling eyes,as if thanking her for saving her from Taeyeon.”Welcome back Soojung-ah.”






“Hey,don't forget about me.” a matured looking girl lowered her ray bans to allow Krystal to recognise who she was.






“Gosh,you're so tall now.” the girl whom she called Sulli compared Krystal's height with hers hand and ruffled Krystal's hair.



“You're messing up my hair...”



“I know,i just love doing that.” Krystal smiled again,if only that she won't become someone else's property in a month,she would've been enjoying her time in Seoul with all these people.It's not that she hated her soon-to-be fiance,in fact she loved him so much as a best friend and an older brother,nothing more than that.It's the 'getting attached to someone' part that she despised.



Jessica then looked at her watch and frowned.”Sorry Krys,i've gotta go now,there's a meeting that i've gotta attend in an hour.”



“Heh,it must've being you huh~?” Taeyeon said in a playful manner earning a glare from the girl.



“I prefer living as myself rather than living as a ert who goes around touching her secretary's .”






“Oooh~ Someone just got owned by the ice princess...,” Sulli snickered.



“It's fine unnie,i'll just fetch a ride with...,” Krystal thought for a while as she looked at her friends.”...Sunny-unnie.”



“Fine by me.” Sunny shrugged her shoulders and replied.



“But dad already prepare a ride for you outside.”



“...He did?”






“Oh well...i guess i don't have a choice then.” she sighed and bid her goodbye towards her friends and sister.Dragging along her luggage with her,she headed outside of the airport and scanned the surroundings around her.Nothing much have changed since the last time she's been here.



Krystal turned around when she felt someone tapping her shoulder.”Yes?” she coldly said to the guy who was standing right in front of her with a smile.He was wearing a pair of glasses and had his long hair tied up but even so,he still looks amazingly gorgeous in his suit.



“Yes?” she repeated with a much annoyed tone since he haven't spoke a word to her.The guy then handed her over a letter and motioned her to read it.



Dear Soojung,



If you've read this,it means that you've already met Shinwoo.I've send him to pick you up to make sure that you...don't go fooling around Seoul and went straight to your new apartment.



Love,Your Dad ^3^



P.S Please be nice to Shinwoo,he's a nice guy and he...well...he can't please don't be to harsh on him.



She sighed,judging from the letter and the signature,her dad really did send him to pick her up at the airport.Krystal gave the paper back to Shinwoo along with her luggage.”Take me home now.”



Shinwoo smiled and nodded.He went towards a white cadillac parked near where they were standing and put the luggage at the back of the car before opening the door for the heiress.Krystal took a glance at him as she remembered the final note of the letter about Shinwoo not being able to speak.




...He's a mute huh?







“5 minutes left?...Damn it,” Jessica muttered under her breath and quickened her pace towards the meeting room.She hated coming late to a meeting as she had to take care of her image as the heiress to her father's company.To her dismay,while she was busy looking at her watch,she bumped into someone making both of them fell onto the ground.”...,” she groaned.






“You...aish,i don't have time for this.” Jessica tried to stand up but failed as she had twisted her ankle.”Ugh...,”



“I'm so sorry miss!” the girl apologized and rushed to Jessica's side and helped her up.The blond-haired girl was about to curse to whoever it was but the face of the latter made her speechless.Never once in her life she saw someone as beautiful as the person is.Everything about her was just so...perfect.”Are you okay miss?”












“Hello?” she asked.Seeing that the other girl not answering her question got her worried.Did she hurt her head during the collision earlier? The tanned girl waved her hand in front of Jessica and snapped her fingers.She sighed in relief when she caught Jessica's attention.”Are you oka-”



“I'm fine.”



She was a bit surprised upon the girl's cold reply but still managed to pull off a smile.”Should i take yo-”



“No need.”



Is she a psychic? She keep off cutting my words...



“But you're-”



“I'm fine,let me go.” the tanned girl eventually complied with her request and let go of her causing Jessica to limp her way to the meeting room.The tanned girl shook her head for what she was about to do will not please the cold latter judging from her reply earlier.



She went back to her side and swept Jessica off her feet,taking Jessica off guard.”I told you that-”



It was her turn to cut her words.”Nu-uh,you're going with me to the clinic and that's final,” she gave Jessica a stern look but in just a mere seconds it changed into an honest smile.Instead of struggling out of the girl's arms,Jessica kept shut and studied the girl's features.



Normally,those whom she gave a cold treatment would distanced themselves away from her but this girl,there was something different about her...and most importantly,from her appearance she doesn't seem to work at the company.I mean...who wears shorts and hoodie to work? this girl?





A/N Sorry that there's not much of YulSic in this chapter ^^" I have the sudden urge to make a CNUXKrystal story along with YulSic so that's why i made this story XD 


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Wow this is so unusual, hope you'll update soon ^^
TheGermCafe #2
I really like this story please update soon^^
soshi009 #3
angeliana89 #4