Dating Mr. Perfect

“Eun Mi, do your parents know that you stayed over?” Taemin asks, suddenly cautious.

“Nooo! They’re out of town!” Eun Mi cheers.

“Ooo, really? Let’s go somewhere today!” Taemin smiles like a child.

Eun Mi pinches his cheek, “You’re so bipolar sometimes, you babo,”

Taemin starts tugging Eun Mi’s hair, “Don’t call me a babo, you chubaka,”

“Chubaka? What’s that?” she her head sideways.

“Oh, hehe, nothing,” Taemin says, embarrassed by his nerdiness.

Eun Mi puffs out her cheeks and walks downstairs with Taemin quickly following.

The room was filled with an amazing aroma- food.

Eun Mi glances at the fancy, Brazilian-wood, grandfather clock.

It was roughly 12:45 in Eun Mi’s eyes.

Taemin’s belly growled, since he woke up late.

“Legoo eat!” Eun Mi says with her aegyo.

Taemin nods and they invade the kitchen.

His mother already prepared their food for them, and left a note on the refrigerator.

“Taemin-ah~ I left some food for you guys! I hope you used protection~!


Taemin’s face flushed with pink, Eun Mi, suddenly curious came up from behind him.

“What’s that?”

“Er, nothing!” Taemin grabs the note and crinkles it up into a ball before burying it into the trash can.

After they finished eating, they both sat there in awkward silence.

“I feel like we..” Taemin trails off.

“Forgot something..” Eun Mi finishes for him.

*Oh, well.* they both thought.

Dumb and dumber sat down on the couch and flipped through the channels.

“Oh wait! Go back~! I think I saw TOP!” Eun Mi complains.

With a determined face, Taemin pretended he didn’t hear her and switched to the movie-channel.

An old, romatic-comedy came up.

So, with nothing better to do, they both watched the movie in cliché positions.

Eun Mi layed her head on Taemin’s lap as she watched the movie with interlocked fingers.

Typical couple.

Before they knew it, it was already 3:51.

A commercial for Super Junior’s comeback came up on the TV.

“BECAUSE I NAUGHTY NAUGHTY” the handsome men came up on the screen and started to dance.

You could see the drool spilling from Eun Mi’s mouth.

At the end of the commercial the “SM Entertainment” logo came up, Taemin jumped up, causing Eun Mi to roll onto the floor like a doll.

Taemin's face ? -

“YAHH! THE RESULTS ARE UP!” Taemin went haywire.

“Oww!” Eun Mi rubbed her head, “I could have gotten a concussion T^T!”

But it was too late, Taemin had already left her, abandoned.

Eun Mi grunted and sprinted up the steps, almost falling to her doom.

“EUN MIII! HURRY UP BEFORE I START WITHOUT YOU!” Taemin’s roared from his bedroom.

Eun Mi quickly shuffled into his room, exhausted. She plopped next to him on the un-made bed with nervousness.

“I can’t do it..” Taemin confessed.

*Dude! JUST CLICK ON IT!* Eun Mi thought to herself.

He passed the laptop to her, “You do it,”

Eun Mi gave him a look and effortlessly clicked on the “Results” hyperlink.

A tsunami of names spilled onto their laptop, and Eun Mi scrolled down the page in search of Taemin’s name.

On the other hand, Taemin was holding a pillow against his head, peeking at the laptop.

Eun Mi breathed in and out to tell him the news.

“Taemin..” she looked at him apologetically.

“W-what?” he glanced at her with a pained expression.

“You..” she trailed off for suspense.




“MADE IT! WEEEEEEEE!” Eun Mi got up and hugged her boyfriend.

“Bwoh!!??! Really?!!” Taemin held her closer and framed her face, pulling in for a kiss.

Her lips tasted like mangoes- errr something like that. The kiss was so passionate, their relationship felt more serious.

“Eun Mi, wait,” Taemin held up his pointer finger and broke off the kiss.

He went to his dresser, and pulled something under his pile of clothing.


A co-


Taemin had pulled out a couple’s ring, a pretty pricey one too.



“Eun Mi-ah,” he looked at her sincerely, holding the item behind his back.

Eun Mi looked up and their eyes met.


Saranghae,” Taemin put the ring on her finger and Eun Mi’s smile shined like the sun.


Saranghae, Taemin,” her feelings poured out.

They both found themselves on the bed again- but this time, not for sleep.


AN: Okay, I AM NOT doing a scene. Sorry 0 _ 0 !!!

Because A: uh, I’m 13.  B: I obviously still have my V-card and C: IT’S ERTED!

Oh, and Saranghae  = I love you in Korean <3 

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Awww so sweet! Gonna start with da sequel now! Perfect job author! <3
mei-chan #2
T^T ~ failure ~
Can you spot them for me?
kekeke very funny fanfic XD
mei-chan #4
Haha, I know! I was like "WAIT A SECOND!" so I excluded the group after a few chapters xD
The beginning was so much like "Boys Over Flowers" but I'll let it slide since you made an Ouran High School Host Club reference :D OHSHC FTW!
LOL the mom was tooooo funny!!!!!! Thank you for a sequel!!!!!!!!!
What?? Why?? Well but there's a sequel kekekeke
AlyssaLuvsSHINee #8
So cute! Love it! His mother was so funny! >.< Please continue to update as soon as u can.
mei-chan #9
Thank you for the kind comments T u T <333