
Notice Me

Kim Dahyun was busy writing on her notes inside the coffee shop where her friends usually go for chilling time,

But Dahyun isn't chill at all, she needs to study a lot of subjects for her upcoming exam and Dahyun is sure that she will gone crazy in no time.

A bell rang that was displayed a top of the door, the sound lingered all around the coffeeshop, and that made Dahyun looked up, curious on who just got in.,

And as if shooting some kind of romantic scenes, only in movies happens.


Everything went in slow motion.

Heck, Dahyun is sure the time almost stopped as the most beautiful creature Dahyun has ever seen just walked delicately inside the coffeeshop.

A pen fell


and so Dahyun's heart.

Minatozaki Sana, just walked inside the coffeesop as if she's in a runway modeling competition.

Dahyun watched as she looked at Sana talking to the guy in the counter.


What a lucky bastard, Dahyun thought

You see, Dahyun is sure she has the biggest crush on the Popular Japanese Cheer leader in their University, she would never deny that.


Dahyun almost drool watching how Sana's eyes went smaller as she smiled at the waiter.

Oh how expensive that smile is, those pearl teeth that was sculpted perfectly.
Those cheekbones that suits Sana very well, making her look cute and y at the same time.

And those cute eyes but also dangerous as heights that slowly turns direction until it landed on Dahyun's direction.

Wait what?

Dahyun's eyes widened and immediately averted her gaze, fixing her glasses and looked at her notebook with a blush creeping on her cheeks.

Dahyun could feel how her heart beats frantically, almost bursting.

Dahyun looked at every corner, something's missing

"My pen"She mumbled and crazily looked at her table, under the table but sees nothing.


Where the is my pen?!, Dahyun thought, almost wanting to rip her hair apart

But before she could rip her hair apart, she felt a tap on her shoulder, so she immediately look up.

She almost fell her on the floor after seeing who just tapped her shoulder with a pen.

"Holy "she mumbled at herself, as if seeing God for the first time tho it is very unappropriate saying holy and at the same time.God would not like that.

Minatozaki giggled at Dahyun's reaction, standing tall on Dahyun's side since Dahyun is sitting (tho Sana's till tall if Dahyun stands up)

Dahyun weirdly fixed herself. Wishing she doesn't look like in front of Sana.

Sana raised her hand with a pen on it, the pen almost poke Dahyun's nose, too close that Dahyun's eyes crossed as she looked at the familiar pen.

"My pen" Dahyun mumbled to herself for the third time, it made Sana poke her nose using her pen


Dahyun blinked, confused why Sana poked her nose

Dahyun immediately took the pen, her palms sweating.

"Cute" Dahyun is sure she heard Sana mumbling a cute so she looked up again


"W-What?" Dahyun asked dumbly


Sana giggled again, leaning slightly

"You're so cute" Sana spoke as her lips curved into a smile


Dahyun could hear her mini Dahyuns screaming in her mind

Dahyun's cheeks heat up more, hell, she sometimes wish she isn't this pale.

"T-thanks? I guess?"She awkwardly said, had a tight grip on her pen because little did Sana know, Dahyun is fighting the urge to dig her own grave right now.


Sana giggled again. Dahyun wasn't complaining, she would even make that sound as one of her favorite music on her playlist

Before Dahyun could even react, she saw how Sana shifted and sat just across her, wearing those sweet smile of hers, like sun shine in the morning. Very refreshing at bright.

"Hope you don't mind me sitting here" Sana cutely said, still staring at Dahyun
I wouldn't even mind you sitting on my lap, Dahyun immediately shakes her thought, so dirty Dahyun


"Here's your coffee, beautiful"The waiter from a while ago spoke to Sana with an ugly smile, as what Dahyun stated



Sana smiled back and took her coffee.

Dahyun wished she could be that waiter, I mean, he just received a ing smile.


That's hella expensive

She heard a cup of coffee being placed above the table, so her gaze went back to the sun shine, I mean, Minatozaki Sana.

But Sana wasn't looking at Dahyun at all, she was looking at the compiled books and messy hand written notes.

Dahyun is hundred percent sure that she wants to be swallowed on the ground now. Sana just ing witnessed how nerd she is. Heck, a turn off, Dahyun thinks

Sana chuckled in amusement, and then looked up at Dahyun, still with those smile.

That's illegal. That's Sana's deadly weapon.

"Aren't you being too hard to yourself?" Sana softly spoke, eyes were shining, help, Dahyun's whipped


Dahyun looked down at her notes, trying to encourage herself to speak because IT'S SANA

Aren't you being too hard to me? stop smiling, Dahyun thought

"What?" Sana suddenly spoke


Dahyun looked up in fear, did she just said it?

"I-I said..the exam is near" Dahyun slapped herself mentally, useless gay


Sana nodded in understanding

"You're such a hardworking student, Dahyunie" Sana spoke and took a sip of her coffee, eyes still darted on Dahyun's sharp ones


Dahyun made a confused face.

First of all, How come Sana knows I'm hardworking,

Second, How come she knows my name?


As Sana places the coffee, her smile widened, placing her forearms above the table, as she leaned closely

"If you were wondering how I knew your name, you should know it yourself" Sana spoke, a smirk formed


Dahyun stayed frozen. What did Sana mean?

Sana giggled, staring at Dahyun's confused and flustered face

Sana took a paper on Dahyun's compiled notes and took her pen, as she wrote something on it

Dahyun watched her confusedly. She can't process on why Sana sat across her, talking at her, and using her things.

Sana folded the paper with her cheeky smile as she looked at Dahyun's sweaty hand

Sana held her hand.

ing soft hands, that's illegal, Dahyun thought

Sana opened her hand, revealing Dahyun's palm and placed the folded paper.

Dahyun looked at Sana with raised eyebrows, confused as always.

"That will help you know why i know your name, Dahyunie" Sana winked and stood up, taking her coffee before she walks away


What the just happened?, Dahyun thought

Dahyun opened the paper, with pounding heart.

She's scared that what's written there might be some accusation of such crimes or some cult s

But her eyes widened, almost leaving her




but why? what did Sana say this is the ing tool?


Then Dahyun just woke up from realization

Sana was flirting with her

You're such a ing loser, Dahyun

But instead of scolding herself for being her usual dumb self

A grin slowly formed on her lips.

She promised to herself that she would never waste this chance





'Meet me in the back of your building'


That's what Sana texted to Dahyun

They've been texting each other for like three days now after the incident, and in that three days, Dahyun have not seen Sana, So her excitement and her blood is raising, so high that it can't reach her own height

Damn whipped

But she's also nervous. This will be her second time facing Sana and the second time they'll talk

, calm your nerves, pale , Dahyun thought

Dahyun exhaled heavily, trying to shoo away her hype

Dahyun walked through the back of the building wearing her usual outfit,

Big glasses, White sweater that is obviously big on her and her tight jeans.

She exhaled again as she spotted Sana sitting on one of the bench, Dahyun never knew there was a bench until she saw one.

Just by seeing Sana's sideview, Dahyun's knees feels like jelly and ready to wriggle and run away but NO

Dahyun is stupid but not that stupid, so she starts to walk through Sana, and her heart were running, trying to escape and jump on to Sana.

Sana saw a figure on her peripheral vision so she slightly tilted her head at the direction

A smile immediately flashed on her face

Dahyun blushed, she just noticed how y Sana is with her skirt and fitted button up shirt

Dahyun tried hard to walk through Sana without being weird, tho she's walking like she wore a ing stone like shoes

Dahyun wants to smack her feet, it isn't participating

Sana stood up, with her eyes glinting as she saw Dahyun's cute fluffy cheeks, not the cheeks down there but the face's cheeks

Dahyun almost fell on the ground when Sana suddenly jumped and hugged her tightly with arms wrapped around her neck

Dahyun froze with arms hanging mid air, she's not sure where to place it

What the ? , Dahyun thought


But not the bad kind of way of what the , the good one.

"Finally! I thought you're going to ditch me" and Dahyun never thought that she would miss those cute voice and giggles


Dahyun smiled dumbly, blushing cheeks are very visible, she looks like a tofu with cherry on top

"T-That would be rude" and stupid.


Dahyun didn't said the last words

Sana finally let go, and Dahyun could finally breathe, she didn't realized she was holding her breath because her nose keeps sniffing on Sana's sweet perfume

Sana faced Dahyun with her usual cheeky smile

ing fluffy, Dahyun thought


Dahyun smiled nervously, she needs someone to slap her, she must be dreaming, but Sana suddenly held her hands, and Dahyun felt some jolt of electricity and tingling feelings like the first time you receive a candy when you were a kid

"You're so cute" Sana bluntly said staring at Dahyun


that's the seond time around Sana said those words


Jesus Save me!, Dahyun thought


She isn't sure if she could handle this

She must have done something great on her past

"Thanks. You are" Dahyun dumbly said which made Sana giggle again


Dahyun smiled, infected by how bubbly Sana is, how she always are

Sana shamelessly dragged Dahyun to sit on the bench, and Sana did move closer to Dahyun, as if there's no space at all

Dahyun's shoulders were stiff, too unfamiliar with the body heat

"Is it too much?" Sana asked in concern and immediately scoots a little for some space


Dahyun wanna complain that it was fine, but she's shy and useless ackkk

Everything went silent

Dahyun was looking at the trees,

Sana was looking at Dahyun, shamelessly, as if this is her only chance to watch Dahyun this close

Dahyun's knees were shaky

This is more intense than roller coaster, Dahyun thought

Dahyun was feeling exposed, she's not used of being stared like this, so she finally turned her head slightly at Sana

And Sana didn't faze at all, as if she was watching some kind of movie, Sana's smile stretched

This is kinda weird, Dahyun thought


"So...So, why did you want me to come here, Sana-ssi?" Dahyun asked, blushing again


Sana giggled and Dahyun could see how Sana's fist tightened, as if controlling herself

As if Sana forgot personal space, she scoots closer to Dahyun again

Legs touching legs

Dahyun thanks God that she's wearing jeans or she would feel Sana's bare legs

"I finally had the courage to tell you everything, Dahyun. And please just call me Sana" Sana's eye's glimmers


Dahyun nodded, avoiding Sana's gaze

"Courage? F-For what?" Dahyun managed to ask, tho her eyes were darted elsewhere


Dahyun felt a warm hand at the top of hers, and Sana slightly squeezed it

"Can you at least look at me?" Sana softly spoke, as if it's a spell, Dahyun immediately looked, with confusion


"There you go. I just want to see your reaction after telling you this" Sana flashed a shy smile and she even chuckled


Dahyun wants to shut her eyes, she can't take it, Sana's being unfair. She's too ing cute

"Do you remember something happened that involves you and I?" Sana spoke, hopeful eyes were visible


Dahyun's eyebrows slightly raised

But she tried to remember something

Heck, there's only one moment that Sana and her interact--oh..

"Oh" Dahyun said to herself


Sana tilted her head a little, curious

"You remember it?" Sana spoke with hope


Dahyun bit her lower lip, hesitating

Should I say it? What if it's not that one? She might not remember it, Dahyun thought


Sana squeezed her hand again, anticipating

"Is...I might be wrong?" Dahyun reassures


"I'll listen whatever it is tho I'm also nervous if you really remember it...hopefully" Sana whispered the last word


And that made Dahyun say it. She would never let Sana down.

"Freshman?" Dahyun stared


She could see how Sana's eyebrows raised a little, as if she just said a hint

"When you were lost? And I saw you being cornered with some guys because you're new and foreign?" Dahyun spoke, eyes squints a little


And Sana's smile widened, heck, it reached her eyes

"I'm glad you remember it" Sana spoke. Almost jumped in excitement


Dahyun felt the same, I mean, it was also the only moment she had with Sana, and that was unforgettable

"You saved me, Dahyunie. You saved me from being lost and from those guys, And I would never forget that" Sana spoke softly, her eyes were bright when she spoke.


As if she treasured that moment

Dahyun was out of breathe, she can't believe that Sana remembered it

"But the things is, After that incident. I never have the chance to talk to you again" Sana spoke and Dahyun could see the pout


Mini Dahyuns were screaming inside her mind

"I...I thought you don't wanna talk to me again. I-I mean, you got famous for a short a mount of time here in university, so I thought I would never have the chance---" but Sana cut her off


"No. I...I waited, Dahyun. it's been two years. It's been two years watching you from a far. Hoping that maybe, just maybe, you would approach me and talk to me" Sana spoke, sadness was there


Dahyun's heart clenched

She didn't know that

She did the same, she waited for two years. Hoping that they could interact again

"You never notice me" Sana looked down, her grip on Dahyun's hand loosened


But before Sana could let go, Dahyun held it with her two hands, not wanting to let the chance go


"You're wrong. I...I always notice you, Sana. Heck, even in my dreams you were there" Dahyun spoke those in a hurry, out of breath


Sana looked up, a smile slowly forms

. Dahyun is sure whipped

"I like you since the first time I saw you. I admire you, a lot. But I was afraid, I mean, it's very impossible that you would like me back---" and Dahyun was cut off again


"But I like you too, Dahyun. You never knew how much I like you" blush were creeping on Sana's cheeks


She waited for this moment

"W-what?" Dahyun's eyes were wide, as if she just heard some news that Dinosaurs exists again


"I...I intentionally passes on your building tho it's far from mine. I also go to that coffeeshop just to see you even though I really hate coffee, and I always walk so slow so that you'll see me passing by" Sana's blush were getting more visible. She was shy


Dahyun could barely process, but those words "I like you too" were running around her mind

"D-Dahyun? Are you okay?" Sana asked in concern, cupping Dahyun's heated red cheeks


"Why...Why are you doing this? I could...I could barely breath" Dahyun mumbled, but Sana didn't heard it clearly so she leaned closer, Dahyun could ing smell Sana's minty breath


Jesus. Why are you making this so hard for Dahyun?


Dahyun's eyes almost crossed, Sana's too close


"'re too beautiful. I can't take it anymore" Dahyun spoke, she inhaled deeply before planting a kiss on Sana's soft lips


Sana's eyes immediately shut at the feeling of Dahyun's lips but before she could even reciprocate


Dahyun pulled away, as if running from a marathon, flushed cheeks and wide eyes

Looking at Dahyun's reaction

Sana can't help but burst a giggle

"You're so ing cute. Oh my god" Sana giggled again and pulled Dahyun closer to pinch Dahyun's cheeks


Dahyun cowered, too shy and flustered

She just kissed Sana!


Damn, Dahyun. Never thought you have that kind of (that's me complimenting Dahyun)

"I'm..I'm sorry--" Dahyun spoke but Sana cut her off by pressing her finger on Dahyun's lips


"You won't dare say sorry about the kiss, Dahyunie. From now on we're officially. You're mine, got it?" Sana playfully glared


Dahyun nodded immediately, WhIpPeD CrEaM

These feelings are too much, but Dahyun is loving it

Sana giggled, and kissed Dahyun's nose

"Say that I'm yours, Dahyunie" Sana whispered on Dahyun's lips


Dahyun can't help but smile, eyes formed like a crescent moon

"You're mine" Dahyun confidently spoke and there, Sana planted another peck on Dahyun's lips,

And another one


And another one


And another one


I've lost count, sorry


Heck, finally, they noticed each other's feelings




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Chapter 1: Dahyun got game! Lmao that was so cute!!!!! I love mutual pining hahahaha
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