Secret Agents, Assemble!

She Don't Got a Lot to Say, but There's Somethong About Her

“What?!” Seulgi gasped. “You’re a spy?!”

“Well, not like a spy in your traditional sense,” Irene tried to explain, waving her hands in the air.

“I’m sorry,” Seulgi said, reeling, “I’m not very familiar with spy terminology so if you could please explain.”

“I work for the Korean Intelligence Service. We’ve been tracking the Reveluviridae virus and its family for years now.”

“Revel--revulup--re--re-- what ?”

Reveluviridae?” Irene huffed, annoyed. “The virus we’ve been studying for, I don’t know, the past two weeks?”

“Oh, is that its name? I’ve just been saying RV.”

“No wonder Yerimie calls you Slowgi. 

“What does this have to do with being a spy? It doesn’t sound like national security to me.” Seulgi crossed her arms.

“It does if--wait,” Irene paused.

“What is it?”

“I’m trying to figure out if you have the clearance for such sensitive information.”

“You’re worried about that now? You brought me into the middle of a jungle and broke into a creepy compound and stole creepy blood vials. I think I’m in.”

Joohyun mulled the words over, then shrugged nonchalantly.

“Okay,” she agreed, “but you do not repeat what I’m about to tell you, otherwise I will inject you with one of these vials.”

“Isn’t that illegal?”

“So is stealing creepy blood vials.” She arched an elegant brow and smirked. “And we’re not in Korea so good luck prosecuting me.” She fixed Seulgi with a try me look and the younger woman suffered an inner struggle of being aroused and frightened.

“This is a matter of national security,” the doctor continued on, oblivious to the photographer’s ears turning scarlet. “Reveluviridae was geographically isolated to the Chinese-Siberian border previously.”

“So what is it doing here?”

“That’s exactly why we’re here. When the virus first popped up on our radar, it was limited to cold environments. Somehow, it managed to become resistant to heat as well.”

“That can’t be good.”

“No, it can’t,” Irene admitted. 

“Still not following how this is a matter of National Security.”

“Because we think the country behind this is North Korea, with assistance from Russia. The first time we encountered it was in Seoul. I was finishing my residency and we treated a North Korean defector. He infected half the ward before I realized what was happening. We isolated everyone after that.”

“Right,” Seulgi said, scratching her head, “but I still don’t get how this is a security issue. They’re just sick.”

“Because,” Irene sighed exasperatedly, clearly wanting Seulgi to understand, “they’re turning it into a bio weapon. The prisoners you saw? I’m recognize some of them as diplomats that have recently gone missing. They’ll infect the people before releasing them to their home countries.”

“So they get people sick?”

“Not just anyone. Think about what happens. The people get home, get treatment, get debriefed, then after a week or two, get invited to meet the country leaders.”

“Ohhh…” Seulgi said, realization slowly dawning on her.

“We know they’ve been working on trying to prolong the incubation period. You understand why that’s bad, right? The longer they’re asymptomatic, the more they can infect people before anyone realizes they should be quarantined.”

“So they’re not just trying to kill people,” Seulgi said in horror.

“--they’re trying to wipe out the world leaders as well.”

“Holy ,” was all Seulgi could manage.

“Holy indeed,” Joohyun nodded. 

"So you're not like a 007 or a Jason Bourne then?"

"More like a Jack Ryan, but with a lot less beating people up and guns."

Seulgi gave a slow impressed nod. “I have so many more questions though.”

“And I will answer them, but can it be later?” Irene grimaced. “I think I’m starting to get a dehydration headache and my hair is sticking to my neck.” She lifted her hair away from her nape.

Unable to stop staring at the expanse of skin that was suddenly revealed, Seulgi nodded. “Oh sure.” To be fair, one probably could’ve asked her then if the earth was flat and she would’ve agreed then.

“I have a question for you though,” Joohyun grinned slightly as she switched the topic. “You said you had feelings for me?”

The blood drained out of Seulgi’s face. She had completely forgotten she said that. Maybe now was not the best time to deal with her attraction to the other woman. Not in the middle of a rainforest, not while vials of a bioweapon literally hung between them, not when the woman had just confessed to being an espionage agent. 

In hindsight she'd say something like, "This is really important and I think we should talk about it later when I can really give you my full attention," and not say something stupid that she'd pulled out of her .

But alas, Seulgi on the spot was Slowgi, and she couldn’t really think straight in these kinds of pressure situations. Give her an avalanche or an unstoppable train and she’d be your hero, but emotions? In front a pretty woman? Not a chance.

“Did I say that? I don’t think I said that,” she spluttered. “I believe what I said was, ‘I have a feeling about you,’ like I had a feeling you worked for the government.” She crossed her arms with a self-satisfied smile. “Yup, that was all it was.”

“You already thought I was an intelligence officer?” the doctor scoffed, clearly not believing anything Seulgi just said.

Thankfully, their radios crackled with Minho’s voice, saving Seulgi from having to answer. 

“Mark is incoming, meet me up here right away.”

Seulgi immediately started moving, but Joohyun grabbed her arm, prompting her to look back.

“Don’t think we’re done here,” she said in a quiet voice. 

Seulgi gulped and pulled her arm free, giving her best eye smile before figuratively and literally taking off for the hillside.

Thankfully, Joohyun didn’t press the issue on the way back. Seulgi assumed it was because of the other two people in the helicopter, and for that, she was extremely grateful. She needed the time to process everything that had just happened in the past few hours.

The seemingly docile doctor who wore thongs all the time was suddenly a secret agent working for the top surveillance agency in the country, and that doctor just told her they were on the brink of a global biowar. So many questions were running through her head, like a ticker tape on Wall Street. 

Not to mention, Seulgi had clumsily confessed her crush, and now had to think of a way to make it seem not quite so...pathetic. Because what else was it if you’re gonna to tell someone you like them while the world is burning down around you? Maybe pathetic was too strong a word. Desperate? Joy would surely have the appropriate adjective to describe the mess she was in now. But regardless, there were other priorities that needed to be addressed before she even talked about her feelings towards the doctor.

As soon as they touched down, Minho and Joohyun led Seulgi to a side building, one she realized she’d never been in before. The walls looked different, like they were made of a sturdier and thicker material than the rest of the complex. When she entered after Minho and Dr. Bae, she saw people she didn’t expect.

Sitting in the fifteen by fifteen foot room were people from each of the teams, including her own. Before she could voice her surprise however, someone spoke up.

“What is she doing here?” Johnny said in surprise, clearly indicating Seulgi.

“She’s with us,” Minho said, and that was that. Then he turned to her, “Have a seat.” He turned back to address the room. 

“I have some good news. Today, we managed to take the RBB virus from the Umpah base. Dr. Bae and Dr. Son will have their work cut out for them, but they’ve assured me that they can get the job done.”

Seulgi looked around the room. Dr. Son, Dr. Bae and Johnny all sat on the opposite side of the table. Yeri was to her left, and on the other side of the girl, Mark. Minho was at the head of the table, Kai at the other end. Seulgi was flabbergasted. Why were they all here?

A timid hand slowly raised in the hair, halting Minho’s speech.

“Yes, Seulgi-ssi?” he answered, clearly confused by the interruption.

“I’m sorry, but what exactly is going on here? I only just found out about this so I’m a bit lost.”

The room looked around at each other, obviously debating how much they needed to tell her. Yeri spoke up.

“Sorry Minho-oppa, she’s pretty dense, so you’ll probably want to start at the beginning. Otherwise she’ll be raising her hand all night.”

Seulgi refrained from slapping the gnome since it was going to get her the answers she wanted.

“I’ll do it,” Joohyun said, rising from her seat. “She should understand what’s going on.” Minho sat down.

They weren’t kidding when they said they were going to start from the beginning. Apparently when Joohyun treated the North Korean defector in Seoul, she also isolated the offending virus. Her studies of the virus propelled her to the top of the infectious disease department, and when it resurfaced, as the leading expert, she was called away.

She brought Dr. Son with her, a leading pathologist and drug developer. The virus in northern China was known as Bagdboilaviridae , nicknamed Bad Boy. It caused hemorrhagic fever, liver failure and death, almost immedi among other things. The virus they were tracking in Madagascar, Reveluviridae , was almost an exact replicate, but had a greater incubation period and lower mortality rate.

The Umpah base had been working in secret for years, kidnapping foreign nationals and attempting to decode the genome--

“I’m sorry,” Seugli raised her hand, “but this is way over my head. Could you use simpler words?”

Irene fixed her with a glare and said, “Bad man make germs. Put germs in other people. Make people sick. People get dead.” 

Seulgi gave her a thumbs up. “Got it. Please continue.”

With a huff, the doctor picked up where she left off. “We tracked down their secret laboratory, and found they had frankensteined Reveluv with Bad Boy, essentially making RBB, nicknamed Really Bad Boy. It would be a virus capable of infecting everyone without awareness, and by the time the lethality became apparent, it would be too late.”

“Oh !” Seulgi said, and looked around, wondering why no one else seemed as freaked out about it. The room was in various states of disinterest: cleaning nails, playing on their phones, or spacing out. 

“Why isn’t anyone saying anything?” she looked around incredulously.

“We already know? Duh,” Yeri retorted with a sigh. 

“Oh yeah,” Seulgi said sheepishly. She turned back to the doctor. “So we just stole it from them?” Seulgi asked. “Won’t they just make more?”

“Yes and no,” Wendy spoke up. “Minho and Joohyunnie sabotaged all the remaining samples. They’ll take time to figure it out, as well as remanufacture it, if they’re able. In that time, we’re going to work on both a cure and a vaccine. Both of these aren’t simple to make, so we’re going to explore both solutions.”

“Why didn’t we rescue any of those people? We could’ve saved them.”

“We’re not here as a rescue expedition,” Minho answered. “Our cover is that we’re a medical relief mission, that’s how we got our permits, and that’s why we’re with Canada.”


“Canada doesn’t have any foreign hostilities with North Korea or Russia. If we had done this alone, suspicion would've aroused. That’s also why we couldn’t ask the US for help. Not everyone on base is aware of this secret objective. We protect ourselves by shielding our true objective.”

“It’s also dangerous to rescue them,” Joohyun interrupted. “For everyone involved. If we took them now, the base would know someone interfered. For now, they just know that someone was nearby. It’s also possible they’ve already been infected and we don’t know it. We could possibly put their plan in motion before we get a chance at a cure.”

“I see,” Seulgi said, finally understanding. “You guys are trying to be like the Germ Avengers of the world. Saving the people and no one will even know you did it.”

“Eh, not really,” Yeri said, “Suho’s kind of like Iron Man. Likes to have his face all over television so I’m sure he’ll hype it up once we actually get a cure that doesn’t kill everyone. He likes to hype up Joohyun-unnie too.”

“Wait, Suho’s in on this too?”

“Mm, more or less,” Wendy admitted. “He’s just the money behind it. He knows it’s a security issue, and that we’re possibly saving the world, but that’s about it. He doesn’t get to come to the secret meetings, but he gets a secret agent name.”

“Secret Agent name?”

“His real name is Kim Junmyeon. Suho is his handle.”

It all started to make sense now. “And you’re Irene,” Seulgi pointed to Joohyun, “and you’re Wendy instead of Seungwan,” she said to the blond doctor.

“I’m Seo Youngho,” Johnny spoke up. 

“And I’m Lee Minhyung,” Mark said cheerfully.

They continued around the room. “Kai is Kim Jongin,” Yeri explained, “and I’m Kim Yerim.”

“Huh? Your secret agent name is Yeri? That sounds exactly the same.”

“Oh off, Boss Lady.”

“Language, Yerim-i,” Irene warned.

“Sorry, Unnie.”

“Wait,” Seulgi paused, catching on to the trend. “So is Joy a secret agent too?”

“That blabbermouth?” Yeri scoffed. “No way.”

“But she has a secret agent name.”

“Otherwise commonly known as a nickname,” Irene sighed.


Slowgi, why would she not have a nickname? Her name is Sooyoung for Christ sakes,” Yeri cut in peevishly.


“And she can’t swim? If the irony of not being able to swim and your name is ‘swimming,’ how about the fact that her name is Swimming?”


Yeri leaned back satisfied. Then she added, "You should probably pick up a nickname too."


"Seulgi means wisdom."

"Yeah, so?"

"The irony? Of you being named Seulgi…?" Yeri trailed off.  "You know what, never mind. I just wasted a good joke."

“Anyway,” Minho broke the awkward silence, “let’s get back--”

“What about you?” Seulgi pointed a finger at the leader. “What’s your secret agent name?”

“Flaming Charisma,” he said with a straight face.

Seulgi almost choked. “Flaming Charisma? How do you get that kind of name?”

A collective chorus of groans filled the room and they immediately shot dirty looks at Seulgi. Unsure of what exactly she had done wrong, she looked back to Minho. 

“Here we go,” Yeri muttered next to her.

The leader puffed up his chest, drew in a deep breath and began spewing a speech or cheer, Seulgi couldn’t tell.









He finished it off with a nod, leaving everyone either speechless or deaf.

Seulgi slowly raised a hand again. Yeri grabbed it and tried to pull it back down. Seulgi looked at her in alarm. 

“What are you doing?”

“No! No more questions from you, just sit there quietly and let us finish.” They struggled for a bit, with Yeri ultimately winning and Seulgi pouting.

Two minutes later they were dismissed, under explicit instructions that no one, aside from the people in the room, was allowed to know what was going on.

“Yeri-ah,” Seulgi said as soon as they got outside. “I can’t believe you kept that secret all this time.”

“Sorry, Boss Lady,” she said apologetically. “Wasn’t really my idea. They planted me with you years ago.”

“Is that what you’ve been doing all this time?”

“Mm,” she nodded, “sending encrypted data back and forth. It’s the perfect cover really. Everyone just thinks we’re sending photos or videos.”

“That’s how we got this job,” Seulgi said mostly to herself. 

“Sort of,” Yeri countered. “They really did like your work. I’ve been showing it to them for a while now. It all just kind of worked out.”

“I wondered how you knew Wendy and Irene. I didn’t recall introducing you and you were calling them unnie as soon as we landed.”

“Yeah well, I counted on your slowness to not really make a big deal out of it,” Yeri laughed.

They walked for a bit after that in a comfortable silence, only broken when Seulgi giggled suddenly.

“Flaming Charisma,” she chuckled. “What the hell.”

“Oh, that’s cause he’s an OG,” Yeri explained. “He was a prodigy at sixteen. He and four other dudes, all young geniuses like him, took down the 2PM terrorist group.”

“That was them?”

Yeri nodded. “And they took out the brother sleeper cell, 2AM. Everyone called them the new Sherlock. Only the agents that came out after them stopped getting cheesy handles.”

“They couldn’t have been that bad.”

“Oh they could, there was a guy that was called Hero Jaejoong before he transferred. Like be a little more subtle, y’know?”

“You mean like Rising God of the East Jaejoong?”

Yeri looked at Seulgi for a second, about to say something, but swallowing it back instead. Finally, she shook her head and laughed, “That’s why I like you, Slowgi. 

Seulgi had been laying on her cot for hours now. Between the organ-shriveling, finger-curling confession she made and finding out they were on a secret, secret mission, she wasn’t really sure how to process everything. Everytime she thought she’d finally got a handle on things, more questions arose. 

After pondering the paradoxes long enough, she realized the only way to get answers was to ask for them. So she worked up the courage to go ask Joohyun, but then her vision flickered to the blurt out confession, her fingers curled out of embarrassment, and she collapsed back on the cot, doomed to repeat the cycle endlessly.

After a day or two of this horrific cycle, Seulgi finally had a breakthrough. If she couldn’t talk to Joohyun, she could ask Wendy. With the new prospect on the horizon, she quickly showered and brushed her teeth. When she went to get breakfast, she nearly lost a tooth to Joy, who was bounding out of the mess tent.

“Whoa!” Seulgi yelled in surprise, nearly flipping the tray the other girl had in her hands.

“Whoops,” Joy tittered, unfazed by her near accident. She kept going, throwing a parting comment over her shoulder. “Sorry about that, Seulgi.”

“Where are you going?” Seulgi called after her, the taller woman nearly halfway across the compound already.

“Oh this?” Joy eyed the tray she held. “I’m taking it to Dr. Son. She and Dr. Bae have been working around the clock since you guys got back.” And then she flipped her hair with another giggle and skipped away.

Dr. Bae has been working around the clock as well? 

Seulgi pondered the thought all through breakfast, taking much longer than usual as her food kept slipping through her chopsticks. Completely distracted, she wondered if she should get some food like Joy did and take it over. 

But it was different, because Joy wasn’t infatuated with the other doctor like Seulgi was with Dr. Bae. It was okay to take food over for a friend, but it was different for her. Like taking over food was too obvious, or downright embarrassing. With a disgruntled sigh, she disregarded the realization that she had already embarrassed herself a fair amount earlier.

Irritated, Seulgi stalked back to her room, intending to lay down and do nothing for a bit. That plan went to in about fifteen seconds, however. Upon laying on her cot, she realized: A. she wasn’t a brooder; inactivity was actually her worst enemy, and A. Yeri was in the tent as well, singing dual meaning lyrics like, “Come on come on come on, Bae-by don’t stop” or “Hit me Bae-by one more time.”

Now frustrated in more ways than one, Seugli stuffed a sack full of clothing and walked out. 

“Where ya goin’?” Yeri called out.

“Out,” Seulgi replied, unusually short with the other woman, and then she was gone.

She wasn’t quite sure why she was so irritated. It wasn’t an feeling she was accustomed to. Her attitude towards life meant she was relatively easy going, never really getting too high or too low, only occasionally hit by a down period. Being angry, however, just wasn’t her, and Seulgi wasn't entirely sure how to cope with it. She stormed into the laundry tent, messily unpacking her clothes.

So preoccupied with other thoughts was she, she failed to notice both washing machines were already in use. She slammed the lids in exasperation, sighing deeply.

“Something bothering you?” a quiet voice pierced the silence. Seulgi whipped around at the speaker, face turning red when she saw Joohyun sitting on a stool, looking tired and a little off put by the sudden intrusion.

“Ah sorry,” Seulgi mumbled in embarrassment, a hand absentmindedly rubbing her neck. “I didn’t realize someone was already in here.”

“I see.” 

Silence fell again, with only the rumbling of the machines between them.


“Are you--”

They both tried to speak at the same time, giggling when they realized they couldn’t hear each other.

“You go first,” Irene conceded.

“Ah okay,” Seulgi nodded. “I’m not sure where to start. I just have so many questions.”

“About the virus? Or my occupation?” 

“Everything,” Seulgi said honestly. “What did you need me for? I didn’t do anything.”

Joohyun transferred clothes over to the dryer, making room for Seulgi’s clothes.

“Yeri will use the pictures you took to ID all the missing people, as well as map out the complex. And,” she laughed, “I’m glad you helped me on the helicopter.”

Seulgi blushed as she remembered how Joohyun held onto her like a lifeline.

“What are you going to do with the virus?” Seulgi asked, switching the topic.

“Seungwannie and I are trying to find a solution. Whatever we can create first. A vaccine, a cure, anything.”

“Don’t those take time?”

“They take an incredibly long amount of time to mass produce, which is why ideally, we find a solution that neutralizes everything here.”

“Joy did tell me that you guys have been working non-stop.”

The doctor sighed. “Yes, we’ve been burning the candle at both ends, and now I’m effectively out of ideas. I needed a breather.”

“So you came to do laundry?”

“I like doing laundry,” Joohyun said defensively.

“I’ve never heard anyone say that,” Seulgi said seriously. “Not even me, and I’m the weirdest one out of all of us.”

“It calms me down,” Joohyun said with an eye roll. “It’s mundane, and lets my mind focus on something incredibly simple. Like how you draw.”

“Like how I draw,” Seulgi hummed. It made sense. It was weird, but it made sense.

I like ironing too.”

“Oh, that’s interesting,” Seulgi nodded, not believing those words at all. The doctor laughed.

“It’s okay, you don’t have to lie.”

“I’m not...” she mumbled.

“Seulgi-ya,” Joohyun said with a cheeky grin. “I’m a secret agent. We take “How to Spot a Liar 101” on our first day.”

“Do you really?” Seulgi gasped. 

“No,” she said, eyes rolling again, “it was a joke. But you are really terrible at lying.”

“I know, Joy says it’s an ‘endearing trait,’” Seulgi huffed.

“She’s not wrong,” the doctor chuckled.

“So did you really not do secret agent training?” Seulgi said eagerly.

“Ah well, we did have to do some mandatory training,” Joohyun said hesitantly, “but it was nothing like what Minho and Kai had to go through.”

“Irene,” Seulgi said aloud suddenly. “That’s such a cool name. Makes you sound like a femme fatale.” Her shoulders slumped. “I wish I had one.”

Joohyun chuckled behind her hand. “How about Seulbear? You’re like a cute little teddy bear.”

Seulgi made a face. “I’m not a child.”

“I like it,” the older woman frowned.

And Seulgi realized then she lost, because she would never turn down a pet name from Joohyun. With a petulant huff, she conceded. “Fine.”

Not wanting to dwell too long on the fact that Joohyun gave her a pet name, Seulgi switched topics at the speed of light.

 “I just don’t understand though. Why would you bring me to that top secret lair? I’m a nobody. You could’ve chosen anyone else. Yeri, or Joy, for example.”

“True,” Joohyun nodded. “But you seemed like the right choice. We needed a photographer, someone who could handle being on rope, and someone we," she paused, "I could trust.”

“You trust me?” Seulgi whispered.

“I do,” the doctor nodded, “and I know I asked for your trust before.” She looked timid for once. So unlike the self assured doctor, or the victorious kart rider, or even the frantic mess on the helicopter. Seulgi stayed silent while Joohyun continued.

“I know you were lying to me earlier,” she said softly, eyes holding Seulgi's attention, “about your feelings towards me.”

“I wasn’t—“

Irene cut off Seulgi's backtrack.

“Let me finish, please?”

Seulgi nodded.

“I haven’t forgotten what you said, but I know that this must complicate how you feel about me, whatever that means, and I’m sorry that I kept you in the dark. I just hope you understand that what we’re doing is for the greater good. We can help so many people, Seulgi. I know that what I’ve done probably has you confused, hurt even. But I want you to know, I’ve never lied to you.”

It dawned on the photographer then that what the doctor was asking for wasn’t acceptance. She wasn’t making excuses for her behavior, or justifying what she had done. She was asking for Seulgi’s forgiveness, and it was something that she was more than ready to give.

Seulgi’s anger hadn’t stemmed from Joohyun’s secret, or anything at all to do with the virus. It was from her own inability to process the events around her. Unable to deal with her growing feelings and express them appropriately, they manifested themselves in the form of a petulant adult teenager tantrum.

“Seulgi?” Joohyun murmured, “can you say something?” 

Seulgi shook her head slightly, not realizing that she’d just been sitting there. The other woman waited patiently for an answer. Seulgi could feel those dark eyes on her, never wavering.

“I wish you’d stop doing that,” Seulgi laughed with another head shake. 

“What?” was the response, Jooyhyun perplexed. 

“Staring at me like that.”

“Like what?”

“Like I mean something to you. Like you--”

Like me. Love me. 

Seulgi finished in her head. She couldn’t say it out loud. Joohyun wasn’t waiting for a reply though. She drew in closer to Seulgi, close enough that their breaths started to mingle. Seulgi’s gaze floated down to impossibly red lips.

“I trust you,” Seulgi breathed out softly. “All of you.”

“You are,” Joohyun whispered, but before Seulgi could ask what she was talking about, their lips were pressed together in a soft kiss. 

It wasn’t like Seulgi expected. There were no fireworks, no sparks of electricity, no fire burning up and down. It was a tidal wave, crashing all around her, smothering her senses, engulfing her from the inside out.

She was about to come up for air when there was a loud crash from the front of the tent. 

“Hey is Wendy’s load done yet? It’s been--whoops!” Joy barged in, effectively ending their moment.

The doctor and photographer jumped apart, red-faced and red-handed.

“Did I interrupt something?” Joy said suggestively, with a wiggling eyebrow.

“No,” Joohyun said as a blush creeped up her neck. “I need to get back.” She haphazardly threw her laundry in her basket and left the tent without another word. 

Joy plopped herself onto a chair and crossed her legs. “So, anything you want to tell me?” She grinned cheekily.

“N-no,” Seulgi stammered. She pointedly ignored her friend and continued folding her laundry.

“You sure?” she teased. “You looked like you were gonna have a little bit of coleslaw there.”

“I don’t even know what that means,” Seulgi replied, folding her laundry quickly. 

“You know, a cabbage salad?”

“You’re not making any--eep .” Seulgi froze. 

Hidden in her stack of laundry was something that didn’t belong to her. 

A red thong.

A/N: In the interest of humor and all things awkward, I will give a shoutout to both (or maybe even find a way to squeeze their name into the story) the first person to explain the cabbage joke correctly AND also to the person who best explains the oyster joke. OMG I'm so excited honestly.

I hope you guys haven't been taking this story too seriously. It's a dramedy after all. If you don't know Korean, I recommend looking up the song lyrics, since many of the references actually incorporate song lyrics into their dialogue (this means older chapters too). 

Also, I'm sorry that Minho gets so much screen time, but his overcompetitive is really one of my favs.

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I saw a meme yesterday.

“We thought by 2020 we’d have flying cars, but no, here we are, teaching people how to wash their hands.”

This is actually me. I have had to actually show a man how to properly cleanse his hands with soap. 7 hears of higher education for this shizz.


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1063 streak #1
Chapter 9: love this fic so muchh🤧 waiting patiently until you update!
2192 streak #2
Chapter 9: rereading this while waiting with respect<3
Chapter 9: This story is full of fluff, laughter and few secrets but overall a full package of Entertainment 👏🏻

Update Authornim it's really great story 😃
Chapter 9: Hmm this story is very interesthong ;)
Chapter 2: Omg I am back
Chapter 9: Hhhhhhh please update soon author nim?? This story is too funny and too good
khim2210 #7
This is just so good! Cant wait to see what happens next 😊
Chapter 9: Thank you for this story! i can't stop laughing HAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHA this is so good and cute
Chapter 9: this is so good!!! i cant wait for how this story unfolds! definitely there is a traitor in the camp and my bet is on the suho dude since he is the one who gonna get the money and doesnt know much details about the secret agent stuff also he could be selling the cure to the enemy since he most likely only cares about the money who knows.
the song references are amazing!!! this is the best story and i cant wait for future updates! thanks author-nim for sharing such awesome story!!! <3
Chapter 9: The whole confrontation with Jennie and Jisoo was so funny. And bit of Jiseul there hehehe I liked it.