Chapter 1: The Big Bad Wolf

Stay the Night


     A "large, beast-like" figure roaming the streets of downtown Seoul reportedly was seen by the residents of the area last Tuesday night at approximately 2:38 a.m. Seoul Police was quick to respond and arrived on the scene at 2:46 a.m. but found nothing except a few remnants of blood and fur.

  "It was unlike anything I've ever seen before," said Kim Jongdae, a 24-year-old college student at Seoul University. "The size of this thing was incredible."

  Citizens are required to report to their local government authorities if they have any information that could lead to the whereabouts or detainment of this creature.


  This story and investigation are ongoing.



  "What a load of crap," Baekhyun mumbled, exiting out of the article page. He made sure to sign out of his account before shutting off his laptop, tossing it aside on his bed.



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