
Ten Nights
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Sometime in the past

“Hyejin, what is the first thing you would do if you break up with someone?”

Hyejin stared at Wheein, head tilting to wonder why the girl was asking her this question.

“I just want to know,” Wheein responded to her unspoken question, squeezing Hyejin’s hands to comfort and assure her. Silence enveloped them for a moment, Wheein almost thought Hyejin wasn’t going to answer her question.


“I’ll throw away the most treasured stuff I have with the person.”

“… What? Why? But—”

“So that I am forced to get over them no matter what,” Hyejin responded quietly.


Wheein directed her attention to the toy Shibu Inu and Lion seated a few feet away from them. She hoped she would never see them gone in Hyejin’s apartment.


►♪♫◄ ▬▬▬ ►♪♫◄ ▬▬▬  ►♪♫◄

31.10.2019 ;; Thursday


Wheein didn’t know what she was thinking or doing. Her feet were dragging her towards the place she yearned to go, yet she wanted to avoid that place at all costs. Too bad, she reached the area thirty minutes ago and had been standing outside since then, her thoughts in a turmoil. Taking a deep breath, she lifted a hand. Since when did pressing the code made her so nervous? Unconsciously, she let out a relieved sigh when the light flashed green momentarily to grant her entry. As quietly as she could, she opened the door.


Her first instinct was to creep to the furthest room across the hallway. The door was left open as if it was waiting to welcome Wheein back in the comfortable constraints of four walls. With only the dim moonlight filtering through the slight crack of the curtains, she could make out the fade outlines of her scattered brushes and colour pencils left on a small, sturdy table in the corner of the room. A few canvases were still leaning against a wall, the positions indicating that they were last left by whoever was working there.


But most importantly…


Wheein’s eyes flickered towards the bed, eyes trained on the silhouettes of two soft toys. Hyejin didn’t throw the Shiba Inu or Lion away. Even in the dark, she could see how Lion was adjusted into a position where it was snuggling the Shiba Inu; a blanket covered the two of them. She felt a little more relaxed now. Hyejin had not changed the house code, which was Wheein’s birthday, and she still kept the puppy and lion… Even her little studio in Hyejin’s apartment was left almost untouched… It meant that she still had a chance with Hyejin, right?


Turning around, she glanced at the room where she knew her beloved was in. The door was left ajar as if it was beckoning her to enter the room. She could hear soft bass of music filling the silence. It was 2 in the morning, why would Hyejin be listening to music at this time?


Unless… Of course…


Wheein sighed mentally to herself, her inner voice already blaming herself for knowing she was part of the reason why the younger was drinking late into the night. Usually, Hyejin hated drinking alone, and she would only do that if she were grieving over something. Gingerly, she pushed the door open, hoping to make her presence unknown. Her sight set on the figure sitting by the edge of her bed. Her head burrowed between the knees brought up to her face. She seemed so miserable that Wheein felt her aching just by watching Hyejin mumble incoherently to herself.


“I can hear you, you know,” Hyejin suddenly spoke up, scaring Wheein, “Who are you? What are you doing in my room?” She gave a mirthless laughter, her head still refusing to lift to look at who had intruded her privacy. “I know it’s Halloween, but I’m not in the mood for Trick or Treats, please get out.” She paused for a moment, before adding, “Or if you’re a serial killer, please end my life right now. If not, leave. I don’t want anyone here except for Wheein. I only want Wheein.”


Wheein tiptoed nearer to the bed, her mind whirling with thoughts. How was she going to start the conversation…? Before she could do anything, Hyejin finally moved from her position to glance at her. Shock was etched in her face, her eyes widening as her mind instantly blanked out when she realized it was Wheein. She cowered back, blinking her eyes several times to make sure that she wasn’t hallucinating.


“Hey…” Wheein started uncertainly, “I’m here.” Her hands were fidgeting because she was so nervous.

“You… How… This is not a joke, right?” Hyejin asked shakily, “Please don’t pull a prank like this on Halloween.”

“It’s me, Hyejin. I’m Wheein.” she tried tentatively again, afraid to agitate the girl even more, “I’m here; it’s not a prank or anything like that.”


Her mind jammed after that sentence because she didn’t know what to say. Should she apologize first? Or should she wait for Hyejin to rant and hit her? Or should they calm down and stay silent first? Wheein was so caught up in her thoughts that she didn’t notice Hyejin shifting her position.


All she felt was hands tugging her wrists, strong enough to guide her towards the bed before she was yanked down onto the pillows. She felt lips crashing onto her own, molding them together desperately. She melted into the kiss, giving in to the eager tongue that was pushing insistently against her lips. The warmth that breached against was all too familiar and welcoming, teeth softly nipping at her weak spots and tenderly soothing them to reassure her of the unwavering love that still remained even though she was gone.


The kiss became slower and softer, allowing Wheein to relax slightly as she sank into the d

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wheesampa #1
Chapter 2: okay lol this is so much better. especially since everything's clearer now hahaha fave part is Hyejin telling Wheein not to leave her sight for 10 days because she left without contact for 10 days.

thanks for the valentines gift~
Savemefrommamamohell #2
Chapter 2: their fixing stuff up was really emotional.
thank you for the sweet ending!
Catastrophe97 #3
Chapter 2: thank you for the fluffy ending author :)
lisamybae #4
Chapter 1: Please make a sequel TT, I feel like Wheein is a insecure baby here which makes her take drastic action because she doesn't feel like enough
wheesampa #5
Chapter 1: I'm really sorry but that is such a stupid reason to break up lol. I can't even think of a good enough reason for Wheein to break up with Hyejin without letting her explain just because of an ex. There has to be a really massive reason why whee would hate this ex so much that she'd break up with hyejin without even letting her explain. Ever heard of communication?

If whee ends up regretting everything she said later because she was tired and had a really bad day then she needs to apologize and then they need to talk about how 'breaking up' should not be something that you say when you're angry

Again, sorry but the break felt really forced.
Chapter 1: Oh god no. I mean, if you want to leave it at this it’s good enough on it’s own ofc....it’s all so unresolved though:(
moomoojeez #7
Chapter 1: please write the consequence. too pity to just left such a great story like this ...
tawangwagas #8
Chapter 1: I need a sequel authornin ㅠㅠ this is so good