Part E

Showbiz Tsunami



Changjo dropped his jaw and stoned. Sungjong gulped while he glance at Changjo who still stand beside him withouth any move. Changjo just blink his eyes and feel that his world may be revolves too much around him. First, he got scolded by his teacher just because his best friend, then he almost attacked by a dog from Sungjong neighbor and now... Sunggyu, an idol. An Idol who always be the squealing object at his school stand in front of him, with a smile—well, now he look like shocked too same as him.

Changjo keep repeating those words on his mind,

“Hyung is home,”


What the hell with all hyung stuff?!

“You better explain,” said Changjo when he finally realizes the situations.


“So... how long you two....know each other?” Changjo said, while he sips a drink.

“He’s my brother,” Sungjong said calmly and Changjo choked.


“Sorry, I never told you,” Sungjong looked down and Sunggyu feel guilty for some reason. However, he felt that he was innocent. After all, he just worried about his beloved brother and decide to go home early; gave up on the small party at director’s house.

There was silence for several minutes until Sungjong re-opened his mouth.

“Really, Changjo I’m so sorry,”

When he began to see that Sungjong filled with tears, Sunggyu could not hold back his tears as well. He also did not know why.

Changjo still won’t to answer, it's all too difficult for him .... unbelievable. Sungjong and the celebrity family that he was hiding, what does that mean? He felt like never trusted by Sungjong. There is a feeling upset and disappointed also raging in his mind; he wanted to shout at this time.


Sungjong puzzled.

“Why are you doing this?”

Sungjong bit his lower lip. The situation did not improve, if he's telling the truth onChangjo, what he was going to believe? He was not sure. But, he had to say.

“Because... I don’t want to lose you,”

Changjo not understand. He just stared, asked for an explanation.

"You are the only one, who...didn’t know about my background life but still became my friend till now. You know, I never had a friend before so—“

"Yes! Yes, hedoes right ... please don’t leave him, please Changjo-sii," Changjo and Sungjong look at each other eyes. Sunggyu was sit next to them and suddenly grab Changjo’s shoulder and shook them. Honestly, it’s scare Changjo.

"Hyung ... you start became a doting brother again," Sungjong pouted.

"But ... I love you, I don’t t want you be sad, Jongie! "

"But you embarrassed me,"

Changjo want to laugh but he won’t dare to do that. How is it possible? Sunggyu who always looks cool and adored by the girls at his school was actually just an older brother for an ordinary high school kid. And he didn’t think that Sunggyu has a brother complex, it’s not like Sunggyu.

"Okay, Changjo-ssi? I'll give you anything! Anything! "

 “Hyung stop it!”

“It’s for your sake, Jongie!”

“Okay, okay. I...I’m fine with this. But, you always know that I hate the liar,” Changjo glared at Sungjong and ignoring Sunggyu. “But, since you’re my friend, my best friend... you are the only exception,” Changjo smiled a bit.


“I never take back my words, but next time tell me anything properly,”

“I will!” Sungjong laughed, he’s so happy till he want to cry. Changjo hug him and said it was okay, though he felt disappointed. Sungjong have a reason and he just tired of loneliness, and need a friend beside him.

“Jongie, I’ll be going now—“

“Let my brother walk you home,” Sungjong suggested.

“I’m fine, I’ll get a bus,”

“No! no, it’s okay! Hyung, please drive him home,” Sungjong put his aegyo on it and Sunggyu couldn’t resist.

“Yes, it’s okay. I just want to give you thanks for being Sungjong’s friend,” Sunggyu agreed and Changjo can’t refuse, because for some reason, Sunggyu looks like an evil when he smiles toward him. He doesn’t know why, maybe just his imagination.

Changjo agreed, he let Sunggyu to drive him home. Now, he believes the words that Sungjong ever said. “I’m born to be loved,” right. Everyone always loves him, even he can’t resist all blink that Sungjong gave to him.

When the door in front of him closed, Sungjong came to realized that he’s  alone again.

Sungjong sighed, he go to the upstairs; his room. He takes the remote and turn on the TV, he lying on his bed and keep his eyes glued on the TV. Ah right, it’s the talk show when L and his brother became the guest today. He smiled when he saw L talking and laughing.

“Cool...” He said and giggling.

L and Sunggyu keep talk about their life, and sometimes Sunggyu mentioned him. It made him happy, feel like celebrities for some second. But when he remembered about that day—when he slipped on the stage he feel goosebumps.

“I wish I can be like him,” Sungjong said as he stared at the TV screen.

The way L laugh and talk are really likeable. He remembered L’s first appearance on TV, Sungjong can saw his nervous but L keep sing like no one notice him. When he talked he almost dropped the mic for several times and he thought L was cute that time. So when his brother comes home he asked Sunggyu to get his autograph for the first time.

“L always surrounded by fans and being loved, and then he had Sungyeol-ssi beside him—what am I saying?!”

Sungjong came to punch the pillows again. Why always Sungyeol, Sungyeol and Sungyeol! And again Sungjong blushed just because Sungyeol’s name, how embarrassing. Sungyeol always stand beside L, of course! Since he was that person’s manager. But why he feels jealous toward L, not Sungyeol.

He stared at the clock, it’s already late for him and Sunggyu hasn’t come. When the program is going to end, Sungjong decide to pull his blanket and sleep. He was too tired today and need take a rest.


“Sungjong-ah, wake up,” a hand his hair.

Sungjong tried hard to open his eyes; the sun light and that disturb his sleep.


“It’s me, Sungjong,”

Sungjong widened his eyes and yelled. What was that about? Is he dreamed about Sungyeol or something? It’s more embarrassed when you said it in front of your brother, mistake him for anyone else.

Sunggyu lifted his arms and waiting for a respond. Sungjong just blink shut his eyes and buried him self on the blanket. Sunggyu thought that Sungjong’s act now is really cute and…strange. Blushing? It’s rare for him.

“You’re so cutttee,” Sunggyu hugged him tight.

“No, I’m not cute,” Sungjong whined, he was too tired when people saying cute toward him, because in fact he never think that he’s cute or something. “I’m just an ugly duck,”

“But someday you’ll turned in to beautiful swan,”

“Stop it hyung, it’s gross,”

“I’m telling you the truth!” Sunggyu keep hug him, “Even L said you are cute,”

Sungjong laughed. L always said that his fans are cute, beautiful or great. But that’s a compliment and it’s nice. Called cute by his idol is a paradise.

“L always said that, so…it’s nothing,”

“Sungyeol said you’re cute too,”

And Sungjong punch his brother again and again with blushed face.

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lovevyk88 #1
Chapter 8: Wow... This is really cute are u dropping thiss? Pls updatee
" I’ve ask L manager, he’s a good trainer,” - Sungjong's mom

Yuki0710 #3
I can't wait for next chapter!! XD
please, update soon
Smileonce133 #4
Please update soon <333 ~`
Yeoljong! XDD
I love Yeoljong couple, so cute :D
Please update soon~!!
Myungjong... Wondering what will happen next :D
Update soon ^^
looking forward to the training part!
of a mom ( =`д´= ;)
I seriously really hate her with all my might (>へ<)
why don't I lock you in a closet filled with poisonous scorpions and hungry lions !! (。>д<)シ
babotea #9
hdjhfsaf awww jong's reaction is so adorable when yeol says that he's cuteasdfdsfa
thank you for writing this! I'm so happy that yeoljong received more love after their troublemaker performance ♡_♡