14 September - Photo and Music Day

14th Day -Wine Day- [HIATUS]

After seven months being all lonely and grumpy, Daeun finally got her happiness back. Just three days ago, a senior from her class confessed his love to her.

It was a pretty shocking proposal by the most charismatic male on her class, Lee Chihoon. His fangirls were in a dying state when they saw this flower boy approached the first year student, Daeun, while holding a small chocolate box.

Even though he wasn’t saying anything special beside, “Will you be my girlfriend.” But it was enough to make his fangirls squealed in shock. They didn’t expect it that their oppa will really have a girlfriend, judging from his small range social interaction.

And on the other side, Daeun, who couldn’t be alone anymore when her best friend being all lovey dovey with her boyfriend, she decided to accept Chihoon proposal. She has nothing to lose anyway, Chihoon was perfect; he was handsome, he was popular, he was pretty clever, and he also didn’t have that disorder named ‘Prince Disease’.

Of course you was all surprised by her sudden relationship. Daeun never told her that someone was actually make a move on her, which was actually true. Chihoon never showed her interest in Daeun, and suddenly just proposing to her.

This little thing made you a little worry. She was worried that that boy actually just playing with Daeun. She was worried that their relationship will not last for a long time. She also worried that Daeun might have her second heartbroken sooner than expected.

But responding with all her worries, Daeun remarked, “It’s me who don’t have any feelings toward him. So don’t you worry if he just playing with me. I will not get hurt by that.”

Even with that statement, you still not satisfied yet. Even though Daeun didn’t have any feelings toward that Chihoon guy, she was very sure that the probability her feelings got hurt was still high. It will still felt hurt in the bottom of your heart if you were betrayed by someone even if you already hate them.

you finally felt how lonely it was to left alone when her best friend was on a date.

She was on the way to Daeun’s class so they could go home together, but what she saw when she was arrived there was Daeun sitting on the back of the class with her boyfriend, chatting and acting so lovely. “She must feel like this when Dongwoo was sticking on me,” she sighed and left the class.

The campus she was in, was a lot more quiet when morning. Lots of students were leaving the campus with watery eyes and a long yawn. They were all staying overnight at the campus, finishing their last project in the last second and giving it to their professor as soon as they finished it.

you looked at them with anxious smile. She was wondering if she will become like that in one more year. To prevent getting black circle around her eyes from staying up every night, she made promise with herself to work even harder in study.

Before she went home, you visited the canteen and order some french-fries for take-away. The canteen was full with couples who tried to find break time between their classes to meet up. One table can contain three couples at once. Just like a good student, they weren’t just playing around with their partner; they also discussed their lesson and shared their thoughts about it.

A jealous feeling filled half of you’s stomach. She was wondering if she could have time to discussing her lesson just like those couples with Dongwoo. It was impossible after all. Even if she got a chance, it was highly possible that both of them cannot share their opinions together reminding of the subject they were studying.

Dongwoo was always dreaming about being a traditional doctor, so he picked the medical classes to achieve his dream. While you suddenly have an interest in history and archaeology, she was amazed at how archaeologist can found the long-hidden fossil; it was just like treasure for you.

“Oh, thank you,” she said as her french-fries being served. After paying it, you went straight to the gate. She was pretty tired these days since her essay always waited her at her apartment. She put her hood on to hide her tired face.

That day was Saturday, at 10 AM. By looking at how tight the traffic was, it can be assumed that businessman and woman were really busy in doing their schedules and such. Many kinds of cars, many colors of cars, and many size of cars kept passing in front of you’s eyes, which made her unable to cross the road.

When the cars started to be lessen in amount, and you was about to cross the road, someone called her from behind with such a cheerful and yet a loud voice, “Yah! you!”

Hearing her name being called, you spun around. Her tired eyes enlarged in its maximum size as soon as she spotted the owner of the voice that called her just then. “Jang Dongwoo? Why are you here?” she blurted her question which she always repeated once she saw Dongwoo coming to her university. “No, more importantly, how do you know my class end at this hour?”

He smiled brightly, showing his cute pink gums. “I always know your schedule, honey~” After gaining you’s questioned look, he starting to whine, “I was waiting for nearly an hour you know. And you make me wait just to buy junk food?”

“Who ask you to wait for me?” she defended.

Dongwoo speechless for a while, he didn’t expected such a blunt response from his girlfriend who was a soft talker. But she was right; he was the one who waited her without any notice any yet he complaining about waiting for an hour. “Ah, I… just want to surprise you.”

you raised her eyebrows and thinking for a second. “Wait, if I’m right, today is 14th right?” She gained a nod from Dongwoo for her question. “Happy anniversary! But what day is today?”

“Today is photo and music day! Want to go to karaoke later?” he got back his wide smile and began to spilled the plan that he thought the whole night.

“Just two of us?”

“What? Don’t tell me you want to ask Daeun to join us?” Actually, without you telling him, Dongwoo already knew it from her eyes. He always liked you’s eyes because it can tell him everything, it can tell him if she have a problem, it also can tell him when she lied. “Arasso, tell her to meet us at 4 PM.”

you jumping in happiness and immediately sent a message to Daeun to inform her. In less than a minute, Daeun already replied her message with a note that she will also bring Chihoon with her. “Thank you!” she thanked Dongwoo, who was just smiled seeing how happy his girlfriend was.

“So, before 4 PM come, let’s go somewhere!” he reached you’s hand and lead her to the nearest bus stop.

She felt something missing from Dongwoo. He was missing something that he always brought with him. She cannot find what it was, but she sure feel that something was missing. She checked Dongwoo’s clothes, but it was as superb as usual. She checked Dongwoo’s hair, but he still has the same hairstyle. She also checked the accessories that he wore, but he still wore lots of accessories.

So what was missing? Did she just over thinking? But then when they were arrived at the bus stop and were sitting down to wait for the right bus, you suddenly realized what was missing from her boyfriend. “Yah, Dongwoo-ah, where is your car anyway?”

“My car? It was being repaired right now. Since I don’t want to miss this day, I decided to come here by bus.” Dongwoo then apologized for making you going onto uncomfortable date by riding a bus.

“Eeii… it’s okay though. I often ride bus, and it wasn’t uncomfortable.”

Five minutes later, the bus they were waiting came. The passengers immediately lined up and getting into the bus one by one. you and Dongwoo unfortunately didn’t get any seat, so they were standing and holding onto the holder in front of them.

With that kind of situation, Dongwoo really felt really bad toward his girlfriend. It was his first time going into a date with such an uncomfortable vehicle. That was public bus, the public transportation that most of people used. And they also get on at the busy time, causing this kind of situation when they didn’t get a seat. “I am sorry.”

Looked confused at the sudden confess, she just can said, “Eh?”

“You must feel uncomfortable, right?”

“It’s really okay. Don’t exaggerate it, I’m fine.”

Still feeling a bit guilty, Dongwoo promised to himself to make you happy during their free time, during their anniversary.

Both of them then arrived at their destination in 15 minutes. There were so many tourists with their sunglasses and hat on. The place they were visiting was famous within the tourists; it was the place with Korean souvenirs and other items that were sold in a low price.

Every kind of accessories, from the simple one to the fancy and expensive one, can be found in this place. Every kind of clothes, from the simple one with ‘I Love Korea’ sentence to the fancy mini dress, was also can be found in this place.

Dongwoo and you were taking their time and trying everything they could saw. They tried the sunglasses, taking couple photos together, and put it back on the display. They didn’t actually planning on buying many things; they were just enjoying their time and want to save those memories into pieces of photos.

But then, they found a store with funny sentence on their shirt. There was something like ‘I Am Sorry for Being Beautiful’, ‘We Are Not Perfect’, and ‘I am Ugly’. Both of them spreading all around the store to find such a hilarious shirts and made fun of them. But in the end, they picked a couple of shirt with ‘Ahjumma’ and ‘Ahjusshi’ written over each of them. Not to mention that they did a little photo shoots after they purchase it.

It was around 2 PM when Dongwoo excused himself and going somewhere alone, leaving you behind at the restaurant. Being an obedient girlfriend, you didn’t even complaining once, as long as he didn’t leave her alone, it was fine with her.

Around 15 minutes later, Dongwoo showed up again. “Our food hasn’t arrived yet?” he asked with a bright tone. Nothing special, he always talked with a bright tone every day after all.

“Did you leave me somewhere just because it’s boring waiting with me here?” she . She loved it when her pure minded boyfriend has that panic expression on his face.

“Of course not! I was going somewhere to do something important!” he hardly answered. It was hard to think an answer that will not spill out his other plan, he must think carefully.

Their food then arrived as soon as Dongwoo sat back on his seat. Their growling stomach was already shouting for food. Walking around such a big area and fooling around sure making their energy depleted, and so, this lunch they had tasted really delicious.

Dongwoo talked a lot with you that day. They barely meet every week, and there were many things that he wanted to share with his girlfriend. He was started talking about his medical study, how hard it was to remember strange name of herbals that they used to make the traditional medicine.

you was also use this chance to get off the loads on her shoulders. She told Dongwoo about everything, about every of her problem that she always kept with herself. Her essay, her teachers’ scolds, and the difficulties in studying, she told all of this to him. It sure made her shoulder enlighten a bit.

Even though they couldn’t help each other much with their studies, but talking about problems like that wasn’t a bad idea.

About 30 minutes later, Dongwoo once again excused himself and went somewhere again. He left you again at the same restaurant. He went just for a moment, about five minutes later, he came back and went straight to the cashier to pay their lunch.

you, who saw Dongwoo already went to the cashier immediately get up and grabbed her bag. She waited for him near the door, so they could go out quickly.

“Hei, there’re still some time before 4 PM. Let’s take the bus, it might take some minutes to get to the karaoke bar,” Dongwoo uttered.

They walked hand-in-hand to the bus top. Fortunately, the bus already waited for them, so they didn’t have to wait anymore. It took them 25 minutes to arrive at the next bus stop, and it took them another five minutes to arrive at the karaoke bar.

Dongwoo already made a reservation beforehand. They went to the karaoke room number three and waited for Daeun-Chihoon couple to arrive.

“Daeun-ah! Come here quick!” you called her best friend.

“Huh? Isn’t it supposed to be at 4 PM?”  Daeun answered on the other line.

“Just come here quick, okay?”

“Okay, just wait for five minutes. See you.”

“See you.”

Daeun and Chihoon really showed five minutes later. It looked like they were in the middle of a date whene you called her.

Dongwoo, who have no idea that Daeun already started dating again, began to , “I still remember how boyish you were and how you cried over your ex-boyfriend in the Black Day.”

Daeun’s face burning and became a lot redder than normal. Before she could defend herself, Chihoon already asked a question, “You used to be boyish?”

And with that, question after question being threw to each other, making them became closer again. Fortunately, Dongwoo realized why they were there in the first place, it was to sing! He began to search the music list to find a good song.

And then the music started to play. “Today is our 6th month anniversary. I will sing a song for you,” he started. “Naekko haja, naega nol saranghae, eo?”

A song sung by a group named Infinite being played. you cannot tear her eyes off from the sight of Dongwoo singing. Daeun and Chihoon also watched him and paid so much attention to them.

A while later, when he was already sung the half of the song; Dongwoo passed the microphone to Chihoon. Hesitated, Chihoon got up and began to sing the rest of the song awkwardly. He wasn’t the type to doing this kind in front of many people. But with Daeun watching over him, he tried his best to sing.

And while Chihoon singing, Dongwoo take out something from his bag. It was a thick book. When you take a look closer, she realized that it was a photo book. “What’s with this photo book?”

“What? What photo book?” Daeun then rushed to you’s side. She impatiently flipped onto the next page, showing three of them in their high school’s uniform. “It was long time ago…”

Chihoon, who didn’t want to miss the chance to look at how his girlfriend look like in the past, tossed the microphone to the floor and went to his girlfriend side. “This is you?”

“Yah! What do you mean with that tone?” Daeun exploded.

“You are beautiful, though.” Chihoon whispered to himself.

After flipping page after page, there were many pictures of Dongwoo and you that was taken at their dates from one year ago. There were many photos that they taken at their monthly anniversary, started at black day, when their first anniversary taken place until their today’s date.

There were also photos that they took from photo box at the first until fifth page. Dongwoo then took out permanent markers from his heavy bag and give one to you. They were started to decorate the photo book with their handwriting.

“So you left me just to take this photo book?” you asked as she doodling at the photo book.

“Yeah. I was afraid that I cannot make it in time.”

“Babo. I love you,” you said without made an eye contact with him. But Dongwoo still can feel it that she was smiling. “Thanks for everything.”

Dongwoo patted you ‘s head gently. “I always love you too.”


I planned to post it yesterday (14/09)

But since my internet connection gone, I just post it now. hehe ^^”

Thank you for reading!

Let me know if there’s something on your mind.


Happy Photo and Music Day!

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Chapter 9: omg omg xD it's o cute ~~~ i think i'm gonna die of cuteness !

unnie-ah ! you really know how to write cute stories :3
Chapter 9: omg this chapter is super cute. ;w;)b ♥
KimSuYeon #3
please update author-nim
gaah xD cute !! omo >< i really love your fic :3
waaa finally you online! xD
keke.. daeun is too busy to finding new boyfriend :3
wait for kiss day!
aiigoo :3 dongwoo is shoo cute xD no daeun for today! xD lawl~ ^^
Omo... I just happen to run across this very adorable fic. I just finish reading the first chapter, this story is very cute and entertaining to read
thanks for writing and sharing this cute fic
thank you~^^
i'll try my best
nnoapplers #9
woooaaahhhh it's been along time i read sweet and cute fanfic about dongwoo. keep it up authornim ;))