
Park Sooyoung likes blondes?
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A/N: Hello, everyone so a while ago on twitter I announced I would be trying to do a thing with Joyri day oneshots, similar to how seulrene day began and I came up with the 14th by taking Joy’s favorite number 31 and the number Yeri has 17 and ended up with 14 from that, I also really love Joyri so any reason to put more Joyri into the world I will do. Here is the first of hopefully more to come this should not interfere with seulrene day one shots. The idea behind this is that I noticed that once we got blonde Yeri again Joy was really all over her and so I thought wow, Joy must love blonde’s since she was definitely not all over Yeri like this in a long while, so please enjoy this :)


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Yerim wasn’t the sort of girl to admit that she missed her girlfriend’s affection and attention. No, not Kim Yerim. She was just about the last woman around that would say she needed her girlfriend’s attention. She would rather sit in silence than simply go to Sooyoung and ask her why she’s acting like she doesn’t exist half the time. But, it was also getting a bit ridiculous when the woman she loves very much seemed to drastically change. Yerim remembers a girlfriend who was all over her, loving, attentive, sweet, and the definition of the perfect girlfriend. Things have more or less changed in a manner of speaking. Yerim looks over to where Sooyoung is sitting on their couch and is on her phone either on Instagram or watching videos on Youtube, one or the other.


“Soo?” Yerim calls out to her.


The dark-haired woman doesn’t acknowledge her. Sooyoung simply sits there on her phone amused by whatever it is that’s on the screen. Yerim sighs and looks away to gain her composure. She’s not going to scream or yell at her girlfriend. No, she’ll approach this calmly. 


“Sooyoung?” She calls her name this time. Because when you call someone’s name then they should respond, no?


“Hm?” Her girlfriend nods.


In the past, Yerim would have gotten a much better reaction than that. Sooyoung would have been all over her. Her girl would have at least given her a hug or kiss by now. There were times Sooyoung would greet her first with a warm hug or kiss, but those days or gone. In short, Yerim is getting sick of whatever this is.


“Park Sooyoung.” The shorter woman gets up and stands in front of the taller woman on the couch. This time it makes Sooyoung look up, because it’s so rare that Yerim will say her full name in that tone of voice. The dark-haired woman sees Yerim standing there with that cute frown on her face, arms crossed over her chest, and it makes her smile.


“Aw, baby, you look like an angry turtle when you do that face.”


“Angry turtle.” Yerim frowns again. There is a joke between them that Yerim resembles a cute baby turtle and Sooyoung an adorable little chick. In fact, they even gifted each other with turtle and bird plushies one year on Valentine’s Day, as a bit of a joke, but it turned out kind of sweet too. Yerim just chalked it up to their dynamic, they have a bit of a silly and fun, but ultimately sweet relationship that works out well for them.


“Be quiet, chicken!”


“Hehe, chicken.” She laughs and immediately turns her attention back to her phone to continue watching her videos, or playing her game, one or the other. Yerim is more angry by that, because now she’s really being ignored. In the past, they would have some sort of mini back and forth calling each other cute nicknames, just for the hell of it, and naturally they would be kissing by now. Yerim doesn’t know what to make of it, she just sure as hell doesn’t like it.


“Soo!” She walks over and takes her phone from her hand, which gets the dark-haired woman’s attention.


“Hey!” Sooyoung pouted all cute then, looking almost adorable in the moment, and it’s odd to think of her girlfriend as adorable since in truth, Sooyoung has this downright iness to her. She can’t help it, her entire aura just radiates iness, because she has the dark locks, against pale skin, but big bright brown eyes, and full lips too. Truth be told, when Yerim first met Sooyoung she thought the other woman was a model because of how effortlessly pretty she was.


“We have to talk.”




Sooyoung knows the differences in when Yerim is kidding and being serious. The brown-haired woman is looking at her with that look that she shouldn’t ignore, because clearly Yerim has something to talk about. 


“What’s the matter, babe?” She moves over on the couch to give her room to sit down. Yerim walks over to the couch and sits down too, and wonders how can she ask this without really admitting that she misses her girlfriend’s affection. She can’t really admit it, because if she does then Sooyoung will never let her live it down. She can see it now.




Sooyoung would be sitting there, looking all concerned at first, because she would be. Her girlfriend is a sweet and caring person, who does love her, at least Yerim is still pretty sure that Sooyoung loves her. 


“Um, Soo?”


“Yes, baby, what’s wrong?”


“I just…”


“Yes?” Sooyoung would look at her with those bright eyes full of concern and love, as she holds both of her hands, trying to be comforting to her other half as she waits for Yerim to tell her what’s on her mind. Yerim would give in, because she can’t resist that look in her girlfriend’s eyes.


“Well, I think things have really changed lately, you used to be all over me, now all of a sudden there’s nothing, so maybe I missed you?”


The dark-haired woman frowns. Maybe Yerim missed her? What does that mean, it’s either Yerim missed her or not, it’s not that difficult to say.


“Are you trying to say you miss me?”




“You do, don’t you!” She smiles happily. “Aw, my baby loves me. I can’t believe you’re being this adorable right now, I will absolutely never, ever let you live this down, ever, Kim Yerim.”




The brown-haired woman shakes her head of her daydream, well, perhaps it wouldn’t happen exactly like that. However, she knows Sooyoung and she would be thrilled to know that Yerim is missing her affection and attention right now Is it really worth the humiliation? Yerim thinks about her options, seriously. Sooyoung is waiting for her to say anything at this point.


“Hey, if you’re not going to say anything. Can I at least get my phone back, because I was watching something?”


“What?” Her question snaps Yerim back to reality. She didn’t even realize she still had Sooyoung’s phone in her hand. She reluctantly hands back the phone to the taller woman, who doesn’t yet start watching her video again. She is too curious now to know what Yerim has to say.




“Uh, I’m going to go grab takeout for dinner tonight, what are you in the mood for?” She randomly says instead. Sooyoung looks at her like she can simply hit her in the arm for saying that.


“That’s all, you made it sound like it was really important.”


“It really is important, do you want to eat or not? I can just get food for me.” She then says with a smile, but Sooyoung knows she wouldn’t actually go get food for only herself. Yerim is a sweet girlfriend, she just likes to give her a hard time here and there, but Sooyoung knows it’s all because they have an overall playful dynamic. 


“Oh, anything is fine, baby, I don’t care.”


She turns back to her phone and plays her video again, and Yerim internally sighs. She gets up and prepares herself to get ready, as she was truly going to go get them takeout, even though she used it as an excuse to not simply say what’s really on her mind.


“I’m going to go now!” The brunette shouts from the front door of their apartment.


“Okay.” Sooyoung nods from the couch, and doesn’t even act like she’s trying to get up to give her a kiss goodbye or anything. Yerim knows for sure she doesn’t like this new situation at all. She’ll have to do something about it, but what?


“You could always tell her the truth.” Her inside voice tells her. “Honesty is the best policy.”


“The truth is for losers, I’ll figure out some other way.”


For now, Yerim is going to observe. She wanted to see how th

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dkdldb #1
Chapter 1: Awww this is really cute
Chapter 1: oh bro
i have some heart eyes now
theyre really too cute
Chapter 1: Thanks for posting so many Joyri stories! Joyri isnt as popular as the other Red Velvet ships and it only has a few fanfics. Joyri is my favorite Red Velvet ship and I'm happy that my favorite Red Velvet fanfic Author likes the ship and makes amazing stories with that pair.
Chapter 1: That made me soft
YaliBishop #5
Chapter 1: <span class='smalltext text--lighter'>Comment on <a href='/story/view/1428669/1'>Blonde-lover?</a></span>
Oh my goodness, I'm happy you decided to make Joyri day fics I love the Seulrene ones and I'm sure I will love Joyri's as well. Literally, we all are Sooyoung when Yeri goes blonde. Damn, blonde Yerm could punch me and I'd be grateful, I mean, she looks great in every color (honorable mention: brunette Yeri) but she snaps in blond.
Chapter 1: Our squirtle is missing her chicken's level of affection ^^
Chapter 1: I'm cackling at Yeri's imagination on how Sooyoung won't ever let her live this down.
Fanfictionfan19 #8
Chapter 1: Yes, Yeri looks exceptionally good in blonde hair, but she's always been beautiful. Glad that Sooyoung communicates that and the reason why she's reeling down the affection for Yeri's sake.
Chapter 1: Loved it, really funny and cute. Thank you!!