More Than Falls

Road to Solace (Revamped)

Gasps eroded around him, but among them the loudest was the shriek, “GET OFF HER!!!!!!!”

Water bottles pooled out of the heavy cooler Park Chanyeol had been carrying. Dropped and abandoned as he leapt toward the bleachers. Violently shoving Sehun to the side Chanyeol took Namjoo’s hand and pulled her away.

Jongin glanced at Sehun’s sunken form and scoffed thinking he deserved it. Then he turned and walked off wanting some really, really fresh air.


How dare he?!


Freaking Oh Sehun! Steam poured out of Chanyeol. Fuming the entire route around the school. Stomping past the trees that studded the area surrounding the brick building, Chanyeol body slammed the class president a hundred times inside his head. Calling him all the bad names; limitless words that created Chanyeol’s vocabulary, things he didn’t have the courage to say in real life.

At last coming to a stop in front of the gaping side doors that led straight into the indoor stadium, where basketball hoops hung from each end of the room. Letting go of her hand Chanyeol whirled around. Seeing the shell-shocked look on Namjoo, who hadn’t had the time of day to process what just happened. Shoulders stiff she glanced at him without the slightest head movement.

Worriedly cupping her face, he moved her head from side to side, “Are you ok? You’re not hurt?”

Namjoo swiped his hands away.

“That rich mongrel!” Chanyeol loudly shouted. “I’ll just strangle him the next time I see him! Just because he has money, he thinks he can ki –”

Tiptoeing, Namjoo plastered a hand over his mouth. “Don’t say it. Don’t say it!”

Stifling his breath Chanyeol glanced at her, giving a nod of the head. Namjoo’s eyes had become really round. If not because of the heat her cheeks were a hot shade of pink.

Pressing a palm against her cheek, he asked, “Are you sick?”

She was superbly warm to the touch. Disregarding his concern Namjoo swiped his hand away again.

“I’m fine,” she shoved his worry away. Darting her eyes into the distance then jotting them back his direction, “Did you bring me water?”

Chanyeol thought about the cooler he’d dropped. Water. He had earlier gone inside to inquire his soccer coach about some, lying it was for the soccer team, and gotten a 24 pack from the school kitchen for free. All which he had dumped inside a cooler that he had left behind.

“Oh…” he turned upon a faint whistle in the distance. Turning back to her he said, “I guess they’re done with the track race. Soccer is last on the game list. Do you want to lay down first?”

“No, I’m fine.” She was fast to shoot him off.

Chanyeol gave her a onceover. He didn’t want her out on the field where Sehun could see her, darn Oh Sehun, freaking Sehun, idiot, rich class Oh Sehun. The mere replay of him doing that – making Namjoo kiss him was outrageous!

Chanyeol clenched his hand into a fist. Desperate to wipe out the memory of what he’d seen.

Damn Sehun.

Freaking Oh Sehun!

Who did he think he was?!

“You ok?” Namjoo wondered peeking up at him.

Breathing a puff of smoke, Chanyeol wrapped his long arm around her shoulders. Keeping her nestled close to his side he pulled her along.

“Let’s kick .” Chanyeol huffed.

“You’ll keep the ball from me, right?” Namjoo asked.

She sounded cheery which energized him. They had a game coming up and he a promise to keep. Forget about the kiss for now. Tomorrow when he saw Sehun in the classroom he’d show him just what that shaggy haired kid was made of.

Pressing his lips tighter into a hard taut, determined line Chanyeol led Namjoo to the soccer field.

The crowd of students were already gathering. Less interested in watching weight lifting. Exhausted and worn, prepared to call an end to today’s sports festival. At least ice-cold water was free and this time they could all sit to watch the last heated match of the day.

Chatter was nonstop. A once in a year event that let students from other schools interact. Chanyeol imagined the new friends made, new hearts sizzling as crushes developed, and perhaps very unluckily were the few that disliked each other right away.

Gulping his water, he peered in Namjoo’s direction. Past her he spotted Sehun gearing up for the game with them. Chanyeol narrowed his eyes.

Freaking darn Oh Sehun. Why the hell had he chosen to play soccer instead of something dumb like weightlifting? Huffing he drank his water faster and angrily tossed the plastic into the trash bin. Moving to stand on Namjoo’s side to block her from Sehun’s view and intentionally wrapped his arm around her shoulders. Chanyeol discreetly glanced at Sehun to find him staring. Just like that the flame in him was fueled again.

The rich monkey!

Irritably shifting, Chanyeol stared out at the field. The game was yet to start, but he was already preparing to kick Sehun’s . Never mind if they were on the same team. They would never ever be on the same team!

Then the whistle blew and the first half of the game commenced. Chanyeol was fast on the field chasing the ball like a guard dog. Whenever he made a shot, he threw his arms up in victory, running past his cheering teammates toward Namjoo to high-five her. Ever conscious that Sehun was watching malevolently. Chanyeol smugly smiled each time the game continued, running with the wind. Thrown off for the first time when Sehun managed to steal the ball from him.

That was the end of the call. Chanyeol went after him crazily. Dismissing the other students on the same team. Confusion swept over everyone as the two of them flew around the soccer field in a frenzy. The referee wildly blew his whistle to stop them except neither paid heed.

Chanyeol came so close to stealing the ball as Sehun ran toward the sidelines. Just a point second until he closed in on the rich kid before he slammed the ball with such ferocity it flew up into the air. Chanyeol’s foot slid up watching wide eyed as the ball flew back down, but not toward them. It was directed to the opposite side near the other school’s net.

The ball nearly touched ground if not for a team mate who jump kicked it so hard, desperate to be a Park Chanyeol who would make a goal for the team. The ball flew so fast, so hard it slammed into Namjoo’s face she went down. Literally dropping backwards and falling flat onto the grass.

For the second time that day gasps echoed around them. The sitting students jumped up to their feet with intense curiosity whether she had passed out or was still awake and how badly she was hurt.

Chanyeol reacted like a mother bird running insanely toward her. Sehun was just as fast on his tail. Pushing through the crowd to get a look at their destruction.

Namjoo grunted. Her eyes opened as snot and blood poured down her face into in a seamless wonder.

“Are you ok?” Their voices blended, mixed, merged together.

Chanyeol shot Sehun a glare and caught Jongin in the crew among them wherever he’d come from. His anger meter went up three notches.

What the hell were they doing here?!

Ignoring them, Chanyeol stretched out his hand. Sehun and Jongin did the same, freaking exact robots of him. His head was going to blow.

The three glanced at each other. His and Sehun’s gazes much more heated than before.

“Move! Move!” the coach roared splitting them up.

Forced to back up Chanyeol mentally screamed curses. Damning them both.

Kim Jongin. Oh Sehun. Both who extremely bothered him.

“Chanyeol, you’re still in the game. Sehun you get back, too,” the coach ordered. “The game is still in session.” Glancing at Jongin, “And you, you can take her to the infirmary.”   

“But coach!” Chanyeol started to argue.

“Get back to the game,” the coach steely ordered, which forced his trap shut.

Chanyeol shot Jongin a long stare. It wasn’t fair! He wasn’t even Namjoo’s friend and he was getting the best of it?!

This wasn’t right!

Jealousy burned like wild fire as he watched Jongin put his arm around Namjoo, the two of them walking off the soccer field.

The two of them alone in the infirmary.

“Park Chanyeol!” the coach yelled.

Falling a step back Chanyeol angrily bit down on his teeth. Not forgetting to give Sehun a vehement stare.

Because of the idiot rich class president this happened. Chanyeol wouldn’t forgive him.


God, it hurt. Was her luck running out today? Not that she had much, but still. What was wrong with today?

First, Oh Sehun had to do that to her. In front of everyone! Now the entire school had seen it! She was so embarrassed! Namjoo wanted to coil up and hide. Imagine that. She’d wanted to hide instead of baring her fangs.

She, of all people, want to hide!

The fact was hideous! Namjoo wasn’t a person to give up, but today she’d been pushed to do just that because Oh Sehun had kissed her! Namjoo wanted to brush her teeth, swirl mouthwash a thousand times just to forget it even if she didn’t remember the taste of his mouth. It still abhorred her!

Damn Sehun!

Guess she didn’t need mouthwash after all, because right now all she could taste was blood and her own snot. Also, because of Oh Sehun. Just brilliant.

Namjoo groaned aloud. Beseeched by it all. Still couldn’t believe this had happened. To her today of all days.

They entered the barren hallway. More focused on the pain screaming in her face than Jongin’s arm wrapped around her. A lift of her hand and all she saw was a thin sheet of blood and translucent mucus. A lovely mix. Just like Sehun and Chanyeol who’d been fighting over the soccer ball.

Remembering that made her want to throw hands. What was up with Chanyeol anyway? Getting sidetracked like that. Usually he didn’t bother so much of a glance with Sehun.

“Oh no! What happened?” the nurse sitting by her desk wheeled around when Jongin opened the door.

“The ball hit her,” Jongin answered in her place.

“Come on over,” the young female nurse invited her over onto one of the two available twin sized beds. Each of them covered in hospital white sheets. “Let me look.”

Namjoo removed her hand, slid her eyes up to the ceiling as the nurse observed her nose. Flinching when a hand touched her nose.

“Well, good news is your nose isn’t broken,” the nurse explained dropping a hand on her lap, “but it still looks like you were hit pretty hard.” Getting up she walked over to the fridge in the room. Opening the freezer, she pulled out a blue ice pack, “You can rest in here until the rest of classes are out. The freshman is still in lecture, so hopefully you’ll feel better by then.”

Namjoo nodded. “Thanks.”

Tucking her hands into her white lab jacket, she asked, “The sports games must almost be over, huh?”

“Yes,” they both answered.

She smiled kindly. “Don’t push yourselves so hard. Sports games are just for fun, but the kids will always play like it’s life and death out there.”

A knock on the door cut off the nurse’s speech short. The door opened and someone appeared. Turning back to them with a smile, the nurse explained, “I have to go pick up bandages. I’ll be right back. Just sit down.”

The door closed as soon as it opened and they were left alone. The infirmary was a total white like Principal Soo’s office. Not a big exceptional space, but it was filled with what was required for students who were sick or injured on a daily basis. Cabinets of boxed bandages, patches, medical balms, some medical booklets. A tiny sink area was crammed into the corner, as if no one knew where to place it. Straight ahead the nurse’s computer sat on a wooden office set with drawers and shelves for binders and office supplies.

Beside her a huge window of the side yard of studded trees overgrown with moss flashed bright light on her. In front of her Jongin stood awkwardly. Exactly the same way he often did in the mornings or whenever lunch break started.

Namjoo couldn’t look at him. She just couldn’t. Just knowing she had to sit next to him, know he was there everyday made her think of their fight. She was so overwhelmingly embarrassed, maybe a little ashamed because she’d made it happen, him doing that under her. Everything about her feelings confused her.

Out of all that what most stood out was the mere fact that Jongin was a male. He would always be taller, bigger, stronger. Namjoo’s heart pitter pattered when Jongin walked toward the sink, took some paper towels, wet them and came back. Struggling with her all not to react when he grabbed her hand to wipe the blood and mucus off.

She blushed. Namjoo tried not to, but she gave it a peek anyway. Saw the focus of his eyes on her hand then a quick flitter of his eyes meeting her. The moment their eyes caught they glanced elsewhere. Namjoo swallowed loudly then grew hot neck down.

It didn’t make sense.

Something like this shouldn’t be happening.

Jongin threw away the dirty towel and came back with a dry one for her. He dried her hand also tossing it out for her all while allowing her to keep the ice pack pressed to her nose. The nurse wasn’t yet back from wherever she was gone. Namjoo half wondered if she was doing this on purpose to leave them together.

“Like this,” Jongin situated the icepack on her nose, “you want to numb out the pain, not just your nose.”

“O…oh…” Namjoo breathed. Blinking rapidly when Jongin sat next to her. Neither spoke as the sun continued shining on the bed. Maybe she shouldn’t have sat here directly beneath the sun. She was getting hot, burning up.

grew dry. Growing nervous by the second. She should talk. Say something. She couldn’t stand this bumbling silence jumping on her shoulders.

“D…did you run?” she stammered, looking at him from the corner of her eye.

“No.” His hands hung between his legs; fingers motionless.

So, he saw, she assumed, Sehun kissing her. Damn, how embarrassing.

“Sorry,” Jongin apologized, “you know, about the other day.”

Namjoo’s head lifted a fraction. Gaze threatening to sweep his direction. She nearly let her head turn.

“And uh…”

Namjoo burned up. Sensing he was about to mention the incident. Quickly perking up, she cut him off, “Forget it. Lets just…never mind. Forget it.”

Jongin innocently glanced at her. Cornering herself into an awkward situation, Namjoo managed a stiff smile. Too fake to be considered a smile, but there it was. On her face. Jongin appeared confused, without humor.

Breathing a short monotonous laugh weirded out by her he said, “Ok.”

This was the first time she heard something short of a laugh from him. Lulled by the sound Namjoo looked at him curiously. Then the door slammed open surprising them. Chanyeol filled up the doorway panting, his eyes immediately landing on her.

“Are you ok?” he asked striding over. Acting like Jongin was invisible he stopped in front of her. Removed the ice pack to see her bluish nose. “Geez…”

“I’m fine.” Namjoo ensured.

“Here, I brought your backpack.” Chanyeol handed it to her. Namjoo didn’t miss the sight of his green stained uniform. Several strands of grass were scattered over his pants. It didn’t seem like he noticed. The friend smelled like an unruly mix of the earth, sweat, and grime.

Setting the ice pack aside Namjoo slid off the bed and followed Chanyeol out the door, but not before pausing and glancing back at Jongin. Pressing her lips together, Namjoo hesitated then said, “Thanks, Jongin.”

Noting Chanyeol’s impatience she hurried after him. Assuming he wanted to head home and shower.

“How was the game?” Namjoo asked. One observance of his expression and he appeared stressed, frustrated. Then he flashed a grin and Namjoo returned the same kind.

“Of course, we won,” Chanyeol boasted, “because of me.”

Playfully elbowing him she teased, “It’s obvious.”

“Will your nose be ok?” he asked.

“It’s not broken.” Namjoo said then made an angry face at him. “But no thanks to you.”

He scoffed, “What do you mean? I promised not to let the ball come to you, in a literal sense, but that was not my fault. You know it wasn’t.”

Her brows dipped down her face. She elbowed him again. “I still can’t believe you.”

“Why?” Chanyeol countered. “Are you defending the idiot who kissed you?”

The mention of it and Namjoo’s face reddened. “Why would I?!”

Chanyeol pouted shifting away from her. Leaning forward to peek up at him Namjoo couldn’t tell if he was really upset or not.

Slapping his chest with the back of her hand, she said, “But you’re my friend, so I’ll forgive you.”

Chanyeol narrowed his gaze.

Namjoo flashed an overconfident grin. Elbowing him this time with playful banter, “You know you’re my friend, right?”

“Just a friend?” Chanyeol raised a brow.

Namjoo side glanced at a tree they passed. Rummaging through her brain and quickly added, “Best friend.”

Something about his face that froze for a literal second. Namjoo screen capped it, because it wasn’t something she saw often on Park Chanyeol. A look that said she’d failed to enlighten him, do or say the right thing in the only possible right moment. In that fraction of a second she had slipped from their wavelength.

His loud rowdy laughter burst through her ears. Suddenly all was back in place when he locked an arm around her neck pretending to choke her as they walked home together.

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Chapter 7: ohh this is so good
Chapter 4: What Sehun doing.. You can't force kiss anyone T.T
Luweiweiwei29 #3
Chapter 4: Woah this story gives me feels .
Plz update soon authornim.
Chapter 2: my god
but im rooting for chanyeol dhsksksk
Chapter 1: YES SIS YES
cant wait to read next!