
Is It a Lie?

Your POV

*sigh* Tomorrows Valentines Day. Guess what I'm going to do!............


IM GONNA SPEND IT ALONE! Like I always have. Honestly I haven't even been asked to be someones valentine. Not once nor do i really imagine myself going to someone and asking them. To scared of rejection and I have my pride. If you want me then you should make the effort :P Honestly I find this day pointless. I guess you can say its somewhat good for the economy? I mean people spend their money on flowers, chocolates, cards, teddy bears, and the list will go on and on. On Valentines day you show your utmost love for someone. Honestly speaking, do you really need to wait for this one day to do it? To confess or show your undying love. You can do it any other day and not flaunt it with a bunch of other couples infront of the forever alones.

I know I sound really pessimistic but this is just what I think. I'm also a bit envious of those couples. I really do want someone to confess to me and show me how they care. I really don't get the love a lot since I'm nearly invisible to my family and the school. But that's ok I have friends so I'm not misreable. Still, I want to know what its like to hear a confession. To recieve that love they want to give you. I want to feel that heart fluttering thing my friends talk about. I sill don't see it happening to me.

Anyways, I'm supposed to meet up with my friend, Ji Eun, before we head to our first class of the day. I don't see her anywhere.,,,

"~~~~~!" said a loud voice. I turned to see my best friend.

"JI EUN! You're late"

"I know I'm sorry! Come on let's head to class."

I was literely dragged to class by her. Oh Ji Eun. My bubbly best friend. Shes always there for me and vice versa. I couldn't help but feel that she was extremly happy today though. I wonder what I missed.

We arrived to class with a second to spare and sat down. The class was loud as five minutes passed.

"I guess Mr.Choi is going to be late today." said Ji Eun

"That's weird. He's usually here on time. Anyways you seem bouncy today. What happened?"

She just looked at me with a huge smile plastered on her face. She started to giggle to herself causing me to give her a confused look.

"Ok! Well someone just asked me to be there Valentine! Can you believe it?" she said. I can hear the excitment in her voice as she nearly bounced out of her seat.

"Really? Waaaah! That's great. TELL ME WHO!"

"It's someone you don't know."

"Let me guess your neighbor?"

She gave me a look asking me how'd you know? Honestly shes been talking non stop about her neighbor lately that it just seemed likely. I was kinda envious of her. She had someone she liked and her feelings were returned. I wish I could do that. Especially to the guy I like. It's impossible for him to like me though. His name is Chanhee. He prefers to be called Chunji though. He's the kingka of the school with his group of friends. They call themselves Teen Top. Interesting name. Most girls fall inlove for his looks but not me. I fell in love with his voice. It was soothing and beautiful. He had such great passion that he moved me to tears. He's kind to. I once saw him treat a little kids wound at the park. No I was not stalking him. I was taking stroll when I saw him helping the kid. It really touched me. I knew him since elementary.Interesting how both our parents just put us in the same schools. Never once has he layed his eyes on me though. I wish he has. It irks me how everday I think and wonder about him. Worry about all the things he does. Watching him from afar. Knowing that he just doesn't feel the same as I do.

"Hey did anyone ask you to be their Valentine? Or did you ask someone?" JI Eun asked me.


"Awwwwwww. It's ok! Someone will ask you."

"I highly doubt. No one even notices me here."

"Well, you never know." She said and gave me a wink.

Hours later it was time for lunch. I went to my locker to switch books. As I opened my locker a note fell out. It was a light pink paper that said meet me at the garden during lunch. I wonder how long this has been at my locker. I also wonder who put this here. Did they put it in the wrong locker? Most likely since the locker next to mine was the queenkas. It seemed more likely that it was addressed to her. Knowing her though she wouldn't even look at it so i threw it out and walked to the canteen.

More hours passed and it was finally time to go home. While walking, I couldn' help but feel as if someone was glaring at me. That was something new. I shrugged it off. I was almost at the gate when I heard someone yelling my name. I turned around to see Chunji. He looked furious and somewhat sad. Wait why was he calling me? Confused I pointed to myself and gave him a questioning look. He nodded and walked towords me. I felt my heart beating loud and I was nervous. What is he going to do to me? Have I done something wrong?

"Yah! Where were you during lunch?" he asked once he got to me. I felt all the stares of everyone. I heard people whispering things like Who is she? Have you seen her before? Isn't she from class 1A?

"I-i was at the canteen...." my voice was kind of quiet. He was scaring me with his piercing glare.

Upon seeing my response he seemed to relax a little. He looked at me with kind eyes and spoke again.

"Didn't you get my note? I told you to meet me in the garden. Why didn't you come?"

"I though that someone put it in the wrong locker and it wasn't adressed to me."

"Well it was...." I could her the sadness in his voice. was he really that sad from me not meeting him? And why did he want me to meet him? I felt guilty that I didn't go. My insecurities just got the best of me. We stood there in silence for a bit. I then decided to speak up.

"Why did you want me to meet you?" I asked.

"Because I......" he was becoming hesitant and shy. What was he going to say? He took a deep breath and continued. "I wanted to ask you to be my Valentine."

He then held out a purple rose while looking down a the floor. I was shocked. I felt the blood rushing to my face. I wasn't sure if this was true. I can feel that he was serious but I don't know. What if this was a prank. What if he was joking. Does he even know me?

"Is this a prank? Some kind of joke you want to play? If it is then just leave." I said.

He then looked at me with wide eyes. Shock filling his face.

"Prank? Joke? No no no! I'm being serious here."

"You sure about that?"


"Prove it." I just need him to prove it. Prove that I wasn't dreaming. That maybe he was serious. What if I wake up and it really was a dream. What if the next day i'll get humiliated by him?

"~~~~~........I love you I really do." he said. I wasn't convinced. Honestly anyone can say that and not mean it.

"What a lie. You-"

"I'M NOT LYING!" he screamed. I was scared. I could tell he was really furious at the moment. I didn't mean to make him mad. Suddenly he pulled me into a hug . I felt my face growing hot. Was he really hugging me?

"Can't you feel it? My heart that's beating fast. It's like this because of you and only you. I really do love you. Ever since we were little and went to the same school toether. I never layed my eyes on anyone else. I love seeing your smile. My world just lightens up when I see you laugh. Just the little things you do make a gloomy day better. When you were sad I was. When you were hurt, I was as well. When you were fell the other day I wanted to rush to you side and help you. Yet I couldn't vecause I was to slow to reach you. I've always watched and protected you ~~~~~. So just please, be mine ok?"

I really did feel his heart. Beating for only me. I could hear it clear and loud. Beating in harmony with mine. I didn't know he was watching me. I didn't know he was around when I fell yesterday. So he really did notice me since way back then when I noticed him. I knew this was real.

"Ok. I'll be yours."

With a triumphant smile, he picked me up and spun me around.

I was suddenly looking forward for Vaneltines day. And from that day on, I had a Valentine and only one.







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it's too cute!~ I love it!~ just so cute!
Matocian #2
AWWW, so cute~ (:
OMG!!! How could you call this crap??!!! That was sooo cute!!! Love it love it love it!!!<3
Sweeeeeeeeeeeet hahaha
Defhouseconvict #6
That was so cute! I seriously acted this out like for real and it was so much fun.Happy late V-day.
uuuwaaaa~~ that was so cute! My heart beat fast when Chunji got mad at her for not coming *blush*

great job! <3 it was very sweet.
kagaki #8
This was cute <3 <3 <3