The Rule

Christmas Rules

Merry Christmas


" And as the main course... Orange duck or just the typical stuffed turkey?" The girl asked as she flipped through a huge book on the table. She looked aside from her for the lack of response

“Bomi! a little help here...”

Her reproving tone caught the attention of the other young woman who was rather into her phone game instead of the huge mess in the kitchen.

Sitting on the counter, bored by all the hustle and bustle around her and when she saw her hard gaze, she couldn't help but feel guilty.

With certain grace she got down from the kitchen counter and approached her to look at the book too. Not really interested.

"Mmm ... I don't know. Let's see.” With a snap of her fingers and a couple of bright sparks there was a sample of each of the dishes illustrated in the book.

Suddenly the table was full of impeccably served delicacies.

"I think the turkey says 'it's Christmas' but the smell of the duck ..." Bomi was so amazed at her own invocation that she didn't notice the other girl's dangerous fingers approaching her ear.

“Ouch Chorong! My ear!" Bomi complained and hardly got released.

"Gosh! Bomi, we said we would make the old-fashioned dinner this Christmas. We will bring normallies home!"

"But you didn't have to, seriously." Bomi took a snack from one of the trays and ate it.

“We promised it and we will keep it. Now disappear all this” the girl asked.

"Chorong... we don't know how to cook as normallies, this will take us all day..."

“I know how to cook as normallies! Have you forgotten that I went to a dorm at college? There were a lot of them and I couldn’t use magic at all”

"Cup noodles don’t count, honey" Bomi scoffed as she came to embrace Chorong.

"Ha. Ha. Ha." Chorong tried to get rid of the hug, but eventually surrendered to Bomi’s warmth, which was gladly welcome in this cold winter.

"I just want us to spend a nice Christmas and being in the kitchen is not necessarily the best option I can think of..." Bomi trying to persuade her, used her best weapon.

She brought his lips close to Chorong's ear and kissed her softly.

Although the heat waves dispersed in all directions over Chorong's body, she remained firm.

"Well. To me yes." With a snap of her fingers she showed herself outside Bomi’s arms.


Bomi and Chorong are witches.

They were part of the few who dared to live among the normallies, that is, humans without magic.


Both met by chance at a normallies party a hundred years ago, at that time fashion was different and many rules were imposed on witches and wizards.

But even among the conservative magical society there are those who have a certain disdain for rules and because times change, many of those have been eliminated.


However, there is only one unbreakable rule. One that has existed since the very beginning of time.

'The normallies must not see magic from those who are wizards or witches' or a terrible curse will fall.


"We will do it their way" Chorong said strictly.

"I understand" Bomi took her phone, "We'll call the restaurant."

"Yoon Bomi"

As if by magic, if possible, Bomi immediately pulled the phone away.


There are few things that scare Yoon Bomi. One of those things is her own name, pronounced in that tone by her own girlfriend.



There was no solution. They will make a Christmas dinner for their normallies friends.

But they will do it in the human and mortal way.






"Okay. The first thing is…” both looked at the huge turkey in front of them. The pale and cold meat did not look appetizing. "Wash it well"

Chorong looked at Bomi as indicating that she was the one chosen for the task.

"Ohhh no. I won't touch that” she replied disgusted.

"It's just that... I feel sorry for it," said Chorong with doe's eyes.


As expected, Bomi couldn’t resist her and took the great dead body to the sink.

Trying not to see what she was doing, she washed the animal as she could, while Chorong stood behind her with her eyes closed.


"What's next unnie?" Bomi turned around to see it no more.

"Oh yeah. Let me read the rest... 'put the wings under the turkey and tie the thighs'”

Both looked at each other in terror at the instructions.

"Me the wings and you the thighs" Bomi said passing the cooking thread.

Swallowing and mentally apologizing to the spirit of the animal, Chorong took the thighs and carefully tied them. Bomi using only the fingertips accommodated the wings.


“Okay done. Now what?” Bomi sighed already tired.

Chorong approached the book and read "'to prepare the marinade mix ...' easy. Eunji gave me a bottle of her mother's traditional marinade, so that's done.”

"God bless Eunji and her mom... What's up unnie?"

Chorong who was still reading the instructions had been petrified. When she looked up at Bomi, she looked almost as pale as the turkey in front of them.

"Ss.. says..." the girl swallowed hard and took a breath before continue, "Rub the turkey with the marinade. Inside and out"



After a while staring glumly at the turkey, someone had to take the initiative or they would offer their friends Mc And Cheese from a box.

" Okay. Rock, paper or scissors.”

“You always win in that game, Bomi. That is unfair"

"It's the best thing that comes to my mind... or, do a little magic and..."

At that statement and strongly opposing the use of magic, Chorong put her fist in front of her.

"The third is the charm" she proposed.




Screams were heard from the kitchen of the 313.

Fortunately, the elders of the 314 were so deaf that they didn't even notice it and the newborn twins of the 315 had their own shouting festival that their parents didn't even notice the dolphin-like sounds in the next house.


Bomi was rubbing Chorong's back gently. The older of the two had not recovered from what she just did.

"Rong unnie, didn’t you read the recipe before?"

"N-no," the dismayed woman whined.

"Do you want to continue with this?"


Bomi looked directly at Chorong's eyes, hoping everything would end so she could have what she considers a perfect Christmas.

One day together, without distractions, perhaps in that secret spa of the Himalayas where only magical beings can enter or in that tropical bar near the Krakatoa volcano where they serve margaritas that are to die for...


"We can do it; we are together in this." She turned to the book once again. “ 'Pour the beer on the turkey'. That's easier. Do the honors, Bbom-ah.”

Seeing that it wouldn’t end soon, Bomi sighed tired, but obeyed.



"Erhh Bbom, there is a small problem." Chorong kept checking the book for the next step. “You have to let the turkey marinate for 12 hours at least”

"Oh! That's why normallies take so much time in preparations for Christmas parties!” Bomi replied.

She always wondered why people went crazy a week before Christmas eve, even fighting each other for the turkeys on store shelves.

Now they had a problem.


“I think there’s no option. We must use a little magic for that.” The younger offered.

"But... magic..." Chorong was still firm in her decision. “I will call Namjoo. She will surely know what to do. ”

Bomi rolled her eyes but patiently saw her looking through her phone contacts.


"Namjoo- yah ... how are you?"

“Rong unnie! I already chose my outfit for tonight! I'm helping Hayoung choose hers. Do you need anything?”

"Ehh, I was just wondering ... you know about food, do you?"

"Well, after owning three restaurants I would say yes hehehe"

"Oh yes. Well ... it is really necessary that the turkey is marinated for twelve hours?"

“Hayoung-ah! Leave that hoodie there, you need a dress for tonight! ... oh sorry unnie, but you know how this girl can be.

Ehhh to marinate the turkey... yeah. Well, turkey meat usually has no flavor and needs at least eight hours to taste better... is there a problem with dinner unnie? I thought you and Bomi unnie had it under control.”

“Erhh we have it. Everything’s fine, don't worry.”

“Great! because I have barely eaten a salad only. I want to save space for the whole banquet! By the way, I've prepared the dessert myself and I shouldn't say it, but it's delicious. ”

"Oh thanks. Don't worry, just asking. Have a nice day"


Without hearing the last thing her friend said on the phone, she hung up.

Bomi looked at her expectantly.



" Ugh. Just for this time.” Chorong accepted the undeniable need of powers and Bomi began celebrating to finally be able to use magic again. "But! Just because I don't want guests to have a turkey without flavor.”

"Unnie, I’ll do it." Bomi rolled up her sweater and with a snap, the turkey had changed color and looked juicy.


" Okay. 'Preheat the oven to 415F'” Chorong the oven and managed to understand the handles of her oven. “Next step is… butter… inside and outside the turkey”

Again, the task seemed the most disgusting in the world.


Bomi who didn't want Chorong to suffer more so she offered herself to do it. There were no screams, but it wasn't something she wanted to do again either.

"The normallies are braver than they seem," Bomi said, bewildered looking at the freshly greased turkey.


"Now. The stuffing.” Chorong started taking the ingredients out of the bag. She did the grocery shopping that same morning and was proud to have done it alone.

Markets cause her anxiety, but she decided to change the routine a bit and she went shopping without notifying Bomi as usual.


Bomi approached the book and there was a long list of ingredients that caused her an immediate shock.

"It looks like quantum physics," she commented worriedly.

“Don't worry, I have it under control. Naeun told me that the most important thing is stuffing, so I asked her mother about it.”

"You asked about the stuffing, but you didn't know that the turkey should be marinated?" Bomi smiled jestingly.

"Anyway, let's start." Chorong had blushed slightly and changed the subject.


Bomi found that gesture adorable and kissed her cheek.

She loved those little slips.


Almost a hundred years together and she’s still discovering new things about her and the old ones still seem totally adorable.


"Do you need help with something unnie?" Bomi adjusted her apron and looked ready to do whatever she was asked to.

"Yes, chop those onions, I will prepare the meat"



A few tears later, due to the onions, and the delicious sound of meat dipping, the kitchen filled with an appetizing smell.

They had never had need to cook before and Bomi regretted not having tried before.

The image of Chorong being the perfect wife was something worth seeing.


On the other hand, Chorong really enjoyed Bomi's company. As always, she made her laugh like no one and there was no dull moment with her.

Due to their jobs, they saw each other barely lately, and it was only at night.


Wine, herbs and cinnamon. The filling was ready soon.



"Then, we put the stuffing inside..." Bomi didn't need to see Chorong's face to know that it would not enter the turkey again.

She hastened to do so. And little carelessly put the freshly made mixture inside the animal.


Chorong was visibly grateful.


"The next thing is to let it bake and check it constantly." Chorong said carrying the heavy tray to the oven.


As synchronized, they both sat on the kitchen floor in front of the oven.

They could not believe how tired it was to prepare a Christmas dinner. And they haven't even done everything. Only the main course.



Maybe it was fatigue.

Or the heat of the oven in front of them.

Bomi's arm around Chorong.

That everything lent her to fall asleep.



Bomi didn't want to wake her up, she looked like an angel, so she said to herself to check the oven without fail.










“Unnie! The turkey is delicious!" Eunji, Bomi’s co-worker was taking big bites of her plate.

People in the table nodded and happily ate.

"It even looks like restaurant-made!" Hayoung said with full, earning a reproving look from Naeun who was sitting by her side.


Bomi and Chorong looked each other guiltily.


The truth is that they both fell asleep and dinner burned.







*A/N: Wrote this in a rush, translated it in Google, please, bear with me.

May your wishes come true. Apink, babies, I love you so much.


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Chapter 1: this is so cute! 😂🥰
Chapter 1: This is so cute and fun to read. Hahaha. Chobom's tom and jerry way of cooking and in the end... Atleast they experience cooking together... Ahhh I really miss my Chobom (cries in firetruck tears) thank you for this :) all the best <3
Chapter 1: At least they went through the effort hahahaha this was really cute~ I wouldn't have noticed it was translated in google xD ahhhh adorable. The time spent together cooking the human way.. "normallies" HAHAHAHA! And the magic came to me unexpected in the best way. I love the magic element hehe ^^ mm they're sweet together even sleeping and causing that end product lol~ It's funny and lighthearted, I just love how it ends xD Thank you for writing this christmas story~~
Chapter 1: lmao all those hassle only to finally use instant solution giving out a big chobom energy, but they managed to find sweet moments amidst all that was also a big chobom energy