
Never Say You Love Me

You went out from the bathroom, looking fresh and quickly wore your pajamas.


You sat on your bed and a smile appeared, taking place of your lips all of a sudden.

‘I can’t believe I met a prince charming today!’ you grinned widely that your pearly white teeth are showing.

‘Ah~ Ani! Ani!!! I already have a boyfriend. What am I thinking?’ you knocked your head with your fist and pouted.

"Now that I think about it… He doesn’t call me today~ Is he sleeping already? Or is he busy? This is the first time he ignored me…’ you faked a sniffle, grabbed your mobile phone and blankly stared at the screen.

"Maybe he’s sleeping already…" you wondered and put your phone back down on the nightstand. You then closed the table lamp and decided to sleep.


The moon faded itself as the light from the sun approached.

L.Joe stared at his watch and removed some of his hair that was covering his eyes. He then stared at your house.

‘Ahh~ I hope she’s going to be late… If not, all my everyday plan will fail…’ L.Joe thought and took out a small mirror.

‘Darn it! That girl made me drunk yesterday! I even woke up at that club alone! ! She tricked me!’ he gritted his teeth and fixed his messy hair.

You happily whistled and went out from your house then blankly stared at L.Joe who was busily fixing his hair while looking at a small mirror.

‘He actually came. I thought he will ignore me today’ you made a small smile and locked the door.

L.Joe stopped what he was doing when he heard you locking the door, ‘Darn! This girl actually woke up early…’ he glared at you.

"Annyeong~" you smiled and walked closer to L.Joe.

L.Joe nodded and you blinked at him, ‘That’s strange~ Is he mad? Did I do something wrong?’

"Ah… Umm… Yesterday…" you started a conversation and he automatically answered, leaving your sentence unfinished, "I’m busy yesterday"

You stared at him then shut your mouth, ‘He’s busy… or… mad?’

L.Joe cleared his throat and started to walk slowly.

You followed behind him and keeps on looking down, ‘I really want to talk to him…’

"Umm… Did you have enough slee---" you made another conversation but still, L.Joe cut in through your sentence, "Yeah"

You shut your mouth quickly and looked around in absolute disappointment.


Both of you reached the school early than usual. You entered your class with disappointment written all over your face.

You put your bag on the chair and sighed heavily.

Jieun put down the book she was reading and blinked at you, "Did L.Joe get a nightmare last night?" she asked in a mocking tone.

You rested your head on the table and sighed again.

Jieun frowned, "Yah! Are you okay?" she raised her voice.

"Neh~" you said, rather weakly.

Jieun furrowed her eyebrows, "Did L.Joe dump you last night?" she stared at you.

"Ani~ But…" you straighted your back and came closer to her.

"What does it mean if something is changing so suddenly?" you stared at her with wide yet worried eyes.

"What do you mean?" she asked in wonder.

"You know… L.Joe used to call every night" you slowly said while your eyes kept on wandering everywhere.

"Yeah~ Waegulae? Did he ignore you?" Jieun crossed her arms with a brow raised.

You puffed your cheeks and nodded with worries all over your face.

Jieun eyed you, "I told you… He never loves you!" she blew her bangs while rolling her eyes.

"Well~ I’m really sad… He even don’t want to talk to me this morning" you pouted sadly.

"Isn’t it ‘every morning’?" Jieun corrected you.

"Umm… Well~ Yeah… But… It seems strange today… Like I just realized something is wrong" you scratched your head.

"Oh, my dear Park ~~~~~. You’ve been lied by so-called prince charming L.Joe and you just realized it now?" Jieun shook her head in disbelief.

You looked at her and faced back ahead, ‘Did he really trying to fool me?’




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Chapter 34: I wish Chunji got her instead of L.joe since he was a jerk who was just playing with her
BtoBAngels #2
Chapter 34: Good and Lovely ending 진 짜
Chapter 34: omggg i love your story!!!!!
Chapter 1: omg loving the first chapter already <3
Heyinpiniteu #5
Chapter 33: This story is really *thumbs up *
Fanficluph #6
Chapter 34: Trolololololol
Jinjja Daebakk xDDD
L.Joe x333
Chapter 34: hahaha DaEbAk Author-nim ^^ haha
Chapter 34: Haha. This story is unexpected and awesome (Y) Haha,great job!
claribelmiranda #9
Chapter 33: Awwww..... Ljoe changed fast..hehe and yet it was nice story though :)