And Now, I'm in my Deja Vu

And Now, I'm in my Deja Vu


Yoohyeon turned to the sweet voice that belonged to none other than Kim Minji.

Yoohyeon's heart swelled as Minji ran to her, arms extended for a hug. Her long blonde locks framed her face beautifully that Yoohyeon couldn't tear her gaze off her, even as she drew closer. The scenery of the castle garden surrounding her made her even more ethereal.

Yoohyeon opened her arms wide to reciprocate the hug and desperately wished the blonde's arms could stay wrapped around her forever.

"Minji unnie", Yoohyeon breathed out, feeling her nose prick with the scent of vanilla overpowering her senses. The all too familiar scent of Minji.

Minji's warmth lasted for a moment only to be replaced with the warmth that radiated from her wide smile. Her blue eyes hidden in her crescent eye smile that Yoohyeon never got tired of seeing. Today Minji was wearing a beautiful pink dress hemmed just for her coronation of becoming queen and it looked stunning on her.

Minji was beautiful. She was ethereal.

No man nor woman could ever deny her beauty.

Yoohyeon felt her head beginning to spin and her legs began to buckle. Being around Minji had this effect, and Yoohyeon could feel it becoming stronger as the days progressed. The more Minji was around her, the more she wanted to get away from her.

"Hey, are you alright? I can't have my best friend faint on me now," Minji giggled softly, cautiously placing her hands on Yoohyeon's cheeks and examining her face.

Yoohyeon quickly s out of her delicate hold, avoiding her gaze. She felt her cheeks burn where Minji's soft hands were, like an imprint. Yoohyeon had desperately wanted to lean into her touch, but she knew that Minji's touches were nothing more than platonic.

Minji was like this to everyone, her caring nature was extended to all and her kindness was unmeasurable.
Minji had all the qualities possessed to be a queen fit to rule their land.

Yoohyeon was just her friend and her next appointed in line, and she hated herself wishing to be more than that to her. She knew better than thinking Minji could love her back as she does.

Yoohyeon forced a grin, opting to just hook her pinky with Minji as an attempt to reassure her, "No unnie, I'm okay! I know how important today is for you."

Minji frowned and Yoohyeon felt dread pit her stomach for having Minji see right through her.

"I've known you long enough to know when you're lying, Kim Yoohyeon," Minji's frown deepened before interlocking Yoohyeon's hands into hers.

"I can tell by your lips, you're doing your nervous habit again."

"Ah? I didn't even realise," Yoohyeon's laughter was strained.

Minji's attentiveness was both a curse and a blessing. Ever since Minji's family took Yoohyeon in when she was young, both were inseparable, and Minji knew her like the back of her hand.

Yoohyeon remembered when they were little and used to play in the castle garden together until sunset, Yoohyeon would always ask if Minji would stay by her side and Minji would always beam her bright smile and pinky promise her, a ritual they'd develop over the years that Yoohyeon would cling onto her.

Minji was everything to Yoohyeon, it was always them against the world. Yoohyeon wouldn't know what to do with herself if Minji left her.

She then felt Minji tighten her grip, "There isn't long before the crowning ceremony starts, you know you can talk to me about anything." Minji's voice was soft, "I'm here for you."

Yoohyeon forced another smile, guilt seeping in at how selfless Minji was being. She didn't want to worry Minji, not before her important event of becoming the new queen.

Yoohyeon gently squeezed Minji's hands, "I know, unnie. I'm just nervous."

Before Minji could respond, a voice interrupted them, jerking Yoohyeon's hands away from Minji's.

"There you are! We've been looking all over for you two!"

The loud voice was bellowed by Bora, accompanied by Siyeon who waved at them happily.

"Sorry you two, I was trying to find Yoohyeon," Minji sheepishly rubbed her arm.

"Sorry?" Bora scoffed, "We don't have much time, you're both needed in the throne room, like right now!" She shrieked.

"Unnie, you're too loud, it's too early for this," Siyeon groaned.

Before Bora could say anything further or do anything violent in protest, Minji grabbed her hands to calm her down.

"Alright, we're coming." Minji reassured her, "We don't want to ruin your outfit this early, right?"

Bora grunted in agreement, fixing her lace hat, slipping her arm with Siyeon and dragged her along.

Yoohyeon shared a knowing look with Minji and they shared a laugh. Yoohyeon relished these moments of camaraderie between them.

They closely followed behind the two to which Siyeon perked up.

"What were you doing in the castle garden anyways? We barely come around here anymore." She hummed, looking around at the red roses that had bloomed nicely.

Minji turned her head towards Yoohyeon, waiting for her answer.

"I like the garden because it reminds me that I'm at home." Yoohyeon honestly answered, meeting Minji's gaze properly.

Minji's expression was one of adoration as she smiled at Yoohyeon, her eyes soft and radiating warmth, only Minji looked at her like that. Yoohyeon couldn't help but smile back.

Minji interlocked her hands with Yoohyeon, pulling her along. Warmth returning like electric to her hands. Yoohyeon truthfully enjoyed coming to the garden because it reminded her that this castle was her home, Minji was her home.

Yoohyeon glanced down at their tightly interlocked hands, deciding that being by Minji's side was more than enough.

She desperately wished for the thought to stay true.


After the crowning ceremony, Yoohyeon didn't get to see Minji for a few months around the castle, only stolen glances and short conversations.

But distance makes the heart grow fonder, and Yoohyeon grew to understand that saying very well. Her feelings continued to persist despite the blonde queen's absence.

It was suffocating for Yoohyeon. She couldn't confide in the other girls for the fear of being rejected by them. Every time Yoohyeon played out their reactions, all scenarios would end in a terrible one of her getting drove out of the kingdom.

If word got out that a woman was in love with another woman, it would be unacceptable.

Yoohyeon knew that very well, and yet she continued to hope.

How would Minji even react if she told her?

Yoohyeon couldn't even imagine the repercussions.

The disgust on Minji's face.

No, Yoohyeon thought.

She couldn't just sacrifice her friendship with Minji over her feelings.

But she also couldn't deny that the more she held it in, the more she wanted to just tell her. To lift the heavy burden off her shoulders.

Her love for Minji had been persistent since they met, all these years, they never wavered like she desperately wanted them to.

And so, Yoohyeon finally decided that she would after accidentally stumbling upon Minji in the castle garden one night.

She decided she would tell her confidently and just let it all out.

Yoohyeon needed to tell her at least. For her own sake.

The blonde girl did not notice her presence yet as Yoohyeon drew closer carefully, not wanting to disrupt her peace. Under the moonlight, Minji's complexion was even paler as she sat on the bench, like a ghost. Yoohyeon saw that she was deep in thought and upper lips were curved into a soft smile as she gazed at the moon. Yoohyeon also noted the flower crown that sat on top of her hair, making her seem even more ethereal, like a goddess.

Minji embodied royalty but right now she looked delicate, fragile.

Yoohyeon could not bear to touch her so she cleared , slightly startling the older girl.

"Oh Yoohyeon-ah, were you looking for me?" Minji giggled, patting the seat beside her as an invitation for Yoohyeon.

Yoohyeon hesitantly sat down next to her, opting to gaze up at the moon than look directly at her. She feared that her racing heartbeat was loud enough that Minji could hear it.

"I was," Yoohyeon lied with a small smile, "We haven't talked to each other for a while."

She heard Minji shuffle to face her and in response she averted her eyes down to the ground, not wanting to face her.

"I'm sorry Yooh, I've been so busy since the ceremony. I've barely made time for you and the other girls."

Minji's voice was regretful and Yoohyeon's heart tightened, she turned to face her but immediately regretted it as Minji's gaze burned through to her. Yoohyeon averted her gaze at her nervous hands that were playing with the beads of her white dress.

"No unnie, don't be sorry," Yoohyeon sighed softly, "We understand that you're busy, you have far greater responsibilities now."

Yoohyeon's fidgeting hand was stopped by Minji's warm one.

"You girls are my responsibility as well," Minji frowned, "Did I do something wrong? I feel as if you've been avoiding me since I became the queen."

Yoohyeon wanted so desperately to tell her the truth, to scream that she's in love with her but was constricted in an imaginary knot.

"Nothing is wrong unnie, you didn't do anything wrong." Yoohyeon strained out as she gave her the best smile she could muster, but Minji was still frowning.

"I won't force it, but know that I'm here for you, Yoohyeon-ah." Minji rubbed circles on Yoohyeon's knuckles, an act of comfort that Yoohyeon relished dearly.

"I know unnie, thank you." Yoohyeon's smile faltered.

Minji let out a soft sigh and took Yoohyeon's other hand and brought it between them, "Actually, I need to tell you something, Yooh. It's been on my mind for such a long time and if I don't tell you, it'll continue persisting in me."

Yoohyeon's heart began to race once more as Minji's face became flushed with a light tint of pink. Minji's expression became shy as she averted her gaze to their interlocked hands.

"You've been my closest friend for such a long time, you've always been by my side, I think it's about time I tell you before I tell everyone else. I've never felt this way about anyone before."

Yoohyeon realised at that moment that maybe there was hope, after all, maybe Minji did feel the same way.

"I...I think I know what you're about to say, unnie."

Yoohyeon's upper lips were twitching into a smile but she wanted to hear Minji confess the words first. She watched as Minji took another deep breath.

But what she wanted to hear never came.

Yoohyeon suddenly felt like she was suffocating as she watched Minji's lips move but could not hear her voice any more.

'I'll be married to a king in the neighbouring country, and our kingdoms will reunite.'

Yoohyeon could not believe it. Did not want to believe it.

'And I'm so happy because I've always loved him. That's why I've been away for so long.'

Yoohyeon felt her vision go blurry, she knew she needed to leave to get far away from Minji. The scent of vanilla was suffocating now and she felt nauseous.

'And I want you to be my bridesmaid, Yooh. Out of everyone else, it's more meaningful if it's you. It would mean the world to me.'

Yoohyeon did not know what she excuses she stammered to Minji to get away from her but as she glanced back her shoulder, she saw that Minji did not run after her.

In the end, Yoohyeon wasn't that special. How foolish she was to believe so.

She felt so incredibly stupid, she should've known better than to cling onto such a fickle concept known as hope.


Yoohyeon ran as far as she could inside the castle before her legs gave out, stopping outside the doors of the throne room.

Minji's throne room.

was burning and tears were pricking her sore eyes.

Yoohyeon knew she couldn't stay at the castle any longer, she decided she needed to leave and never come back.

It was too painful, to have to watch Minji be with a man, to be with someone that was not her. To be in the sidelines. Yoohyeon wanted to be happy for Minji, but her grief just could not allow her to.

As she was about to turn to leave, an unfamiliar voice rang out inside the room that was calling for her.

Yoohyeon could not help but be pulled in by the voice, luring her into the throne room like a sweet lullaby.

She opened the doors and saw that the room was empty and dark. No one was there.

Yoohyeon wanted to turn around and leave but something was keeping her in place. A form of darkness that was pulling her in.

Yoohyeon began to walk down the long hall to the throne and began to hear whispers surround her. The more she walked, the louder the whispers became.

'She doesn't love you.'

'You're nothing to her.'

'She doesn't care about you, she never has.'

'You've known her the longest, she should be with you.'

The whispers became harsher and Yoohyeon felt her eyes grow tired. She stopped in front of Minji's throne. Her mind was blaring at her to leave, but her grief succumbed her into accepting the darkness.

Yoohyeon slowly sat on Minji's throne, feeling a wave of emotions unravel like a blanket.




Yoohyeon felt her vision blur as darkness enveloped her slowly. She surrendered to it fully, feeling everything she had denied herself to.

'What happened to staying by your side forever? She broke her promise.'

'She's not yours anymore, she never was and never will be.'

Yoohyeon felt tears blur her vision as she remembered the fading memory of their pinky promise. In the end, Minji had lied to her. Minji was going to leave her all alone again, she betrayed her.

Yoohyeon out after coming to a resolution,

If she could not have Minji, then no one could.


When Handong saw what she was doing that evening, she could not believe her eyes.

She did not want to believe in the truth.

Handong loved all of the girls dearly, but she always trusted Yoohyeon the most. Yoohyeon was warm and attentive towards her, always making her feel welcomed and appreciated, she was a true friend to her.

Handong always reassured Yoohyeon countless times that if she ever felt burdened, she would always be there to listen to her concerns. Yoohyeon would always grin and reassure her back that she knew her heart best.

But as Handong saw Yoohyeon putting in an unfamiliar substance in Minji's drink, she felt like she was at fault for not being able to hold up her promise.

Handong continued to watch with her breath hitched and hidden in the corner, her presence unbeknownst to the darker haired girl.

Ever since that one evening of stumbling into Yoohyeon coming out of the throne room, Handong felt like Yoohyeon's whole demeanour had changed.

Yoohyeon was unnaturally colder towards her and the other girls. She shut herself away from them, and avoided Minji, the one Handong knew Yoohyeon was the closest to.

Handong watched as Yoohyeon sauntered away to her spot at the dinner table, her expression unreadable.

Handong wanted to say something, do something but feared for the worst outcome. Handong had no proof that it was poison or that it was Yoohyeon's doing. She knew if she told Minji she would not believe her because Minji's heart was too trusting like that.

She could only watch silently as one by one the girls filed into the room and took their spot onto the dinner table, not speaking to Yoohyeon but amongst themselves. Handong silently slipped into her spot, believing that what she saw was just a false memory.

Handong could feel the tension thicken in the air as Minji walked in last and sat in the remaining seat next to Yoohyeon.

Handong was taken back when Yoohyeon decided to address Minji first. It was the first time she had seen Yoohyeon speak to her in days.

"Congratulations Minji-unnie." Yoohyeon smiled and Handong could not tell if it reached her eyes.

Minji's face had a mix of emotions, before settling into one of relief.

Minji beamed a bright smile at her, "Thank you, Yoohyeon-ah. That means a lot to me."

Handong swore that Yoohyeon's expression faltered as she reached for her cup and raised it high.

"To our Minji unnie, on her marriage and uniting our kingdoms."

Handong reluctantly raised her glass with the girls who cheered to Minji, taking their sips. Handong could not bring herself to drink, feeling guilt pit her stomach after watching Minji take a generous sip.

Handong denied that Yoohyeon had decided to abandon everything.


When news spread throughout the castle that Minji passed away in her bed that night, Bora was engulfed in grief.

Bora was loyal to Minji, she always was, so it was her duty to stay beside Minji's peaceful body, holding her cold hand close as she cried for her to wake up.

All the girls were lost in the grief of suddenly losing their queen, and the death was ruled as unexplained.

Bora knew everyone was grieving in their way and offered each girl comfort in the best way she could.

But out of everyone, she observed that Yoohyeon was the least affected by Minji's death.

Bora tried to comfort Yoohyeon, be there for her but her advances were rejected coldly.

As Yoohyeon was Minji's appointed next in line, she immediately took on her role as the new queen, barely acknowledging her grief.

Bora was shocked that Yoohyeon recovered so quickly, telling them to have Minji's funeral as quickly as possible, so they could move on and move to castle affairs. Bora figured that this was just her way of grieving, not wanting to judge the younger girl.

Even as Yoohyeon's first order as queen was to continue their ties with the King she would be betrothed to, Bora tried to not question her. Bora reasoned to herself that Yoohyeon was just trying to put the kingdom first before herself.

As much as that must've pained Yoohyeon to carry such a burden, Bora trusted her.

After all, Yoohyeon was the closest to Minji, she convinced herself that the dark-haired girl would know her wishes best.

But when Handong came to her that night, breaking down in tears in front of her and telling her in wracked sobs about what she saw Yoohyeon do, that Yoohyeon was the reason Minji was gone-

Bora could not ignore her rising doubts any longer.

Bora comforted Handong, knowing that she too would have done the same in Handong's position. As she hugged Handong close, she seethed in silent rage towards Yoohyeon, it was clear that she betrayed her, she betrayed all of them.

It all finally made sense, the truth unveiled, yet Bora did not want to believe in this truth.

Bora wept silently with Handong, sharing her pain.

She desperately wished she could go back in time.


Bora and Handong shortly told the other girls later that evening and they were heartbroken at the revelation of Yoohyeon's betrayal.

However, they could not act against her. Yoohyeon had power now, and she was merciless with her orders. It was clear greed and power had corrupted her, one wrong move and one of them could be next. Bora warned the others to be cautious and tried to keep herself in check to not slip up her knowledge.

But after finding out that Yoohyeon had declared war on the neighbouring kingdoms, that innocent blood had already been spilled and she was unaware, she could not be a bystander any longer.

Her eyes were blinded in rage as she made her way to the throne room, but was stopped by Gahyeon and Yubin at the entrance who tried to hold her thrashing body back.

"Let go of me, I'm going to kill her!" Bora screamed and thrashed, trying to claw her way out but the girls only tightened their grip onto her.

"Don't kill her, unnie." It was Yubin's voice.

Bora whipped her head to Yubin and saw that her eyes were puffy and red, she looked exhausted and that only made her anger continue to rise.

"Don't you feel anger, Yubin-ah? Look at what she did to you, to Minji- she betrayed us! What she did was unforgivable." Bora continued thrashing.

"If you killed her, then what would be the difference between you and her?"

It was Gahyeon who uttered those words to her and Bora finally felt their words sink in. Gahyeon was right. Bora would be a murderer, just like Yoohyeon.

"Don't do it unnie, don't be like her." Gahyeon pleaded in a quiet voice.

Bora slowly stopped thrashing but her indictment to stop Yoohyeon had not changed.

"I'm still going to go talk sense into her."

"We're coming with you, unnie."

All three girls turned to see Handong and Siyeon approach slowly, hand in hand. Resolution settled on all of their faces and Bora knew there was no room for argument. Their kingdom was falling apart by the second and time was running out.

Bora turned to the entrance door and gripped the door handles tightly, eyeing her skin becoming white at the pressure of her grip.
She was scared but she knew she wasn't alone.

It was five against one, Yoohyeon would be powerless against them.


Bora swallowed down her rising fear as she pushed the handles slowly.


Siyeon could see that the state of the throne room was in absolute disarray.

The moment they entered the room, the scent of burning smoke invaded her nose, and it was suffocating to breathe. Siyeon could tell the others experienced the same invasion as well.

Siyeon's eyes travelled around the room, the curtains were ripped and draped across the floor, debris scattered everywhere. Her eyes continued to travel until it settled onto the dark-haired figure sitting on top of the throne- what was once Minji's throne.

Yoohyeon looked like a completely different person.
Her gaze was dark, a sword was by her side and her lips were curved into an unsettling smile that Siyeon couldn't help but take a small step back.

The person in front of her eyes was not Yoohyeon, the Yoohyeon she knew had kind and warm eyes that disappeared into crescents when she smiled, not the piercing black orbs that occupied them now.

This Yoohyeon here was just an empty shell of the girl she once used to share her life with.

Siyeon wanted to feel pity for her, to feel anything but she just couldn't bring herself to, it was clear Yoohyeon held no remorse for what she had done to them.

Afterall, actions spoke louder than words.

She watched as Yoohyeon stood up from her throne and descended to meet them slowly, each thud of her black heels made Siyeon grow weary by the second, eyeing the sword that was loosely swinging in her black-gloved hand. Yoohyeon's smile widened and her expression grew into an unnaturally playful one. It was clear that Yoohyeon was unstable and talking to her would not work.

It was like Siyeon and Bora realised how dangerous the situation was at the same time as Bora silently motioned the girls to leave behind her.

"Take Gahyeon with you girls and run away, just find help. I'll stall and take care of her." Bora motioned to Siyeon and she nodded, taking Gahyeon's hand.

Siyeon signalled to Yubin to take Gahyeon's other hand and laced her free one with Handong, but she refused.

"I'm staying with you, unnie." Handong's voice was firm and resolute, Siyeon had no time to argue with her.

She then heard Yoohyeon laugh, an unnatural and cold laugh laced with bitterness, "Why are you leaving so soon? We're just getting started."

Bora's voice became panicked and turned her head to Siyeon, "Dammit, hurry up and go, now!"

Siyeon felt her vision blur with tears as she spun fast on her heels. She dragged Gahyeon with her, Yubin by the other side.

Siyeon threw a final glance back at Handong and Bora, taking in their backsides one last time. She could hear Gahyeon and Yubin's quiet sobs and allowed the hot tears freely fall down her cheeks now.

Deep down Siyeon knew, that was the last time she would ever see Handong and Bora again.

She regretted that she never got the chance to say goodbye properly.


It was only her and Handong now, and Bora couldn't deny that her fear was growing.

"It's meaningless to run, you know. I've already ordered them to be captured and killed on sight." Yoohyeon voice was laced with disappointment as she sighed, eyeing her sword in her hand.

Bora couldn't move as Yoohyeon was only a few feet away from them now, a dangerous glint in her dark eyes.

"Why? Why are you doing all of this?" Bora demanded Yoohyeon's explanation.

Bora was then taken aback as Yoohyeon suddenly started to laugh, an empty laugh that eerily resounded off the walls of the large room.

Bora felt her blood boil as she watched, she gritted her teeth, "You find this funny? Is all of this a game to you?!"

Yoohyeon ignored her and continued to laugh her empty laugh, her sword handle swinging faster between gloved fingers.

"You….you were jealous of Minji, weren't you? That's why you took her throne. Took her rightful marriage to the man she loved, you wanted power and greed for yourself, that's why you poisoned her!"

Yoohyeon laughing came to a sudden halt. An uneasy quietness flooding the room.

Bora watched carefully as Yoohyeon cocked her head to the side.

"And where's your proof, Kim Bora?" Yoohyeon's lips grew even wider, her arms extending wide.

Bora's urge to lay a hand on her returned.

"How dare you address me so-"

However her anger was soon grounded as she felt Handong lace their hands together, squeezing it gently. A reminder that she was not alone.

"I saw you, Yoohyeon unnie." Handong spoke softly, "Why did you do it? I thought we were your friends...your family."

Bora could tell that Handong still carried her guilt with her.

Yoohyeon's grin only grew bigger, her teeth-baring through. Bora's heart dropped, the Yoohyeon she knew was gone by his point.

"I know you did, Dongie-ah."

Bora felt Handong recoil at Yoohyeon calling her sweetly by her nickname. Bora felt disgust as her grip tightened on Handong's hand, she knew what Yoohyeon was trying to do, and refused to let her get into their heads.

"I just can't believe you betrayed me and told the others. I thought I could trust you." Yoohyeon's voice was low as her eyes were burning straight at Handong, a sickening pout playing on her lips now.

Bora felt her blood boil, "Just give it up already Yoohyeon, we're here to stop your tyranny." Bora began to take a step forward.

Yoohyeon's face was suddenly devoid of any emotion as she raised her sword under Bora's chin, the tip pricking at tightly. Bora's throat hitched as Yoohyeon gazed at her with empty eyes.

"One more step and I won't hesitate to kill you."

Bora dared to not move, suddenly feeling small under Yoohyeon's gaze.

Yoohyeon then chuckled darkly, "Because you were my friends, I'll ask you only once."

Yoohyeon slightly lowered her sword, and Bora felt like she could breathe again.

"Join me, both of you and I'll spare all of your lives. We can all rule together with you as my subjects, all you have to do is pledge your allegiance to me." Yoohyeon's grin returned, visibly pleased with her notion.

Bora stared at her hard and in disbelief, before answering her truth curtly.

"I'd rather die than be by your side any longer, we refuse." She spat at her.

"I'm sorry, Yoohyeon-ah." she heard Handong's voice tremble beside her and squeezed her hand once more.

After what seemed like an eternity of silence, Yoohyeon exhaled sharply, as if their words had finally sunk into her.

"Your loss then."

Then it all went by too fast for Bora to keep up.

Yoohyeon flicked her empty fingers at the air and suddenly the castle guards stormed in and surrounded both her and Handong, gripping their arms painfully and tearing their hands away from each other. Bora cried out to Handong as they were separated and dragged out of the throne room, Yoohyeon's figure growing smaller in the distance.

"Lock them up, and burn the castle down along with them."

That was the last thing she heard from Yoohyeon as she watched the throne doors close on the dark-haired girl's figure, a large suffocating hand suddenly covering her vision.

Bora could hear Handong's pained cries growing quieter in the distance, her heart hammering in her chest painfully.

Bora realised it was the end for them and allowed her tears to flow freely now. She desperately wished to turn back time and return to a happier time where Minji was still alive.


The castle was slowly burning apart as Yoohyeon ordered and she felt deep satisfaction at the turn of events.

She gazed from the broken large windows of the throne room, the sky had turned blood orange from the kingdom being set on fire and Yoohyeon could not be more pleased with herself than now.

Yoohyeon eyes then averted to the ground where a commotion was taking place at the castle garden. She realised it was Gahyeon and Yubin visibly struggling as they were being restrained and taken away by a group of her guards.

Yoohyeon scoffed under her breath, concluding that Siyeon had somehow separated from the two, or that they had abandoned each other.

Yoohyeon hummed in approval as she could hear their distant cries.

It was a shame, she thought. If only they had accepted her proposal.


Siyeon stumbled into the large blue curtain room and figured the room could be her hiding spot for now. She had nowhere left to run.

She and the other two girls were cornered shortly after running away, and they decided to split up to make it harder for the guards to find them.

Siyeon coughed as smoke began to enter the room and noticed fire begin to start at the corner of the room.

Siyeon wished for a miracle as she could hear footsteps thudding in the distance, that it was her friends coming to save her.

The fire had spread in the room now and flames caught on the blue curtain in front of her. Siyeon stumbled back from the harsh flames and heard the door slam open.

As Siyeon turned her head to the side, hoping to see her friends, her heart dropped.

Gaurds began filing one by one and surrounded her once more. One raised their sharp blade and Siyeon knew there was no escape now.

Siyeon accepted that it was finally the end for her as she out, a sudden sharp pain in her stomach pulling her into a deep sleep.


When Yoohyeon was made aware that all the girls had been eradicated, for the first time since that dinner night with Minji, she felt alone.

As she sat by herself on the throne, Yoohyeon felt an empty feeling overcome her but she fought to suppress it, knowing that if she let her emotions get the better of her, everything she accomplished thus far would have been ought for nothing.

Yoohyeon's hatred for Minji's betrayal would not be subsided that easily.

As Yoohyeon tried to compose herself, a knock could be heard on the door.

Yoohyeon passed it off as one of the guards coming in to update the status of her kingdom and muttered for them to come in.

The doors opened and Yoohyeon felt her world slowing down.

She stared at the person before her that she thought was gone forever.

It was Minji, adorned with the pink dress that she wore at the coronation.

Her figure was coming closer and closer and Yoohyeon felt her vision go blurry.

A sword was gripped tightly in the older girl's hand and Yoohyeon knew her intentions. Yoohyeon's fingers searched for her sword by her side but could not find it near her, she could not tell if she silently cursed to herself or at herself. Her mind went hazy with confusion as she stared at her.

The blue eyes Yoohyeon had loved so dearly were cold and dark and Yoohyeon could feel herself cower under the girl's gaze.

She had always feared that look from Minji but never realised her disgusted look would tear her apart like this.

"What are you doing on my throne?" Minji's voice was thick with bitterness as she raised her sword towards her.

Yoohyeon realised just how desperately she missed her voice as her legs began to go numb. went dry, suddenly feeling self-conscious. She began to slowly stand up from the throne, Minji's throne.

"H-how are you alive?" Yoohyeon could only sputter out, slowly backing down the throne and towards Minji, in utter disbelief.

"Don't you dare come closer to me, I won't hesitate to kill you." Minji's voice was harsh and unrecognizable as she raised the sword to Yoohyeon's neck.

Yoohyeon felt as if she experienced this before, the blade being directed at her now, a sense of deja vu taking over.

She wanted to laugh at herself, how foolish she was to believe she would've gotten away with this. Guilt seeped into her body and her eyes grew tired, she had enough of this painful charade.

In the end, what goes around, comes around.

Yoohyeon slowly lowered herself onto her knee in front of Minji, surrendering herself to her. She deserved to die by Minji's hand for all the pain she had caused.

One by one, all the faces of her friends flashed before her eyes, the absolute terror in their eyes. Yoohyeon felt it all come rushing back.

Yoohyeon felt human again as her vision began to become blurry with hot tears. burned as she tried to restrain them back. She would look pitiful in front of Minji like this.

Since that evening in the throne room, Yoohyeon finally felt like she was in control again and the grief of the loss of her friends enveloped her suddenly and all at once.

She heard Minji scoff at her pitiful state, "You probably didn't feel guilty when you took my life, and now you're acting guilty over them? I can't believe this."

Yoohyeon could not answer her, staring at the ground with her fist balled tightly in her glove.

"Tell me one good reason why I shouldn't just kill you, right here and now." Minji muttered as she lowered her blade to Yoohyeon's head.

Yoohyeon could not utter anything and Minji took her silence as an answer.

"Then just answer me this- why?"

Yoohyeon felt a tear slip down her cheek.

Minji saw it drop to the floor and became visibly angered. Minji then raised her voice, "Just because I became queen? Because I had some power and you didn't? I had my suspicions when you started to avoid me, I should've listened to them but I didn't, because I trusted you, Kim Yoohyeon."

Yoohyeon remained silent.

Minji pushed further, "Or was it because of him? Is it because you were in love with him? That's why you got rid of me? To be with him?"

Yoohyeon felt something inside of her stir and she gritted her teeth. After all this time, Minji never did get it.

"If you were in love with him, why didn't you tell me-"

Yoohyeon could not take it any longer.

"I didn't tell you because I loved you, dammit!"

Yoohyeon felt go dry as her chest grew light, "I…I never loved him, no- it was you that I loved."

Yoohyeon took a deep breath.

"I love you, Minji unnie."

A harsh silence fell into the room.

Yoohyeon dared to not look up at Minji. Regret began to seep in and she could hear Minji exhale sharply, hearing the metal blade shift in her hands.

Yoohyeon closed her eyes tightly, knowing she wouldn't have taken it lightly. She waited for the blade to come down and take her breath away but it never did.

She opened her eyes at the sound of the sword clanging loudly against the ground, Minji's pink backside getting farther away from her.

Everything became slow again.

Minji had spared her life.

And yet, she was leaving her, again.

Yoohyeon felt the whispers return and her vision become dark as she realised that Minji would go into the arms of him again.

Yoohyeon tried to reject the harsh whispers after regaining herself again. The same whispers that convinced her to get rid of Minji the first time.

Yoohyeon had finally fellt human again with Minji but now that she was leaving her again, Yoohyeon could not bear it, knowing that Minji was going to the man that she loved.

'She promised to stay with you forever.' She heard the voice invade her thoughts.

Yoohyeon felt her rationality rapidly deteriorate as her heart and mind clashed, the whispers grew harsher and multiplied and Yoohyeon simply did not have the strength to fight it any longer.

She weakly resigned to the darkness of her heart once more.

Yoohyeon reached for the blade, gripping it tightly and raised her head to Minji fleeing, the same resolution settled onto her as she began to run after the blonde girl.

If Yoohyeon could not have Minji, then no one could have her.

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TheRealYangster #1
Chapter 1: Whoa :0 ♡♡♡
Orochimeii #2
This is a masterpiece broh!
LupiNseT #3
I like it....
Chapter 1: Dang I remember reading this on ao3 and it was so freaking emotional hahahahah nice story tho. It goes with the MV.